Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jan 1977, p. 11

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Tisanlz 11ng fizi lSQlUESEIEEWISRGE 0935000 IDiQGEESZDISSQOI IETILISI loseiirgcusmlzc The Barrie Examiner Thursday January 61977 ll TOUR BOARDING HOUSE WIN AT BRIDGE DAILY CROSSWORD aifitngoflggyoLqVE KOESEHEJDO ACROSS gaafih acrosks Answer to Previous Puzzle URED COU Hlé UNTR that the best la for four Samoa Bede Osol NORTH Boat addle com anion BUFFALO 34am nurmo T0 BahER FROM KNEE M93 wouldbetogwe up so and try 12 Greekpcupid 57 Mental ronomo aurrilio TORONTO FW JW ToAfltoeryéiirho¥1Wu0£3 Take Fféewnie wary 30 13 gaff fiT°° awou oreau BARR an 22 GLOBAL pend on or buslness advice es FOR MY 5ALEMANHIP ii YOUR out the ace and queen OT 16 Comparative strong pornts niunsnnivriiiuo Declally speculative nature flames diamnds immediately an 17 34232 60 Wrong guidance could be very A72 one trump lead This would 13 Smooth 51 Set In ogpflmkNm ago0mm The can of me gflJFNews cosuy leave South With three entries 20 Grain 62 Cross 3MovieAdvenmne Wild 30 TAURUS A9 2°My 20 K9 dummy two would allow 21 superlative inscription Ii captain Fabian sodaCami Burnett 220pposiie0pposiie 43 him to set up the fifth dia suffix 63 Paradise 524 Hours 4Waitons sexes Uness you ng pay your 22 Prosaic 64 Depression Mild 37 Jardinlere 9Definition 9Columbo Homily Carson dues today dont expect any KQ 1063 filo WO 24 Fa50nsh inmals Seeps out 42 Sensual IZEvening Report 7Welcome Back Kolter 4K0Jak great measure of success Youll him to use that fifth diamond first 65 Penny To woke Up 43 Environment 31°60 Shaw 8gzwms Happened Pfimmfignmn Mary have to really go at it tooth and to get rid of his losmg heart 26 Game 66 Remainde 11 Origins agency abm 2479News llVic Franklyn iiLarry Solway affirmative 19 sunflower 45 comer FL llIart 000 mas siate abbr 12hour ngns on the antiixng lbottery 5520 Minutes Live $5423 593 pggégflltytoggg Neither vulnerable 9333 DOWN 23 Twof00ted milkOrgan rairie as ers ii mencan Horse animal 7oo 3LharliesAngels IZMowe Black Noon that what you say may be mis West North East south Mmsmsmpl reader wants goncretef 25 Poems inventor iififimléi Douars Nvgg£iatsik$rtu imam Son ofa Gun mepeted Think twce heme to When 903 bridge 33 flheohazen glarifhtlhleegle 26 Make choice 49 Boys book kxoncenmmn 1353 muse on 325 you Open your mouth Pass Pass succeeded auction bridge 34 Beige Roberts 27 Egypt abbrl authOr yNameIs Harry Ya 0V CANCER Jun 214 22 Pass Pass PaSS Contract was invented in 38 Very Fr Downward 29 Womans 52 Firsnate Worth 930 7Mowe It Came From 711 urn nwim Hockey ourers Losses could offset your gains RESERVATIONS Opening lead 34 1925 and started to supplant 39 Period trend name wd 9month Oldecmnyitry 5Teleplay simnsiorDace today Keep your wits about you °9 auction around 1930 By 1935 male 30 E9Sh 9° 53 cceirri peasant giBMakem and Clancy tltzncyelglandall llfigligeWaUey oi the where mings vaiue are com the new game had almost Elgnltied 32 Eanlitfnce 55 Bravos spl zéreierm II 1000 1230 med taken over corn letel gm uilzeogsegares tgfiitvifzuem ifdomom Necmmancy LEO my 239 22 YOU have Bygnswald JIIhestJacby although ndoumedl 45 Illladlrseedarling 3223 group fighieof twine Sign Misses iiiisamaoy Jones éiomomw illusions about the perfect ways rem causes are few people who still play 5i2Welcome Back Kot Hweeney isueen player to weep is when his aucuon may not have the same Ideas Be 7ibby vmmn 13mm Wanted $me Gm realistic Avoid some bitter dls palatnerbas declarierdreiiaillrsi 9Saniord and Son araces olSmall Places olntments ay we llCelebrity Hevue 00 pp 1200 DES MOINES Iowa AP 4A In ldl 400 4722News Fuzwnecfifi ms 22Lue Rascals on your shoulders and you ll 33 cages ggrtisagafigi Iowas worst drought in the 104 Eam liune 7iamiiy leud 2movxeH have rl0 one to blame bl years since weather records fir kfiggvmlean eaver zoooJoyce DaVidson image yourself 013 st were kept has farmers aUncie Bobby zéUpposite Sexes 5lts Your Choice LIBRA SOPL 230fl 23 TOGBY BY Polly Cram parmer wok ms aceOf naming water to feed 5ka mN ws 31218181 HIn lhle Family Pgomntianagxom you lack your usually tolerant 30b3 enftetred dummy thhul and worrying that there will be nature Dont be too pushy Pals emneo Imps 03 small com soybean and my 33 34 35 lgfgriagazme 1fi$l¥£lly lIfitgdnlgrzhd The wont appreciate your attitude Pony Pr0bem giamorifinsie catShsd crops if the rams dont come 3N ri soon esgin For Tomorrow zszsNews uHfimgisém sconpo och 24Y 22 DEAR POLLY Does anyone have any suggestions an 80 39 with trump After that most You re at the mercy of the 57 ansflo 230 no adm rabe to be ambitious but De as to how can eep my mattress rom Sl ing ave th 44d weather sald Davd L0 srlmisioms 422Guiding Light zzDons Day avordtramping on too manytoes ed tat th dd mausPlCIOUS 33 la 43 lZParty Game 2Doctors 3Lucy Show today They may be on wet ma Fl r0 mg ma T955 mond break left 5mm gasping zenhiser who farms 500 acres 352Edge NE sflfaflmrsmw people will later stick out to trip MRS 01 for breath as he went one ear the Souhwemem Iowa ngfiemesl 3lUn911lle We itumlfh you DEAR MRS CT Have you tried thin sheet of down town of Blockton Last year I200 zgonne pmdaen 500 foam rubber placed between the mattress and box of course sways 26 we got suniciem subsoil mois 22an Show zitAnother World 22J0kers Wild SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec spring pOLLy mem was rre rure bum up the spring We 4Cross Wits $512Take Thirty 3Lucy 21 You have tendency today havent had an fa moisture tgobkMcLesnk 4All In The Family tinday After School to secondguess everyone mond finesse had worked and ata this year 315 939 diamonds had brok 33 PM mud 2L cluding yourself You could en lkmmus Why ren 333101 oenerai Hospital mo ove ucy juggle your plans around so DEAR POLLY want to pass on some Pomtersfrom south would have been able to drtflghfagisd ngglpeatloncof 62 mo 22leer Woman IiiEarly Edition much theyn be or small benefit florist as well as my own happy experience With growmg gar set up two good diamonds in 225 l°rlhe Money $512Celebnty Cooks 422A08m 12 About five cars children ave such weather 15 begnmng worry enias dumm to discard two rs 2iiDays Of0ur Lives tMatch ame $12Hoom 222 CAPRICORN Doc 22Jln 19 tarmers 19 way from the IlHot Hands Keep away from dealings with plantFrom it have grownseven aby plants by putting cut and he would have made six Midwest to the Ukraine in the mo mm tings in water and then potting them three weeks later They 800 247ii22News aMovte The Lady Eghvenlng Report lainChico and the $1 0m Hombre xglggtduntitgg is ggggrgngagg heat This has keptl myl gardsnia pillantt bloonLing and healftllilyél tam 2ng fromMidlikhfiiir lift 5° as HEéllEUlD You We TO gfime ffggfi°m3gegw dM°VMa°D PISCES 20 Much 20 in DEAR POLLY keep my gardenias in partial sun CORK mg 1220 summer and Winter and as the leaves need mmsture spray 22min Couple 5Upstairs Downstairs 2445794 112News FRIDAY AFIERNOON 2Saniord and Son 3512Mary Tyler Moore tEmergency One 1135 7Staisky and Hutch 9Movie My Sister 7Mary Hartman HZfl Minutes Live llMOVIe The to do things today Others may VIRGO Aug 2330 22 Dont assume the obligations of others today The lions share may fall person whose reputatlon la the least bit questionable today Youre on shaky ground Keep your guard up be better for you today if you Weary bedtime story 53 like the morning sun as well as weekly showers to wet the leaves completely Do not allow the soil to dry out use tepid water once week when the plant is indoors During the three the plant every other day When it is brought indoors in the fall 2Bowling for Dollars ilMOVie lrom Huia Scalphunters dont try to do more than you can chcenuauon wm Love handia Spreading yourself 00 trim it back In the early spring add some wood ashes to the sBarrier Heel 930 zMidnighl SpeCIal 7T0 Tell The Truth 22Caughi In The Act sMowe Keeper of the 9Holmes and Yoyo 1000 Flame llShow Biz 22News 125 Polly note This must be huge plant MRS 730 353 and Hutch 4m0Vle dailies DEAR POLLY ho someone has solution or adVIce sizaooouuesiion 29Serpico zm ct SBilly Graham 7News Close Up 9Mov1estranger5 about my Pet Peeve It concerns misplaced persons who U3 csmxes Spares uHawaiiiiveo When We Meet cannot make satisfactory identification when they need to shrugs Tolm My fime Gnu Jan 1917 cash Check and so on Most places even banks seem to P533 On Ice zzLMary Hartman Mary 230 ab accept only drivers licenses as identification and there are 7iiieair the Bank Hartman 3Mowe spy in Your wgich GUSe afieag gpeere2 many like me who do not drive Social Security cards are not sf PM yws by to be used for identification and many people do not have es izBoo Newhari iiio us lot of time and tonl It may take 300 zzopposueopposiie sMovtelMoon Over surprising mm mis coming year lablished credit cards some because they do not believe in 2M°Ve mung Away sexes Mum ff buying on credit Being stranded in strange city or even From ii an 2Johnny Carson 500 ewa 4MOVie Love My Qlrnnsme where one lives and not being able to cash check because Wile THE DOCTOR SAYS Imbalance cause of double vision By Thosteson MD Dear Dr Thosteson Would you be good enough to discuss double vision mean seeing two images of one object simul taneously What are the causesSB The cause is muscle imba lance There are six muscles at tached to each eyeball They al low movement Both eyes move in unison When focusing on an object each eye picks up the image separately and both are fused into one in the brain When one eye cannot focus properly an extra image is pro duced which results in double vision One has to have two fun ctioning eyes for double vision person with only one eye can not have it There are various causes for the muscle imbalanceany thing that weakens one of the eye muscles neurologic dis order infection excess alcohol or an injury You may have no ticed that when boxer or foot ball player has severe head blow and seems whoozy an at tendant waves finger in front of his eyes He can tell how well the eyes are focusing on single object and thus whether there has been eye muscle dam age The medical term is dipl opia diploepia If you ex perience double vision even if its only occasionally you features of 29 Dunlop St should be examined nephew case Dear Dr Thostcson Are Dear Dr Thosteson ln 7373860 OFFICE BARR PLAZA blood pressure and heart af 1944 c0ntracted acute OUTFIITERS 7370201 fected byhotflashesSD hepatitis in Sicily and spent assume you are speaking of the hot flushes of menopause These result from minor blood vessel instability relating to lowered estrogen levels The in stability is due to disturbance of the glandular control of the vessels and the nervous system There may be sudden dilation of vessels Blood rushes to the skin surface causing the sensa tion of heat in contrast to the cooler air Some of this can be expected by most women in menopause and it has no significant effect on either the heart or blood pressure Dear Dr Thosteson Can Others feel emotions play ma jor role Some psychologists would argue that basic guilt feeling takes over causing the headaches Try taking some as pirin before intercourse as preventive Dear Dr Thosteson Our nephew is 11 but his body has developed to that of i3year old Through help of specialist his abnormal growth is under control From medical stand point can you explain what has happened to the body and what the effect is on the mind and the emotions of child What advice would you give to parents to help such child overcome problems of advance sexual developmentfMr and Mrs 0D Your nephew is undergoing precocious puberty which could either be inherited or the result of glandular disorder Ordinarily it is physical problem and not accompanied by mental precociousness Any sex problems that arise should be dealt with as they ap pear with no special emphasis made otherwise The physician treating the boy has undoubt edly discussed such problems and advised the parents about them in greater detail With precocious puberty the goal is to control the excessive secretion of hormones causing it which apparently has been begun successfully in your five days in the hospital Since then no recurrences and no problems However un derstand that can never give blood Is this so WWC You probably had in fectious hepatitis Such victims may harbor the virus in definitely and for this reason are not candidates for blood donation On hiring OTTAWA UP post of fice spokesman confirmed Tuesday reports that the post office department has begun hiring freeze affecting all ad thin will only bring lrayed nerves CHEW THEIR FUR TORONTO OP Chin chillas cause considerable eco nomic loss through self intlicted damage to the fur says the federal department of agriculture Studies to deter mine the cause have been in concluswe and preventive measures have not been deter mined Most ranchers attempt to cull furchewers as fast as possible the department said NSL BORN lOSER LOVE EWD lN THE WHOLE WlDE WORLD How Dom FOLLBACK poorlt FOR THE BIG away NORTHERN STATION ERYUD 40th WE i8 00le kllCEUf soil for the acid the plant needs My plant blooms the year round and have had as many as 100 flowers at one time inadequate identification is frustrating aggravating em barrassing and inconvenient When one lives in small town this is no problem but in large city it presents many problems NS DEAR POLLY My mother was always talking about how the backs of her shoes were wrecked when she was driving the car but had bright solution for her Cut the toe off of an old sock and slip the sock over the foot you use while driving Make sure the sock is pulled over the heel to completely cover the back of the shoe and is put on so that it does not interfere with your use of the foot while driving Such cut off sock slips on and off easily when you get in and out of the car and certainly saves the shoes ANNA LOVE THE BlRIE ANDTHE 0065 ANDTHE CATS AND LOVE6CHOOL WHAT Aaour lNJURlEé fiWYT0P THE LAST 48 YEARG VISIT YOUR NEW DOWNTOWN THOSE TON€lLS OUT WHEN SHE WAS CHILD OlsfnAnr in THlNK HE WAé FlWthA sum ATTACK ARE You KIDDING H64 IN THE BEST snare HES BEEN Foi STATIONERY STORE BUT sill SHOULD HAVE HAD THAT cpsawouw you CONSlDER saunas THE BlLL T0 HER MOTHER otherwise unemotional bridge enough This is what happened to the by drought unlucky expert who held the What South failed to see was Soviet Union FUNNY BUSINESS owé QUESTIONS TOANSWERLETS GET BACK TO THE HOUSE an IIunnrrm ITS MONEY IN THE DRAWER SHORT RIBS HIYER PET 711000 IT CLOSING LETS 60 WHERES TH BICARBONATE My 0197mm n61 lieu us Pal on Weve gotten the lead out of gasoline Now if we could just VICIOR has cash register tailored to your business Inquire about the individual Clerk Responsibility and Complete Profit Control YOULL NEVER MAKE IT DRAKE get it out of husbands INTEREST SWEETEART SODA GOT lNDlGESTlON FUNNY HE DIDNT EVEN PWETEND TO BE SLEEP you explain the headaches one gets after orgasm What can be done to ward them olfQS ministrative categories John Blenkiron press offi cer with the department was GOURMET DlNNEK PWEPARED AND SERVED roman MONEY ID tgtarnrrdmaru An lt There is still some dis ayeemenl about the cause of the postcoital headache which is found in both men and women Increased blood pres sure at the time of the orgasm is likely cause Many feel the cause is vascular caused by blood vessels as in migraine commenting on an item in Vancouver newspaper last Fri day that quotcd secret report as saying hiring restrictions would last two years Mr Blenkiron said Dec 14 memorandum announced hir ing freeze to be in effect until July 25 BUGS BUNNY mucus in Rog it min Warner him int LilE To HAVE MI WATCH

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