Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jan 1977, p. 3

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Bring the fundamentals back surges new chairman of board WM By PETER DEPODESTA Examiner Staff Reporter Its time to return to the fun damentals in education says Vince Eagan 1977 chairman of the Simcoe County Roman grades His pet fundamental he said Catholic Separate School fundamentals Board Mr Eagan was elected by isreading board trustees Wednesday night at the inaugural meeting of the 1977 board He served two years as vice chairman under John Brennan Barrie representative The board elected Gabriel Marchand of Tiny Iownship as vicechairman Mr Eagan told the board separate schools have to stress fundamentals in the use of fundamentals elementary and secondary Im sure all teachers believe in the basics of education he said But think our motto should be to go forward with If students are taught to read better they will enjoy the fear ning process more he said Theres been relaxation in in the school system he said But do think we have to stress that the fundamentals arecarriedon This is not something the Mr Eagan said children are taught the fundamentals of English in elementary school but by Grade 11 they have forgotten Essays for some Grade 11 students which he read he said were atrocious PRESSURE ON TIME He said part of the reason for the relaxation is pressure on teachers time Theres so things to teach he said Mr Eagan also asked for return of signments for students He said he is homework because it teaches work habits about ltillN BRENNAN right former Roman Catholic Separate School Board chaire man hands the gavel of ot tice to Vincent Eagan left Mr Eagan trustee from IecumsethIottenham was elected chairman after serv ing two years as Vice chairman Mr Brennan is Barrie trustee System not duplicate priest says at meeting The Roman Catholic separate school system is not duplicate of the public school system says Bev Hannah Hev Hannan pastor of Holy Martyrs of Japan Church in Bradford gave the opening ad dress at the inaugural meeting of the Simcoe County Roman Catholic Separate School Board He told the trustees the separate school system is not duplicate nor parallel system tothepublicboard hope it is far more than Just separate school system he said We must make it more of Catholic school system Bev Hannan said academic and physical education of children is very important in all the school systems But Im priest and my first concern is the spiritual development of child he said The trustees he said stioiild not betray the trust given ttieiii by the electors parents children and above all by iod Himself Bev Hannan gave ttic opcir ing prayer for the board meeting and helped count ftie election ballots for board chan man and v1ctchznnnan vitfi Harry Kelley general manager of Canadian Iampax orp Ltd who was asked to help count the ballots 835 partygoers ride buses during New Years program Free transu New Years Eve lured 835 Barrie revellers out of their cars and onto the buses according to Kerry Columbus Barrie safety association chairman Mr Columbus speaking at the associations meeting Wednesday night said both the free bus service and the alcohol safety program were success The association with three Barrie firms sponsored tree serVice from 745 pm to 3213 am along regular routes Stock Bros Bus Lmes Lth Barrie Welding and Machine and Canadian lencral lfilectric sponsored the program this year Mr Columbus said he was amazed With the success Harrie city police had in safety spot checks over the holiday season saying repeated warnings against drinking drivers had worked Barrie police charged two impaired drivers out of the 462 cars stopped in 10 safety spot check shifts think it could be matter of economics he said saying the cost of liquor and pubs was becoming prohibitive He also said the increasing number of residential parties took drivers off the road Association members ex NO STOPPING YIELD pressed concern about the number of seat belt warnings issued the 2H warnings glven 172 were issued for seat belts think were going to have to start the buckle up cam paign again said Mr olunr bus because people JUSl havent been listening lheyre playing the odds by not wearing seat belts and theyll get caught sooner or later He said drivers should be charged for failure to wear belts and said seat belt use could be the focus of the associations next project Signs changed when needed Vtords are being with symbols on Ontario highway road signs but ministry of transportation and conimunications oft icials are in no hurry to make the move Jan was the day the changeover for nostoppiiig and yield signs was to begin but Mlt official Bill libbins said signs will be changed when needed and not before Were replacing them on maintenance basis he said Wednesday He estimated the number of signs involved in the latest change could be worth more thaii$10000 The cost of replae ing them all at once he said would be staggering The new signs are the latest in serlcs of symbolized traffic replaced signs being introduced by the ministry provincial Signs com mittee in Ioronto he said The symbolized no stopp ing sign Will have red stroke running through black oc tagonal stop sign With black ar rows indiating the direction and extent of the nostopping zone The yield Sign Will remain triangle but Will be wtnfe With red border The change from yellow to red trim is because yellow only signifies warning under the Highway lraftic Act according to the ministry The word yield Will remain at the base of the symbolized sign until 1081 Drivers wont suddenly be faced With new wordless signs Guilty plea on charges sentencing on Jan 26 single car accident last Ju ly has resulted in coiiviction for dangerous and impaired drivmg for lohii larke 249 Steel St Barrie lhe Barrie man pleaded guif ty to both counts in provnicial criminal court Wednesday before Judge Don Inch Joseph Ilaluk 18 passenger fled in ltoyal Victoria Hospital after being seriously injured Clarke Will be sentenced Jan 26 The accident occurred at 403 am Sunday July 11 when police were called to Ilunlop Street East at Duckworth Street The farke car had Skll fed off the road at speed of 43 to 50 mph and hit tree leav ing skid marks according to police that stretcth 36 feel across the roadway and 60 feet along the grass toward the tree larke was said to have lost control on the sshapcd curve in rainy weather conditions He was given bicatlialyzer test later at the station and charged Willi impaired drivnig accordmgtoMr illltllllS When the signs tltSl go up there W1 be tabs on them With the words attaclied he said We did that when we iiitroduc ed the new bump signs and they stay up about three months It gives people time to get used to the symbols Signs are replaced every four years on the average he said making the change gradual one Mutncipalities are expected to replace their yield slgns by 1970 while all existing no stopping signs will be up by 1082 according to ministry of ficiafs Meeting set on conciliation entrc Moulded Plastics Ltd and the United Electrical ltadio and Machine Workers of America UIui Will meet Willi provmcial conciliation officer Jan 12 in hopes of settling the plants first contract The Uln was certified as bargaining agent for the plant 415 employees in September George Stevens national representative of lll1 said negotiations at the plant have gone well The language of the contract has been agreed to he said but there are some dif fcrcrices on economic matters Management at the plant declined to comment board would mendation he said parents in general are also in favor of homework many more homework as in favor of The separate board Mr Eagan said should also be pro moting more harmony between the board and teachers He suggested trustee teacher committee The board trusteeteacher now he said but only for con tract negotiations Mr Eagan said the boards administration did an cellent schools with good Catholic does have committee ex Job in staffing our teachers make recom to prinCipafs think Im sure this board realizes it has to care for nearly 5000 children another school system were the Catholic system he said and were not Just One meeting every month Simcoe County Roman Catholic Separate School Board trustees have decided they oiin need one public meeting month this year The trustees are dropping tfic open board meetnig usually held the first tcdncsday of each month for closed com mit tec meet mg The board will hold opcn public meetings on the third Vtcdncsday of cacti month John Brennan who supported the motion by iatiricl Marv ctiaiid said the purpow 1S to give the boards idinimstiaflon sometimcolt He said often the ltlllllllISllil tion has to attend meetings three or four tunes week ow he said all the commit fees can meet If one onenight Some of the regular board mcctmgs tiave been very short with not too much meat in them tiesaid te ltSllll in period of restraint and ll we cut out two or tfircc meetings month ll could be considerably lesscxpcnsivetortlieboard Mr Brennan said after the mcctmg he had not given any thought to opening the tiillllllll lttlllttllllllSlttllltlitftillt lhc idea of one coiiiiinttee night he said could save lot of time at regular board meetings becuiiw lllt trustees willtitbettermtormed I0il£lt MI 151 He could foresee longer public meeting because the board Will only meet once iiioiitti It was not my ititentlon when made the motion toopen the committee tiiltilllLS tie RUSS SlllIIfS iarrlc trustee on the Simcoe ouiity Homan tatliolic Separate School Board was one of to board members to take an oath Wednesday night at the said But it could be taken under advisement Vince luagan new board chairman spoke against the monon saying he could under stand trying to lessen the workload on the administra tioii But he said the board is dealing With $0 million budget and the education of about 5000 students We have to tiavc the time to discuss every problem he sold My own rccommenda tioii is to leave it as it is for the fimcbeing The board now has policy of holding committee meetings between and on the first Vt cdnesday of each week Bill Bolger SlllXlIllltlldtlll of schools and secretary of the board questloned the pro cedurc if the chairman wanted to call meeting With the trustees on the first it edncsday of the month Maurice Mclarland ttrillia trustee said only few members of the media have covered the board meetings on regular basis lle sald the reporters often told the meetings quite lean they re busy people too he said adding they should not have to dcyote night if ttic agenda issmall Michael ltonan one of the new trustees on the board questioned the change saying he did not know the llllll£l littllS of meetmgoncea month 1m reluctant to vote for or Igtllllst motion when Im iiol sure of the total Impact he iiltl that wrong with tiny mil lean igeiida inaugural meeting of the board Mr Saunders was re elected in ttic ltcc ti nuinicipal election tllx iiiiincrltiotosi LOCAL GENERAL KItKtllllIItlINIUNY Memorial Square Will be the scene of the official tlagraisnig ceremony to kick off the lluronia portion of the lluronia Winter Games Saturday at 10 am Bob Baker of thetireater lluronia Sports ouncit said to day Barrie mayor ltoss Archer lluftcriiiSimcoe MII ieolgc Mctfagln and representafivcs of various sports and municipalities involved 111 the games are expected for the ceremony NU ItiSIMASlIalt Iostniasterieneral Jean Jacques Balis who was to have been guest speaker at todays Rotary hill of Barrie meeting as unable to attend the meeting Al Sccor area manager for the post office said at the time arrangements were made Mr Blals indicated he could only attend it there were iiootlier priorities MAY III2 The Noltawasaga Valley on servafion Authority may change the day of monthly meeting to comply with re quest from llllllSlll township council lninsfil last iiiontfi voted to ask the authority to change the day because the meeting IS usually called on the same day as regular council meeting thus preventing lnnisfifs representative from attending the meeting BIIltIllStllIIN There are still berths open in the lluronia Winter Games for persons Wishing to play table tennis amt for mens and womens volleyball teams The table tenins competition Will be field from am to laii 15 at North ol legiate Most of ttic openings are for StlItKilttgt competitors The volleyball competition is open to any Siiiicoc ounty team wanting to play The men play Saturday froiii am to pm at luastvicw Secondary School the women from am to Ill Jan to at the same school For further information call the sports council at 72070300 extension212 iISIC ALARM Barrie firefighters rushed to Molsons Brewery on Big Bay loint ltoad Wednesday morn mg to discover it was all mistake Barrie irc hicl Jack liftAllister said the fire hall received the call at 859 am but discovered it was false alarm ltlltilllllltlS had also answered call seconds before at Barrle fable TV on ollicr Street when employees snielfcd smoke biil no fire or smoke was found according to 111101 McAllistcr lARBItIEL MARtIlANI separate board Vice chairman Antonio Decarie La and John Brennan two Bar rie trustees take their oaths Wednesday night at the in augural meeting of the mam board Mr Brennan is the retiring board chairman Garbage pickup days change but most seem to have forgotten lot of green garbage bags adding color to residential streets this week residents forgot the annual new year garv have been indicating many bage shut le followed have their garbage out by am he said and until routes are settled this rule should be After while some residents Will find they can put their gar up niturc Every year on Jan garr bageoutIaterhesaid huge collection lays are Mr Fox said garbage days rotated are rotated as most statuatory up Mr 11 your 15m collection lays holidaysfallon lfondaysand if were tedncsday and Saturday Monday Ihursday if they were Monday and Thursday they are now luesday and Friday were luesday and lllttily they are now Iedncsday and Satiir they are now and garbage days it they lay lickup in the lassa Road and Ilunlop Street cominerclal Mather on areas Will be fuesday and pounds Friday Neil Fox public works superintendent said many residents did forget the change and put their garbageout early All residents are required to they dont inoval All trash must be placed in enclosed containers garbage can or closed plastic bag Newspapers and lllilgit 111S must be tied in bundles weigh Nt1lAlIlCItIi All containers must be placed on the street in such way that hamper snow rcr There IS taincrs or bundles per dwelling During regular weekly pick collectors large bulky items such as fur budding materials tires or containers of liquids To have these items picked ltox said should phone the city and make garbage days remained cons an tant one section of the city would always be getting fewer appointment works department will give the resident date and time to put limit of 10 con will not take resulents The public the garbage out and pickup either The over ill will beat nocost This rule docs not apply to commercial Mr Fox said city brush or tree stumps establishments Will not pickup But the city Will be picking up Christmas trees he added mcnl ollection of trees Will begin Monday warned not to put their trees in the waj of snow removal qU1 and residents are Cafeteria goes in courthouse old courthouse to disappear CITY NE WS Judges in Barries new court house Wlll finally have their cafeteria but as the cafeteria goes In the old courthouse 1S com ing down liris Spams chief building and plumbing inspector for the city said permit to add the cafeteria and demolition per mil for the old courthouse were issued in ecember lticrc were 201i new ItSltltlf tial building permits worth $0 100700 issued during the iiioiitti The to single taiinly dwellings and 101 multiple llllllS are all being constructed in the Letitia llcights Slltltll1Slill While the number of permits issued are up the value per per nut is down Mr Spams said and the large number of units means considerably more work tortiis staff thic new mg permit build lSSllttl in commercial was December the goahead for construction of restaurant on the property adjacent to Tim Horton llonuts on Bayficld Street nder industrial permits aiiadian icneral IJlectric on Bradford Street has been issued permit for $110000 worth of terioralterations In total 231 permits for con Slllltlltill repau and alterir llttllS were issued in December worth $0303373 In Ileccmbcr 1077i 34 permits were issued woitlifiifittfrfittt ltie lieccmber permits ac count for large portion of the yearly total of tht and almost all of the new housing permits 1IBIZlllt21ltlS lilccllon of officers Will be field at the meeting of the lluronia Saddle lub Jan 12 at in at the fioiiic of ljvelyn tlendenning Building up in 1976 but off record year lhcrc were more building permits 1ssued in Barrie in 1071 than in 1075 but the total was still well below the 10725 record total of 721 permits worth $17002100 were issued in 1070 In 197 573 permits worth $18244276 were issued However 1075 was tfic worst year in five years The best year 1073 saw the city issue 1348 permits Worth $304711fiifi In 1970 there was housing trend toward multiple units Ificrc were lttti permits issued for duplex triplex apartment and row housing Single family houses accounted for 70 of thc binldingpermits Itesidential repairs altera tltlllS additions and convcit sioiis took up the largest number of permits ot the 720 issued There were seven new coin merical permits issued and nine new industrial building permits During 1975 the figures were foiir and seven respectively The Barrie lixaminer Thursday January it 197 43 Taxpayers foot the bill for Wasaga skating rink Wasaga Beach residents will now new skating rink and two sets of double tennis courts by late summer and Ontario taxpaycrsarcfootingthcbill The combination rink and courts to be biiifi on Vtasaga Beach lrovmciaf lark proper ty will cost $3301xio to come plete according to corgc Scott assistant park stir lXlllIltlldtlIl the rink is being built for pleasure skating and can be converted into set of double courts in the warmer months The IlllkS 120 feet by no feet will have an artificial machine installed under cement slab llicn in the summer the slab will turn into set of courts to get full use out of it he said tedncsday Also in tfic plans are the ad Joining set of courts and com tort station The arena being built 111 ttic west part of town Will be adja cciit to the present community cent re which contains baseball diamond and main building The whole purpose is to try and promote yearround rec rcafional facilities said Mr Scott He said emphasis in the area has always been on the summer months when tourlsts arcintown The ministry already otters 2500 acres of cross country ski and snowmobile trails south of the ottiwasaga Bivcr With 1000 acres set aside for snowmobilers Ilic trails are open to the public tree of the charge and fiave been opcrafmg for the last three years there are no otticr outdoor IllikS Vtasaga Bcacti now opcn to the pabhc according to Mr Scott with the only real 1C surface being the local arena He said the ruik is mainly for lainin skatmg WIN cfiaiii link fence rather than boards around Holy one set of doubles tennis courts is of ered in tasaga Beach provided by the inuv nicipality Construction ls underway on the project He said ministry officials hope to have the courts open by late summer and said the rink should be uscablc by next Winter THIS ISNT EXACTLY WHAT HAD IN MINI new IT APPEARS IIIAI all the seissor work in photo at left didnt produce quite what airie Broadbent had in mind Carrie was one of the trade students at od riiigtoii St school who work ed Wednesday afternoon in an art class on creating snowmen using scissor paste pencils and colored paper tlfixaniincr ltiotosi

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