County clerk ready to begin 10th yea MIDHURSI Stall Gor don Watson WIII start his 10th year as clerk when Snncoe County counctl holds it III augural sessmn on Monday Jan 17 The onetime Creeiiiore reeve and bustnessman was ap potiited to succeed the late Fred Hunter In November 1967 and began his duties at tile lollow ingJanuary He was chosen lrom eighteen applicants tor the position Before his appointment he had been reeve of Crecmore for six years and also served three years as school trustee At the inaugural he ltas the responsibility 01 reading the otlt 01 ollice for the 22 new members atid taking their declarations belore they are formally installed Mr Watson anticipates another busy year of activities ahead as he prepares preliminary commit tee and budget reports lzlMINIIIVLIIII42S lhe councn which repre sents at municrpalilies is made up 01 53 members the same as lor the last term At one time there were 56 but the number was reduced slightly by revi sioit ol rtiles lor municipalities qualifying lor deputy reeves tive years ago The new 1977 warden will be eldcted at the inaugural which will be ait alternoon meeting starting at oclock Most prominently mentioned are the new reeve ol lecuiiiseth Allan Glasslord Reeve Morris Darby oi Inty arid Reeve Iiigratn Amos o1 Medonte lhe incum bent warden rvtlle Hughes then will hatid over the chain ol olltce gavel and oll tcial robe to the new warden he count will elect its general government aitd finance committee for 1977 this committee also will act as the striking cotnintttee to draw up list ol recominendatIons tor appointments to ottter coiiir Inittees FIVE lIIItIt HEIRS Fiveol theetght linancecont GORDON WATSON Expeels busy term mitee members ol the past year including tlte chairman are back although the new council has the right to make other ap pomtmenls if considered ad visable They include Reeve Bill Gib bins of Innisltl who was chair mait Reeve Morris Darby of Tiny Reeve Earl Brandon ol Coldwater Reeve Alan Johnston ol Vespra and reeve elect Allan Glasslord ol lec uniseth Retiring are Reeve Lionel Dion ol Penetangut shene lortner chairman Reeve Arthur Turner 01 Brad lord and the retiring warden rville Hughes Reeve Gibbins and Reeve Johnston had been among those mentioned as leading warden prospects earlier btit both stated they would not be can didates for 1977 due to annexa tton responsibilities The suggestion that wardens aitd committees should be ap pomled for two years instead ol one siitce terms are for this longer period has been discuss New organ dedicated at Coldwater church Ry SHIRLEY ll2Nl£ll tlllrR St An drew Presbyterian church In oldwater was tilled to overflowing when new organ was dedtlated to the memoron one of oldwater most loved and respected sorts the late Illtantll IIJI Born and raised in oldwater the sort of Mr and Mrs Im llt Bill was the owner operator or the llee oach Lines business carried on trom his lather He was mar rted to the loriner Elma Bartlett and the couple had two children David ol algary and Uill Mrs lohit Smith of yr Besides transporting public and high school children Mr wylte was iii the charter business and was well known for tits lrtendltness and kind ness towards all he met as well as his keen sense at humor Bill passed away at tawa let 1973 on his return trom the western provinces with new bus the It ylte lamily have been associated with St Andrews since Its early days and Bill was art elder and roll clerk ol the Kirk Session at the time ol his death he organ ts gift Icll2LSHONORED RI Rt Mem bers ol the olchester Barris tet Society recently honored Judge Robert McLellan and his late lather Samuel David McLellati ho was admitted to the bar Dec 11 IItTti tor 1th years ol service to the ova Scotia latristers Society At the IIIIII Judge Robert Iclellait was admitted to Illt bar he was the youngest menir her and his lather the eldest FINALLY book that ANSWERS the key questions on RRSPs Questions such as Whaf types at plans available What is the best type of plan °What rate of return should oxpect Can recover my losses ll lam dissatisfied can tron sler OHow much IS retirement New trends and develop rnents it are enough at There is complete section on annuities The Delaney Report on RRSP Box 750 Barrio tlrwisl send me topios nl tlu DUIOII7Y Report on It RIS at 95 plus 50 uriiling and handling on tlllfl my lirqm In from the ylie lamily arid the members ol the Simcoe ounty School Bus Operators Associa tton the board members ol Area Two 01 the Sttncoe ounty Board 01 Education the River stde Senior itizens club the Huronia Horticultural Society lrtends neighbors and the school students at the old water area David Wylie made the presentation and It was ac cepted on behall ol the church elders by John Jennett Mrs John Smith nee Susan tyliet played the new organ lollowiitg the presentatioit and throughout the remainder of the service Mrs Gladys llunkett ol loronto but who was born and raised in ol dwater and has been tile long triend ol the ylie Family sang two solos during the service Holy Night and Art Thou tcaryf Mrs IIunkett has been singing with the Men delssohn hoir tor 31 years Friends and relatives of the lamily attended the StlVltt lrom loronto Stotillevtlle Ayr raightirst Foxinead Mootr stone Barrie and Bracebridge I9 197 r975 AutomrrbrIIu ryl ace Am bassodnr Clomm Dnrlgr rmt mrlarr Plymouth 1974 Plyniuutli Duster clear rliilpl yl riutr BEF 1974 Ctruuellr Multliu door hardtop ryl at 88 1970 Id1 3mm Vriquim ryl riutri AHINIHHIIH Irvrotor Ford I974 Plvttluullt Station Vluurirr outo BEP Sw arr rorrrlrtmrtrng Hryl IQNKI Irmth rrrrruu 88tyl wDnrtqr iIrirrEtpirisIrutl Hryl 197 Dorqul lrirr III Christin Uurr I969 Irrtrrriut Irt ril Itliyelnll wliIrI BIyI in oryr tar Jivp rluqnrrIr arm wugrm ti ryl can Bite IIIIIMItltwr 1974 Iimiqi Spurwrrrirr IrruaoIQIrr Hi r912 tout rot mom Hryl aw litLP Wtiqrirr rt yr tit I2 prism 400 pm on January 10th 13th I977 until time of salt Further Information may ht obtutned lrom Material Control Ollrre Downsview Ontario M6 2483725 Itlllt rirrrH ilIIIIItrtl Eat It rtimr Will be srrlrl on rltr At Is ermn VEIIIIE erI In yllt mthuut rt rirility Sltlltlltlttl Irtilrtnti riiirl wrtlirml INOIKU plum deposit oi SIOO 00 in loll puyImot the lttrtiilttl ol 1hr but wtnrlievor is less must he print on lIt may or the tom of sore Payment must he rlnpltIvtl and atoms Iurirriutl ritllltli Im deposit All payments must lie isl IIIIEIII lltuilh Irirrity Ulltl oi tiririk titult mild Klyubli it llw tour mm ol inrom Illll1llrtilily1IlIIHIll Hilll to Illlltl lrtirrri Ilrile lit ririotlim IItwirire to lluu prop rrrmnq 1H troniurIiIr All IIFHIFDIIIISIIIIrItrIIlItltLllIlliVttiltI1ItlttttTlIl ONTARIO GOVERNMENT SEAL PUBLIC AUCTION SALE OF USED CARS TRUCKS SNOWMOBILES CHAIN SAWS AND MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS to be held I000 AM AT THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORTATION AND COMMUNICATIONS YARD DOWNSVIEW AVENUE AT KEELE STREET AND HWY 401 DOWNSVIEW ONTARIO IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE THE FOLLOWING HEAVY DUTY EQUIPPED OP CRUISERS WILL BE SOLD 49 I974 81975 Automobiles door sedans cyl auto Pr Chevrolet Dodge Ford Plymouth Items may be inspected at the above location from 900 am to Ilth l2th and Thursday January onlIrrq Itly Failure to iriirrply wrll result In IrirIiIliiru OI ed at times outstde of council However the minutes show no resolutions passed to authorize such change in rules Along With the finance com mittee appomtments to the county roads committee also are made from nominations by councillors John Fennell now reeve at West Gwillimbury was chairman during the past year while Allan Glasslord headed this committee the previous year Oro minister is retiring By 111A CAMPBELL GltlHRIERev Dav ison who is retiring because 01 ill health preached his larewell sermon at Guthrie United church Mr DaVIson has been minister for Hawkestone United church as well as Guthrie in his Oro CtrCUIl Topic of his larewell sermon was Guard Your Steps who go to the House of God Mr Dawson dedicated 12 copies to the new UnitedAnglican hymn book here in Guthrie These were donated by the lark family in memory of Mr and Mrs Walker Caldwell Gordon Clark and members 01 the Bar tholomew lamily Rev and Mrs John Ous sorem and daughters lelena and Michelle ol Yorkton Sask Vistted friends here for couple of days during the Christmas holidays They spent Dec 27 WIIII Mr and Mrs Gary Pentey lhe Ienleys had few to during the evening to Visd John and Marg and children The Oussorens Vistled at George aldwell on Dec 28 Mr and Mrs lom Marshall anddaughters Jennifer and Joanne speitt the holidays Willi relatives in Durham Mr and Mrs Fred Huggins visited the Latlord lamily in Brantlord over hitstnias lup Lallord afterward spent few days here With the Huggins lamily GUTHRIE GLIHRIE Visitors here during the holiday season iii cluded Mr arid Mrs Jim Nort son and latiiily of Queensville Mr and rs Ken Marwood and latnily ol Maple and Mr and Mrs Len Mortsoli and faintly with Mrs ectl Mortsoit Others were Mr and Mrs Don lemmens ol Southampton Wllh Mr and Mrs Eaton An netts Mr and Mrs John Mason Jr ol lerrace Ray Mr and Mrs Murray Webster and faintly ol loronto Mrs Andra train and Al McMillan ol Joliette Que Don Walker 01 aledon aitd daughter athy ol McGIll LnIversIty arid Miss hristtne Mathie ol Barrie all wrth Mrs Mason Mr and Mrs Harold Houlder arid laititly ol irimshaw Alberta Visited Mr and Mrs Husband Also Visiting here were Mrs Allan Waliiia George attrl Suzanne ot Ospringe Mr and Mrs asey altna arid Nicole ol Venrai Holland Mr and Mrs Ron lweedy aan Mr aitrt Mrs rivan Wilcox and lamily all ol Bond Head Mrs Gary Ihiess ol trillta arid Miss Jessie Gilchrist ol Ioronto all with Mr ainpbell and Mrs George THURSDAY JANUARY 3th I977 th Urulgr Iiarlltntiriirllxl Van bryl Wait Irin rlurvip bat Hiab Crunr Bryl l969ltiilt13 Ion stulu body liorst Bryl I967 Ford Ton lurid but plow muuritiirqItorrrrrrmly atyt I910 197I Ski duo SirlilrrrrtiIiII Iryl OlylnpK Jririinr Piousuie Pumps motor LinrrilrrOrIEiirrrnrrI 98 OOOBIU Irurli Irirti Graph Trip Rormrlrrr Ftrrrl Hydlaiilir Rieisrlili Plowi Control Barres Ior I5 larir Saws 74 Huinelilri PIrIIirevr CA Geotloinulnr Model 6A lEler troriir Measuring Dryirn 54 llunresriant Lighting LUIVIIIIOIHES Inst ballast lots 73 Hydrriultr Rarn IUI Snow Winq IUWIH Snap On Ignition Analyzer qutimrri anw tor King Senora 15 yrI Hyrlrritilrt StirrdsprIrirlIr Ktth Srrriqiriu lsprnrirlIr mam llydiuiilri 9m yrt itr bow Ministry at Transportation and Communications Four new members joining Essa council BAXIER Stall Four new members and one member re Vacationers at Crossland By MRS ALLEN CROSSLAND Local folks who were away from home dur ing the festive holiday season were Mr and Mrs Charles Mc Clelland with Mr and Mrs Mc Clelland of Boulton and Mr and Mrs Lorne Doan Ellen and Jeffery with Mr and Mrs Burns ol Holly Also away were Mr and Mrs John Lougheed with Mr and Mrs Don Jones and family at Ebenezer Mr and Mrs Calder Hunter and lamily with Mrs George Hunter of Elmvale and Mrs Sam Allen with Mr and Mrs Dell Reynolds ol Wyevale Christmas Day guests With Mr and Mrs George Smith MISS Dorothy Pilkey and Mar shall New Flos were Gordon Archer With hlS parents Mr and Mrs Lorne Archer Mr and Mrs Boyd and family ol Meatord and Mr and Mrs Thomas Bellamy ol Nottawa with Mr and Mrs Alex Shep pardandlamily ViSilors Iii the community With Mr and Mrs Donald Bell were Mrs William Bell ol Elmvale Mr and Mrs harles Browti ol Vasey also lrtends lrom Barrie and Ioronto Fibre Face Colour Fast Long Wearing CHOOSE FROM KITCHEN VANITY BLANK COUNTER TOP ONLY INDOOR OUTDOOR Foam Rubber Bacli Needle Bond Construction 100 Polypropylene $0 209 YD STYLETONES BY OZITE I00°o Nylon Pile Colour Fast Low Profile Foam Rubber Back s619 it um DAISY SHAG BY OZITE Multicolour Blend 100 Nylon Pile Foam Rubber Cushion are so 19 it ODD KITCHEN DECORATIVE CABINET HARDWARE Good Selection 39cm HWY 26 27 lOp elected will take their oaths of office at the inaugural meeting of Essa council at the Orange hall here on Monday afternoon Jan 10 Charles Fridham Will suc ceed Eugene Smith as the new reeve for the 197778 term with Earle Williams former Barrie councillor the new deputy reeve The latter has been serving on the Essa plann ing board Deputy Reeve Maurice Miller will be back as one of three councillors The other two Will be Bev Regan who topped the polling in the recent election and Eric Binns who ran second Retiring DeSIdes Mr Smith will be MacDonald Donald Elines and Anthony Mancini New committees Will be ap pointed at the inaugural as preliminary to starting business for the new term Notice has been received 01 the county council first sesston on Monday Jan 17 Reeve Pridham and Deputy Reeve Williams Will be the new county representatives lrotn Essa ANNUAL MEIGIING MlDLANIPAnnual meeting 01 the Auxtliary to Huronia District Ilospilal Will beheld on Monday Jan 31 at the Win drtlter in Midlatid It was an nounced by Mrs Dan Nicolls president EACH Many colours and to choose PRICES EFFECTIVE from UNTIL JAN 15 $299 lll SCULPTURE LOOP colours only $549 so ARMSTRONG IMPERIAL ACCOTONE CUSHIONED VINYL FLOORING ONLY ARMSTRONG SUNDIAL NO WAX CUSHIONED FLOORING ONLY SOYD I2xI2 MIRROR TILES QOUNTYGLMSES To celebrate 3rd anniversary as town WASAGA BEACH Stall This wellknown resort com munity will mark its third an niversary as town on Satur dayJan8 The incumbent mayor Clair Robertson who is back for the new 197778 term presided at the inaugural which was held on that date in 1974 The occa sion was observed as half holiday by proclamation Other members of the first town council wre Duane Pat licld Marjorie Dyer Russell Pogue led Gordon Walter Borthwick and Carl Mitchell Under authority of special bill passed by the Ontario Leg islature they served an initial threeyear term Along With Mayor Robertson Deputy Reeve Marjorie Dyer and Councillor Walter Borth wtck will be back on the new council elected for twoyear term Ernie Thompson will becotnc the new reeve and new councillors will be Ray Mickevicius Velma Longworth and Gunther Schweiger PLAN YEAR BOOK ORILLIA Staff special yearbook is planned to mark the 100th anniversary of the Orillia and District Collegiate Institute The original building was erected on the same site as todays greatly extended struc ture back in 1877 LADIES BONSPIEL COLLINGWOOD Stall Plans have been made by the Collingwood curling club for ladies bonspiel on Saturday Jan 15 with Mrs Donna Brock in charge of entires Draws are planned for and 1130 am with two games for each par ticipatingrink NEWREEVE CREEMORE Stall Ralph MacDonald will replace Fergus Grose as new reeve of Creemore at the coming in augural meeting of village council DISTRICT NE WS The Barrie Examiner Thursday January 61977 KRAUS 329 so I4 Plate IZHIRROR TILE SCENES SHIPS gt swnvwmwmssw WEEKLY EUCHRES THORNTON Weekly euchres will be held by Thom ton Womens Institute at the LOL hall here starting on Saturday evening Jan at oclock 10 REORGANIZE MIDLAND Staff Midland Nurses Alumnae are planning to reorganize at an early meeting following the opening of the Huronia District hospital HISTORIC SOCIETY COLLINGWOOD Staff Architectural preservation will be discussed at meeting of Collingwood Historical Society on Tuesday Jan at Trinity United church VILLAGE COUNCIL COLDWAIER Staff Col leagues of Reeve Earl Brandon on the new Coldwater council include Tom Dean and Barbara Iyrell from last years council former councillor Jack Lether by and newcomer AI Brand SHRINE CLUB MIDLAND Staff George Scott of Midland has been elected president of the Midland District Shrine club for the new term PLAN ELECTION ORILLIA Stall Election of new officers will be held at the annual meeting of the Association for Children with Learning Disabilities at the gr It Orillia library hall on Monday evening Jan 10 $206 is sent Bible Society GUIHRIEOfficers of tn local branch of the Canadian Bible Society have announced they forward $206 to the office in Toronto from contributions made here The society executives would like to thank all canvassers and those who contributed to the 1976 fund Mr and Mrs Mel Jamieson and Mr and Mrs Bert Jam ieson celebrated Christmas with Mr and Mrs Percy Jamieson of Forest Home Pat Jamieson and three children of Brampton joined the family gathering Mrs Gordon Jory of Dalston visited her sister Mrs Laurence Fraser during the holidays Mr and Mrs Roy Campbell and son Brian spent Christmas weekend with Mrs Campbells parents Mr and Mrs Arnold Dynes of Laurel Mr Fred Huggins is patient in Royal Victoria Hospital Bar rie where he is to undergo surgery 4x8 PREFINISHED PANELS SIMULATED WOODGRAINS OUR SALE Nutmeg 497479EA CherryTone56953QEA Mount Forest Pecan 659 619 EA BurlyPecan669635EA ConcordElm669635EA Brazilian Raintorest 689 549 EA Barnboard729 689EA GlacierGold729689EA Traditonal Pine 739 699 EA Random Plank Walnut 759 719 EA Cardinal Rosewood 799 759 EA CountryBirch 810769EA Weatherboard829785 EA PEACOCK MIRRORS 18 x24 $1325 16x60 $2299 24x36 $2210 30x49 $3469 EACH PAGODA GOLDEN DREAM HUNTING HORSES ENGLISH PUB BANQUET PRICES APPLY TO PRESENT STOCK ONLY CABINET DOORS CLEAR 64c EA ANTIQUE GOLD VEIN 79c EA BUILD YOUR OWN GOLDVEIN 79c EA 4x8 CABINET and finish it GREEN MARBLE 64c EA is 41 Wlh Factorvbuilt RUST SMOKE 64c EA 117 x8 Cabinet Doors BLACKSMOKE 64cEA lt HUNDREDS TO LUMBER BUILDING SUPPLIES posite Georgian Mall Barrie Ontario Telephone 7268132 4x834 RIGID FOAM INSULATION $169 25 34 4x81V2$529 4x82$699 FIBREGLASS INSULATION Paperbacked R7 22THICK 996 SQFT R1032THCK1366 SOFT R124 THICK 161C SQFI R206 THICK 2656 SOFT ZONOLITE ATTIC INSULATION cu ft bag ONLY DELIVERY