EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation 7266539 Classified Advertising 7282414 All Other Departments 7266537 113th YearNo Singer testifies at trial ASPEN tolo AP Aftei givmg exwde Claudine Longet reassuring squeeze on the shoulder Singer Andy Williams told JUIOIS ttiat he never called her careless as the prosecutioi rested in her trial on charges of recklessly shooting her lover The 35yearold Prenchborr entertainer was to take the stand today or Thursday to tell jUIOIS her verSion of what hap pened last March 21 when 22 calibre gun went off in her hane ds killing skier Iadimir Spider Sabich Defence lawyer Charles Wecdman said luesday that by Friday the manslaughter case might be in the hands of quOIS who must decide whether to ac cept Miss Longets claim that the shooting as tragic acet dent or the prosecutions argu ment that she disregarded serious risk to Sabicti If convicted she faces max imum penalty of 10 years 111 prison and $3000011ne Williams 48 said of the mother of his three children wouldnt say she was the type to take chances Sfie was espca ctally careful around Clllldltll and other people SIIREIIIIEI Williams came to Aspen the day after Sabich was shot in the $250000 chalet he shared with Miss Longet for two years The singer said he talked With his exwde the night of the shooting She said Spider was show ing me how to use the gun it went Boom Boom and went off and shot him Williams testified She said You know that ill meant to kill him would tell you that and said it was an ac mdent Deputy District Attorney Ashley Anderson asked Williams II he had told friends lcter and Mary Anne Green that Miss Longet was crazy type of gal who liked to drive last ski last and take chan ces would deny that yes Williams answered calmly would have never said she was crazy gal dont say gal anyway But Mrs Greene disputing Williamss statement quoted him as saying Shes crazy chick She likes to drive too fast She likes to ski too fast She likes to be reckless Eggs sold below cost lthONlO Pour sult permarket chains are advertis ing eggs at less than cost price despite recent order by the Ontario Egg Producers Market ing Hoard barring them from doing so The chains are featuring grade large eggs at 79 cents dozen this week The egg board ruling does not bar them from selling eggs below cost only from advertising those prices The tour Utlmlnltlll Stores Miracle Food Mart Knob Hill Farms and Darrigos Super markets say they do not plan to stop using eggs as lossleadA ers until they have been thor oughly briefed by egg board ot ttcials The boards ruling passed Just before hristmas was mailed to the supermarkets last week Not all the chains have received it and the ones that have say it arrived too late to change their ads The onsuiners AssoCiation 0t anada AC says the ad vertising ban denies consumers the right to hunt for bargains and will hurt consumers Wilhr out beatfitting egg producers whose profits are already guaiu anteed by the board In statement luesday the said it is considering pub fishing weekly lists of egg prices to counteract the ban on advertising The egg board says producer prices are 70 cents dozen for grade large eggs and retai Iers should be selling them for 92 or 93 cents dozon Norman Auslandci president of Miracle Food Mart said We price in way to be effeca tive and competitive Right now it calls tor price of 79 cents dozen for grade large eggs No plans on listings MONIREAI IP Bell Canada does not plan to follow the lead of telephone companies in the United States in listing the names of both husbands and Wives in their directories at no extra charge Nobody has asked for it Bell Canada spokesman said luesday commenting on the de CISIOD of its US counterpart the American lelephone and lelcgraph Co Al and Bell Canada has not per ceived any need for listing the names of husbands and Wives the spokesman said HAVING BACKFLIPPING GOOD TIME If you cant beat them 10in them the snowflakes that IS Snow wasnt the only thing falling from the sky Tuesday as Warren Won and friends practised hot dog ski style back flip Without skis Although they seemed to be landing feet first the large soft snow pile for an ding place must have been reassuring Examiner photo by Roll Kraikcr Board calls tenders for Waterfront study ro township planning board has called tenders for water front study to determine both the desirability and the feasibility of permitting pcrr manent housing along its Lake Simcoe shoreline According to Donald McKay planning board secretary treasurer the board wants the watertront study in order to revtcw and update the town ships official plan todetermlnc the most desirable planning strategy for the Simcoe shoreline area Mr McKay said the town ships official plan presently deSignates large part of the shoreline for resorts and does not permit permanent residen ces Planning board he said consistently approves only seasonal housing develop ments IIARI IO ENlORCE But the board has found it dif ficult to restrict housing on the lakeshorc property to cottages and resorts he said because of the high cost of land He added that some reSidents along the lakeshorc have con verted their cottages for full timc use in Violation of the of ficial plan gUidelines Mr McKay said both the ministry of the enVironment and the Simcoe County Health Unit have adVised the township that sewage treatment facilities may be needed if significant permanent housmg development is permitted on the lakeshore One of the goals of the water front study he said Will be to determine how much develop ment should be permitted before the sewage treatment is reqmred OMIROMISE If the study concludes that permanent housing should be permitted in the area Mr McKay said the township Will either have to restrict the num ber of permanent housing units or install full serVIces He said the final resolution of that question would probably be compromise between developers the provmual regulations and the townships ability topay Ihe waterfront study Will Not all tests given peaches IORONIO CP can of peaches eaten by Barrie youngster two hours be fore he went into convuISions was not subjected to all the tests normally given products suspected of causing food poi soning health ministry offi eialsays lhe youngster Patrick recovered DaVid lowne asSistant direc tor of the provmcml laboratory at Orillia Ont said Iuesday that the peaches were tested only for microbiological organ isms and then thrown away Because wetoiind no or ganisms we surmised the in vestigation wasnt going any further and threw the sample away Dr Colin llroughton Ontario head of the federal health pro tection branch says the nega tive results are not surpriSing Barry since canned peaches have high sugar and actd content Ihese factors make peach can an unlikely place for micro organismstoflourish But Dr Broughton said the high aCidity Will under certain conditions break down the lac quercoatinginsidethetin The interaction can create solution which could make someone very Sick he said The body would begin to reject it in about an hour There would be vomiting Davis leaves for London lORONIO CP Ontario Premier William Davis leaves for London tonight on the first leg of What Will be 10day visit to Israel give particular empha5is Mr McKay said to the area between Ridge Road and the Lake Simcoe shoreline He said the land has high water table and poor soil conditions which are not sudable for septic tanks Mr McKay said planning board hopes to award the con tract for the waterl ront study in midliebruary With completion perhaps as early as next June However Mr McKay stressed that the completion date of the study depends on the cost If you are talking about $30000 to $50000 for the study this muniCipality could not un dertake it in one year he said But it you are talking about $25000 the muniCIpality may be able to cut back somewhere and dmt inoneyear The township he added might not have to pay the entire bill for the study if it can get grant from the provmce Community Study Grant which would cover 50 per cent of the total cost he said might beavailablefor the project The township has been suc cessful in getting them in the past he said for prOJCClS such as secondary plans and feasibility studies OtherWise he said the town ship would have to finance the study over two or three years because we have very small planning budget here Its nice idea but its been donal day January 12 1977 AN TEN MILLSCAMP HENDRIE Area correctional centre to close Camp Hendrie is closing The minimum security cor rectional centre in Anten Mills will be closed within six months says John Smith minister of correctional services Mr Smith said inmates nor mally sent to Hendrie will go to either Camp Hillsdale or Camp Dufferin near Mansfield He said sizable expenditures are needed for renovations if Camp Hendrie is to continue operations Also he said the temporary absence program and establish ment of community resource centres in Ontario have resulted in reduced use of forestry camp settings in he two remaining lorestry camps will take over the pro grams of brushing pruning and Ulir Eartha Examiner The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Wednes other maintenance of reforesta tion and conservation area con ducted by the camp he said Mr Smith said the staff at the camp has the choice of mov ing to vacant positions in the ministry lvan DeVitt assistant camp manager at Hendrie and Hillsdale said Camp Hendrie has maximum capacity of 30 inmates but only 21 are there now Mr Devitt said the inmates are serving short term sen tences nusually three months long There are 10 correctional of ficers on staff he said Camp Hillsdale he said is newer camp about four years old with capacity of 40 in mates and present population of12 VANCOUVER CP Awed police officers waded kneedeep Tuesday in millions of dollars in cash Jewels and gold that had been scattered on the floor of Vancouver vault during what some detectives say might be the worlds biggest robbery The carefully executed rob bery was tOiled Monday by baggage handler at Vancouver International Airport who be came suspicious when he found suitcase almost too heavy to lift When superVisor opened the bag he found fortune in bullion cash and jewels Ihe RCMP were called in found eight more suitcases stut fed With valuables and arrested three suspects before the rob bery was reported Police are still counting the loot stolen from 2500 safety de posit boxes in the downtown Vancouver Safety DepOSit Vaults Budding lhey estimate the robbery netted tens of millions which would eclipse the $10 million in Jewels gold bars cash and securities stolen last year at Nice France Police also arrested two sus pects who had left Vancouver on Toronto flight that was for ced to land in Winnipeg because of bad weather The two were Snowstorm big help in Win terama plans Mondays major snowstorm has set the stage for the 1977 In nislil Winterama which starts Saturday The queen for this years Win terama Will be chosen Saturday night at Ski Haven in Gifford Prior to Judging for the queen happy hour and buffet dinner Will take place from to pm The queen contest begins at followed by dancmg to the mUSlC of Take lhree from 10 pmto1am Winterama organizer Bronno Niemeyer said Tuesday 18 girls have entered the contest so farm but more entries are ex pected before Saturday night Crosscountry skiing races Will be held at Ski Haven star ting at 10 am Sunday for both the nowce and the expert lrophies Will be awarded to the Winners Broomball teams from In nislil schools Will compete in roundrobin tournament on Monday Tuesday and Wed nesday of next week The tour nament champions Will be decided at the Stroud com munity centre Fishing derbies for both children and adults Will also run next week Fishermen are inv1ted to try their luck any day The younger fishermen can record the weight of their catches at Judys DriveIn at Alcona Beach while weighins for the adult fishermen Will be held at the Stroud community centre Sunday Jan 23 The childrens fishing derby is open to youngsters 17 and un der Prizes Will be awarded for the three best catches in both the childrens and adults der bies Registrations for the Ontario Snowmobile Racmg Federation OSRPsponsored races at Sunset Speedway Will be ac cepted Friday Jan 21 at the Stroud community centre Mr Niemeyer said everyone is inVited to the centre that night to watch the student broomball championship speedskating races featuring students from Innislil township schools and hockey game bet ween the CKBHKBGIO No Stars and the Barrie Legion Oldtimers After the hockey game dance Will be held featuring the mu5ic of Harold Keiser lhe climax of Winterama the Queens Hall Will be held Saturday Jan 22 at the coni munity centre in Stroud star ting at pm Dinner is set for and danCing begins at to the mUSIC of Danny Lahaie Tickets are $15 per couple The OSRI snowmobile races Will be run Saturday Jan 22 and Sunday Jan 23 at Sunset Speedway on Highway 11 The races Will feature an estimated 300 professional snowmobile driveis from Canada and the United States who Will Vie for $7340 in prize money plus pom ts toward the OSRI drivmg championship Mr Niemeyer said organizers expect more than CAPSULE WS First victims of 77 PADUA Italy AP The 35 yearold daughter of chainstore owner and Milan industrialist are Italys first kid nap Victims of 1977 police reported today Killer avalanche in Alps BERGAMO Italy Reuter An avalanche thundered down the Italian Alps north of here today burying several houses and killing at least eight persons Accident Victim identified MORRISBURG Ont CP ProvinCIal police today iden tified woman killed Monday in twovehiele crash on Highway 401 asJune Elizabeth Taylor 56 of Montreal Eruption kills 2000 BRUSSELS AP About 2000 persons are believed to have been killed in the sudden eruption Tuesday of the Noragongo volcano in eastern Zaire says report from Radio Kinshasa relayed to Brussels by diplomatic sources Daouds release condemned PARIS AP French newspapers joined Israel and the United States today in condemning Frances release of Abu Daoud alleged commander of the Palestinian attack at the 1972 Olympics in which 11 Israeli athletes were killed See story on Page Fords swansong WASHINGTON AP President Fords third and final State of the Union address which is being delivered tonight is described by senior aide as an upbeat statesmanlike swan song 100 police in swoop CAPE TOWN Reuter More than 100 police swooped on Cape Iowns black Langa township before dawn today and ar rested 95 persons suspected of fomenting unrest police spokesman said Sorcerers burned alive PIEIERSBURG South Africa Reuter bive more per sonsthree men and two womenhave been burned alive as sorcerers in nearby black villages bringing to 14 the number of witchcraft killings in the area since November police said to day 100tl spectators during twoday race card Winterama concludes Sun day Jan 23 with trophies night at the Stroud community centre sta rting at Pollowmg the presentation of trophies to the Winners of Winterama events Ken Sylvester will prowdc dan ctng music to close out thc weeklong wmtcr celebrations the returned to Vancouver on Tuesday night ENTERED VAULT Police said the thieves en tered the vault building some time after closing Friday through secondfloor window near fire escape The thieves opened ground lloor door to an adjoining lane and moved some eqmpment to the basement There they at tacked the rear wall of the 40 by15foot vault which contains 5000 depOSit boxes The thieves cut hole two feet in diameter and clambered into the vault InSide they broke open about half the boxes taking only the most val uable items cash and gold The vault had no alarm and the company had not insured the vaults contents They were counting on the thickness of the wall said one detective Charged luesday With possessmn of stolen property were Kenneth Fisher 30 and Robert Johnston 36 both of Montreal and Harry Jones 44 of no fixed address Also charged were John Ellsworth RECOGNIZE ME Debbi MacNeill 0f Barrie found little trouble luesday coping Witti dropping tem peratures She Just bundled up with hat scarf goggles mittens coat pants and boots and went for walk tthoough snowcovered rity streets When asked why she would even think of walking on day like Iuesday she said its safer than driving car Debbi completed about two miles in her short walk Examiner Photo Colbert 49 of Surrey 80 and Thomas Bruce Weir 35 of no fixed address both arrested in Winnipeg The five men were remanded in custody until Friday Police said they suspect number of boxholders may be reluctant to claim their valua bles for fear of running into in come tax investigations More snow on way The snow hasnt stopped lallinginSimcoe County Barrie and area residents had short reprieve today after storms had dumped about 25 centimeters of snow since Sun day But weather predictions call for about Iive to 10 cm more today With local squalls storm developing in the United States Rocky Mountains is expected to bring more snow Thursday Temperatures will remain between high of 10C to low tonight of 25 in the area Midland residents are still suffering the effects of storms with about 15 centimeters fallingsmce10230pm ProvinCial police in that area say the storm seems to be localized ministry of transportation and communications spokesman said roads in the Barrie area are in good con dition after snow plows and sanders spent most of last night working Sanding operations will con tinue today the spokesman said adding roads are clear with some slippery spots ProvinCial police south of Barrie in Bradford and Alliston said area roads are good with some isolated drifting and some slippery spots Police in Elmvale and Stayner said roads are better than they were the last two days but there is still some drifting Stayner OPP said visibility in the area was almost nil this morning and some roads have only one lane open Neil Fox public works superintendent said city snow plows worked about 10 hours starting about 10 pm Tuesday night Mr Fox said sanders were out this morning at about and will continue until pm Tonight City employees will start trucking snow out of the downtown and Essa Road com mercial areas he said Garbage collection in Barrie is back to normal today and will continue the rest of the week Collection crews were only able to do about half days work luesday he said No problems were reported by the Simcoe County Board of Education Simcoe County Roman Catholic Separate School Board Bell Canada Barrie transit Barrie Public Utilities Commission Ontario Hydro and Gray Coach Bus Lines Ltd Oro lownship public works reports good road conditions today despite the 10 to 15 cm ot snow which left early this mor hing in Craighurst Mike Dempster superin tendent of roads in Innisfil Iownship said his area is in great shape today Parentteacher interviews at Barrie Central Collegiate tonight are still scheduled to start at pm says spokesman trom the school Stabbed death OI AWA CP Wayne Roushorn 26yearold taxi driver became Ottawas first murder victim of 1977 when he was stabbed to death Tuesday afternoon Ottawa police said Mr Rou shorn who worked for subur ban Nepean lownship taiii qompany was found in his taxi