Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jan 1977, p. 6

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Ihe Barrie Examiner VfThursday January I977 PEOPLE AND PLACES CWC series of short films will be featured at the Barrie Universi ty Womens Club meeting Jan 19 at 815 pm at Barrie Cen tral Collegiate Marie Deane audioVisual coordinator at Georgian Bay Regional Li brary will show the films These films Will discuss current concerns in seeiety and are available for community or private use SCOLTS First 010 Scout Troop needs an assistant scout leader Scouts meet Tuesday at pm at Guthrie United Church Those interested should call 4872503 or 4872037 BAIIAI MEETING Bahai Community of Barrie will have public meeting Fri day at pm in the Municipal Savuigs Community Room 3rd floor Owen St Refreshments will be served AT PARTY Attending the New Years Eve bridge party and dance at the Royal York from the Barrie Bridge Club were Sherin and Marnie Boulter Sven and Josie Hansen Mary Gould Marg Powell Mr and Mrs John McBeth Colin and Carol Birt whistle and Russel and Scottie Church SEMINAR Dr Richard lamgenccker of Wycliffe College in loronfo Will conduct seminar on the New Testament book of ollossians weekly through Feb 13 beginn ing Sunday at 730 pm at St Georges Anglican Church on Burton Avenue Registration fee $5 $750 per family may be paid at the door GUESTS Mr and Mrs Keith NcVanel Mrs Ruth Hunt Mrs Garnet Campbell of Barrie visited Mrs Arnold Sunday NEW YEARS VISIT Mr and Mrs Frank Dorset of Ihundr Bay spent New Years day With Mr and Mrs John Collingwood of Barrie T0 TORONTO Mr and Mrs Richard Price and family visited friends recently in Toronto CHRISTMAS DAY 11 Jennett of Ivy spent Christmas day with Mr and Mrs Bob Sperling of Midhurst DART TOURNAMENT In cooperation with the Huronia Winter Games 77 ParkVieW Centre for Seniors Will hold dart tournament at Eastview Collegiate starting at pm Saturday Jan 15 All senior citizens 60 years and over are invited to attend Registration is $4 For team of tour which must conSist of two men and two women Registrations may be sent to ParkView Centre 189 Blake St Barrie or by phoning 7370755 BOTTLE DRIVE Barrie Minor Hockey Association officials hope to raise $2000 in bottle drive scheduled for Saturday About 1411 youngsters Will go door to door beginning at 10 am collecting empty beer and pop bottles Residents Willi bot tles may leave them at the front door or on the boulevard Those who have not had their bottles collected by pm may call 7261218 for pickup Ihe fundraising drive is necessary to make up the dif ference between the $40 per season cost to each of the associations 280 players and the $200 per player it costs the association to run its program 85TH BIRTHDAY Mrs Jessie Love of Barrie was guest of honor at her 85th birthday celebration at the home of Mr and Mrs William Campbell Mr and Mrs How ard Campbell and Mr and Mrs Robert Campbell were also guests PRESBYTERIAL MEETS The United Church Women of Simcoe Iiesbyterial will meet at Midhurst United Church on Monday Jan 10 for their first meeting of the New Year The Christian Development Coin mittee led by convener Mrs Irene Vasey RRllI Midland will be in charge of the days program filmstrip Draw Me Picture will centre at tention on how church money is used in world development meeting of the finance com mittee will follow the afternoon session Registration will be at 930 am and members are asked to bring box lunch Beverage will be provided specuil in vitation is extended to ministers or ministers wives or both toattendthis meeting End to seX segregation aim lllrix DESIGN ARTS DIS PLAY AT UEGE Antique tools made of wood will be shown Saturday from to pm when Stan Hathway of Big Bay Point wood carver shows some of his work at the annex of the Barrie Public Library Mike Smiley of Barrie Will demonstrate basic pottery Jan 22 from to pm Also on the agenda Feb mime theatrelrom Owen Sound under the leadership of Myles Caskie will give two workshops in the morning They are scheduled for 1030 to 1115 and 1130 to 1230 They will present their own show at 230 called Joey the Clown Splodge day will be held Feb 19 from2 to4 pm with ar tist Allan Beckley On Feb 26 Audrey Arm strong 01 Toronto will hold monster knitting workshop us ing seven foot knitting needles and twoinch wool The work shop lasts all day She will be AT HOME GUESTS Antique wooden tools shown at first of library programs showing her work Feb 12 at the library On March Don and Gillian Stuart of Barrie will conduct Eskimo day day aimed at educating children about the culture of the Eskimo Feat ured will be games film slides arts and carvings and Eskimo food This will be held all day On March 19 from to pm there will be an animation film festival showing films from the past year Ed lsehirhart former Bar Gen Clay Beattie comlt ing Gen Beatties New rie olicechiel ft and Pros Alan Baker coordinator of lege for twoweek ponotl thecollegesGraphicDesign vmgmi Court judge Don gafsflfllsrorocich12223232083 tiger flsxaiiniiiltiiinhotozlL the the design course at The display features the Industrial Design and In Inch gm chat Wm Brig Georgian College Views work of prominent anadian terior Design courses tEx um wwwvIIIrvu of teachers group in Japan TURN tReuteri group of teachers and hotiseWives is campaigning for an end to tomr pulsory sex segregation in Jar pans staterun schools vcy revealed that more than 80 per cent adhered to traditional Japanese principles In Japanese schools mar imum of four hours Week is unable to even to thread needle Kateika Kai resolution siad the proposal was counter to deciSion of the 1975 Inter deSign arts display which is currently on loan to the col design artists and relates to ERMA BOMBECK aniiner IIIOIUl Library submits two entries to US animated film festival The lxateika Kai group wants located to home national Womens Year confer equal educational opportunities management cookery and once in Mexico City emphi lhe Birrie Iubhc lbrll is 11 ic libiai has the use of in for childien and changein the scwmg lessons for girls and Sizmg the need to reform sex submitting two entries to Ihe lights and gameras on loan titzignspltllerssaairttiipseas gt amma traditional Japanese educa carpentry electronics and rolesineducation Super Eight lhing an ani lrom the Georgian Bay She said commeriycal adver om pmst mm mayhmldmgn03 Samml Nakupma mg if mated film festival to be held Regional Library System tising hasdownplayed theartot sfiotild be trained for career SlllisIIISIRIMINAIION school English teacher for l1 Marchinhattanoogalenn and girls for the home Ratcika lxai says these pro years remarked The girls in Marie Deane from the system animation Animations done by This Will be the second car lhe organiitatioii whose ecl breed sexual IIS my school agree With our ace By ERMA RUMRIflK Yourekidding gasped like he was welcoming coii the library has submitted5 en ggflculcoéhrsmlgglzsail glibset mghe name means xSStitlthltili to criminationamong children tions to abolish girlsonly do Wasnt it wonderful mixmg No thought saw the back vention TIPS Laslvcar it received an animation program in March of mass roduction of ad tln Promote Domestic Science the association argues that mestie seiencc classes but our son homelorthe liolidavs of his licadonccashc wasliack lhat wasnt our son that honorable mention for an entrv 117 shesaid ver lsmg Classes for Boys and Girls is girls grow uphelicviiigtheir Without haying experienced asked my litisbaiid ing the car out of thc drchway was Mark on animation exercises It was lhe response has been ex Today th gaining increasing support in cation is confined to mother sexual discrimination first It certainly was liesmiled but lcouldnt bcsuri Hows he Wisli had known that Is one grow itscamoaign The results of recent gov hood and housekeeping While hand in the working world they wistfully doiiig apologiycd to him for not spen thc only Canadian entry of about 75 from throughout the cellent said Mrs Worth It ing arts in Canada she said ancals tr ld boys before reaching adult cant fully understand the llt didnt realize wed miss neversawhimeither dingmorctlme With liltii United States according to InItEn lt2itistiltS CFSIIIIVIL awlrzilrstisyegaicersiheatsaiiie oanirflg ernment survey of 5000 Japa hood sec women as their social implications him so much lles grown llc AS hirc wasnt tic Its natural mistake He Margaret Worthol tlielibrarv deals Willi the technical aspect Animation Festival in Otto nese women show how public interiors Some of the boy pupils tiilternisntno asked my husband was here the entire thristiiias The four children in the ot handlingcameras shesaid Six were iven to Ca awa attitudes have changed in tour Raleika Kai is especially an agree andunderstand But sup And looks ii little too thin Oh yes sure til that vacation Wait IIIlIllllt animation program at the ft is disciplined art but tries Ian en years gered by recent education port from male teachers and Less than 30 per cent polled still agree With the old maxtm ministry proposal to introduce separate classes for boys and pupils is not as strong Chinatsu Nakayama telc suppose mother would notice tfiosc things before father wouldnt she could see him iiiouiided the centre of the bed llcd get up around the crack of noon and llicrcs the phone ho was it asked my this library resimnsible lor one of the entries are Karin torth ithiii certain limitations there is creativity she said Wellknown Canadian animators are Norm McLaren band minutes later nine Salli Ann Worth 12 laii that glrls mu educated girlS Drum WhollS by V1510 aCIWSS $3le UWWSIH Hows hedoiilg in school take shower and once hand Sarossy Ill and Lotus vati Illlliltll liiimihiool illlll Niall flzfljghtigfijst figfigeed makers Ii begentle and boys to be strong who 11 protests that Japans seience is not really school skid Hed talk those things cd him the phone throuin the Mark mother She wanted Amclsvoort 1l all students of been involved With the amfna isknownlorlchou1331 300 Four years ago similar surr next generation of men Will be subject anyway It is common over with lather wouldii door tokiiow how tier son looked and St MarysSeparateSchool lion workshops held at the Arioli Who is known for sense hope it Will disappeai no ouactually saw liiiii II licnecdcd anything The one minute film is called library annex from school curricula in the lu Not really Hi nds matured It was steamy but prct Any nctisol our son Iingcry Adventures and is For workshop in August ahlillrhuoéilboaurld giggdiiarfel ture itiileabiltfioiigfi1iasiithe tysurcitwashiin llcs line and says he spoofonthegmgerbrtuidiiiaii eight students are already Moody and Caroline Leaf Housekeeping is not pro father would observe that tait minute said my doesnt known he can get home Films arc Judged on booked Each workshop in whose film The Street won an tessmn 10 mm women or gm Wm husband llocs he have gray lorspring vacationor not originality of story llllt volves uptoll children award at the world animation men ltshould be done by botfi If you want to know the chatcr with thrcc stripes on flow Will we know for movements of figures and llierc is no limitation in awards presentationsinottawa sexes while they discover their triith said my husband the slecvc think saw him sure shruggml my husband generalqualityol liltii animationonce you start study last August capabilities in more rewarding never set eyes on thckid thccn 0111 liltii IWIIIHR Im JIN In fields tirethreeweckshcwashomc ItlllLtIiIlH ll on bad day Dear nn Now that so much has been said about your survey that revealed 70 per cent of America couples would not have had children ll they had it to do over again ll EASI rerun that great column Musings Ht Hood Father in Bad DayV Baltimore Fan Dear Fan thought youd never ask Here it is lheres nothing sadder than the childless couple It breaks BUILDING SOLD PEARSON SHOES IS your heart to see them stretched out IllIll1L around swimming pools in Florida and alitornia Sllllrlillllltl and miserable on the decks of boats trotting oil to Europe like lonesome IOOISWVIIIh more money to spend time to eiiioy themselves and nothing to worry about hildless couples become so selfish and wrapped up in their own concerns you feel sorry for them They dont fight over the kids discipline lhey miss all the ltiii ol doing Without for the childs sake lhey go along and do as they darn well please Its pathetic sight Everyone should havt children one should be allowed to escape the wonderful experiences attached to cacti stage in the development of the young be happy memories of those early years saturated mattresses waiting for sitters who dont show midnight asthma attacks rushing to the emergency room of thcliospital toget thckid head stitched tip lheii comes the payoff when the cfiild grows from little acorn into real nut Vt but can equal the warm smile of small lad with the sun glittering on $1300 worth of braces rumed by peanut brittle or the frolicking carefree voices of 20 hysterical savages running amok at birthday party flow sad not to have children to brighten your cocktail par ties massaging potato chips into the rug wrestling the guests for the olives in their martinis llow empty is the home Without challenging problems that make for wellroundHl life and an early breakdown lhc cud olrday report from mother related like strategically placed bloWs to the temple The tender thoughtful discussions when tlic trporl card reveals that your senior son is moron Children are worth every moment of anx1cty every sacrilice You know it the lirst time you take your son hunting He didnt mean to shoot you in the leg Remember how he cried llow sorry he was So disappointed you werent deer lhose are the memories man treasures Think back to that night of romantic adventure when your budding beautiful laughter eloped With the Village idiot What childless couple evcr shares in such wonderful growmg ex p0lltllC ould woman Without children equal the strength and heroism of your Wife when she tried to lung herself out of the bedroom wmdow tliily father could have the courage to GOING OUT OF BUSINESS COMPLETE STOCK ALL SALES FINAL Starts Saturday January 8th 15 OFF all existing prices ZPko£ Everything MUST GO wish to say thank you to the stand by ready tohiinpaltcr her lhc childless couple lives in vacuum They try to II their lonely lives With dinner dates the theatre golf tennis swun ming Civic affairs and vacation trips all over the world They contribute nothing to humanity The emptiness of life Wilhotit children is indescribable But the childless couple is too CmI for happy 26 years in Down lortable to kliiiow itk ItlSi look alltlicm and see what the years 400 IIWY have done oos oyis an intd and rested She is slim weltgroomed and youthful It isnt nattiral If they had kids FAR theyd look like the rest of us tircd grey wrinkled anti AMLI haggard lnollicrwoids normal easure IO serve YOU Special CIi istmas Offer Ls We are reducmg all regular prices in our Factory Outlet Store 51 Sale starts Saturday January 8th at IO am and will continue for two weeks or while our stock lasts Full range of mens ladies and childrens underwear hosiery and outerwear ALL AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES Lessons for Only s750 PEARSON SHOES Dunlop St ORAH LIMITED 60 Bell Farm Rd Barrie 7370743 Dancing is Fun Learning IS Easy Theres still time to learn few basics Whether it the modern Disco Dances or more traditional like New Yeprs Waltz Whats your interest Let make this your most exciting Holiday Season ever We might be the best Christmas present you ever gave yourself Cell 7373610 Hrs IO am pm Weekdays 7284863 nmcusociiiicgum IO um pm Saturdays

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