Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 7 Jan 1977, p. 11

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The Barrie Examiner Friday 1381 30mm TORONTO ii HAMIlTON 30111 BUFFALO TORONTO January 1977 11 GUIDE BUFFALO 12 PETERBOROUGH BARRIE CAN 22 GlOBAl FRIDAY EVENING 600 2471122News 3Movie The Lady 2Sanlord and Son 3512Mary Tyler Moore 4Emergency One 7Mary Hartman 1135 51231 Minutes Live Takes llyer 79Uonny and Marie 11 40 524 Hours IIUreat Debate aMovie Blood and 9Definition 830 Sand lzEvening Report 3512Chico and the 1200 630 Man 22Mov1e Hombre 22Adam12 900 7Mov1e Night Mon 2479¢News 29Rocklord lues ster IIIarty Game 3512Tommy Hunter 9MOVie Major Dun 12Hee Haw 4Movie Man On Sw dee 700 ing 1220 22Odd Couple 7Starsky and Hutch tlMovie The 2Bowling for Dollars 11Movie From Hume Scalphunters 4Concentration With Love 100 5Barrier Reef 930 zMidnight Special 71olell The Truth 22Caught In The Act sMoVie Keeper of the 9Holmes and Yoyo 1000 Flame 11Show Biz 22News 125 730 3Staisky and Hutch 4movie Rattles 22$128000 Question 29Serpico 210 ZBilly Graham 7News Close Up 9Mov1e Strangers 4Str1kes Spares lzHawaii FiveO When we Meet Misses 5Police Story 225 sRyans Fancy 1100 11Merv Griffin 9Stars On Ice 22Mary Hartman Mary 230 7Break the Bank Hartman 3MOVle Spy In Your IIEin Prosu 234579ll12News Eye tzBob Newhart 1130 415 800 22Opposite Opposite 3Mowe Moon Over EMovie Getting Away Sexes Miami From It All 2Johnny Carson 500 4Movie Love My Blronstde Wile THE DOCTOR SAYS Weather factor in some colds By Thosteson MD Dear Dr Thosteson You have stated that weather is no factor in contracting cold ex cept for the fact that there are more people indoors in the win ter who are thus exposed more to the virus Why then is it that when one gets wet or chilled one comes down with cold in day or so in the winter while in summer the same thing can happen and the person will not get cold know this is the way it is with me and am around as many people in the summer as in the winterADP knew Id hear about it on that one It is common and appar ently unshakable belief that colds result trom chilling ex posure to cold wet feet etc Folks are inclined to blame malady on the most convenient circumstance There are at least 150 differ ent cold viruses and thats one reason the common cold is so common But in answer to your question general weather con ditions can be more of factor in colds than chilling or wet feet are Here is the reason why Colds usually occur when there is higher humidity This may cause changes in texture of nose and throat membranes and in that way make person more receptive to good spray of cold germs Have you noticed how few colds occur during prolonged cold snap lhis fact impresses me Many of the socalled sum mer colds are not virus relatednot colds at all Many are symptoms of allergies or are caused by dusty at mosphere irritating mem branes You could find as many or more persons who get chilled or wet and do not get cold as those who apparently do In experiments on the com mon cold persons have been in fected purposely in their noses without developing symptoms So its all still mystery The word reSistance is often used You will note dont men tion this Its because dont knowiust what it means Dear Dr Thosteson Do enlarged lymph nodes necessarily indicate lym phoma had node removed from the side of my neck year ago and it was negative have since noticed that one behind my knee is sometimes slightly enlarged and at other times cannot find it had complete checkup in the hospital since my surgery and all tests are negative chest blood bone scan etc feel fine am 44 Are my fears unfounded My internist says see psychiatrist 81 It would be interesting to know how you got into this lym phoma bit Yes lymphoma is featured by multiple node enlargement as well as changes in the blood count It is serious disorder Your count is normal and the biopsy of the neck node was negative lhe lump behind the knee may not be lymph node at all You may be feeling an in nocent fat deposit or strand of tendon Have the doctor con firm that for you dont think you need psy chiatrist so much as someone to convince you that the tests youve had which in cidentally were necessary are reliable in diagnosing lym phoma or ruling it out Perish the thought about the psychiatrist Dear Dr Thosteson We have question regarding milk Both my husband and are up in years79 and 81 We use lot of milk both in cooking and baking also as beverage We have inquired about it and they tell us its OK Without saying how much is adequate Can drinking too much milk cause hardening of the ar teriesfMrs NA At your ages there is no harm in drinking as much milk as you want to The average adult consumes about eight to 16 ounces of milk day Most older persons dont get that much Its good protein food at any age Hardening of the arteries is an aging process that may or may not be related to diet Both of you undoubtedly have few pipestem arteries that are serving you tolerably well There is some thought that low tat milk should be used in chil dren and persons with choles terol problem but that would not apply to you at your age TTC defends staff act TORONTO CP The lo ronto lranSit Commissions control division exercised reasonable judgment New Years Eve when it told the crew of subway train on which there were fights among passengers to continue Michael Warren chief general manager of the commission reported at commission meeting Wednesday Subway guard Peter Ooehle said Tuesday that control staff ordered the train to proceed de spite commission rule requir ing trains to stop at the nearest station and wait for police in the event of an emergency Mr erhle said he told the motorman to radio central con trol between one stop and the next when he saw gang of youths in an adjacent car as saultingtwomen He said the motorman was told to take the train farther along the line where it was to be met by subway security who were busy elsewhere when the trouble on Mr Goehles train was reported Police said Tuesday that two Juveniles have been charged Wllh assault causmg bodily harm to James Carson 61 of loronto lollowmg second in Cident on the same train QtESIIO PRACTICE Mr Carson investigator with the Ontario ombudsmans of fice says he suffered broken nose when beaten by several youths after he tried to stop an attack on two men who ap pcarcd to be Pakistanis Mr Warren told the commis sion that the trouble was first logged as disorderlies by control staff He later said in an interView that security patrol was told to wait at station eight min utes away on the subway fine until the train arrived Mr Warren told the commis sion that the incident brings in to question the practice of ren ting the system each New Years Eve to McGuinness Dis tillers Ltd which provides free transportation lhe service may have saved lives by encouraging people to use public transit instead of their cars he said but added that it might also have encour aged some persons to have their New Years Eve parties on subway trains or streetcars Commission chairman Gor don Hurlburt who said the operator and guard on the train did all they could to provide safety and security refused further comment until police have finished their in vestigation Rejected TORONTO CP lhe On tario Labor Relations Board has refused request by Con solidated Bathurst Packing Ltd to declare that its em ployees in St lhomas Ont were on an illegal strike during the Oct 14 day of protest called by the Canadian Labor Congress The board said it based its decismn on the precedent of not issuing such declarations alter the fact unless there has been pattern of unlawful strikes eVI dence that strike may be re peated or strike has implica tions beyond the immediate parties Bernice Bede 0501 For Saturday Jan 1977 ARIES March 21Aprll 19 This can be an interesting day because you get enjoyment out of whatever you do You even have way of doing your work so it becomes fun TAURUS Aprll 20May 20 Youll be lot better off today if you step back from project which has you stymied Eliminating the pressure may give you fresh approach GEMINI May 21Juno 20 Others find you dependable to day and they know things will be done properly You can make many points CANCER June 21July 22 Because youre not one to overlook small amounts today theyll add up for you Youll end up with sizeable sum Others may not LEO July 21Aug 22 Dont behave In selfish manner but try to direct your efforts so that you do reap some benefits You must look out for No today tVIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Be patient today The clock is in your corner Youll gain control over things that seemed to be slipping away if youre not im petuous LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 YOU know something that would In terest others in your circle Youd be wise to keep it to yourself The information could cause more harm than good SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Your thoughtfulness delights people today Youll remember to do little things always ap preciated but often neglected SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Theres world of difference in your outlook today When you set out to do something all the pieces will fall into place CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 Others rally to your cause today You present your case in an In teresting manner and you firmly believe in what you say AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 When it comes to oldfashioned horse trading youre tough customer to beat Today bargaining is fun and its profitable for you PISCES Feb 20March 20 Delegate authority at every op portunity today Theres no reason not to since others will resent it if you dont let them help Elfirmhfloly Jan 1977 Youve learned some very valuable lessons in the past and this Year you will put them to good use Because of this the months ahead could be very rewarding Warning OTTAWA The preSI dent of the Canadian Teachers Federation predicted Wednes day there Wlll be teacher shortage and lower standard of teaching by the mid1980s il school boards continue firing teachers to save money EITHER THERE ewrraIING CHANNELE VERY FA€IZ TWEEEEEE rr iiiEEEEEK lass ICES153459495 KISS K93 KlggkSky WINTHROP BC NSL NORTHERN STATIONERYTU STATIONERY STORE 29 Dunlop St 7373880 gt as HAVE llouz BORN lOSER HOW wxxs YER MEAL FUDDSY RleXllu of UJUKME BUDDY bl NI KY BUGS BUNNY IOUR BOARDING HOUSE UNDEEETANO You WONT ALLOW YOUR TEAMTO FRATERNIZE THAT OTHER TEAM cm WITH WOMEN BEFORE THE Blé was THAT momma 00 HAVENT BEEN osme THE OIEAP WHY MARTHA HOW SUSPICIOUS M05 JUST LEAVE YOU ARE MOPGIEUIZ BONLIEU I5 HIM ALONE NOW THAT FINEAPPEARING YOUNG MAN H55 PAID UPI DONT HE SIMPLY INJURED HIE KNEE WANT ANY LAW5UIT6 WHILEWHILEEGA03 HE NEVER THAT DID sAw BUT HAVE NO REMINDE ME FEARILL OBSERVE HIM CLOSELY HAND IT MY TRAINED EYE WILL DISCOVER His OCCUPATION TlIl5 VElzy Pollys Pointers Tackle crayon marks with toothpaste By Polly Cramer Pollys Problem DEAR POLLY Do you or any of the readers know how to remove colored crayon marks from wood pan eling have tried everything can think of but nothing has worked FRAN DEAR FRAN The finish on the wood may have something to do with the results but have just tried us ing toothpaste on crayon marks on wood with practical ly no finish the inside of drawer and they rubbed right off POLLY DEAR READERS JWs recent Pointer about putting ex tra seeds in foil packets in the freezer to keep for the following year needs correction By mistake we printed the letter as saying about twothirds of the seeds will lose their produc tivity but the rest will produce good as newwhen it should have read that two to three percent would not carry over That would be only few seeds It certainly would not be worth the trouble should one lose twothirds of the seeds Sorry Our apologies JW POLLY DEAR POLLY To save little time and some footsteps while making bed mark the center of your sheets at the top and bottom with liquid embroidery pen Blankets can be marked with colored thread By doing this you can see at glance the center of sheet or blanket and know when it is in the proper position on the bed Really is timesaving when just one person is making up bed Washing dishes is not my favorite chore and it seems to take me so long find that if set my timer for approximately the time think it will take me to do them have an incentive to hurry Otherwise take my time and feel resentful all the time lam doing them It really gives me good feeling if beat the timer MRS GD DEAR POLLY When preparing stuffed peppers cutoff the tops of the peppers and use serrated grapefruit spoon to scoop out the seeds and membrane This works perfectly and does neat job also cut off the bottoms of plastic bread wrappers to the size of small bags and use for sandwiches that go in the lunch boxes The top part can also be cut apart and be used to wrap other things VZ DEAR POLLY My apartment has no balcony so there is no way to go outside to shake the dust out of small throw rugs find that shaking them inside of large shopping bag works fine The rugs are free of small particles and dust that would be carried throughout the apartment before laundry time The large plastic freezer bags from the supermarkets work well and look good to wear if you give your hair an oil treat ment at home The bag preferably the large size makes an attractive hat pinned up like chefs hat as air goes into it to make it stand up and out Will really shape any way you like MK OR THEwa FOLJN PROGRAM THAT HA6 ETH INCl FOR EVBZIONE lei111 III Ili Val on mice omit the FROUL AND CAVORT ALI THEY WANT TD VISIT YOUR NEW DOWNTOWN THE OAS WSNT CHEAPER IT COST THE SAME AS NWALS Illll mama lm lll Iut III THE MEAT WAS TOUGH THE COFFEE WAS COLD AND THE DESSERT TOLD HIM TO PUT IN THE USUAL Two COLLARE WIN AT BRIDGE Trade heartdiamond losers NORTH AJ1086 V10985 071104 465 EAST A4 VKQ632 99653 41094 WESTD 4A5 74 0QJ82 aAQJ72 SOUTH AKQ9732 VAJ 0K7 ¢K83 Neither vulnerable West do North East Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead South By Oswald James Jacoby We are indebted to Terence Reese and the Bridge World magazine for todays hand South gets to four spades after club opening bid by West and heart response by East He wins the first trick with the ace of hearts over Easts queen and studies the hand Obviously the hand is going to collapse if East can get in to lead club through the king Also South must find some way to get rid of cou ple of his clubs on dummys hearts Can he accomplish these two things Yes if he can trade his heart loser for diamond loser So South cashes his king of diamonds leads dia mond to dummys ace and returns the 10 of diamonds East plays low and now South jettisons his jack of hearts West takes his jack of diamonds and can find nothing better to do than play ace and another trump Smith wins in FUNNY BUSINESS dummy leads the 10 of hearts ruffs Easts king enters dum my with another trump dis cards two of his three clubs on the nineeight of hearts and makes his contract Agile Jaco egg The bidding has proceeded Pass Pass Dbl Pass Canadian reader wants to know if the twoclub double was for takeout The answer is no Once your opponents have bid three suits all doubles are primarily for penalty Pay raises OTTAWA CP Elemen tary school teachers employed by the Frontenac County board of education near Kingston Ont will be allowed higher pay raises than were approved ear lier by the antiinflation board administrator Donald lansley announced Wednesday The teachers are to be allowed increases of 13 per cent 11 per cent and nine per cent in each successive year of threeyear pact This is con Siderably higher than the in creases recommended by the antiinllation board The board had recommended that during the first eight mon ths ot the first year the teachers average pay raise should be held to about 72 per cent The case was referred to Mr Tansley because the board of education and the teachers dis agreed with the antiinflation boards recommendation The administrator said the teachers deserved higher pay increase because they had historical pay relationship with secon dary school teachers in the area THATS Elam SIQTHE DELUXE SDB COSTS BIT MORE ITS UERY THOROOGH Hey BOT 01977byNEAhc1M Reg US Pat 011 LOAD COUPLE OF wooo BLOCKS memo HAMMER$OM THE UAN ANDY CAPP KERRY DRAKE SHORT RIBS HILE IM cows THERE ILL BOOK YOUR mu TICKET FOR THE MATCH ON savanna PET Complete Office Oufflffers DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS It means can turn bore room into completely decanted and furnished office Coll 7370201 to consult Professional Office Planner BARRIE PlAlA Barrie TANIIOAL AENHo DANGER CARNIVOROUS lllrhlil ll Game To SEAL us up IN HERE 60 SEE VOUIZ GARDENER DEAR an Kllftllll11flll DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 41 Was Answer to Previous Puzzle introduced Parting 42 Snide remarks saturation 45 Electrifies Laughingstock 49 Ornamental Mountains vase abbr 50 Nazi Rudolph 12 Craving 13 Weather 52 Painful bureau abbr 53 Noun suffix 14 Actress 54 She Fr Farrow 55 Judges gown 15 Lioness in 56 Chinese Born Free philosophy 16 Observes 57 Squeezes out 17 Ensign abbr 58 Prep school in 19 Electrically 35 Female spirit an 28 £22315an Chaf99d Daftl 36 Fine cotton 22 Piece of land DOWN CIe fabric 23 Least abbr Wap 38 Bond 24 Arab country Sounded horn 23 EarlY Dan 39 Desire 27 Rural party Christmas day 41 Hebrew 31 But Fr Being Lat 24 Chairtable 32 Scotch accent Tacks Qanllatlon WOW 33 Cows low Surround labbfl 42 PM 34 Time zone Customer 25 Levant 43 Shebear Lat abbr Mac 25 Baseball 44 Proposition 35 Smart tune 99ve 45 Small island 36 Bundle of More 27 Inlure 46 suit cotton delicious 28 Actor Sharif 47 if 37 Invite Mesdames 29 Woodless ere we 39 Three feet pl abbr region 48 Acw C°EV 4o Printers 10 Color 30 Negates 51 Horned commodity 11 Back talk 32 Dollar sf animal OFFICE OUTFITTERS WHAT AN IRONIC ENDING FOR PERSON WHO HAS BEEN LIIELONG 2r VEGETARIAN 01 7370201 01 IM CRACK SHOT DOCTOR WERE NOT ROUGH SHES LOVELY LASS WOKI ER WEIGHT IN BEER YOUR LAUREL WREATH IS SPROUTING

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