EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation 7266539 Classified Advertising 7282414 All Other Departments 7266537 leh YearNo THE CORNER of Rose and St Vincent Streets was the scene of fatal accident Thursday at 803 pm accor ding to Barrie city police It is corner Lillian Crompton says is dangerous one because of poor lighting Police are asking any ROBBER SHOOTING RAMPA GE Heiress terrorized KINGSTON Jamaica AP Police are hunting four gun men who broke into the home of Lady Sarah SpencerChurchill assaulted the 55yearold Van derbilt heiress and shot two persons during robbery ramp age in wealthy Montego Bay suburb The London Daily Mail said Still seeking two suspects Orillia OPP are still looking for two young men after an inci dent Wednesday night when Barrie Deluxe cab was stolen in Cm on County Road 11 OPP says composite draw ings of one believed to speak with an Irish accent is in all police cars and police are ask ing the publics help in tracing the two Anybody who might have seen the two are asked to call 3263536 in Orillia The two became the object of The two are said to be about 18 years of age feet inches between 120 and 130 lbs and cleanshaven Both are said to have short hair One was last seen wearing brown coat and blue jeans Cab driver Bruce Barr 38 of Base Borden was not hurt in theincident The men were picked up at the Barrie bus station on Maple Street at 815 pm Wednesday and Mr Barr said he was held at knifepoint and lost his search after the OPP receiv ed report from cab driver who lost his cab and $40 to the two men Four perish in blaze HAILEYBURY Ont CP mother and three of her five children died Thursday in fire in their frame home in this community about 100 miles north of North Bay Dead are Cecile Lamothe 38 and her children Rodney 13 Jacqueline and Monique ProvinCiaI police said that fourth child Theresa 12 was spending the night with friends Another son whose name was not available was working in Toronto with the father Noel The Haileybury fire depart ment had to run 1000 feet of hose to the house because there are no fire hydrants in the im mediate vicinity CAPSULE NE WS Deluxe taxicab to the men at about 845 pm He was given $7 for the fare according to police before the car left heading north on Coun ty Road 11 toward OriIlia The car was later found aban doned two miles north of Orillia US northeast hit by storm NEW YORK Reuter The biggest snow storm in years was sweeping across the US northeast today and big cities in its path went on an emergen cy footing The storm formed over the Atlantic off North Carolina was movtng over Washington Baltimore Philadelphia New York and Boston accompanied by galeforce winds Washington had up to 10 cm of snow added overnight to the five cm that fell midweek Province back to normal HONG KONG Reuter Radio Peking today reported the return to normal operations of railways and steel complex in Kweichow Province in southwest China after work stoppages blamed on the four purged radical leaders King Juan Schmidt in talks MADRID Reuter West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt met King Juan Carlos today after publicly endorsing the Spanish governments efforts to secure peaceful transition to democracy from dictatorship Press freedom curtailed LISBON Reuter Portugals minority Socialist govern ment announced moves today to stop newspapers from printing reports which it said created an artificial climate of instabili ty and alarmism Wins World Cup event PFRONTEN West Germany AP Annemarie Moser Proell easily won the seasons fourth World Cup downhill ski race today and regained the womens overall lead as Austria placed six racers in the top 10 Lady Sarah distant cousin of the late Sir Winston Churchill and sister of the present Duke of Marlborough reported in telephone interview that one of the men picked me up and slung me over his shoulder and took me down to the maids room and assaulted me There was nothing could do He held knife to my throat and if had struggled he would have killed me Police said the woman man aged to struggle free from her attacker then fled the house in her nightgown and hid in the shrubbery until police arrived house guest shot by the in truders Michael left 38 an in terior decorator born in Hun gary was reported in serious condition DEMANDED MONEY The attack occurred early Thursday morning in the Long Hill section of Reading where about 1000 wealthy foreigners have Winter homes Lady Sarah told The Daily Mail the gang demanded money and drugs and were obVioust out of their minds on game The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Friday January I977 witnesses to the accident to contact the department four gunmen ca marijuana The gunmen also shot their way into the home of neigh bor Dr Herbert Eldemire former government oIfiCiaI who barricaded himself in bedroom police said The gang shot man who saw them leave Eldemires house but he managed to alert authorities the police said slang for Lady Sarah inherited 512 able fortune from her TIIE STOP SIGN at Rose and Barrie woman Ulir Barrie Examinrr in intersection frfzZl Minesing man VIII appear in provincial court Feb in connection With fatal acci dent Thursday night at Rose and St Vincent Streets in Barrie Barrie ctty police say Gary Clayton Mathers 30 of RR Miiiesing has been charged With impaired driVing and driving with morcthan 80 ings of alcohol in his blood Police are still investigating the accident which occurred at 803 Thursday night Violet Winnifred Heitniar 56 of 99 Gunn St in Bar rie was killed in the IWOVCIIICIC accident The fatal accident is the second to occur at the corner in the last two years according to one neighbor and she has dccnled now is the time to speak up Lillian Crompton of 326 St Vincent St was in her kitchen at the time of the accident Area restdcnts rushed to the scene where Mrs Crompton said one of tfic two cars in volved was in an adjoiningficld lhere were no car tracks leading from the road to the field she said today The car must have been lifted right up and onto the field With the impact She said that while she didn see the acet deiit happen she knew it was serious lroni the sound of the crash Shes not lie only one in the area worried about safety she said know other people are worried about their children playing around here tell my young kids to play in the driveway and keep away from the roads Shc blamcs accidents the two fatalities killed crash WEATHER FORECAST and three other accidents occurring at the corner in the last few years on poor lighting and people who exceed the speed limit on clear stretches of road The whole block of St Vincent from Rose to Ottaway doesnt have lights she said and people often dont see that stop sign at Rose She said poor lighting is also dangerous for pedestrians You cant see child or an adult in dark clothes walking along the side of the roads where there arent sidewalks until youre on top of them Mrs Crompton said the relatively flat stretch on St Vincent from Grove Street north to the 400 overpass encourages people to accelerate and said she has heard cars rac ing at night often wish they had radar there she said know they cant have it everywhere but we need it here People take run down the hill on St Vin cent once they are over that bridge or they speed up heading toward the hill she said It makes it Once as dangerous when the lighting is so bad Mrs Crompton who suffers from back in Jury said her trips to her phySiotherapist and other places in Barrie take her to the in tersection which she dreads know when Im driVing near there Ive had to slow down to see she said today get so scared when get there that people wont stop One third of flu vaccine American grandmother the late Consuelo Vanderbilt Balsan whose father was railway tycoon William Van derbilt Britains Second World War prime minister Sir Winston Churchill was second cousm of Lady Sarahs father the 10th Duke of Marlborough who died in1972 ject of It is as result of What he has done that there are Wild dangerous people like this in Jamaica today she said St Vincent Streets is the sub dissatisfaction this morning after nights fatal accident Neighbors are unhappy With poorlylit conditions acv Thursday cording to Lillian Trompton Residedhere since 1960 Plans are being made today for the funeral of Violet Win at RoscandSt Vincent Sts Mrs Heitmar was taken to cannot live here now am Ieavmg Coffee distributors said losing money By TIIE ASSOCIATED PRESS The price of coffee which has Jumped to more than $3 pound from $125 in the United States in the last year has been rising at similar and sometimes higher rates in other countries In some consumption has drop ped as prices have increased We are losing lots of money because of the decline in con sumption said major dis tributor in Argentina where the price Jumped to $454 poundfrom $181 People in the Netherlands changed their coffee habits as the cost rose to $354 pound from $212 Of 200 families sur veyed by the Dutch Consumers Assoctation 11 per cent said they were drinking less coffee 27 per cent said they were mak ing it weaker and 30 per cent said they were buying cheaper brand The remaining 32 per cent said they had made no change Even in BraZiI the worlds tenders Gentlamen have bad news The Russians have perfected bionic King Kong Rotman vicechairman moves from eity largest producer until frost killed much of its crop in 1975 demand has gone down as prices went up One private cof fee assoCIation in Rio de Ja neiro said annual consumption is down to 792 million pounds from 105 billion pounds few years ago The price in BraZil has risen to $166 from 81 cents pound Instant coffee has gone to $261 for eightouncesfrom$ll4 In Colombia now the worlds largest producer the price of pound of coffee has risen to $1 from 50 cents in the last Six months Gilberto Arange Londono prestdent of the Colombian Cof fee Exporters Assoctation said he expects prices to continue upward in the next two years Coffee quotations are regu lated by the law of supply and demand he said Right now the supply is scarce rew countries around the world are heedmg calls first made in the US for an organ ized boycott of coffee Some Ca nadian consumer groups have iomed the movement others have called for reduction in consumption BULLETIN The Ontario Municipal Board this morning adjourned the hearing on Barrics application to annex land in Innisfil Oro and Vespra until May Alex Arrell hearing chair man said the hearing will be held unless an order of prohibi tion is served by divisional court Lawyers for Innisfil Vespra and Simcoe County applied for the order It is the second application served PROPERTY STANDARDS COMMITTEE nifred Heilmar Victim of Thursday nights fatal accident No trace of tanker BOSTON Router 77 than ces of finding the Oil tanker Grand Zenith still afloat were almost nil today after fourth successtve day of air and sea searches failed to find any trace of the ship or its 38 Taiwanese crew members Jomt USanadian search operation has covered 200000 square miles of the Atlantic Ocean off Nova Scotia and New England in the hunt for the 18 7I7ton tanker which dis appeared week ago The scar ch was continunig today The last report from the Pan amanianregistered Grand Zen ith said it was battling rough seas 60 miles south of Yar mouth NS The ship left Iecs port England on Dec 19 Willi eight million gallons of heavy 01 for an electrical power plant in Massachusetts US Coast Guard Liciit Rich ard Riggs said Thursdays search by seven IJS planes Canadian military plane and coast guard cutter covered 70000squaremilc area CON WCTS HIMSELF TULSA Okla AP Marshall Cummings has no one but himself to blame for his lessthansuccesslul court appearance Cummings 25 accused of purse snatching was acting as his own lawyer Wednes day As he crossexamined the Victim he asked her Did you get good look at my face when took your purse state Jury conVicted Cummings of attempted rob bery by force and gave him 10ycar prison sentence the Steckley Funeral Home Mrs Heitmar was killed shortly after pm Thursday when she was involved in two car acCident resident of Barrie since about 1960 Mrs Heitmar had four children and three grand children She lived at 99 Gunii St Mrs Hcitmar member of Barries Trinity Anglican Church leaves daughters Evelyn Mcycr Jackie Gengc and home McCadden and son Glenn Also surViVing tier are husband John parents Walter and Emily rairman and brothers Wally Reg and Bert Her parents and brothers are now in Australia Mrs Heitmar mct tier hus band in England during the war Mr and Mrs Ilcitinar lived in Australia before movnig to Canada May attend inauguration PEIERROROUGII UP nincycarold Pctcrborough boy says he has been ithted to the Jan inauguration in Washington of US President elect Jimmy Carter Patrick Mitchell said he rcceived mailed itiVitalion from the inauguration commit tee Wednesday Patrick said he sent letter to Mr Carter when he was governor of Georgia saying he hoped the governor would defeat President Ford in thc preSidential election didnt like the other prestdeiits but like Jimmy Carter because fie made short speeches Patrick said Ile received letter of thanks from the governor Patrick may not be able to at tend inauguration ceremonies because his father says the trip would be too expensive Ilowcvcr fellow Grade classmates fiave said they can raise money to help finance the trip and Doug Montgomery principal of the school Patrick attends said ctly counctl might consider financing the trip SIMOE OUNIY IIEALTII BOARD Ald found to be unusable lIAWA Mb More than three million doses of straight swnictlu vaccine ordered by Canadian authorities OIIILIIIII of the total order has been found to bc unusable federal source said llitirsday Who is responsible for the bill of more than $1 million for the foreign produced vaccine the suppliers the Canadian dis tributors or the taxpayer is stoned by the government have received most of the 135 mil lion doSes of vaccine ordered several months ago from bulk vaccine suppliers in the United Kingdom France Australia Holland and West Germany However of the 10097800 doses of monovalent vaccine pure antiswme flu medicnie that was ordered only 6664540 factory by federal health offi ctals who inspect the vaccme before it is approved for use by medical offictals giVing the shots across the country the spokmman said SOME DOSES APPROVED The spokesman would not say why the monovalent vaccme was conSidered unusable But he did say about three million doses of bivalent vaccme used in Canada mixture of pure swme and AVictoria vaccine has as expected recommended establish ment of general committee system for council and has also recommended appomt ments to fill vacancies on 27 local boards and committees The striking committee report made public this morning will be considered by council Monday The striking committee consisting of Mayor Ross Archer and aldermen Alex Ar thur Del Cole Bill Campbell Ed Thompson and Ernie Rotman recommends that general committee meet the first and third Mondays of each month and handle most of the business preVioust divided among four sta dingcommittees Three of the standing committees Will be kept in existence and Will deal With matters by referral only Appointments to these committees are finance Ald Arthur stavs as chairman Ald development committee and aldermen Gord Mills and Bill Knowles City development Ald Cole chairman moving from public works Ald Janice Lak ing vicechairman from finance Ald Nelson Garrett from public works and Ald Ron Lynch Public works and recreation Ald Thomp son last terms finance vicechairman is chairman Ald Campbell also from finance cicechairman Ald Ross Stephens and Ald Fred Ruemper Other appointments recommended by the striking committee PLANNING BOARD Ken Bytes rc appointed for three years following expiry of his term newcomer Roger Oatley also for three years Mayor Archer and aldermen Cole and Laking COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT Doug Ias Viau threeyear term David Hogben reappointed for three years and Charles Style who will complete the final year of Ald Knowles term DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT BOARD Ald Stephens Garry McCluskey the only holdover from the 1976 board and Chris Prusinowski Thomas Dart Pratt Gor don Kerry and Mike Benvenuti All appoint ments are for one year LIBRARY BOARD Allan Gerow neWComer for three years and Ald Ruemper for two MARKET COMMITTEE Ald Knowles Mr McCIuskey and Susan Green all new all for one year BARRIE CITIZENS BANDAId Rotman new and Lloyd Iufford holdover both for one year CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mayor Ar cher and aldermen Cole and Lynch for one year Stephens one year He was chairman last year IIURONIA REGIONAL TOURIST AS SOCIATION Ald Thompson COURT OF REVISION Michie counctl appotntcc and Harris Steele mayors appotntee both for two years FENCE VIEWERS Pratt Michie and Myers all two years SIMCOE COUNTY MUSEUMARCHIVES BOARD Ald Thompson one year RECREATIONAL PLANNING COMMIT TEE Ald Campbell Al Eyers and Michael Fowler all members of the loriner recrea tional adVisory committee and Chris Kaszuba Kathryn Kanlel Joan Walker and Maureen Wilson All terms are two years WINTER CARNIVAL COMMITTEE May orArcher and Ald Mills twoyears ROYAL VICTORIA HOSPITAL BOARD Ald Garrett one year the SIIII of delicate doses could be used federal negotiations the informant SOUICCSUHI said The other 3433252 doses Iwo laboratories coininis AIRBORNE HELP AT BASKETBALL Jch Fuss of Hunting High School lends airborne Gilli nialc Vilis lzols hand in Sinking basket during scr coiid quarter action in Ifiiirs days high sctiool basketball naught Ezistvicw City appoints board committee members Barrie city councils striking committee BARRIE AGRICULIURAL SOCIETY Aldermen Lynch and Cole one year each CENTRAL SIMCOE AREA PLANNING BOARD Ald Garrett two years and Clare Robinson three years CHILDRENS All SOCIETY Aldermen Arthur and Campbell two years each NOTTAWASAGA VALLEY CONSERVA TION AUIIIORIIY Val Hruckci two years reappointed LIAISON COIIIMIPIEES IiOR PlBlJC AND SEPARAIE SCIIOOI BOARDS Ald Mills and MayorArchcr two years SHELTERED WORKSHOP FOR MEN TALLY REIARDEI Ald Knowles two years ONTARIO lIOlSINti ORI LIAISON OMMIITIJlI Mayor Aictiii aldcrincii Rot man and Rucniper city administrator Gerry Ianiblyii city clerk Hen Strauglian and welfare itI111liIIltlII Steve times all one your were deemed to be unsatis game at Eastvtew Secondary School Their efforts went for however as jUIIIOIS won the contest 3728 Eastvww beat all was approved for use 33 its Alliston rivals in all three divisions the seniors the registering 5548 Victory and the midgets 5324 deci ston Examiner Photo INDUSTRIAL AND BUSINESS DEVEIu OIMENT COMMITTEE Mayor Archer two years AIRPORT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Aldermen Cole and Laking Mike Gridley Graydon Richardson Marshall Green Ross Cowan Jack Malenley and Bill Linton all holdoveis and newcomer Dave Pcdwell all for twoyear term FRIENDS OI TIIE FIREIIAIJ MANAGE MENT COMMITTEE Aldermen Laking and Stephens and Ralph Snelgrovc all two years ACTING MAYORS IN MAYOR ARCIIERS ABSENCE January Ald Arthur February Ald Campbell Marcti Ald Cole April Ald Garrett May Ald Knowles June Ald Lak ing July Ald Lyiicfi August Ald Mills September Ald Holman October Ald Ruciiipcr Novcnibcr Ald Stephens December Ald Ihoiiipsoii Mg