NEWS ROUNDUP Stay of execution for Gilmore lawyers aim SALT LAKE CITY Utah AF Lawyers opposed to capital punishment will meet to map strategy for delaying Gary Gilmores Jan 17 execution and one of them says he is sure they will succeed feel confident that Mr Gil more will live beyond the17th said Jinks Dabney lawyer with the American Civil Liber ties Union ACLU who said the meeting will be held Mon day But Ronald Stanger the law yer for the 36yearold con demned killer said Wednesday his client was pleased that there have been no recent at tempts to delay the execution he says he prefers to more time in prison Gilmore convicted of killing Frovo motel clerk during robbery last summer was or dered by District Court Judge Robert Bullock to face firing squad at sunrise one week from next Monday Two earlier exe cution dates were stayed His would be the first execution in the United States since 1967 The Utah and US Supreme courts have declined to hear ap peals to stop the execution The governors power was ex hausted in previous stay But Dabney said the ACLU and lawyers for other Death Row prisoners are not going to give up After all his execution will affect one heck of lot of people especially others on Death Rows On Wednesday the Salt Lake Tribune and television station KUTV asked federal court to permit the news media to wit ness Gilmores death But Sta nger said Gilmore does not seek publicity and does not want his execution filmed even if the courts allow it Texas federal Judge ruled on Monday that ex ecutions in that state could be filmed To China TORONTO CF Maureen Forrester renowned Canadian contralto and Louis Lortie 17 Montreafborn pianist will ac company the Ioronto Sym phony to China next anuary as guest soloists the orchestra an nounced Wednesday The Io ronto Symphony said concert programs and itinerary for the tour of China have not yet been determined Slowdown MONTREAL CF Rene Roy spokesman for the Com munications Workers of Can ada said Wednesday that Bell Canadas 13000 techniCIans and tradesmen in Ontario and Que bec will continue their work slowdown until vote on com pany contract offer is com pleted Negotiators for the un ion seeking first contract and in legal position to strike sin ce Dec 23 have recommended rejection of the companys of fers based on conciliators report Service CALGARY CF me morial service for Ian McKinnon first chairman of the National Energy Board is to be held here Jan 15 Mr McKinnon who had been ill for some time died recently He was 70 Named chairman of the National Energy Board when it was formed in 1959 he was reappointed in 1962 for seven year term He was made Member of the British Empire MBE for his RCAF services during the Second World War JIMMY CARTER problems Key issues WASHINGTON AF At most as soon as he takes office Fresidente1ect Carter will face some key decisions likely to in fluence the United States uneasy relationship with Can ada for years to come The issues that will face Car ter immediately range from joint airdefence needs to the disputed ownership of islands in the Arctic and off the eastern seaboard diplomatic sources say Other problems have been smouldering for years and quick settlement by the new ad ministration might provide basis for wider agreements be tween the two neighbors US defence arrangements are more extensive with Can ada than with any other coun try and the Carter ad ministration will have to make some early decisions on their continuation The two governments work together within the North American Air Defence Com mand NORAD which exer cises operational control over US and Canadian airdefence forces and prov1des early warning information in case of air and missue attack Ex tensive NORAD radar networks operate in Canada Disagrees MONTREAL CF Donald Armstrong McGill Univer sity management professor said Wednesday that the in come gap between rich and poor in Canada is narrowmg despite Statistics Canada figures which suggest the con trary soontobereleased study by team in his depart ment estimates that the gap between lifetime earnings of the rich and the poor has narrowed by between IO and 20 per cent Since the Second World War definite indication that there has been Significant redistribution of income Mr Armstrong said Heads NBC NEW YORK AF Herbert Schlosser president of the Na tional Broadcasting Company was named Wednesday to re place board chairman Julian Goodman as chief executive of ficer Goodman will remain as member of NBCs board and as the boards chairman Escapes GABORONE Botswana Reuter South African Jour nalist Eric Abraham declared banned person and placed un der house arrest in Cape Town last November arrived in Bot YV olwmtk RESH BAKED DAILY FUDGE CHOCOLATE NOT CROSS swana on Wednesday after es caping across the border Abra ham 22 said he decided to es cape after the South African government last week refused him an exit visa although he said Britain gave him per mission to emigrate there Homeless SANTA CRUZ Reuter Twenty thousand people have been made homeless by floods that swept this southeastern Bolivian city and the surroun ding countryside officials said Wednesday At least three people were known to have died as floodwaters rose in the city to nearly five feet destroying 200 homes in poor areas Contempt OAKLAND Calif AF Wendy Yoshimura was Cited five times on contempt of court charges at her weapons posses sion trial Wednesday when she refused to answer questions about her 312 years as fugi tive with FatriCia Hearst and others in the radical under ground Improvement LONDON Reuter Figures released Wednesday in Britain showed dramatic im provement in industrial relations since 1974 Strikes dropped by 57 per cent in 1975 say International Labor Organization ILO figures published by the British em ployment department The government and trade unions agreed in mid1975 to curb wage demands as means to end in flation Fire deaths MILWAUKEE Reuter Three brothers and two Sisters aged to 13 died in an early morning house fire Wednesday in north Milwaukee Sixth child was reported in critical condition and the father and two other children managed to escape through Window New post WASHINGTON AF Sen ate Democrats voted Wednes day to give Senator Hubert Humphrey new position as deputy preSident pro tem of the US Senate With pay raise and chauffeurdriven lim ousme Posting LONDON Ont CF Col Allan commander of ta nadian Forces base London Will leave March 29 for six month posting as chief logistics officer With the United Nations Emergency Force in the Middle East it was announced Wed nesday Col Allan commander here Since August 1974 said he Will take up new posting still to be announced on his return Criticism TORONTO TF ï¬r Roger Obata pres1dent of the Japar neseCanadian Centennial SOCiety says the mass evacr uation and imprisonment of his people on Canadas West Coast during the Second World War was political act in response to wellcultivated hysteria Ile told news conference Iuesday that JapaneseCanadians are celebrating their centennial in JANStoII Canada to remind themselves that they have prospered de spite the black cloud of our wartime mistreatment No doubt SARNIA Ont CF Man power Minister Bud Cullen said Wednesday there is no doubt that Frime Minister Trudeau Will seek another term in office Mr Cullen told news confer ence he does not feel there Will be federal election in 1977 ad ding that Mr Trudeau Will still be the leader of the Liberal par ty in 1978 election Wins $250000 BROCKVILLE Ont CF Jozef Sidorowicz 46 bachelor who works as chemical plant foreman became $250000 Winner in the Frovmmal Lot tery draw New Years Eve He held ticket 2499772 Mr SidorOWicz said he plans to use some of the money to help his relatives He said he plans to stay at his Job Meet Friday TORONTO CF Don Mac Fherson Vicepresident of CBCs Englishlanguage net work said Tuesday that meeting has been scheduled for Friday to try to solve the labor dispute between the S000mem ber AssOCiation of Canadian IeleviSion and Radio Artists ACIRA and the network At issue is ACIRAs demand for contract which would give the union some power over TBtTs freedom to use foreign actors in teleyision dramas and variety programs IMRNICY lSO causcd stir On defence Oll Itl anadiaii and other 1Oallicsarcwat clung with considerable in tcrcsl as Norwegian parlia mcntary committcc tOllSlItlS that country future Itltllt posture Defence illllIlOlllltS hcrc say there is concern over tfic future of allied troops including iii re than 3000 aiiadians sent to reinforce the Norwegian armed forces in STARRING the event of new Etiropean war They add that statement by Defence Minister Barney Dan son last month that he is con Sidering whether the Canadian role in Europe should be altered reflected that concern The minister caused stir in Oslo by saying his deliberation would include whether to cen tralize all of Canadas NATO commitment in West Germany Pet clinic TORONTO CF The To ronto Humane Society Will open lowcost clinic Feb to neu ter cats and dogs in an effort to cut down the citys growmg ani maf population Frances Gooch society information of ficer said the clinic Will charge $25 for spaying and $15 for castration of pets owned by Toronto resntents or bought froin tfic society Frivafc clinics charge $3010$It0 Tour set IORONIO CF Karen Kain and Frank Augustyn of the Nattotial Ballet Company Signed contracts Wednesday to perform With the Bolshoi Ballet in Moscow and several regional Russtan dance companies be ginning Jan 12 Ram and Augustyn arc the first fanar dians to be invited to dance in the Soviet Union Ten members of the company Will dance With Rudolf Nurcycv in Fans in February For disabled NIAGARA FALLS iit new supermarket has been eqtnppcd with services for hair dicapped people including wheelchair ramps washrooms designed for tfic handicamicd and special checkout service for people in wheelchairs liair iel Hill manager of the new Miracle Food Mart said whch chair customers dcscrvc special consideration Vaccine Fltlt Ont tl Ad ministering leftover swinc flu vaccine to pigs would not ac coiiiplish iiiuch tfic president of tfic Ontario Veterinary issociation said tcdncsday Dr Robert lapp was ttml menting on suggestion from Dr Lenk iiicdical officer of health for Hastings and lrinr cc Edward who suggested that stockpilcd vaccine left in limbo Willi tfic suspension of thc mass swine flu inoculation campaign last month should be ad iiiiiiistircdtopigs lr lapp said lllt distasc lllll takes mild form iii pigs seldom occurs in Ontario hcrds No one would go to Hit troublc of getting tfic vacciiic hosaid Fish tests RRAMFION iit 11 Samples of fish taken from the icdil River near Georgetown Ont ainbridgc and the iiand River near arc free of tlic chemicals Mirex and dechlo rane plus an environment min istry offICial said Wednesday John Ralston chief of the ministrys watenplanning unit said the tests which were car ried out after the chemicals were found in seepage and sedi ment samples taken near local garbage dumps showed fish from the rivers have not been contaminated The chemicals have been linked to cancer in ex periments Mr Ralston said the latest tests show that the seepage from the dumps has had no longterm effect on the enViron ment Canal bridge FORT ROBINSON Ont CF wooden pedestrian bridge was put in place across the Wetland canal Wednesday St Lawrence Seaway Authority spokesman said Workinen were to install han drails and check the safety of the structure overnight the spokesman said Residents in this community of 5000 on both banks of the ca nal have had to cross the canal at other points since Dec 29 when ice halted the ferry The bridge floating dock during the shipping season has been used to proVIde Winter crossing at Fort Robinson since 1074 Wficii ship knocked down the old pedestrian bridge Inadequate SASKAIOON The federal governments new $707 million cowcalf stabilization program is inadequate to com pensatc producers for losses caused by tfic government ale lowmg big imports of cheap beef the National Farmers ion said It cdnesday It is leSl another token fed eral stabilization program and case of too little and too latc the unions national executive Silltl iii statement It said six provinces acted iii tfic fall to protect cattle produce ers altcr cowcall operators ll durcd three years of market prices below production costs because of tlic fcdcral gtntllr iiicnt food policy and tariiicrs failure to organize national iiiarkcliiig system The two most recent programs Sasr katchcwaiis plan for $32 million and Albertas for $10 iiiiflion totals $2 million more than tfic federal govcriimcnt is offering the country it said Signs five SIRrll1il Ont For ncwcoiiicrs to tfic Stiat ford Festiyal including two re cent National Theatre School gtadtialcs liayc ficcii giycii roles for thr ltSllthl 2311i an iiiycrsary season llllS summer OllltlitlS said Wednesday laiii Ilyalt ill appear If Romeo and Juliet MISS Julie and flay Fc vcr Leo lcydcii in Roiiico and llllltl and Much Ado About Nothing Ilorciicc lattcrsoii in Itottico and liilict All cll that lJiids Well and Hay Fever Iciiiiifcr llalc will act in Much Ado About Nothing and Robcit Riittaii iii Richard III HARDY eiiuwooo PRODUCTS SERVING TRAYS PRINCE ANDREW right watches outdoor instructor Dave Ilodgetts working on kayak during his tour of Lakefield College near Feterborough Wednesday Iaw Maw The Barrie Examinerf Thursday January 61977 The student prince will be spending the next SIX month at the college CF Fhoto Prince introduced to Canadian hockey LAKEFIInlJI Ont CF Frincc Andrew nursed sore elbow Vtednesday after his first Canadiaiistylc hockey game at Lakelield College School his home for tfic next six months lhc Itiayearold son of Queen Longet will Elizabeth and Frince Fhilip took to the ice and scored two goals Iuesdayï¬ the first day of his exchange VISII between the private school and his school Gordonstoun near Elgin Scot land describe lovers last moments ASIllN olo Al land the Longcl saying she lllS to block out the parade of DOICIF tial JIIIOIS who think she killed her lover will seek to prove her iliiioccncc by describing his last moiiiciitsaliyc To me this IS all total dcs pair the it ycarcld French born entcrtaiiicr told reporters softly as she felt the courtroom Wednesday iii IIIIS posh Rocky Mountain ski ItSfIll town Miss Longct said she has no ill will toward her fellow Aspen residents for tficir lS ap ItCléflt ll1ll honesty lhconly bright spot for hci in three days of jury Stllltll came tcdiicsday when broadcasting xccutivc callcd as possible lllOl said hc hopes Miss Lorich IS acquitted for hcr children sakc It was tfic lllSl sign of corn passion that lvc heard licic said Miss Longcl who has two sons and daughter by her for mcr husband singer Andy ll llillIlS Ifc accompanied her to court on tfic IIISI day and has been subpociiacd by the prose ctitioii Miss Longct IS charged llll recklesst slaying champion skier ladimir Spider Sabich who was shot fatally on March 21 in his $21000 mountainside chalct She told reporters she was chccrcd by those people who come to me in tlic town and say crc With you have gotten tremendous amount of support on tfic strcct Defence lawyer harlcs tccdmaii said cdncsday that Miss Lonch Will testify at the He didnt skate very well but he was right in there saut Dave Miller head boy of th school who toured the ground With the prince reporters aitvt photographers Wednesday He knocked me down once the 18yearold student from tawa said The prince expressed sonc misgivings about the mug andtumblc style of Canadian hockey tour of the grounds was hi last public duty before becon ing what he came to Canada be an ordinary school boy al though he Will likely ViSit tli griverntirgencral in Ottawa his first weekend pass Lakelicld founded in 187 has 240 students in Grades to til and charges $5000 year The prince will take Gratin 13 academic course during INS two terms at tfic school cndmfl Juiic 11 Two RtMl officers Will prt idc at the trial that tfic shooting was 24l1OLII security simple tragic accident and Stltool situated about 10 lTIllt nothing more north of Feterborough ï¬llllllllllllllllllllllllllIIllllllIIIllIlIIIlIIllIlIIIIIIIllllllIIIIIlllIllIllIlIllIIlIIIlIIllllg BREAST FORMS AND SURGICAL BRAS YEARS OSTOMY SUPPLIES QIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII At up to halfprice UT The swag lamps The pole lights The table lamps The chandeliers The desk lamps The ultra modern globes lampshades floor lamps and ceramics UI Every light we dont want hanging around all winter of Lighting Unlimited is going out right now At 20 °o 40 up to 50 off the prices they sold for all fall FITTING EXPERIENCE HARPERS PHARMACY GARMENTS LT Penetang St at St Vincent Barrie Ont lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIllIIIIIIIlIlIIIlIlIIIIIlIIIIIIllTT THE LIGHTS Aniooiiip 92 IIIIIII Ill SURGICAL to 9° IIIIillllIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ill LAYER CAKE $159 AND ACCESSORIES FAB TRAYS MARBLE TONE TRAYS AND BATHROOM BOUTIQUE ITEMS Until January 3T you can light up your home or office for haltprice Come on UNTIL JANUARY $38 Down THIS WEEKS DUNLOP st WEST Open AII Week Friday fill pm Saturday till 530 pm UGH TING UNLIMITED Elfï¬i7 TIFFIN ST THE UPTO LIGHTING solute hon buliontotd ANNE ST COSTARRING lt53 BRASS AND COPPERALL SHAPES AND SIZES GLASSWAREBY PIERRE CARDIN BRIGHT IDEA lighting unlimited gilt certificate HALFPRICE SALE AT lilelMlTElEl 128 BROCKST 13323 so BARRIE 7260661 20 30 70 QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED MANY MORE SPECIALS 40 DUNLOP ST BARRIE PLACEMATS AND NAPKINSHAND WOVEN MENS BELTS TIES AND HATS SPECIAL CAKES FOR ANY FESTIVE OCCASION CALL 7287731 5676 BAYEIELD ST BARRIE MON TO FRI OPEN TILL 900 pm SAT OPEN TILL 600 pm WOODEN CANDLESTICK HOLDERS TELEPHONE BOOK COVERS