ADAM DENSMORE proves you an enjoy yoursell and be cool at the same time Adam went down slide as SHELLY MOORE carctully watches tier teet as she at tempts to cross the balance part ot the excercises tor the dozen or more children registered for the Ys becm as one ot the exceruses she does every week at the Yi1 kindergymn RVH nurses wait for conciliation Registered nurses at ltoyal Victoria Hospital tltylll have Joined their counterparts at the Simcoe County Health Unit in playing the waiting game in contract negotiations spokesman tor the JUSl under 300 hospital nurses members 01 Local 12 Ontario Nurses Association lNAl said negotiators tor the nurses and the hospital board met Mice and are awaiting ttie ap potntment ol provmcuil coun ciliator Meanwhile Lilian Pralick president ot Local t7 UNA said no progress has been made toward settlement tor health Board names conciliator William Mcthiiie an ln tario Labor ltclatioiis Hoard conciliator has been appointed to help settle the dispute bet ween anadian ieneral lLIcc tricto Ltd and workers at its istlntarioplants Hill Wootlbcck ll ltter borough coordinator lor the United Electrical ltadio and Machine Workers ot America Uhl said negotiations Will resume Monday in loronto and he expects they Will eon liniie all week Mr Votxlbeck was in Harrie Thursday to meet Willi local union members lhe lll represents about 400 people at the Barrie plant and about 3300 people in 1th plants across Ontario The last contract at the lit plants one year pact expired Christmas llve Mr Woodbeck said union and management negotiators have met six times but have settled ncthing The union is seeking one year pact thh wage hike ol 75 cents he said The current average wage is about flit an hOur thcr union demands iliclude shorter working hours paid lunch hour lull company pay unit nurses The nurses and county health board met llee 13 but were unable to settle the matter ot voluntary arbitration clause shesaid Nurses are waiting tor the NA head ollice to adVise them to proceed Witti negotiations she said but the NA is now iii volved in hospital negotiations The health unit nurses last contract expired llec ill 1973 and nurses should now be negotiating their 1977 contract is lralick said My hope is that We can do the two in one she said ment ol lllll premiums and improvements in pensions Mr Woodbeck said LOCAL RAPltittllm Walton Insurance minor midgets rapped Aurora 52 in minor hockey action lhursday in Aurora Dave Mayor led the locals With two goals Singles going to Steve Bouchey Dale Pickard and Doug Lougheed Barrie snapped 11 tie With two unanswered goals in the so cond period Walton is back in action Saturday at 615 pm at Letroy against Newmarkel Alt lilltl car tire sent Barrie lirelighters to CiVic Square lowers on Collier Street lhurs lay morning and Barrie Fire thiet laek McAllister said damage was considerable He said the call ame at 840 am and liretighlers lound the motor and Wiring ol Bruce tad mans 1975 Mercury Cougar on lire in the buildings parking lot ltl ltlltld lll in an electrical panel triggered the tire alarm tor Harrie lirclighters lhursday night kindergymn The children go through various routines each week including an SEAN HFFEN gets well air borne as he JUltlpS oil the box horse during one ol the obstacle course games With basketball and box tiorse and tumbling routines routines the clilldreii at the Barrie Yls kindergymn do every week FM radio changes made by cable firm Harrie able Ltd is mak mg some changes tor PM radio subscribers Bob Alexander systems manager said the changes are ettective midnight Sunday He said the Canadian ltadio television and lelecommunica tions Commission ltltfl has ordered Barrie Cable to list the PM stations at their exact sta tion The live stations Mr Alex ander said have been located at one end ot the band by cable company Now HLM Will be at lots lllN at 1007 Kl4l 999 MM 98 and XML 91 on the radio tuner Mr Alexander said the cable companys owners thl onir offers to buy Global lwners ot Barrie Table Ltd have lnade an otter to buy lobal ommiinications Ltd ol loronlo lWC Communications Ltd ol Mississauga made an otter ol $8300100 to buy the securities ol llobal Communications held by Global Ventures Western Ltd at Winnipeg and Seymour Epstein ot loronto th owns number at radio stations aiid cable systems in eluding Barrie and tlrilha cable companies The Iltlstlay option on the otter expires Jan thI owns Global securities which it is Willing to sell to Global Ventures and Mr lap stein tor $6836 too GENERAL lll station at 175 undles ltd 12 reported tire in an electrical panel at 820 pm according to Barrie lire chiet Jack McAllister who said it could have been caused by shortCircuit He said no estimate has been made on damage Altl RENTAL The art rental serVice Will be available Saturday lrom to it pm in the Barrie Public Library This serVice ollered by the Name Art Club is usual ly ollered the lirst Saturday ol each month Because last Saturday was holiday it Will be held this week MORMON SPEAKER President ltussell Ballard ol the Church of Jesus Christ ol Latter Day Saints Mormonm is speaking in Barrie Sunday at pm at 79 Ferris Lane Mr Ballard is in charge ol the chur chs missionary work in ii tario There are between 21th and 300 Mormons in the Barrie area Everyone is welcome munications Ltd ol MIS sissaiiga tiave issued state meiit concerning the rate lllr crease rebates He said the company is not charging the additional 73 cents to subscribers tor lleeeniber aiid anyone who paid it will be given rebate Subscribers who have already paid the increase tor lieeember are requested to deduct 73 cents trom their next payment hcsaid Mr Alexander said the new rate ol so month will tic in el tcct startiligJan tor all cable users who did not pay in Iecelilbel Harrie Sable lV Ltd applied to ltlt tor new rates in December but did not get ap proval until Dec 2o According to the ltl its lecisioiis are elteclive starting the day they are announced The cable company is also complying with ltlt orders to drop Wtilt hannel But tato and lll2 hannel 12 lelerborough lrom its regular service The company has to add ll hannel Til thumb and ltLll hannel 23 loronto to the regular service Mr Alexander said liailiiel and Channel l2 are being ot lered oii converters alter Sim day midnight lheres very good chance ol getting more stations on the converters iii the tuliiie he said He said there are two pro blems ltlt permission and re building microwave system to handle 26 channels Converters he said are available through the cable company or many retail stores in the area We suggest people iiol bin converters which have to operate on hannel It be said lhere Will be lot ol local iii tertcrence trom lxVlt lV Most units operate on channels 2or4 HANGING tlSllEllWN is hair raising experience lor Shelly Moore Shelly is one ol the more than one dozen children to attend the kindergymn program each week at the Barrie YM YWtA CITY NE WS The Barrie Examiner Friday January WT It No more dashing through the light By Sl lI ltlltlllllll Examiner Staff Reporter ll youve noticed its tougher to race amber strHthghts in Barrie these days youre not alone People making the dash across intersections on amber lights are tinding they ottcn dont make it and thats the way it will be lrom now on ac cording to Kerry oluiiitius Mr tolumbiis operations manager tor the city ot Harrie said the time amber lights show at intersections is down tioiii tivcseconds to It It started as standard policy about month ago he said lhilrsday The purpose is to discourage drivers using higher speeds at intersections to beat red lights he says alid it has been suc cesstul in other municipalities While the time tor amber light has been cut down the wait tor red one is now seconds because ol the added policy ol showing red lights in both directions ol the iiitersec tioii Were keeping people lroni racing through the intersee lions he said and at the same time were making sure all the drivers are stopped belore showing green light one way He said the shorter amber lights are now in ellect in all lll tcrsections but the FIH Points on llunlop Street and llunlop at luccles the intersection at Eccles will be converted Within two weeks he said explaining wiring dilliculties have caused thedelay thllNllli Shorter amber lights have been used in some intersections tor over two years according to Mr olumbus who said the Cl ty tStZlhilSllHi the new policy to maintain continuity with other municipalities It standard practice in loronto aiid With the ministry ot transportation and comr niiinications he said the change isnt costing Bar rie taxpayers much Mr ol uinbiis estimates total cost ot the conversion WI reach $500 He said city employees must go to each ot the 27 intersections involved and alter timing in the control boxes the lights are used in Ittl mph Zones while diltering times are used lor intersections with higher speeds or Wli corr ners Shorter lights are working according to Mr olumbus although they may have drivers coiilused in the beginning People are being more cautious Accidents arent oc curing because ol the stiorter time he said ll people have problems in poor weather because ol the shorter ambers its basically their laiilt They should be drivmg slower anyway Lights of their own just arent working At two Harrie intersections pedestrians have light it their own lted lights show in tiotli dircc lions tor vehicles while special walk light lets titStllilllS walk at all angles across the intersections ol hilltop and ILccles Streets and at the il loints it doesnt always work that way says city operations superVIsor Kerry oluinlius People especially the kids get iinpatielit waiting lor their turn and theyll olten walk against the iio walk lights he says its not common trallic practice any more and we generally dont like the scat tered Walk lights The lights stem troin an older system when trallic volulne was less and city engineers telt Winner glad its over after Wasaga vote count WASAUA lllLAtll Mar Dyer Winner ol recount ot ballots cast in the deputy reeve race Dec is glad its over Im sure it was very trying time tor both us she said ol the period belWeen the election and the recount Im very pleased that any misunderstan ding on the part ol my opponent has been clarilied and the irregularities which he thought occurred did iiol occur Duncan HOthll one ol seven andidates supported by the Wasaga lleach ltalepayers Association asked lor the re count Dec 13 alleging an unusual number ol irreg ularities in election pro cedures The results ot the recount held luesday showed Mrs Dyer the incumbent received 1386 votes three more than her opponent lllicial results issued two days alter the elec tion showed Mrs llyer With 1387 votes to 1382 tor Mr iovan Mrs llyer said it she had to lose to anyone she would not have minded losing to Mr Uovan lie is very nice man one light tor pedestrians would get people across at once Willi increasing car and pedestrian trallic it isnt work ing out that way according to Mr olumbiis What is happening is that trallic IS delayed he said lhe people in cars have to wait longer and pedestrians are waiting tor lull series ol lights belore they call get across Thildren on their way to and lrom school are particular concern lot ot students get tired ol waiting he said and theyll dash out against the warning lights FIVP Points presents dit lereiit problem to lluiilop and IIcclcs he says An entire change to the present system would be needed betore the special walk lights could be changed ttlltlltllJllclANS Its up to the politicians ac cording to Mr Tolumbus Weve been considering changes he said but they havent been politically approv ed Mayor toss Arvher doesnt see the scattered Walk light as an issue We havent made any recommendation on it in the public works committee he said Thursday although we lavor the pedestrian in lot at cases The trallic people say pedestrians otten get impatient because they are being held up and know theyd like the lights changed he added He said he had heard lew complaints on the Situation and said alderman had not discussed the subject in coun eil Mng CLIMBING ladder at Kindergym at the YMYWCA is almost as much tun as sliding down the bannister at home tor Cheryl lhompson loreground and John Mac Leish lolloWing close behind the bailinei might be higher but the gym lad derissalei COFFEQ SNA CKS HOSTESSES Leisure bus starts from Barrie Monday Starting Monday Barrie residents Will be able to ride to Toronto in style With collee and snack served en route by hostess UZlVld liagshaw general manager ol lravelways Hus Lilies said the new bus service Will make live daily trips to Toronto trom rillia aiid Barrie during the week lhere will be three trips on Saturday and two on Sunday Mr Bagshaw said lraw elways attended provmcial hearing in May and many pco plc lroin this area indicated they wanted the service The trip will cost $095 the same tare charged by iray oach Lines but Mr tagshaw said lravelways is not trying to take business other line What we want to do is get people out ol the automobile and into buses which are less expensive he explained The leisure bus service might appeal to some people who noiu malty do not take bits he said lhc new serVice is geared to the average person he said the trip takes one hour and 33 minutes to go lrom 31h Baylield St across lrom the Baylield Mall to the loronto terminal at Bay and Gerrard Streets Buses stop at Yorkdale shop ping centre and York Mills subr way station betore reaching the terminal The earliest away lrom the bus leaves at who am atltzfifi Seats on the bases are eerv ed Mr llagsluiv said so peo ple know they will tum seat when they ZVlifi the ter minal itlllltil tl ovonto ltegulnr buses are being used now but the Ltllllt=zit expects to have two special bases delivered in March in new buses will have leer et and more space cztieelee tloors airplane style seat vixz told down tables Byrne opera or the Gray oach tltltll Harrie said he does not ti gt service will on his business tSi ltdaily trips to lit LOCAL AND GENERAL PERMISSIUNCIVIIN the steering committee working on arrangements tor Sunnidale townships ilISiCVtI Winter carnival Wednesday received permission lroin the Nottawasaga allcy onserva lion Authority NHAI to use lacilities at the New Lowell conservation area tor carnival activities The oiily condition imposed by the authority was to insure that snowmobiles stay out it wooded sections ot the conser vation area to prevent damage to the trees Lloyd lridham Sunnidale reeve told the executive his group would probably use the township park tor snowmobile races instead ot the conservation area the group would also provide crowd supervision during carnival events at the conservation area No date has been set tor the carnival but Mr lridhaln said his group plans oneday carr nival leatiiring snowmobile races broomball and hockey games aiid specdskating races and logrsawmgcontest lltl£lS llllS Eastvicw Secondary School is holding two parents nights in the girls gymnasium aiid catetorium Wednesday tor parents Willi names lrom to and lhiirsday Jaii l3 tor names to The meetings are 730 pm to 930 pm Parents iith students in Mayor ltoss Arctier and Maura loole snapped Cigarette in two to mark the opening it the National Education Week on Smoking HOPING FOR AN END T0 SMOKING the occupations department can attend only Wednesdays meeting in Room 14o BOARDAPPUINlS lhe Siincoe ounty Roman atholic Separate School Board made appointments Wednesday to the Barrie Midland aiid rillia public libraries and liaison with St lhercsas Private High School Board be appointed people are Beverly inccr Barrie John tonsitte Midland ltutli ladmonds irillia and Lloyd LaPlume liaison litllutlilttllttlï¬l the 1976 Simcoe ounty ltoman atholic Separate School Boards interim budget committee was reappointed Wednesday tor preliminary 1977 budget discussions the committee members Lloyd Lallume ltoss Saunders and Maurice Mclarland Will set some guidelines or the board members on the teacher trustee alary negotiation com mittee the board also ap proved shortsterm borrowing up to $2 million at not more than nine and onerquarter per cent interest to pay any interim bills It orbieie director ol linances said the short term borrowmg has cost the board DetWeeii $90m and $250lo year in interest costs lll lltlIlI ltvll2lrl£lts lhe lall lree Ratepayers Association is holding its general meeting Wednesday at 730 pm in undles lleiglits Public School The meeting lS 1977 lhursday The week runs lroin Sunday to Jan 15 Willi Wednesday declaret NonSmokers llay Mrs loole is chairman ol the tor the election ol olticers and directors til then ltL7Lliltil llittlllm llic Siliicoe atholicSepaiaw5 appointed thic 1W tcachci titist negotiation tlll it also includes tli auxinrs he trustees aii tnlit iiiiaii chairman Miliriv ioiiviet andtiahiiet Mar trn ltsi two sides llt bollt tatg meeting in ebi an NlCXl tn the next re it the Simcoc mm ziltiollcScpai vt is scheduled li lltliicatioii teniz it Lane The ttitltl iwt nesday llllHl lw aiidtozitxiiin attending $itooolii llicoltavison Inn on servatioii Atituvzu ll expects to closer it my ltlillwith islitt 13 Vickie Hii jtt Sttltilltzlsttï¬ an vett nesdaythatvhit 2li two ts are not in yet on it laces Stilton let it it oi teiiham llaiii pr ti $21ltltllelt oier accounts will ic unwell dclicit tiisltltl tlllltlt loi tic ltltttt the NHA spent Silt tii the month but lliv ll through tlllll lat Ill grants animal and spcial levies amt ii wetits tunds Barrie branch ol the hilario liiteragency onncit on Smoking and with tl aiiiiiier ltiotol