VVWVVWWW Twiw 28 The Barrie Examiner Wednesday January12 1977 saves energy not Saves monej Idler Drumaiic 90$ umidifier Serves up to rooms 453 humidifies 495 up to rooms MM RN baron for Drumatic WaitSkuttle relined engineering for Humidifiers winter alter wittter relief front dry parched aithclps cut costly heating bills Drumtype operation evaporates up to 20 gallons daily Door lifts up for easy change liasytwinstall unit witlt wallmount humidistat Extra Pads SOS each 54119 458 each 5339 FurnaceHumidifier Duct Power Humidifier Quality astercrafl TurboFlo 995 Model 81Grandeur 39 ll llll lil llllllllm NH1lllritllIH Installs ll warmair furnace or aitcottditioning sstem in either on costlx hills and ltlttlllt tt this winter Stttcs up to tltc supplx or return air ducts Zinc electroplated 3rollcr 24tllt sq ft Rotating ctapotatots liast to tttltll no asscmhlt helttvpc cxaporator ghcs an output of 284 gals ProteCt your comfort and furnlture motor ductwotk drain titctlctl Water countt ting tuhc dail With huntidistat hardware 3Speed DrumType winner for winter High output of up use to 10 gallons in 24 hours Features large 58 gallon tank huntidistat rclill light Decorative toodgtainlook steel cahinet 2Speed WickType Entny more healthful tmmc utmw Easytoinstall Heating Ductwork Pipe and Fittings sphere with this refreshing budget pleLtsct Output of up to gallons in 24 hours Smart 30 Pipe 49 Straight Suï¬ Take on Ductape mom 59 Kt CodhAir Remm Cline 69 galVantcd stccl lach mtl Almm woodgraineffect on sturdy steel cahinct ialtanittl sltcl 3in wide 3H Alt 6x24 s219 5x30 269 Pad Cleaner removes scale for all humidifiers 5109 900 AdlUSable Elbow 69¢ Sid 78 99¢ Aluminum Tape 239 996 ialtatttctl din lleaxt galtantcdstccl Ztn Wide 3t ft roll in ine or nonscented tL oor user oz Freshener lave de Straight Floor Boot 10 Angle Floor Boot wait Ceding 999318 39 mmCd 39 Pack of 16 AntiScale Tablets for cleaning ease 187 llettVtgaltattictlstccl llttttgtlltllttlslttl Aim to my Sm $129 tVIIrnnnnnm7 Gal Vaporizer Heat Lamp Kit Torcan ConvectorType Made by Made bY scanty as Baseboard Heater CSA certified and PClitlcs For quick soothing relief Thermostat COHUOI watt from to 10 hours on one of tired sore muscles 25 filling Moldedin tncdicant watt bulb clampon holder Sll hummus Lulkl ll umlh Um well automatic shutoff ilt cord and instructions kflllllg mm Sitltl llDMLlï¬ntlclt Smart Vinyl laminated woodgratn reproduction for your Extra Savings Ma9fgfifl qualin fanforced urtt teat 11 15 Canadian Tlre cash and carry cman mlï¬wlllfï¬ ll watt Card various colours 95 Bonus coupons stat control in AJ BROWN BARN lTD uvmm MAll ammo 51 mm 11 xNew tore Hours 930 am to pm Mon Tues Sat 930 um to pm Wed Thurs Fri