Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jan 1977, p. 26

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26 Ihe Barrie Examiner HimSilo IIIIIIIIII I2 1977 Resolve to use FastA cting Classified Ads In 1977 by dialing 7282414 REAL ESTATE rRorrRTrroRSAu Don PROPERTY FOR SALE mew PBREETTTIOIISAIE Austen MSW PROPERTY WANTEO REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES MORTGAGE LOANS RENTALS ROOMS TO LET DOWNTOWN Furnished rooms IInen supplied with kitchen tacilities and rec room privilegesr7i266392 FURNISHED ROOM to rent Bus stop at door Grove and Duckworth area 525 weekly Telephone 72874408 FURNISHED aéarlaciaaa on bus route quret atmosphere 522 weekly Phoneeveningsr726r9859 FURNISHED backelett tor rent $215 Weekly close to downtown and hospital includes heat and hydro Telephone alter 4pm 726 6271 BEDROOM IN quiet private home suitaloe tor workIng gentleman Central parking laundry Reasonable no smokers allergIes Telephone 7284543 orcallat23WetlingtonStWest payment prolms REAL ESTATE LIO WE ARE In need 01 three or tour bedroom home In the Steele Street area close to schools PrIced In the $50000 to $60000 range It you are conSIdering sell ing your home kindly Call Leon Garrrc Ltd Real Estate M726 3827 HOUSE WAN ED to buy must be zon ed multIpte dwelling or ommerual also storage space wanted approx 1000 sq It In Barrie or Barrw area Call alter 5pm 723 3450 LOTS FOR SALE BUILDING LOT lnnlzlll IownShIp ASkInI $12000 Make an otter ViaU VIaU Real stalr7617710r7261603 COTTAGE LOT 115 MUIkoka RIVLI OVIr ready tor DIIIldIng MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS 98 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 416 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL LTD 95 LOANS lst MTGS at 2nd MTGS at 13 Irontaqe on acre leared EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Well IrIed Sandy DOW OWN turnished and unrurmsneTI FOR sou Have pprmns Asklno $12000 Call room 1M 776 9589 716 gt newly proadloomed and parnted Trade tor Ctl Urglrlortrj WI Lon mm Open Dally 01ml 5130 pm kncnen Lacmes Phone 72874268 or CW1 MILE SOUIH ot HrrII Try Tn otter so evemngs 728 omqafleréplm untlllr71x 708 lot WItII sentIC approval bY opponlmem EOLZEYQN Decalnfigw TOG Win $16000 lrIrn TIrn 778 065 repreer Wm Summers Oca Ion par Ing MIDHURST um mm CO pmnor available Contact HamIIton Real Open Sat Sun noon till dusk Bayfield Egan 1000 BUSINESS Barrie ROOMAND BOARD OPPORTUNITIES 7373451 ROOM AND BOARD tor young gentleman lunches packed light wash Harold DovIs 7287543 Fraer Hooey 7280676 Era52 QAASJ Enr1hULS1nd 5321152 Res creemore 466 2136 TF Inq central location Telephone 7287568 SI Paul Arbour 7263897 Fred Reynolds 7285333 Free Suppllm 5mm Iampnd nnvelope gagALE 1er me 1° Share 11 NorrnanMMlllan 7268957 Lorry DeWilde 7283253 H651 Carri Erltarrjr7rIsgsk9PJOSABox COMPARE our rates First second man Lgfiniryébnn r123131aFlnrlgntféblHI BIll Evans no toll 322 1575 Chuck Lambert 7288001 EEL 31 mm appmsals GPrY 1977 Phonh7371154anytlme YVOkrIS 48 1700 Pat OIIInn Ltd Bert Cult 718 4067 Larry Brewer 7289745 MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS 737 Tm OFFICES STORES JOITIICTIIWIIII 7267726 Horr M6 II 7263864 MOWGAGES bowel and sew Imme FOR RENT 000 30k 7283274 gkh 737 3795 60 3101 onldmldl DWd Imon or man Wass Rent EsIaIr Brokrr Call 726 4651 momqu OFFICE space tor lease JIInHaIIIs 726 7173 IF Homes Wmnm small or large suites immediate 0c oririwr Cllpanr short or long term 7263400 Anneloll 7w 0U IN REIAIL SPACE 1000 square teet in east end It Barrie In association with doctors and drlntists oltices drug store Itr Ilwts renovating Rent negotiable out reasonable 5471 ONEPERSON OFFICE spam around Iloor central parking newly rlrlrnrated Telephone 72824176 SALE RENT Parts and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes APARTMENTS To RENT KANEFF APARTMENT HOMES Barries Finest 79 BAYFIELD ST IARRIE PHONE 7261405 MOVES LIMITED Northlondvrs IMPERIALTOWERS PF FICF SIPAICEAatVIRZ gaggleId Stalker 07120 rIIiIIaM prI Iewe LOWL one 7769580 7264991 appomtrnent Ca 726 2772 daytime and IHOIO MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE cmwc Gfm Adults Egg FOR RENT APPRAISALS MORTGAGES 19 IF TigllrisUp 1015 Yuan 777774777 fo nths build our entire RETAIL SPACE Int 711 rvr ltr 1ITII Charles Brown 728 2624 Frank Nelles 726 6696 170 Born An 728 9866 NICE availableTor lease on Russel Carson 726 6161 If If IM WWI1117 Spring 1977 own paYment Iv FURNSHED II II TIII Ion mu nva um NORMAN 1f TeEthe 728 665 nr tor turther particulots II II trr 7v¢gt1¢7ITIII F1 Your only cost rs heat hydro DUNLOP 7233293 III mm mom wrnml WWL INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 mw Il more 11 510 no lIllly sprlnklered transport EASY IIrI lIII rurlr loading docks 18 It rIv £C1LCXandn cI 13 9m 05 I8 FR E1 ALE Industrtal space and Hours Wrokrlnysqto Telephone 7753400 Sntutrloyu to EJUTLVE iolrlllybhoqmll ELLn tmorn IrII 1Ir II US D1 WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN 21npnin°a° ua LE ALIAILABLE Suitable Tor JIIIII Irlwlortl 4R7 5°55 PIIIT Shitlswrrll 728 2930 TI Zurarm or small busmess Telephone UfleIl SluIswrIt 1117 5560 Roqrr Slulswrjll 4137219 371rl61t7i mfl 2159 IIALI tor rim downtown All on In arpeId Dar no ai bl MORTGAGES 2I1 15 ACCOMMODATIONS TOSHARE ow to share house and 11 Incrs Own room Close to umphohr 726 003 alter KIHZIE LIMITED MORTGAGES the home follg who car about people 47 COLLIER 51 ORpr OWEN COLLIER STREETS AHOP 87° mortgages REGISTERED CONDOMINIUM Ul ION out 01 town 014 rws roommate to snare IIIlly LIIITOOI1I apartment Tele 1177 or applr 88 Worsley BARRIL 716 26H LOOK TOR OUR SIGN FOR ALL YOUR COSITLMEECTRIITElflmk RIM 191 NEEDS wr HAVE lutlzl Immediately MISSISSAUGA APT IUI1NITIIIII lItvtl 1011 8111MCILOTY Manager 728 1865 HulenHOkans 728 1661 Dorothy MrtrQuorrm 728 6358 Audrey Marshall 436 2880 01 1151 1111 Hy nTItmeTIts arIIl Iomplrlte on lrrlrntlrtlIty 12w Inst unwind and 75 Modern office with 1100 sq It com Corby Arklrn 728 6829 Batty CanIprll Nosli 737 1324 In m2 l1 T1117 Ittr IT17 third Inortqaqna IIII Am on mam lloor overlookIng Rem The builder reserves the right to cancel or ALL TYPV do MI peneh Boy and munmpot change financing and prices at any time LESTAYE HOMER Iflly Im porkmg Recemy decormed withoutnotice 01 with wall to wall drapes and WE ALSO buy rxII1ITIg ITIIII lully broodloomcd Coll Blll EALTO OUR ADvICE IS FREE GHnLflflfl 10 CollierSt Barrie 7234401 CMIIANKFPR um DirectToronto Line 3646625 aw 737188 Jenn HOW 487 5385 CARS FOR SALE KINZIELIMIIED 107DIIIIlopSt BARRIL Onlnrm Mortgage mr fun Sakers National Trust Co 728 tqoqrr Tor rrtsli 9201 ll TF AUTOMOTIVE 55 Collier St Ph 7371771 Tor Line 3608808 IVC PLIICiT wagon wvth power steer Itr tIoneL1rustom Interioron asktng $4600 Telephone 43gt 146 IF wtI WILLSOH REAL ESTATE LIMITED TORONTO 364 66116 dnr East MLITILIII BtIIkrTI Asslir 101101 an LAC Fleetwood 590811 lvllr CIInrerahIe option 119DUNLOP ST 72619311 40 MAPLE AVE BARRIE PlllICCI $4 71 728 3004 APPRAISING AND INANCIHC TF H71 ltYLE Newport Custom OPEN UNTIL rnu Drakes and air ex 7I no Call Claudes Texaco WE NEED YOUR BUSINESS IF neutron Complete Realtor ServIce UL 111U1CC181C WANTED JAIITED tuned 203 lots on the outsklrts ol BOIIH for $5 900 it on onnI paint radio tape tach ll 1I Illl II IlI lITIlI rI ntanTrII mtn overdrtve 46000 miles 01731744 IJ7Il71tTlJIIOIT ll Ihr pitnq Ktlllll A1 Br T14 Broarllooin ror norrlql IlIll III1 111I1lly an Aqmn fr lmuwpw Elflgt$QEMIthIT $3M KM dimes Texaco 101 llr 11 1l 11 111ll lyl MM VIWDIWM ml up RII LID Country Squire Wth $35 900 lITlO Vendor will ronmdur low down 193 718643 17 10111 711 7211 11017 11 HR GUBBTIS 7211242 RSI MORIGxflig lIIl ltII LIITJJI luxury ODTIOIT Auto air power paylnrmt rI EmuRR m726=7949 6737 1771 IOMAIRIIgt 72v oem Tr mm wakes Windows and locks COMMERCIAL GTIIERAI SToIII 71 7I III 10050 HOUSES FOR REN wr muo loaded Phone 6006 $33 900 Elq 811 WNW 1IUY11 novel good IIIIII VrTirlot IrtITIIIr Ill NIll Jlflll 72 19311 or 5LNos uple Jaw 111T 1C K1A1 Irrr 14 17 7949T 7371771 ml =IIIINDLRBIRD Ydoor Landau 26 424 63551 ML III 11 UP TO JII In MI 1051 Imp mural tires Including snows $43 500 Brow new 000 sq It bedmmn 501 TrvIIr bungalow MAPLE GROVE RD $41 won mm so our tr 77 IROM 12 In who fongigrldltrgmggijjl or Joln Rror1 llurry1 llIIs wont 1051 C011 A1 Beorork 726 Bay p0 Mmmu TI III yl gl TM Wr arm ILIlIII IIIIrII ITIIIIITN ynytsyhfijllwl paw 51 tenant72o 673 7949 737 1771 our lot III ItrrlIIII ilIIIIIIITI wttli HJ llrIlIoIIITI ltllflII lrnmly Llllldllv VUI HUI 11111 111 mn lttIIIi 17119 InnIIIHT In II 1170 ILR INA 40000 milesnew DOOV st ts wsll Dock nea er rado $69 900 NEW Infilllqutt lrugl double goroqe butlltonlnl SIIcrl kItTlIIm alqu rrnrlotmq In 11 lllllq room $11 501 IIIt LEON IOW all PHMU WU Wm llolm 1171 wmler and summer S700 er lueplryw Hoysllmw SubrlIIsIon Coll Al Booork at 726 7949 or TTIUTIgrlqr ll 12 Cull IIIIII 771 lllt MI Ho 7717 7265861 mm Mn 111 TInm 23 TwillL 510115556 332 737171 DUCKVVORHI HRH $113 HM my TOGMBMSLW SEWIVMIC REAL EsyATE LTD DUN Ttm pit II III IMnu 1971 IsllwkuLR SE 318 cyl power st nr III Imam brakes excellent condI $33 900 IIv hmlromn bungalow west ol Bolrir Vendor wiIlI IIIroIIII IIIIIII 1IlIIlIII1 In lllIIIlI IIIIIJI II Il tly WIF mm Hm to IImeIllr 011737 SJSYOatterSpm I7 11 01 111 IIWIJUQP any down paymrxnI wtll do Cull Al InulroblurIIrrl ull IHII Mmlhrnr 1W 171lt4lr 771 ftlIl NI HIT7 IIIIIILIIIVWII ILIML TIIJI Vireon Inlet VIONLKITNJSEfzcéllslsgtgl maging II Itl IIITV B1 7949 737 EQUINE WAN RONI Inn mum In PhoneI1353022 lIIIIIgquw III 010 Wllll Innsalvr bvmmm 1w RAN 10mm Spa amomatm Inn 1012 Tuppln lurqr MWIFJF WW rumor Inwrnm and brakes radio burlt 1H IIIUQLI 5T1IIIIITBTTIIK relently paInted must sell llllIlJIll IIIIITI II II Wu month $1100 Llllrttlly Phone718 SbésalterS Z1Iornplrtrr lmtlnoornn spur IIIUI Iwn It Izrn IIIr on In Hon tLLE auoménc14 door lIvInq lnnIIly Inrl IlIrIIIKI IUUIIII Mum kIII wml 00 mars as Comabe C9 Illlxl III IRIIIIM II It um Tllllll Auktnu $2000 1969 Austin Mini ouum plus two wnlkll 111Y 481 eqUIpment financmg tIlly ITI 1011 1000aurs$100737 3915 Hutu 31 100 23A lttl IIII ITJTJKIl nutrnnnu lunnvrtntllwm ULDSAIOHILE CUVIHSS Supreme lIILII 101ml IIRSONAIIZI II SI RVIII 11038 Improvements WR 541 5951000 Isephm LlMl REALTOR on nortgogos IIn l1IIIlt1III 56 II 60M OMTLT THY UllIIlIllllltII 721141194 Ahkvl Imlmnm lmnw sIIIIatml IoIII15LIN 24oz tuII Instrument lion DUNLOP SE51 BARRIT 726 1881 TORONTO T164 7941 LARGE 151 2nd mortgages Ilrw slnr 1JIIITLIJII III milrs I1 III anmk torts Inelhanrcally perlectlabody 11 111011 I1ITIII LIIIIIIIIIII prrvmv Fm TlTTl III Mm mprm MU Se 10 finance 111 11 Pnlkv UWNHhNN pnrlne rates II1113111 4117211 UI1IIIIly ILJTlOIT Asking $3500 TH llllil III 11 YUH JLll F00 24 Hn II II nm Tut IIIl ytlll IIIIIIIII IOIIII UI ers In grim Cons FIREPLACT 107le ONLY PTII $59 IIJU Irlrnrly Ioorn punr1rrl I13 11 lurgr bdrln den or lIl lugplow must bl SOLIll Call VirkI Kent 487 2501 or 7370011 BETTER BARRII BUNCALOW PIIKC 311700 lurge lIIglt basement to lItTislI TOT hourly person 1w 11144 lIIIrInr IIIq Coll Virlu KInl 487 2501II7T17 0011 112 AE LePAGE ONTARIO LTD 355 Boyfield $1 BARRIE Ontario 737001 lIrlT 7263111 REAL ESTATE BROK 89 BAYFTTCLT ST BARRIE Photo Multiple Listing Service Esther Kennedy 474 5471 Morg Wood no toll 487 3148 Leo Cavonuugli 728 1207 Bob Saunders 726 3883 Larry Wood no toll 487 3148 Ross Batstane 726 3043 Ross M11101 01771 Al Rosr 721111116 Harvey WIrLHI 41 llll Ron Jones 717 1199 Run Torrl Illl 7W1 Gerald ONeill IM 7711 Ross Bllrwtll 411177411 Rob Knapp 76 7294 Oll Mllllrl 411 IIIII Hannah PTntlonrl 7211 1102 BTU Purvls 04 FOR SALE lTCI ll 11 Ron tTIUIL Mlll LYIITIIIIII rr oolr RIIIT TlIUIIll LIuloynqrovr IIIlerGItIIItl HIlIII TSIIIII lwlryMrNth ILIIIIIIBIUIII ltllllHlT rlIIIIIIIq 411 115 2gt 6054 II 3016 721 1114 424 1211 726 I096 776 2186 776 18111 411 5540 1676 IT WORRALL REALTY LTD IIo DUNLOP ST 737320 MWTTT IIIIEIIOII wrll OwIIII muons AlilI$T1f190O SIVTRAI COOL SIZID lIIIilrlIIIq lot 111 OIrI trIItIIIr $10 100 up tIIST 7501 J71214 Buy Direct trom the builder and Save Now lionws hUIlI by Homes Ltd and John MUIIOIH Construrtion C0 Ltrl $56000 rIt lITITIslIl Bum lI llIuIHIl 416 74 91 TlIII 41611114 907 Ulllll QUOlIly BI II Hmnw TI lIIIIn 14 BOIIics One Man Real Estate OllIce For results withoud conlusion $011 with WHITE REALTOR TOR TROMTT ATTENTION CALL 7281071 111IS IF IHIIII III lllrIIIl IIIIIII llTIlIl It TIIIIII1IIII III III II IIIIIIIIIIIIIII lot IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII NIII IIIIIIT JIIITII III TITIIIIIIIIII lIIIIIII SMMIII IIIIIIII IttII II III II llll ltllll IIIIII 1111 IITIIITII Ill Il IIIII IIIIIIIII IIIII Ivmlultlv Ilnlv IJII It VIIIIINIIlllflnlIINI lllIIl 7111I1111 $11500 lWll III DROUM AIIIIIIIIIIIIII rlIITHl tIIInIIInw IIIII lay IIIIIII IIII ITIIIIIIIII IIITIIITIUIT IrIIII AtllnrtIvI Htlllllll 11IIII Illly IIII llttl TIIIIII71117710177551111 llUll IINIvl11I111I1 llll 1111 IAIIlI xlIIIIl IIIIHTIT lUIrTIIIl III IIIIIT vIIIaItI IIIIII Barrie lIrnI BOII Ilriy Vlrlll Hlrlll tllI 725 171 or NH 51111 N1 AR AK VIII III III IIItIIII IIIIIIIIOIII well Tllll Int yo IIIII IIIIISMNOII VII IIIIII IIII letIII lLIIII 7614710I76171 Mllfsl L1111 01y rnIIIIortuIIlv 1Illlltllll ht II I1ItII III lt InIL ItlIIIII ll1IlIIlIIII tII MIIIInIIIIIII IIIIITIIIITII IITItIlnrl III Inniily rIIIIIII IIII IIIt IIIII till InIInI AttnI llIIl IIIIIHII A1111 III all IIrlIIIII tIItIlrIgt II llrllIIlII rumn IIIlUIl For rIltlIIIIIII all lnvunn RIIIIIUT 1711 4791 IUNI ANlt 1411 on Inn With large Itlllt1 IlllllIl rtnunlv II III 090 workshop $45000 10m TIITIII 77110653 HpttITIIITIl IIIIIII Loin lit RIIIIIOF ALI ANDLT HI 171115 INIIIIIOIII storey lIrrIarlluotII ltImIInImIIt rIl morn llnlrllltl lrllllly room many extras 11 per out Immune $56900 10111 IIII 718 0651 reprennlrnu John Cllll trl Realtor YEAR IIIII split LlllI1LIII larmln IIIIIIIII IIIITTIIV rnnln rm Itll tItIII tIIlInI WItn llHllrll AIklllll EIIHlltl PIIIIIII IM 571 PT Ivato ITRAIIII RI llJ TIITN Mlll Hull AIIIIIIIIIII llrwnhlu LIILITINHTI 111 ltItTllIIII WItlI tIIItIIItIIII walk IIIII III lllt In IIITIIU II IIIII IlllttVt lllrlllt ITIOIIIIIIIIIIII tIIInII IIIIIIIII IIIIl III ll IITI ITIOITLIIIUI IIII ILHIIIII Imvwrl III th IilIIVVIlIUVVtI III Al It HII IllI III 11137717 Inn 1111 llLIlllrlHllllL ILIIIII 1LT lIIlll IIIITI lease back Call collect to Western International 71885 nding Corporation 3254334 Orillia 7267861 Barrio WE BUY MORTGAGES lttat mnl Smmill MORTGAGTS ARRANGED ROGIOIIOII Rates boating Mortgages PurrlIaseLl For Cash MOI tgogv Lilo Insur 1th Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES 121 BAYIIIIDSI 7267130 Olllr Inns II III 11y ITIPITIIITTITLIII MIIIIIHI OIIILII In MIN tgugo Bloknl Assor Iutmn II III II nmntllly III iIIt IITTL Illltl It In ANIIT ttIItInIIITT hark I116 211HIVI sIIIIt Willt tit not and ItTTIxlITII TII TLIOITI 91mm Illly herIIIIIIInIIIl 5100 Inng ttIly Avml Illll IIIIIII 15 lllllll7471817171TVll11 ITI1EIITI I111 IllL1IIIIllIIlIIIlIIl BLIIL TV1t1 rillrl low to Dearths $275 monthly AVITIIITTIII Ininuutmlely Phone 156 241 III DRUOM IIIIIIIlatow at OII Lake OIT Hlullwlly 71 rllHI IlIIIkInII $710 01 llylllll111IVIlTll NU ITIII 1110116 NIWIN Ill IIRATI 174111I Innm IIII IIIll IIIIIIIJIIIII IIIIITIIIIIII $190 Tutti IIIIItI Retellnu Tlllllltlll IIIIIII 717 lhlll CLINIUMINILIM In North LTIIIILIOIIIT ITITIIIS mtm All IOIIVIIIIIIITIvs III lllJl IHUIITII InI IIIIII IIIIIHI 416 IIIITIITI LIIIII $375 lIII I01 Utrtlm tIII lllITIII STIIII ll III IVJI IIITI 371111Il InontlI Call HII 71W Bl DROOM ILIIII llLIH IIIll Inimmlou Villldllll now $3M Illr InnIIltI DIIII IIIJI anrt IIYIITU IntI ally llll rIIILI IYII lQlJaItII II In III DROUM IIUTTII III our tron Itonlt Imntrnn lHNAlll IIIIIIIIunI lloIII onllI I1 II and ltrrllm Ionilnnation V1000 and 011 III Ian Avmlahlr IIHIIHlIIITITlV 1TUITIII Itllllltnt 11M 11 Ill llthllM tIIInIInIrwI II IIIIIIIO rorIIII kill ITII IIIIII IIIIIII $750 monthly ITTHHIIIIIIIIIV IIIl IIITtinq RIlIIIIII vIIuI IrIonI Nl Avmlaltti IIIIIIIIIITTI Uh MINI ROOMS TO LET MI llIlIlIJIIII Illlll III III III IIIII IIIIIII IIIII IIITITIIIIIIITllY 7I III AN NLWI IIIIIIINIII IOOIIII LlIIITrII ILILIIIIUIT TlIlOIIQlIIlIII 111 IIIIIIIIIIIII hep IIII IIITT IIIl TIT1III IIII 71 190 III lUIIIlklIIII IIIIIaIttnlIIIIIIII lltdst tllltlll Ht 160 Illll 1071 LIIIIASS Supreme vs auto IJIILknts power STLIIIng brakes and WIIIIIITlA AC radial snows new exhaust hattva and paInt Low mIloage cer TIEILII $7100 7711755 1V71TLlNIIIL Latalina seater wagon LOTTITIIIII WIIII III conltlllonrng power STLIVII111IITL automatic new snows Best otter ICLeIIted Call alter 726 51196 IUNI IAL Durket seats tull CIITIIIIL mint IonItItIon $500 IIrnT Can he IIITI II 110 LIMIT IIITII bl Barrie IM kl IN 21000 miles spam StanLInIII rs rlenrleI radIal trro IIlsthuntrnll AAIIIH alumna oxretleltl IIIIIII111 600 II IIIst Illll Ielephnnv 1611 NJ ll Ital Itv ILk TIIlu good LIIIIIIIIII 1IT wtli IIlJIk IIIILIILTI holly per toll 4s 000 miles In IIIMI utter Asking N1 Ihnnl 30 J31 MIN HONDA RADE IN 1971 Ill kII ll 91I1IIIIIII IIIIIII IITUITTJTH llIITIII Illyl loul Il11ll 19 31 Ws km lulllll1l Hair Hme Auto Sales Man 11 Iss3 ILIEI1EIELTITWJIL1 11ml owl NM IUkll MIIslaIII IIIIIHIIIN ulwrt runtnlmn IIIIlIT IIl Tom lIIT IIItrInII vrly quart Inst SIIIII nm on rnuinv TIHITI 1641th II III 1071 M1 Il Utx Rnlruu luuiI steervnp IlutlItIkrw IJIIIII IIII IIIJkIImeItItr tnImIII MIIIIJITII TlII own needs mm WIIIk SIII As Is lilrIIIIIIIII Il 1M Itlrt II III CARS WANTED IUNk IAkN INII I1 ttluliest ll pant IIIITTI ILII IIII kIIp HLIII AIItIt WI kII H711 IRAI WANIS Lars and trucks tor AIIIkInII nm Innis tun erPS Dam IIIIIIII kIIII IIIIPITLITI 71611487

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