it readycut ev or kettlele spaghetti 7oz pkg additional saVlngs with coupon below ge one Creamette ready CUl kettle size macaroni or spaghetti Loblaws Mix or match Buy two oz packages of either Creamettes macaroni andor Creamette spaghetti and get your third packagefree limit free pkg per coupon offer expires Dec 31 1977 as sweet pickled 24 cottage rolls vacpac 108 everyday meat value fresh tenderloin end pork lom roasts 12 lb average 126 everyday meat value Shopsy corned beef or pastraml 18l stewing beef lb everyday meat value fresh chicken breasts 108 everyday meat value Loblaws family pac pork sausage i109 202 pkgs frozen Eu rbot fillets strained meatless 412fl one pkg of Baby Scott white pants size with the purchase of one 30 unit box of Baby Scott new born diapers special meat values plus everyday meat values beef liver previously frozen lb everyday meat value fresh rib end pork loin roasts 12 lb average m122 everyday meat value ulk lb 169 frozen Rupert Brand cod fillets 1lb pkg everyday meat value freshly ground lean ground beef maximum fat content 17 lb lillCESEFlECllVl TO TUES JAN Hi XCEPl PRODUCE BAKERY HFECllVE TOSAT JAN 15 WE lit SERVE lHE RlGHl TOUMIT OUANTllIES BARRIE NLY Florida lndin ivr oran es produce of USAl lb bag produce of no salad grarle favourlte Ontar grow no tgmlie yellow WHill skln Red Rome rri flic all rtse E1 GEES gradyc lastllluiriliz from thetro ICS large deliciouséfli Slit nutritious exotlcl lung lasting ll wei dept dieffenbachia tradltlorlal llowcnng llollsc plant African violets everyday meat value fresh butt pork chops lb10 everyday meat value fresh whole pork loins cut to your needs 12 everyday meat value Loblaws sliced side bacon lid 28 lb pkg flozen lb everyday meat value Valuplus brand Wieners everyday meat value sweet pickled back bacon by the piece endcuts lb 142 TRUCK everyday meat value The Market Place Wednesday January 121977 full of honey sweetjuice as 78 48 is 88 19 488 158 pct each to complete your weeks menu cubup boiling fowl Loblaws morethan the price is right County clerk ready to begin 10th year MlDHURSl Staff Gor don Watson will start his 10th year as clerk when Simcoe County council holds it in augural session on Monday Jan 17 The onetime Creemore reeve and businessman was ap pointed to succeed the late Fred Hunter in November 1967 and began his duties in the follow ingJanuary He was chosen from eighteen applicants for the position Before his appointment he had been reeve of Creemore for six years and also served three years as school trustee At the inaugural he has the responsibility of reading the 0th of office for the 22 new members and taking their declarations before they are formally installed Mr Watson anticipates another busy year of activities ahead as he prepares preliminary commit tee and budget reports 33 MUNICIPALITIES The council which repre sents 33 municipalities is made up of 53 members the same as for the last term At one time there were 56 but the number was reduced slightly by revi sion of rules for municipalities qualifying for deputy reeves five years ago The new 1977 warden will be eldcted at the inaugural which will be an afternoon meeting starting at oclock Most prominently mentioned are the new reeve of lecumseth Allan Glassford Reeve Morris Darby of Tiny and Reeve Ingram Amos of Medonte The incum bent warden Orville Hughes then will hand over the chain of office gavel and official robe to the new warden The county will elect its general government and finance committee for 1977 This committee also will act as the striking committee to draw up list of recommendations for appointments to other com mittees FIVE LEFTOVERS Five of the eight finance com mitee members of the past year including the chairman are back although the new council has the right to make other ap pointments if considered ad visable They include Reeve Bill Gib bins of Innisfil who was chair man Reeve Morris Darby of Tiny Reeve Earl Brandon of Goldwater Reeve Alan Johnston of Vespra and reeve elect Allan Giassford of lec umseth Retiring are Reeve Lionel Dion of Penetangui shene former chairman Reeve Arthur Turner of Brad ford and the retiring warden Orville Hughes Reeve Gibbins and Reeve Johnston had been among those mentioned as leading warden prospects earlier but both stated they would not be can didates for 1977 due to annexa tion responsibilities The suggestion that wardens and committees should be ap pointed for two years instead of one since terms are for this longer period has been discuss ed at times outside of council However the minutes show no resolutions passed to authorize such change in rules Along With the finance com mittee appointments to the county roads committee also are made from nominations by councillors John Fennel now reeve of West Gwillimbury was chairman during the past year while Allan Glassford headed this committee the previous year RENTIlNflN Tons Panels Vans Vans PoWer Tailgates Commerclal rates Featuring TIEDEN IENTATRUCK 341 BAYFIELD ST Bayfiald SUNOCO Car Wash 737080