HW AT GATHERING 0F SINATRA FAMILY lhe Sinatra lamily is pic tured together in 10s Angeles in November ot 1976 when Sinatra was presented an award From lett is daughter Nancy son Frank lr Mrs Barbara Sinatra Franks wile ltrank Mrs lolly Sinatra Franks mother and Tina another daughter The elder Mrs Sinatra was miss ing on charter airplane llight lrom Palm Springs The ttight disappeared alter takeoll lhursday Management labor cooperate to combat alcoholism in town LYNN LAKE Man ttli Management and labor are co operating to combat alcoholism in this northern Manitoba min ing community of 3000 For tour years the United Steelworkers ol America local here tias been maintaining drug and alcohol committee to prOVide counselling and where necessary trips to detoxn ication centres in Thompson The Pas or tinnipeg 700 miles to the southeast Sherritt Gordon Mines Ltd on its part has been treating abuse 01 alcohol as an atlliction rather than automatic grounds for dismissal The company will reler per son to the committee it it sees work is sultering because ol problem with alcohol The employee is not lorced to accept the help ottered but there is strong incentive il he refuses he may lose his J01 GIVEN SltK LEAVE Most people know they have problem but they dont admit it because theres stigma at tached said Neil Schaler the only one of the tour original members still on the coin tlllittt We never tell person hes an alcoholic bill we con lroiit him with lacts and try to get him to see that he has problem ll person is sent out ol town to itiOKliltlliltill centre lie is put on sick leave and his recor ds never illness was He receives $133 week its much less than most guys make in week said Mr Schaler but its better than gettinglired Since the programs in ception about 100 persons have received the committees serv ices Mr Schaler said they have had varying degrees success Nobody can go through the program without it having some impact But it may not take hold right away With some all it does is plant the seed Recently the committee has been paying more attention to prevention indicate what his Underwater route for Hydro as electricity demands up lORONlO tLPi increased demand tor electrical service in the provinces resort areas has caused Ontario Hydro to go the underwater route Since the utility began mak ing extenSive use of submarine cable in the 1960s it has laid about 100000 leet ol it annually most of it in northeastern One tario and now has about 273 miles in service at voltages ranging trom 8000 to 4ttioti lhe lirst highvoltage under water line mileelong ZIHJAKIJOV volt crossing in the Bay ol Quiir te area is scheduled for service in1980 Ontario Hydro gives several reasons tor switching lrom overhead line to submarine cable to cross water one being the increased use it sailboats Masts have touched overhead conductors occasionally caus ing severe injury or death to boaters In many instances it is less costly to go under the wattr than over it because ot the length ol the span in some areas it is almost impossible to install poles or towers to stip port overhead lines because ol such impediments as rocks or If Rita wins itll be special EDMONIUN tli lliere will be lot ot medals awarded at the 1978 Commonwealth Games but it 16yearold ltita Houle Wins it Wlii be something special It she Wins the 300tiemctre race she Wlil be the lirst Jana dian native woman to Win gold medal in international competition and may become symbol of achievement lor other nativeathleles Native youths dont have anyone to look up to no athletic heroes and it they did you would see more ol them enter ing competition says lordon Russell recreation director at the Canadian Native iilttllr dshiptientre Ot Rita he says She is imr provmg and has chance ol wmning medal She only star ted training about three months ago and has cut her time lor the mile almost in halt lrom nine minutes torizllt Rita student and member ot the volleyball team at St Jo sephs high school wants to be physical education teacher or an artist but says her lirst goal is to represent Ianada at the Commonwealth Games TRAINING lthOROlfs had to give up smoking and going out on Friday and Saturday nights because only have time tor school and train ing but it is worth it ltita trains daily running at the Kinsmen lield House and does light weightlilting pro gram swamp llOltIiliAGAINSIAIHSIC submarine cable resembles standard underground cable except that it is wrapped with steel wire armor to protect the insulation and conductors lrom mechanical abuse Nature takes its toll on sub marine cable through ice shit mg rocks and turbulence ltut dragging boat anchors cause as many taults in under water lines as does nature lhe llmilc cable linking lelee lsland With the mainland in southwestern Ontario has been damaged at least 00 times since its installation in lllzifi by ships dragging anchor in that area ol Lake iltlt Faults tend to occur in shale low water near the shore lhis is attributed to the movement ol ice and rocks particularly in the spring While there is always an elcr inenl ol danger associated with electrical conductors llydro says no one has ever been clee trocuted by an underwater line in Ontario liven divers sent down to seek out fault can avoid discoinlorl by staying back lew leet lhe utilitys experts say boa ters should worry more about masts touching overhead lines and becoming live than any danger associated with subina rinc cablcs hut llllullly it lilllll Hi Alli marine cable is something else There is no one way to locate tault what worked the last time may not necessarily work theiiext llydro technicians use VElilr cty ol techniques but their skill rests not oiin on knownig which one to use but which one to use under given conditions One method is pulseecho technique in which pulse is lORNE BETTY HAY jiiAiis TRAVEL smvici 7234700 45 Dunlop St Next to the Theatre generated on the cable and timed on its path Since the technicians know how last the pulse travels on given type ol cable and the length ol the line is known it is not too dillicult to work out the position ol the break because that is where the pulse wxll slop Although it may take lrom two hours to two lays to locate break the underwater detec lives using their sophisticated electronic gadgetry have never tailed to ind fault MlSl HAVE lil Its slow and painful proc ess Its matter ol educating not only top management but the trontline supervisors ol supervisors are personal triends ot the guys and they will cover lor them What we are asking the su perVisors to do is keep track o1 guy who misses slnlt on regular basis and let us know about it Lynn Lake is small town It guy misses shill we know where he was even it he brings doctors certilicale saying he was sick But the company needs data belorc it can act iiillllï¬ up is another iin porlant aspect ol the coin mittces work Mr Schaler said Most people who undergo treatment lind it ditiicult to re turn to Lynn Lake because iiit same old problems cxtst Hial ever caused them to drink bad marriage dislike tor the Job dislike ot Lynn Lake must still be laced And thcrc are no protessional people no psychiatrists or social workers to helplhcin Social pressure can be in tluential lhc lacl that people know they are being watched canslowpeopledowii lhe coiiiiiiitlecs resources are limited but Mr Schalcr 801011 lot better than noth ing lherc really was no one here lour years ago to take care ol these people It was much tzisul to laugh it oll lESSONS introductory courses now offered at BARRIE NDOOR TENNIS COURTS 79 Bell Farm Rd for more information call 7373721 Policeman 37 years LUNENBURG NS UP Versatility is the name of the game tor smalltown police man THE TIME At least thats how Chief Hugh Corkum ol the police for ce here views his Job of 37 years You have to be everything in this Job he said public relations man person people can relate to and confide in diplomat everything except gentleman and it you try to be one of those voure going to lose the respect you need Chief Corkum 66 who retired at the end of the year said Everyone on the street is the policemans boss not just the big shots police officer must be able to relate to the public not only as man with uniform but also as man Chief Corkum who calls him selt the old breed of police The Barrig Examiner SAaturdayLJanuary 81977 man described how it was when he started police work earning $65 month and work ing 13 hours day six days week had no formal police train ing knew the police chief when applied for the Job in 1938 and he thought had what it takes to make policeman tried to associate with col leagues who were better in formed than was and learned the tricks of the trade The days when any man could put on uniform and badge are over because you must have training today its COME Youve heard about it and Now its here Starting January 10th 1977 Travelways Ltd will be commencing music Barrie Toronto Return Fare $695 You can be assured of seat by reservation Hostess Bus service to Toronto By Commencing this service Travelways will be providing Barrie and District residents with the newest concept in bus travel in this area The service will provide one of the newest most up to date coaches available all of which include Gallcys and way Radio Communications For the passenger we offer complimentary coffee snacks enroute ser ved by our attractive hostesses Enjoy being pampered by our charming hostesses and listening to stereo Reserve now by calling 8352535 up to Sunday night Jan 1977 After Jan all 7280700 Mon to Fri am pm Sat 830 am to pm and Sun pm to 1030 pm The llostcss llpress will be making ii return trips daily to Toronto Monday to Friday three rcliirii trips Saturday and two return trips Sunday Orillia lcrmiiial for interim period is Stock Bros Bus Lines Laclie St itli ample free parking Bus Parcel Express to and from Toronto same day sllit tuses and terminal locations are being used in the iiitermiii iiiitil arrival of lllli11ll ar pct oiic ics Sim 8i Daily Daily Daily lDaily DailyEx DailyEx Daily Daily Daily 03in Hol jix itx$llll EXSUH Ex SiiiilSat Sun SatSun ExSun EXSUI1EXSllnEX Hol Moii Sat 84 Hot Hot Hol 384 Hol 8i Hol 84 Hol Hot 181 Hol TSat Mon 77 7799 797 7795 7793 17791 7789 788 7790 7792 7794 7796 PM Jim LP AM AM AM AM AM PM PM PM 620 50 1250 1150 850 350 Lv RlLLlA At 1125 125 25 078 i158 258 11158 858 658 HAWKESTONE 1117 117 417 717 917 1047 0118 i508 1308 1208 9108 7108 GUTHHIE 1107 1107 1407 1707 307 1042 543 513 1313 1213 913 713 CROWN HILL 1102 3102 1402 t7202 902 1032 550 15 20 20 1220 20 720 BARRH 1055 1255 355 655 8155 1025 125 11025 YORKDALE 1250 1550 1750 805 11135 135 1035 1835 YORK MILLS 9240 140 i240 540 740 910 895 I155 55 1055 855 Ar TORON10 920 i1120 i220 520 720 850 AWN 4L Connections at Yoni Mills to from Toronto International Airport via Chartemavs STOCK BROS BUS LINES TRAVELWAYS LTD