Medonte reeve rated as warden prospect HILLSDALR Stall Now serving his second year as chairman ot the county museum and archives board Reeve Ingram Amos is among leading prospects prominently mentioned tor the 1977 war denship The head ol Medonte town ship council has avoided an nouncmg hinisell as can didate since he leels county council members should make their own choice But Reeve Amos has had con siderable county council ex perience Btltllt he became chairman ol the museum and archives board he was chair man 01 the key county roads committee He has been member 01 county council tor some 1l years and has served on most committees tttt111R112N In Medonte he has been known lor his ellorls to hold down taxes as much as possible consistent with good management He succeeded Dalton Jermcy now chairman ol the townships planning board as reeve in 1969 when he moved up lroin deputy The new warden to be chosen on Monday Jan 17 Will be the 119th to hold the ollice since 1843 The last warden trom Medon te was the same Mr Jermey who headed the county ad lNGAM AMOS is mentioned ministration back 12 years ago 1111964 tounty records show Medon te township tias had eight coun ty wardens through the years 01 county administration pioneer postmaster ol the come munity o1 raighurst John traig was the lirst warden lroin Medonte having served in 1857 His son Arthur Craig later served two terms as war den in 1886 and 1887 The third warden lrom Medonte was Ihomas Steele although he had moved to neighboring Uro when he was elected in 1875 William Rutledge headed the county COUIICII in 1877 and James Qtiinn in 1882 The latter was reeve ol rillia at the time but had lived in Medonte alter coming to this area lrom Ireland There was lapse 01 nearly 60 years belore the next Medonte warden when George Barr was elected in 1941 Fisher lanton became the seventh warden trom Medonte in 1957 and then Mr Jermey was made the eighth in 1964 Mr Jermey continues active in the Simcoc ounty ExWardeiis Association The community 01 oldwatcr which once was part ol Medonte has had two represen tatives elected warden since it attained Village status in 1908 Charles Eplett was warden in 191 and Ernie Miller in 1916 Along with Reeve Amos other prominently mentioned prospects lor the 1977 war deiiship include Reeve Bill till bins ot Iniiistil Reeve Morris Darby ol Iiny and Deputy Reeve Allan tlasslord ot lecumseth The choice will he made at the lirst meeting ol the 197778 county counCil on anuary 17 Seminar proves help to beef cow Operators By SCOTT Agricultural lhpresentative North Sinicoet ILIM1R Dr Peter Schoppel ol the Allandale veterinarian clinic had number 01 suggestions tor heel cow operators at recent beet cow seminar all health problems are otten encountered in closed up stables where there is build up ot warmth poor ventilation and varying temperatures He suggested calving outside in March April or May An open protection shelter could be used to otter some protection troin iheelements there were number ol other suggestions Antibiotics shoulan be used to compen sate tor poor management on many people treat inadequately tor lice tattle should be treated twice within Ill14 day period in order to control newly hatched lice which are still in the egg stage at the time ol the lirst treatment SPRAY 1Rli1llilS Spray treatments and warble insecticides are most eltcctivc against lice Internal parasites are bigger problem than many people suspect larasites should be suspected it animals are rough shaggy slightly scoured and exhibiting large mid section Manure samples can be analyzed to determine it parasites are problem Some areas are low in magnesium lack ot mag nesium can result in disease called tirass letaiiy which can result in sudden death selenium Vitamin deliciency can result in white muscle disease in young calves reed analysis will become incrcas ineg important iii designing suttahle rations lR1RlIt1t1s rarm records usually come into the picture at this time ot year rarm records are usually kept tor income tax but we have always argued that one might as well be getting larm management inlormation alter making the etlort to keep records in the lirst place lhere is merit in knowlllll the pounds ot heel or pork produc ed the pounds ol milk per cow COUNTY GLIMPSES Council at Vespra begins new term MIDHLRSI Stalti New committees were appointed as espra council started its new 1977er term at the council chambers here in the tire hall butlding Reeve Alan Johnston starth his lilth term as head ot the council and his llth as member Deputy Reeve George Btiie also started his llth year on council Councillor Lorne Wilson was named chairman and ounr cillor cnner Lambert member ol the roads commit tee with Deputy Recvc George tuie andt ouncillor llitl Urr the lirecomniittcc Sanitary and recreation com mittec is headed by ouncillor rr and also includes Deputy Reeve hue and water tight and dog control committee has Venner llanibcrt as chairman and Lorne llstlt as the other member Bill ltrr is the planning board council rcpieseiitat1ve cnner Lambert ttic ottawasaga Valley conservation Authority board member and ieorgc Blue was appointed to Royal Victoria Hospital board lioriie Wilson was appointed to the Centre Simcoc planning board as Vespra representalive Rev harles Speakinan 01 St Peters Anglican church said prayers attcr nicinbcrs took their oaths o1 ollici MIDLANDNIAYUR MIDLAND rStaltI lore mer mcinbcr ol Simcoe Tounty council Mortland llynn has been sworn in as new mayor ol Midland succcmling Harold Boyd The two new Midland county rcprescntalives Sam Ancio and ill llgilvie also started their local council tci= ms lhcy will represent Midland at the coming county council inaugural on Monday Jan 17 WINIIiRAMA Hther HARBOUR lStattt Snowmobile races and an evening dance will be among highlights 01 winterama plan ned by ltoncy Harbour Snow lrailers on Saturday Jan 29 President Laurie sclscu and colleagues arc currently busy with arrangements tor the program Ideard lobe is chairman tor the racing com mittecc Hillsdale WI plans program By ll1 llllllSDAlllj lhcllillsdalt Vtomens Institute is making plans tor this new year Wllll these likely to be discussed tiir thcr at the coming January meeting rs lcter ronibic showed lilin on Thristinas customs in other lands at the December meeting held at the lltlllll ol Mrs lom Morrison An ex change ot gitts was held and tjhristniascarolssung Mr and Mrs llarry Drciiiian and sons Stephen and Sean ot tittawa spent low days during the holidays with the lormcr parents Mr and Mrs Alvni Drcnnan Mr and Mrs John Murphy were in loronto on lhursday Visiting his lather Mr Alcxan dcr Murphy The United tfhiirch Sunday School children were com mended lor singing carols to shutins at fliristnias time Miss Debbie Hallybiiiton o1 Trent University spent the Christmas holidays Willi her parents Mr and Mrs Albert llollybarton Christmas Visitors Willi Mr and rs Doug Ronald and Miss hva Rumble were Mr and Mrs lary Ronald and lamily 01 Penctang Mr and Mrs Ronald and tamily ol Dunn Ville and Mr and Mrs Mark Ronald and Mr and Mrs Jerry Shakell 01 Hamilton BARRIE DENTURE CLINIC can 01 Complete Denture Service 726472 149ADuMopSLE Barrie Member Donturist Society of Ontario oi the pigs produced per sow Most records could produce this intorniation with the addition ot single page to show beginn mg and ending inventory and record ot numbers sold and ptir chased this type o1 lltlllllt1d tioii makes it possible tor the operator to compare his tarhi with similar operations and compare his ow progress lroiii one year to the nut his handy tnentory page is available trom the county and District ollices Ministry ol agriculture and tood stall members are prepared to assist larnicrs itli their record keeping endcamrs the tariiier can choose lroiii the new revised Ulllllllt tartii liccorll took or the com putcried antlirni sy stem tllIlPll tt11£Rlltlf he itielph agricultural con ttrencc is on soon llltstltl January teatures the poultry industry school as well as pro grams on air pollution in crop prwtuctioii and land use tlttl sion making on the taiiii lhc agenda on tediiesdziy January ltlllllltS the iiitario lood lrocessors lltltlllllll conlcrciicc as well as programs on corn lllll national lood policy forages ltvr teed and cash crops is the title oi the pro gram scheduled tor lhiirsday January Detailed programs are available lroiii county agriculturil otticcs and maybe we 159 IBRANCHES BARRlE lit 1lll in in at 78 0301 xiiuiaut 271 itii Simi lv71 llthl BARRIE Guaranteed until January 31 97 even longer Oro deputy reeve backs WWW Guthrie industry park DALSIUN Stall r0 council should cooperate in helping to encourage develop ment 01 the planned new in dustrial park on the 4th Con ceSSion at Guthrie Deputy Reeve Allan McLean said here Providing Jobs right here in Uro should help the local economy he said With en thuSiasm about the prospects alter explaining the amend ment to the ollicial plan authormng the change was passed by COIHICII planning board and the Ontario Municipal board Adding note 01 caution he said lecl it Wlll be good lor the township but care has to be taken over the type industry We have to protect the en Vironment Industries which will provnle their own water and sewage serVices are ltSlNd 1le perience elsewhere has shown these could be costly to the municipality We dont anticipate havnig to meet any siicti needs tor long time but we must not ignore this possibility altogether he said Discussing predictions ol substantial tax increase lor this year the deputy reeve said that the new budgets have yet to be dealt with by ro council and comment was premature As tar as am concerned intend to do the best can on behall ot the ilitepayeis he said stating he tell certain llf MclilCAN local ecotioiiiy other members o1 council also would do the same in striving to keep the tax increase down as much as possible on practical basis tuircntly Deputy Reeve McLean is serving his 1111i year on no council including three as reeve seven as councillor and his lirst as deputy He and Reeve Howard lainpbcll will represent ro at the coming county cotiiicil session opening on Moiidaylan 17 DISTRICT NE WS The llarrie lIunnincr Wednesday January 1977 Bradford to compete in snowarama event Bradtord will be one ot at least tiitario communities to participate in yhippcr at sons Snowartinia lor liiiiiiiy again thisyear Siiowaraiiia pledge ga thcriiig propct 111 which siio iiiobilcrs travel too lllllt route on behalt ot theHiitarioSixiety tor rippled hildiiii kll be PM tlt lt11 ttlttsl til lllt lill ticipating coiiiniiiiiitics Brad lord included Registration will be truth to 11 in it ailc Marina During the pas two wintiis Snowarama participants have raised over ngootli ior itio llSt the run is sponsored bf the society in association illl siiowiiiobilc clubs individual snowiiiotiilcrs lllt lliitaiio Snowmobile Distributors sociJition and paititipatiiitv listciScilscryicccliibs llic host siiowiiiottilc tor the tilitttord Siiowaraiiia are Aurora lradlord ltltltrs ol tliik littlgw titor gina cwniarkct llrangcyillc tllllts It East still GRAVENHURS ORILLIAJ3 Mammal si Enti 37 only PEMBROKE 39 PPIIH ike St West and South Shore tlllltlll llltl liocccds raised by Show iraiiia are equally diyidwl bet ween local latstcr lll tliilis iiitl the tutily lii stlplitill lls rchabilitatioii piogiaiii both it lotiliiitlitgtoiialltHls lltItgt sheets may be obtain cd by contacting one ol the host clubs or it local lutitci Sciil scr itcclub COUNTY GLIMPSES llllt ll llltllt iiow iiiobitc lllll llllll Stall llll local branch ol the lrici oiiicrs oiiicii In xtitiitc l1i lltt lllttl to siispctitt lllttllllLs during January and lcbruary icgiiliii nitcling will be lltltl in March tllllttltklult ll lll ltic luiir itllcy lilliiig Workers club will hold its liist lli hitctinl on Jan lit the lllillll ol lis lutlwaidallows and thats not all Open 21 Savings Account today and earn more OEarn 82 calculated monthly and paid semiannually SPECIAL Accounts opened up to and including the 15th of January earn interest from the lst Open Friday evenings Saturdays And the coffee pot is always on Still the best rats around the municipal savmgg loan corporation tflhï¬tnkakaRd 6H7717 13 tllitit IEMBER Canada 1petiosn Institance Corporation Best Wishes for 1977 papers at county archives tell about area pioneer days MIDIIURSI Stall Early copies 01 The Barrie Magnet the lirst regularly printed newspaper in Simcoe County are sought by Peter Moran county archivist to add to the interesting newspaper collec lions at the archives The Barrie paper weekly which preceded lhe Barrie Ex aminer began publication in August 1847 when the com iniiiiity population was less than 700 people But the publishers had conlidence in Barries potential which has been well jllSlllllKl in the vears since In 1834 the name 01 the paper was charged to The Northern Advance The Barrie lixillllllltl was started as weekly in 1864 when Barrie was town ol gravel streets and board sidewalks in largely horse and buggy travel era lraiiis were carrying passengers and lrcight toAllandalcsince1858 111lZSINtlllNlY tld documents showed the oldest county paper was lound ed by lhonias ltox Dav1s an tlltttlll lrom incinnati who originally came to anada to 111 the old loionto lobe stall At loronto he helped to set up lloc press the lirst power press in anada lt printed iooo iiiipicssioiis per hour which was considered an ainaliiig speed at that time Alter working with the ilobc Mr DaVis decided to enter business lor liiiiiscll and set up machinery at Barrie which tiad Just been chosen the administration ccnr llt ltll the new District 01 Sun coc team ol oxen drew the lirst press to be set tip in Siiii coc ouiity taking two days to niakcthetlliiiilctiipinltrtl In its early years the lirst paper laced economic di1 ticulties Much business was tltlllt by baitcr due to the scar city ol cash long belorc ltllltl tion and payments were lrc tiiitiitly iiiadc iii goods lhe paper in its early issues ttlllttllilll stressed the need tor railway liiik ith loroiito and iii 183 the llntario lluraii and Siiiicoc Railway completed lllllllllllllltlilll illiaiii Manley Nicholson was the pioneer publishch the weekly Barrie lllttllltt in 18031 when the town had grown to nearly Limo population the liiiiiiier remained under Nicholson control iintil litlltt when nrlrc lluntcr later to become well known as author ot1tooliiincsolSiiiicocloun 1y history purchased the business In 1113 Mr ltiintcr sold his newspaper interests to James lciiidcr MatLawn lii 11111 lltl Liriie lllllllltl and the Barrie Saturday Morning three years tilllltllttl by iltiaiii yalls Atrt itiialLitiiitctl lltt li llllllltl lttllltil the lhonipsoii cwspagwrs lllltll lllllllltll and siibsetpiently becaiiica dai with the lirst lltll issue tllilotl ti lb libs tml RtlCSl tiiii ot two dailies now published in Siiiicot toiiiity the lllllllltl has the largest circulation o1 any iicwspapcr iii HEAD OFFICE 89 Uiiiiou St East BARRIE ONTARIO li 77th this part 01 the provmce and covers most 01 Simcoe County and places beyond The other daily The rillia Packet and Times which is also lhompson newspaper also can be traced well back into the pioneer era The lirst rillia paper was known as the rillia Expositor which was launched by Peter Murray and Robinson in 1867 the year the Lake ouchiching community he came an incorporated Village At one time rillia had three weeklics The Packet lhc linics and The Newsrllctter The Packet and liincs amalgamated alter the ltiist World War ltlllltlttl by John furian in 1884 The News Letter was published tor sonic lrl years 80 ot them as iirran enterprise and the last tour by the Magiictawan lublishiiig coiiipaiiy Now Willi the Barrie lux aniincr William iirran was ltilltltl editor and publisher ot tlicttrillia paper He started as reporter in Hamilton during the early Illis and later was telegraph editor and editorial writer tor The Sault Ste Marie Star and Hilltll and reporter Wllll lhc Windsor Star The loriiicr NewsLetter building on Urillias main street which 1S owned by Mr urran is now rciitcd to popular trillia clothing store the lant Shop opics ol old Barrie and trillia papers along with Allistoii Stayiier lottenham ollingwood Bccton and others are available tor insptc tioii at the county archives Many ot them have articles With historic relerences ol value which have been studied by students and others in tcrestcd PIONEERlthIIS An 1887 copy o1 lhc Drillia Newsrliettcr advertised tlrcus goods at 25 cents per yard tea at tour pounds tor dollar and blanketslor$250cac1i Changes in iiicicliandiang methods Weie icllecttd by otticr advcitisciiiciit in that same paper lllllllsliitlltl lippiiigs Holden lltawi Elllll ollcrcd tiichd Jilllllt and alto biscuits sugar ciaiibciiic onions and applc all by tbc barrel llcndcr wax ptiblialici ol the Allistoii Stai lIl Juni lillil llliltll llï¬lll 111 lift Allistoii papci chumd notw list Wllll 137 naiiic Mich tlotii jltutl vrasclcrl bylaw regulating liccitï¬iiig ol lchry stablc wax given news proniincncc ticoigc let clicr was then reeve ol Allitoii Other reports told ol Alliton dcleatiiig lookslown iii ticld liltlttSSl lllll 1HWttl it liVitics at tcnipcrancc con vent ion in Barrie lhc Staynci Sun was louiidcd in 1877 by Harcourt topics ol the old Bectoii torld also are on lilc at the archives this paper was started by Jones and ompany lilllllltftl on April 188 th Mr Jones as editor the tanadian loultry Joiiriial also was published at the same plant until it was destroyed by tire on June 13 lltllï¬l lht trecniorc started by Henry the olllllgyttiorl Star was flat iii 18843 lintcrprisc was established by lohii llogg OFF in 1857 and the ollingwood Bulletin lll lllltl be two papers amalgamated in lltiiz lltAlNthJttlltSll WAVILItLluY tStatlt two day training coinr tor Homemaking club girls lcadei will bc tittil al the Anglican lllllll hall lllll on Monday illll luclday Jan 10 and 11 114 tlitiiicot tlic pioicct Will be lit 1th hot luntci lJill lll llld it 1111 llal llltltl ll ilziilt Tutv cvl Umjiiinbtiij tom an it titmzwi llt omit dining llic pmt lot Ittiiiiig 14lt 2i tt1iioii lidcn Ur will It ll at iml Hunted STEPHENS StoreWide WINTER SALE NOW ON Flt rt 71 Dotu MERCHANDIVSE FROM MOST DEPARTMENTS SUPER SAViNGs TOO GOOD To MISS SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION REITMANS oven so YEARS 95 FAsHton lRtl manor ctitgd to