l6 The Barrie Examiner ethicde lmumi 10 Elill2 MILLER Rljllltxs to the Barrie rlyers Senior Hockey lub with memories ot his past pertormances still tresh in the minds ot the HA Senior League Miller 28 Jlll€l rlyers tor two seasons and was voted to the tirst string allstar team as well as winning the lltern Belaiiger lrophy as the leagues leading goaltender Miller played Diljtll role iii rlyers Allan up win ol 1973474 Millers past ex perience includes three seasons in the luasterii Hockey League two years with Salt Lake tity larm club ol NHL alilornia iolden Seals then with Greensboro ol the Southern Hockey League tint it the cltib lolded last week trjxaminer lhoto Flgers eliminate third line by releasing Knapton Milner By RANDY MCDONALD Examiner Sports Editor Ken Knapton and George Milncr have been made tree agents by the Barrie rlyers Senior Hockey lub Knapton 29 treewheeling lorward is in his third season with the Ontario Hockey Association team this was Milners rookie season lhey J01 Bob lepplar who was released earlier this week by Barrie Monday was the date lor senior teams to reduce their playing roster to 15 players rlyers protected 15 players leaving tour cards open tor tuturehopeluls Knapton and Milner have been aSSigned to the ro llyers intermediate hockey club said Steve ripps rlyers general managcr on Monday He said Milner is agreeable but he is unsure ot Knaptons decision He said Knapton was think ing it over but would probably want permanent team We dont want to let George and Ken go ripps said By releasing them that gives as tour empty cards Joining the Intermediate club would allow rlyers the opening to bring them up when needed rlyers have also made deal with the Mississauga loldcn Arrows currently mired in the leagues basement Slroud lies Newmurkel John Kilpatrick had the lone goal tor Daiibon tlS ol Stroud iii minor hockey league gami against New market Sunday ltobbic McDonald and Steven llhlnS assisted on the goal limothy lcat scored lor cw= market RENT NEW TRUCK Tons 0Panels 012 Vans 018 Vans Power Tailgates Commercial rates Factoring GMC Truck TIEDEN With two wins 22 losses and one tie lthat was against Barric Saturday rlyers have obtained Arrows captain Beg Henry who is also the top pointAgettcr on the new entry in the leaguc approached Mississauga on Monday and asked them it there was any possibility since they are out ol the playolls ol obtaining one ol their lot wards tripps said It would be like training ground tor one ot their torr wards explained the general manager With an automatic release back to Mississauga at the end ol theseason llenry won be in lycis lineup rriday ripps said rlyers need lorwards the setting trcc ol Milner and Knapton eliminates lilyers thirdline With arlcton out with broken bone in his hand centre Bill Burlington moves up between wingers Bob Baird and Bob Montcith tlnc possibility tor Fridays game against baby is using dclcnccman Darryl Sly and Doug licrguson up lront with Dale Dommagc ol the ro rlycrs Senior clubs have to dress to players per game or lace $101 line per player less than the re qunedlimit ltobbic ltalph who played with lort lluron Mags then this year with the now dctunct insloii Salcms ot the Southern Hockey League ripps said he got coiilirma tioii trom ltalph that he wants to play tor the lycrs llc ar rives iii oronto llnirsday hen the liiial details should be iroii edout Another playcr approached by Myers is Brian Bye ol lll chcner who played this season with the lrecnsboro ticnerals ot the sill until tiic club went under tripps said Bye had been ot lcrcd another Job in the In tariiational Hockey League but is waiting the results ot meeting which would deter mine whether or not the DH would allow players ot the Southern Hockey League to play thisyear FLYICRS NtillIS waync arlitoii could be back sooner than expected depending on what team doctors say tonight They Will look over the ceri treman injury to determine it he can play with special titling cast hnapton had eight goals and 10 assists this season He had it goals in his thrccrycars with Barrie it itll ml ltt liviv pi l1illllll ll mlii lilit ripwvliirm 11ivilit lllli rtiI Hi iw Safety on snowmobiles is helped by prOperly groomed trail system Statistics show that as groomed maintained snow mobile trails increase so does the safety lactor in snowmobil ing said Evan McDiarmid manager Outdoor Recreation Department ot the Ontario Sater League Mr McDIarmid was coni menting on trail pilot pIOJCCl undertaken this year by the aroma Snowmobile Assoi eiation HSA The pilot project according to Wilber liree ol tollmgwoml president the Association is to establish an ideal snowmobile trail system titilixiiig the most modern equipment available today the grooming equipment to be used is Bombardier 252G Skidozer and Bombardier Bombi lhesc units are capable ol maintaining and grooming 1th miles ot It tool wide traits per day per unit under ideal conditions Aurel Dorion trails commit tee chairman ol the HSA said we feel strongly that the development ol snowmobile trails in the provmce ot Ontario is critical to the luture ot the sport Properly maintained and groomed snowmobile trails have multitude ot lXlKlllS they increase the salety tactor in the sport they add to the basic tho and enjoyment lor snowmobilers they contribute directly to protection ol the eiivuonment and they oller to the snowmobilcr an area to practice his sport which is his right siiowmobilcrs are strong contributors to the economy with registration lces tax on purchases such as the sled itsell tuel oil accommoda tioiietc He went on to say that the main reason in setting up this pilot project is to set an exam ple and show the public legislators and other snowmobilers the obvmus benetits ol proper taCilities We have an extensive net work ol trails at the present time in the lluronia area however With the equipment we now have we will be able to establish properly signed regularly maintained and pro perly groomed trails This has been made possible through the generous cooperation ol area land owners and the pains taking labour ol volunteer workers lrom the snowmobile clubs Within the lluronia SnowmobileAssociation ltay Landry Branch Manager lor Bombardier Limiteds Eastern Ianada Distribution DIVismn in Ontario echoed Mr Dorions remarks by saying trails are the future ol sate sensible enjoyable snowmobiling Unfortunately we in the province ot Ontario with one ol the highest snowmobile populations in North America are years behind the developments taking place south ol the border and more close to home With our next door neighbour the pro vmce ot Quebec Quebec now has in excess ot 33000 miles ol maintained and groomed snowmobile trails lheir tatal aCCident rate Since these trails were developed has dropped dramatically not to mention the increase the sport ot snowmobiling has made in economic contributions to the provmce We as well as our assoc1ates at ltAB Engineering Limited in Toronto Bombardicrs ln Huroniu Snowmobile Association urges involvement in programs By IlItltiY Blttl Director Public Relations lluroiiia Snow iiioliilc Association lluroiiia Siiowiiiohile sociatioii list was toriiicil in lilil to unity and add strength to the sllliulllohiltl oice ol the It has grown from 15 clubs to oyir ll in its bricl history and has been instrumental in organizing trail system in lluroiiia which allows snowinohilcrs thi lrccdoiii to enjoy the crgrow ing sport By September ol 1974 27 clubs had llltl ttic lluroiiia Snowmobile Association and it was trom these clubs that an executive and directors tlt to come lll president ol the lS was lton Melsoii He was elected to the post at the tirst general meeting ol the new Stlllltlll whcn ltoii Mathews ot Midland took over tor two year term ot otl icc Mr Mclson sat tor the liist eight crucial months ot lllt lls existence and is coll sidcrcd oiic ol the loiiiidiiig members llis commitments to the llntario lcdcriition ol Siiowinobilct tubs to which the llS belongs ltll Illllt tune to handle the work load generated by the ll lol this reason he wasloiccil torisign liisposition willitlicll Mclsoii still ltlllillllh in close contact with tlic llS and istlicrcwliciinmdcd girl owttcti has been lagged tlii Iatliiltil llii ssiiciiilton tart is well known to tcryoiic and due to coiniiiiliiicnts out ot the province was lttltttl to lcictlicll llc iiioycd to igiiIlicc lll lltTti but we siiii cicly liopi tic ill lii tiack soon lll philosophy It you cart lcid iiiit oii OFSC actively involved lhc hitaiio reiteration ot Snowmobilclliibs lttlSt with its province widc iiieiiibcisliip ol ioo clubs and ltiooo snowmobilers is actively lll volvcd iii the pltlllltllltlll ol snowmobile trail development and driver saicty training throughout thc province John Moskwa president ot the lttlttillltlll said am op timistic toi rapid liiturc pro gicss in this area llic ttvclop mcnt ol trails and the necd tor trails is accutc lunds tll available biil action rather than procrastiiiation is the key lc ttic snowmobilcrs and lllt government agencies involwd must use this key and break the deadlock which seems to have developed regarding snow mobile trail development here Mr Moskwa said cyidcncc and statistics show that snowmobilcrs who re members ol clubs have 11 highest satcty record and llilt clubs contributed the most towards trail development like to see our membership expand both tor salcty in the sport and the ltl creased enjoyment ll provides to snowmobilers Im sure can speak tor every snowmobili club iii the province when say new members would be given the warmest ol welcomes iiIvl lrliil ii into lvrt ilitilii il lvii it iv in vl lhc lluroiiia lltllllllll ssociition plans to iliyclop two pilot trails lll Siiiicoit oiin ty UP loop llill III the iriic area with ti lieilci trail tollict ollingwoodarca won lollow get out ol the way because were going Vlith this idea in mind he led us in many ways art was always around to lend his city pericnccd tiaiid when needed tiidcr the line leadership ol these men our Association has grown were 41 clubs strong as ot Sept 1976 the SA has lictwccn tint Loot miles ol groomed and marked trails and most important permis sioii ol the landowner to use the land Vlith this workload it is understandable that we need workers These men and women conic lrom organicd clubs and we stroneg suggest that any snowinobilcr in tircstid in his sport Join club oicstablishoniwhcreiiicdcd ll assistance is needed in starting new club contact ally ot the executive mcmbcrs listed lltlI we will bc more than williiiiltoliclp te urgi snowmobilirs to become inyolvcd in our trails lrograin by Joining club ly doingt so we can proyidc bct or relationship with ourselves and landomicrs by controlling stitltitllllllL and educating tllltl on the rules and icgiila lions this is most important now since our driver training pro grain is iii ctlcct his program SEE Junior Hockey at its best BARRIE ARENA Thurs Jan 13th Owen Sound allows drivers 1214yearsol age to operate machine on public trails lrivers 14lii years ot age are allowed to cross road and operate snowmachine on public trails This course is available now Anyone interested in the course shooiild contact their local snowmobile club tor lllltlllllll tion We ask all snowmobilcrs to obey the markeis which are put up on the trails by clubs or anyone else lhis will allow us to have many seasons ol cir Joyablc outdoor ltiii par ticipating an evcigrowiiig sport lixccutive lluroiiia mobileAssociation lSl lltllSIDIzVI liiii Mathews Midland ltilislnl1Vr ilbiir lrcc tollingwood llLlltlZSllllll laul Mclrcath Silver rcck lrail Blazers ol lrillia SlLtltlilutii Ktllll Mar shallltiilliaSnobtcs lltl1Sl ltlll loliii iooil lillow Bonsicour rack and trail lltllllttl lllll lloiion llolly Track and Trail lllI Illltl Vlalt Stoddarl Barrie llBlJt ltlZllltis lcggy Brown Schonibcig and llistiicl Stiowniotiilct liib Siiowv 85 pm Barrie VS CREATE COMMUNITYJOBS NOW GET YOUR APPLICATION IN BY FEBRUARY4III clustrial Distributor for On assisting this ambitious pro tario are delighted to be ject EM ERtENC UMBERS Barrie Snowmobile Club Pine River51 7284548 4245961 Barrie Sno Voyageurs 4241536 7289515 CH Port Severn SC 7263460 CB 5382595 728389 lCBl 5352378 7283 435 4246231 ï¬lm4578 7292324 Base Borden Rod and Gun Club Bass Lake Snnwrunners melon and District Sno Bees 32272451 CB Holly rack and rail 7200138 Maple alley 53392201 53372369 Minesiiig Swamp ltiders TZirJ2Ett tt Bi nllia Sno Bees TQFrBJlP 32 Illizt Sandy Covelrau Riders 1363392 Schomberg and DistrictSt 93928 72922 256001 Blue Mountain Snowdritters sum snow Urmers 445MB 4362m2 4450638 Wasaga Beach 51 445mm CB radio 429275ww Bonsccourlrack and lrail 4293549 CB 43673719 flirJSlilJ Bradtord and District Everett 77565il7 705 456877 lenvale and District S1 4355648 3221045 Alliston 3222318 705 4357837 3227176H £54875 Loretta north 426 7292410 Loretto south 725579564 72$2324 Lagoon ity Snowmobile luh Bond Head 45373826 416 7756274 7756251 Dunkerron tsouth t706 93931189 93928l0 Uunkerron north 705 93924l0 9397289 lottenham and Logan 416 5940016 Friend You Can Trust It you drive small car you know how difficult it is to get reliable service Why not try the small car specialists at Simcoe Dotson Small cars are our business and well do the iob correctly the first time you re looking for friend 549 Boyfield St 7370254 Just call us and say ifnizzzzxctrnzin for collision and body repairs to all makes and models cars and trucks Ohigh bake ovens ask about Centari Paint 0most uptodate body shop in this area Ocars available Boyfield St Grandvicwlord SALES LTD BARRIE atoneunemployment pttnctts liit aim In wetLA ltltti il iliil iit Kitlliltndnd cii it gt iritiniks is has iniiiitiiily Silver Creek Trail Blazers crime TOW IT TO Orandview Open Tues Thurs to pair Saturday to noon For estimates call Doug Roberts GRANDVIEW FORD BODY SHOP 728736l Tr lict lï¬tdttttls latency inada tiutis to si Manpower Main dcnwre Manpower Maln dauvna and lmmigratlon et Immigration and Immigration etlmmlgratlon Bud Cullen Bud Cullen and Cullen Bud Cullen 341 BAYFIELD ST Minister Mlnistre Minister Mlnlstm IT GOING TO WORK FOR