Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jan 1977, p. 4

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the Barrie Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Wilson Advertising Manager Henshaw Managing Editor The Barrie Examiner Friday January 1977 Public has to convince teachers and government Finahy An Ontario government commit tee says teachers shouldnt be allowed to strike It is about time The committee investigating the costs of education says the adversary system of labor bargain ing isnt working completely different approach to bargaining between teachers and boards is suggested system which will do away with strikes af fecting children Fair salaries for teachers should be set by comparing teachers salaries with salaries in group of selected good employers While the report suggests teacher strikes be ended it does urge fairness in treatment of teachers Teachers shouldnt have to fall behind others in society who are do ing work of equal content and de mand But school boards shouldnt be in the position of being trendsetters for private industry 20 YEARS AGO IN TOWN The Barrie Examiner Jan 1957 Addressing Lions Club Police Chief Ed Ischirhart declares that youth activities are being neglected in Dr Bruce elected president of Barrie Com munity Concert Association Heber Smith former mayor ap Con struction is expected to start in April for new parish hall for Trinity Anglican Church Collier Street Mayor Willard Kinzie outlines plans and problems for year at inaugural meeting of town council curling rinks skipped by George Kennedy Jack Kennedy and Ken Ireadwell capture all three trophies at Camp Borden yuletide bonspiel Fred Smith installed as wor shipful master of Corinthian Lodge Preparations are going ahead Barrie pointed Queens Counsel Barrie The report has already come under fire Theres no way teachers want to give up the right to strike says Alan Murray president of the On better public tario Secondary School Teachers Federation Education Minister Thomas Wells called the report thoeretical and said the recommendations would be difficult to implement Mr Wells of course has vested interest hes the one who brought in the present adversary system But the report says there must be better way way which will be for children taxpayers and the general teachers boards The present system of teacher board bargaining has not been howling success The committee report says there is better way Now all the public has to do is convince the teachers the boards and the provincial govern ment DOWN MEMORY LANE for Barries first winter carnival on ohnston the bay sponsored by Chamber of Commerce featuring North Amer ican speed skaters for trophy donated by Thomas William Merrick elected presi dent of St Marys separate school board Frank Higginson of Essa elected chairman of Barrie District Collegiate Board Snelgrove is chosen chairman of public school board which also has as members Mrs Bessie Clemmens Jack Gable George Longstaffe Cecil Young and Dr Frank Shannon Collegiate Bantams beat Orillia in basketball 4225 Starring for Barrie are Jim Pratt George Boorman Don Kirkpatrick Group Captain West com manding officer delivers first stone as new curling rink opens at RCAF Station Borden Ralph Jack MacLaren Barrie Larry Garner Umtali once Rhodesian gem now dominated by the war By PAUL SMLRTHWAITE UMTALi RhodeSia Reuterl Five years ago this Mozam bique border town was spar kling little gem on the map of white Rhodesia Today it is the countrys only real garrison town The army police and air force dominate all aspects of everyday life and the war dominates civilian gOSSip For Umtali is Rhodeslas fir st line of defence in the event of an allout thrust by black na tionalist guerrillas operating from Mozambique if Umtali fell the guerrillas would advance against the capital Salisbury some 170 miles away Already the town has suf fered number of rocket and mortar attacks from the other side of the border but so far only one ciVilian has been killed The effect of living only three miles from the border has had devastating effect on the economy of Umtali in Decem ber alone three schools three hotels and at least five local 112 Barrie Examiner 16 Bayfieid Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 early Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly glotor Throw Off $3900 yearly alance of Canada $3600 year yNationai Advertising Offices 55 Queen St West Toronto 8641710 640 Cathcart St Montreal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex iclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news Tdispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reuter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tismg and editorial material created by its employees and reproduced in this newspaper Co yright Registration Num r2m815 register61 businesses announced plans to close The real estate market be came sick joke long ago One of the latest properties to come on the market is advertised in an Umtali agents shop win dow For sale 156 acres lar mfand four bedroomed house good View over Mozambique price 12000 RhodeSIan dollars about$21710 But despite the threat that hangs over Umtali With every weeks delay in achieving RhodeSia peace settlement white morale remains remark ably high lo comprehend why the people are prepared to risk life and property rather than flee to the comparative safety of Sa lisbury Umtalis physical sur roundings must be taken into account Author Evelyn Waugh once wrote of the town There is neither snow nor sea but there is everything else Waughs view would be tar nished today by the rows of camouflaged army trucks lining downtown streets and the fact that the hotel in which he stayed is military headquar ters He probably also would have disliked the nightly drunken brawls in the downtown bars now the hangouts of RhodeSian troops But he would still have been By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Who suffers when food com modity prices like sugar cocoa coffee and soya beans start to run Wild in Canada the housewife as sumes she is the only one taking it on the chin In 1974 she ex perienced recordhigh world sugar prices which affected the price of sugar bought in the 10 cal supermarket This year only few days old it is likely that pound of coffee Will cost $350 or even whopping $41 by the end of 1977 increases in cocoa prices have already brought about the ridiculous price of 25 cents for chocolate bars which used to breathless at the first Sight of Umtali nestling in lush green valley and surrounded by some of the biggest granite moun tainSinAfrica Five years ago Umtali had three major claims to fame it was the border town for road and rail traffic between Sa lisbury and the then Portu guesecontrolled port of Beira the centre of major tourist area and market town for surrounding citrusfruit and cattle farmers it remains farming centre but the closure of the Mozam bique border and the constant clashes between Rhodesmn troops and nationalist guerrillas have dissuaded all but the most stouthearted tourists from visiting the area in the bar of one hotel which overlooks the Mozambique bor der there are several ominous Signs of thetimes Theres gun rack for drink ers both ClVllian and army to park their semiautomatic rifles Spare ammunition is availablcm case theplace is hit by guerrillas And in an upstairs bedroom where guests once gazed dreamily over spectacular mountainous country into Mo zambique powerful telescope now scans the horizon Few tourists fancy spending their vacations in army obser vation posts WORLD TODAX cost 10 cents And even these were not as large in size as the famous 10cent chocolate bar of say 15 or 20 years ago The paradoxical element in the Very high prices between 1974 and 1977 of these three items is that growmg num ber of nutrionists and physiCIans who specialize in dietary problems tell us that sugar and coffee contain very little if any nutritional food value Dentists for years have strongly recommended to par ents that they slop buying chocolate bars for their Clill dren Sugar has very low energy value and more and more nutrionists tell us we eat too much of the stuff for our FROM PARLIAMENT HILL r7 Na TWO may National Observance Week would cover all holidays By STEWART MacLEOI Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service bow to no one when it comes to avoiding work but even will be disappomted if our members of Parliament after their 32day Christmas recess spend too much time talking about that proposed new By VINCENT EGAN Business and onsumcr Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The orderly development of natural resources throughout the world has been breaking downand the breakdown could eventually result in shor tages of key raw materials That in effect is the con cluSion of report just issued by the BritishltNorth American Committee BNAC founded eight years ago to examine is sues of common interest to Can ada the United States and Brit am The development of natural resourcesultimately into fin ished productsmlies at the foundation of any economic system initially it was up to private developers to take the risks and rewards But when the rewards in some cases became too con spicuous the developers began to find the tables being turned on them Today says the BNAC report the system by which capital used to be found for mineral development has broken down Why Partly because of pub lic reaction against the ex cesses of some corporations and partly because of more generalized antibusiness sen timent Governments from the new est to the oldestablished have found great political mileage in breaking contracts with devel opers and expropriating their own good As for coffee we are drinking it to excess filling our bodies with unwanted caflein stimu lant our systems do not need STOP BUYING So why the flap Why not stop coffee altogether and reduce chocolate bar and sugar pur chases to the bare minimum or why buy them at all The current boycott of coffee in the supermarkets of Canada and the United States winning the public support of no less than the consumer commis Sioncr of New York City is more against the system than against bad foodbuying prac ticcs Why do these swings in prices take place asks the angry con Heritage Day holiday The legislation is Sitting on the Commons order paper now and it passed the country Will Virtually close down on the third Monday of each February so we can have rest from our labors The Liberals like the term Heritage Day because it XOUR BUSINESS Capital crisis ahead in mine development properties The old argument that natu ral resources should belong to the people carries more weight than the argument that raw materials are useless until someone goes to the trouble and expense of developing them THIRDWORIJ The real losers in this process are the people of the Third World countries that have un developed deposns of nonfuel minerals says the BNAC re port Hundreds of millions of dol larsbillions evenof capital that might have flowed to the Third World has been invested in developing alternative sup plies in areas where the finan Cial outcome is more pre dictable and the profitability more assured Those preferred areas are Canada the US Australia and South Africa the report says77 adding however that certain Canadian provmces have taken actions that have damaged cx ploration and new investment British Columbias royalty tax actions in 1974 resulted in reductions of as much as 40 per cent in new exploration actiVIty in one year The BNAC report entitled Mineral Development in The EightiesProspects And Prob lems concludes that there is no general physical shortage of nonfuel minerals And it sees little chance that producing countries might suc ceed in organizmg major OPEClike cartels in nonfuel mineralsalthough talk of such sumer and who is responsible for them The major importers of such commodities under at tack constantly tell us it is not their fault since they import for example sugar coffee and soya beans competitively The countries where these commodities are grown and who need the earnings from their exports to develop are just as critical of radical price changes as the importers For example the Cuban economy is suffering this year from the very low price of sugar as if benefited from very high ones in 1974 Brazil the worlds largest coffee producer does have other major exports but suf fered heavily from the unex heads off that inSidious sugges tion from some Tories in cluding Heath Macquarrie Hillsborough that we should have Sir John Macdonald Day Some Grits like the idea of Sir Wilfrid Laurier Day and suppose if pressed the New Democrats could be talked into JS Woodsworth Day cartels has made the major sources of capital and assoc ated management more cautious than ever NEW SYSTEM The BNAC report calls for reinVigoration of the in Vestmenf climate by deVismg new system based on con cepts that are the essential in gredients of Viable in vestinent it lists these ingredients as sanctity of contracts pre dictability of outcome return for taking or sharing the risks of investment competitive cost and assured markets ideally the host state the in vestor and the developer of minerals pIOJCCl should reach an understanding on the dis tribution of what economists call economic rent on the contribution made by the prOj ect developers and operators and on the role of minerals in attracting capital and know how The Canadian Labor Con gresss three representatives on BNAC dissent describing BNAC as supposedly in dependent study group presenting the case of private developers in document biased both as to methodology and content The BNAC is sponsored in Canada by the CD Howe Re search institute Montreal in the US by the National Plan ning Association Washington and in the United Kingdom by the BritishNorth American Re search Assocmtion London pected frosts in her coffee growing regions in 1975 hence part of the reason for global coffee price increases early this year Colombia on the other hand did not have such weather prob lems and is earning more for eign exchange from record cof fee prices than it knows how to cope with it is hard for the consumer in the wealthy countries to under stand the extent of suffering by workers and small farmers in the food industries of the devel oping countries when prices drop The Canadian housewife will survive if she removes coffee sugar and sugarderivative foods off her shopping list But few nonpartisans still talk about Flag Day If there is one thing Cana dians excel at its the art of compromise So it appears we Will have Heritage Day And if the bill passes we will be able to spend one February day each year contemplating our heri tage and listening to our politi cal leaders telling us we must increase productiVity Thats great old British traditionusing their in credible collection of national holidays to chat about the coun trys low productivity And now that general Cana dian productivity is slipping its nice to know we Will at least be turning out bit more heritage if you think am unnecessar ily cynical about the prospects of another national holiday you must remember that live in public serVIce City And for those of you who have never been subjected to such an ex perience its necessary to real ize that one becomes over whelmed by the holiday syn drome On the bus this morning for instance listened attentively while one passenger told his seafmatc how he managed to get 11 days off at Christmas and New Years by some astute juggling small smattering of Sick leave and an under standing superVisor You see when holidays fall on week end Ottawa is tofally dis organized for week before and after the event There are holidays for some public servants when air condi tioners break down There are countless hallday holidays when blizzard hits Ottawa and they roar down the Ottawa Valley With bureaucratic regu larity There are all the usual federal holidays all theOntario holidays and all the ciVic holi days And now that the capital region officially includes Hull we get advantages from both provmces have always been amazed that the federal public serVice has continued to operate during Newfoundlands Regatta Day Apart from opposmg another national holiday in principle the timing of this one upsets me Again dont want to be selfish but have you ever spent an average February Monday in Ottawa Higher coffee prices hurt people of developing countries in the developing world re duction of consumption affects the livelihoods of entire popu lations BLAME CORPORATIONS Undoubtedly the speculative mechanism of the capitalistic world called the futures and commodities markets are to blame for some of the price swings So is the verticallyin tegrated nature of many com modity producers They often control or own the fields direct the production even the ocean shipping serv ices With the commoditys end price more often geared to their corporate profit reqmrements than to the consumers pocket book CANADAS STORY Cross awarded for fire valor By BOB BOWMAN Although more than 100 Cana dians have won the Victoria Cross since its inception in 1856 it has only been awarded once for service in Canada The recipient was Timothy OHea and he received the medal for valor atQuebec Jan7 1867 OHea came from ireiand but his award was the result of his bravery during the Fenian raids on Canada in 1866 OHea was member of the British Rifle Brigade and he was guard on combined passengerfreight train that was carrying ammunition from Quebec to Lake Erie The train stopped at Danvilie in the east ern townships of Quebec and it was noticed that there was smoke coming from one of the freight cars Only few railway officials knew that the train was carry ing gunpowder but they told the guards about the danger of the fire There were 800 German immigrants on the train and they might have been blown up if there had been an explosion No doubt DanVille also would have suffered heavy damage and loss of file OHea went into action alone and worked for an hour to put out the fire QUEENS PARK Will penalty ever be paid By DON OIIEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO There Will be too much of them in the coming by and by For years now it seems this refrain has been sung about the government The Conservatives have been in power so long that in recent times and not so recent there have been continuing charges of fat government smug government tired govern ment and you nameit Anything connected With political geriatrics and it has been thrown at the regime But still the PCS have held onto power bit of pasting last year it is true But nevertheless they continued to be the party that rode in the limousmes and signed the cheques They kept power WILLOIE So now after nearly 34 years in office there faces us the neat question of Will the government ever pay the penalty of old age And on the old political Wis doms you have to say that inev itably it must It may not happen soon the government could well get through the next election even be returned with majority but every argument of history tells us that eventually the Con servative arteries Will harden and the party as government Will be defeatedwhich is the equivalent to death in the politi cal life iTSSMLG The Signs are already there have been there and growmg for some time if you want to lookforthcm The key Sign is attitude When you look closely the affi tude of this present regime is wrong You do have to look closely for it isnt all that glaring Some people say it is arro gant but that is not true if is more subtle than that BIBLE THOUGHT Now my God let beseech thee thine eyes be open and let thine ears be attent unto the prayer that is made in this place Lord God turn not away the face of thine anointed remember the mercies of David thy servant Chronicles 640 42 Prayer is telling God how you feel knowing He cares and that He can fix anything How much of our waking hours do we spend in conversation with our Creator Nothing is quite as important Ber Later he died of thirst in Aus tralia while searching for lost expedition in the Queensland desert The award of Victoria Cross to OHea was unusual because his brave deed was not actually performed in the presence of the enemy The first Canadian to win the Victoria Cross was Lieut AR Dunn of Toronto who served with the 11th Hussars at the Charge of the Light Brigade during the Crimean War The second Canadian Vic toria Cross was Able Seaman William Hall son of former Negro slave Who managed to get to Nova Scotia during the war of 1812 Halls brave action took place during the relief of Lucknow during the indian mutiny in 1857 OTHER JAN7 EVENTS 1608Henry iv of France re newed De Monts fur trade mo nopoly for one year ismLower Canada legisla ture opened seSSion that author ized street lights for Montreal and Quebec 1859First Canadian Silver coins were issued l955Opening ceremonies of Parliament were teleVised for the first time Some say it is fired But this also is not true it isnt that The present adminis tration has quue bit of Vital ity Those who say it is smug think are getting closer to the root And even this is not glaring or even highly obViouS Few in diVidual members of the gov ernment for example tend to that cockiness which generally is the first reflection of smug ness Rather it is something gen eral deeper and inherent to the governments overall attitude The use abuse of aircraft by the premier and members of the government few years ago would have been reflection of this Then there ha vc been the long string of appointments of for mer ministers and defeated candidates to lush jobs And even more striking the granting of office space for defeated lor mcr members in government buildings None of these things are prob ably all fhaf reprehensible in themselves or as indiViduai ac ts Apponilmenf of the former health minister Dick loffcz us coroner for couldnt really be against But in total they reflect ack of concern Willi public reaction John Robarfs wouldnt have permitted the aircraft dulgence for exanipli at least not so blatantly we re ported how he felt that II the natural resources plane he used probably should be painted white And this insensitwify to the public which the present ad ministration displays is sym ptom of old age JOHN ROBARTS white airplane ls In the name of this sovereign land do hereby proclaim the ZOOmile limlf In effect exampli in

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