EXAMINER TELEPHONES WEATHER FORECAST Cirtulotion 726 6539 Classlied Advertising 728 24 Other Departments 7206537 113th YearNo The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Tuesday January 1977 15 Per Copy Carrier Home Delivery 85 Weekly 14 Pages Normally the lirst snowlall ol the season heralds the time ol year when motor cycles are stored tor the wmter However during re cent years the sport ol 1C0 racing on studded tires has been gaining increasing popularity Mike reinig recently travelled to Barrie lrom his home iit Scar borough to test the ice by cntcninal Park here will be several ice races schcdul cd tor tlte Barrie area this winter including the aitiiiial races at the iittcrt tiriiival HAVING FUN WITH PURPOSE Most Sunday alternoons ttnd group ol Barrie lltltlS on one ot the area lakes piac liciiig tor tiitiire races or lust hating tun More inlorina tion on motorcycle icc racing can be obtained lrom the Barrie Motocross entre it lztyticld St llitllllllitl lhoto IlllllllllllIllllllllIIllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllIlIlllIlllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllIlllllllllllIlllIllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll FOR MISFIL TOWNSHIP Deputyreeve vote recount on today ote recounts are being done today over the posuion ol recve Don KOOplltitllS by deputyreeve lor lnnislil voles tticiat results issued township two days alter the clecttoii ltet lilt Dove ol Simcoe County court said the recount would begin at pm with results go ing directly to lnnistil clerk Richard Uroh According to election night results incumbent Blake Con recount alter ballots had spotted aitd results had been stable deleated lortncr deputy narrowed the gap to 38 votes Mr Koopinans asked tor the discovering ltt counted as tltat beeit phoned into ttie clerk election night ltecoiints asagit edtiesda candida some poll incorrectly ttll lin he latest count has ll stable leading with hile Mr hoopnians has Lot Beach deputy recu becztuse ot an unusual iiiiinbei ol irregularities on JDLI ilts the Barrie court has held re olllils position lot the lepllty leeye ot lltllltt township tor two seats ii giyiiig the winner six more will be done unitsllltlletttiutss oth tnuyoralty illiain talvcily who won lllll later and the position ltet ll emerged candidate lttin truth the recount with Ztï¬l tiled loi recounts il thile tornttr reevc ton Stanton trailed it lg lIIIIIlllllllllIllllIllIIllIlllllIllllIIIIlllllllIIllIIllIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltltllIllltlllllIllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllIlllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Oilladen tanker missing somewhere in North tlan tic BOSTON AP US and Canadian planes were ordered out over the North Atlantic to day to search tor Pan amanian tanker missing with eight million gallons ol heavy Oilaboard limited search Monday did not turn up any sign ot the irand Zenith which had been expected to arrive at lrovi dence Rt on Sunday Four victims died quickly Kitchener autopsies show KllCHENER Ont Four persons who were slain in Kitchener apartment New Years Day died quickly and violently autopSies show Coroner Dr Jack Burger said Monday that With the exception of the youngest Victim Nicole Nixon muwd WASHINGTON Reuter Former prcstdent Richard Nixon and his tamin have been tnv1ted to the inauguration ol Jimmy Carter as prestdent Jan 20 The Carter inauguration committee said Monday the in vttation was extended in keep ing With the tradition ot asking lormer presidents to the in augurations ol any subsequent holders ol the ollice Wong every person had more than one wound which could have been latal Nicole was smothered Henry Wong 29 lather ot Nir cote was shot tWIce slashed and severely beaten Loretta Armstrong 16 high school student and Randy Bites 19 were also killed The apartment belonged to Annette Schenk 2t mother ol Nicole Mr Wong truck driver was shot in the back and chest With what police believe was 45calibre pistol The coroner said one bullet entered his back and pierced his liver diaphragm and heart and lodged in his wrist Another bullet entered the lelt side ot his chest and went througlt the lett lung Mr Wong had three bone lractures in his head two in the skull and one iii the lace and numerous cuts on his lace CAPSULE NEWS Bukovsky arrives in UK LONDON AP Vladimir Bukovsky the eXiled SoViet dissi dent who lirst told the West about torture in SoViet mental hospitals arrived in London today and said he Wlll discuss SOViet abuse ol psychiatry With British psychiatrists Unrest settling Chinese PEKlNU Reuter The Chinese press published today more details ol recent unrest in the strategic southern provtnce ol rukien but said rival groups were settling their litterences Militiamen block traflic BElltUl AP Christian militiamen blocked tratlic in the Ashratiyeh quarter ol this Lebanese capital today tiring their automatic rules in the air alter an explosum outside hnsp tian militia barracks killed 16 persons and woundm more than 50 Blasts rock warehouse GLASGOW Router lhrce explostons ripped through scotch whisky warehouse today and police said some people in nearby tenaments were injured LAW and scalp lllc coroner said tltiiik he died ol llIS bullet wounds said Dr Burger He may have tied lew seconds earlier because ol the skull lracturc its hard to tell which cainclirst lhe autopsies showed that Miss Armstrong was stabbed through the heart windpipe and lungs She also had trac lured skull cuts oii her scalp aitd btillet wound lll her lelt buttock Mr Bites was louiid in bed with bullet wound in the skull and another in IS lelt thigh Nicole was toiliid ii her bed With superlicial abrasions around her nose and iitotitlt lo lice believe pillow as used to smother tier lolice said Mr Vtotig and Miss Armstrong came to the Schenk apartment New cars Eve to baby sit Nicole while Miss Sclteiik and Bites went todinner Miss Schcnk and Mr Bites re turned at ant Ian and the live persons stayed overnight at the apartment hecauseot the weather said SSgt Sttiart Wit helm ol Waterloo regional po lolice believe the slayings took place about in shortly alter Miss Schenk lelt tor work NERVOUS TEENAGER SPEAKS WITH HIM he 1ttTlTtn till toot vessel lelt lecsport lllglllllt on llec and was last heard troin hursday iii position about ftt miles southsoutheast ot ape Sable NS the oast uardsaid People have been trying to raise her by radio tor several days with no ltick said coast guard Lietit Michaeltalabro it Monday anadiati plane searched the northern part ol the ships expected course lroiit apc Sale to lrovidence oast iuaid helicopter searched to the south troin Nantucket to Narragansett Bay lhet cutter llatlas sear ching the middle part ol the course reitiaiiied at sea over night IORISlllJtKlJl spokesman said pOlts where the ttrand Xlllltll might ltave pill in have been checked without success Ships in the North Atlantic were asked to be on the lookout tor the vessel In lrovidence spokesman tor the ships agent said he was not worried this is not unusual tor something like this said latrick Marcello ol ll Moran went through it llieotlicr day with another vessel and she in port now Its probably it breakdown in coiit inutiicatioti lont Sullivan ol lirm said he traitd Zenith heavy weather the irand 70th cargo was the same kind ol oil carried by the Argo Merchant the Liberian vessel that ran aground olt Nantucket the same understood the encountered Being of sound mind Howard Hughes leave million to Mike and Harry Special Quiz this week How long has ll been since you ve piil your knowledge ol world geography to the test ou ciiii today by taking this week special edition ol our News Quiz lhe Qltll teatures places words and questions all having to do with geography think you re geography whiz Take our test ii Page and liiid oul tour News Quiz ia brought to you each week by the luxantiner Suffers shock in rescue lltNl Peter Brown llt ot loronto was itt satislactory condition in hospi tal alter being stunned by 8000 volts ot electricity when he went to the aid ol man whose car had struck hydro pole Monday night ANNEXA TI 0N HEARING Will ask prov oot in By RICHARD DUNSIAN Examiner Staff Reporter Simcoe Centre MPP Arthur Evans said Monday he Wlll ask the provmctal government to pay muntctpalities legal and con sultants costs tor the lengthy Ontario Munictpal Board hearing into Barrtes annexation bid He told the inaugural meeting ol Barrie ctty councu he has made working lor provincial payments 0t the costs new years resolution Mr Evans parliamentary assistant to provinCial transport minister James Snow also said he expects more money to be available for roads this year than last largely because number at last years prOJects came in under budget Barrie has applied lor 20000 acres trom three adjoming townships all at which oppose the move and the OMB hearing now in recess has already taken up 25 days With no end in sight Mr Evans said neither the City nor the townships asked the province lor the proposed poplation growth which made the Annexation main challenge Responsibilities brought on by annexation will be the new city councils main challenge Mayor Ross Archer said Mott day in his inaugural address see this council being responsible tor the admiiiistra lion ot an enlarged city at least three to loiir times its pre sent size hcsaid this expansion will rcqutre extension ot city services to the land to be annexed he said and much planning and consulta lion will be necessary the citys application to an iiex 3ool acres trom lnnislil cspra and Oro townships is currently betorc the Ontario Municipal Board hearing in to the application opposed by the townships is now in recess and hearing chairman Alex Ar retl has said whatever aittlexa tioii is granted will probably takeplaceJan 1978 Mayor Archer also called on Barrie residents to help pay the cost ot such recreational lacilities as swimming pool soccer ticlds and tennis courts by raising tunds and getting matching Aintario grants It is obvious to everyone that the municiptlits main source ol revenue through real estate taxation no longer the lair aitd equitable way ol total providing all recreational laciltics hesaid He said coinniiittity involve incnt in landraising should also create pride ol ownership and discourage vandalism The mayor said he discuss wnh council possibility ol occasional lormal ineettngs With the public Will set aside times when his own ll ice Will be open to the ptiblic without appoint ment and Will discuss With city administrator terry lamblyn the need to have ity Hall departments open during lunch hour lle pledged priority con sidcration tor rejuvenation ot the citys core area the exteir sioii ol Lakeshorc Road to Mulcaster Street the extension ol watertront parks ettr coucagcmeitt ol industrial development and an approach to the provmcial government over the Widening ot upper Baylicld Street all plaitks in his election plattorm in addition he pledng int proveineiit ol the public works departments maintenance management prograiit to err sure that city lorces are as elttr cient as private enterprise will the lit Not notified about water lORONlO school principal in Serpent River said Monday she has received no no tice troin titario health or en vuonmental ministries that the children should itot drink water coming lrom the river which the cnvuontncnt minister ltas said is contaminated Mabel MacAskill ol Rockhaven School tor lix cepttonal hildrett said health inspector tests the drink iitg water trom lotintain at the school lor the mentally re tarded niotttlily The inspector always says the water is tinc she said principal Prince arrives to attend Peter lOltthlt tl Meeting lrince Andrew is sort ol like meeting tamous pop star says loronto girl who spoke to the prince when he arrived Monday was so nervous Kirsten Jones to said alter talking Willi the prince as he tell to roiito international Airport He asked me it the weather got colder and it he would need more clothes it was really ex citing lhe ltiyearoll prince second son ol Oucen lulilabeth and Prince Philip Will spend six months at private school near lctcrborough Ont llis regular British Airways lligltt arrin at 445 pm about 43 minutes late because ot delays iit leavmg London and head Winds Ontario lltrov laulinc llilllOll and her husband British Airways and airport or ticials and Ltol Frank Mtllzttlltlll the aide to the licuteiiaittgovernor who Will act as the princes guardian ltl attala met hint at tlieairporl Alter spending the night at Ll Tol Mclï¬aclierns mime the prince Will Visit the lieutenant governor at her Queens Park suite today chat Wltll reporters then leave iii police car tor school IARI OI PROGRAM The prince second itt line to the British throne Will spend two teriits at Lakelield ollege School about it miles noth it letcrborough as part ot an ex change prograiit between the private college and the princes school ordonstoun near lJlgtn Scotlaitd He Will take trade 12 academic program llis 28yearold brother Tharles lrince ol Wales was involved iii an exchange in 1965 spending 31 months at the lreetop branch ol ieelong grammar school iii Australia lrince Andrew was sur rounded by about 40 reporters aitd photographers as he lelt the airport tor police car About 50 people gathered at the door ol the departures lounge to catch glimpse ol royalty lew held Signs and llags As the police car tell the prince waved and Wished everybody happy New Year new smsss ROSS Rtllltllt rics new mayor recites his declaration ol otticc with ll clerk Ben Straughan during Mondays inaugural meeting lelt Bar to hearing necessary and they should not have to pay the cost Mr Evans former county warden recalled how amicably he and former Barrie Mayor Les Cooke then Barries deputy reeve arranged Barries separation from the county in the late 50s He Jokingly said the two could probably do the OMBs job taster and cheaper Mr Evans said in an interView alter the meeting he could not guarantee 100 per cent provincial lunding tor the proposed Widening 01 upper Baylield Street as called for by Mayor Ross Archer during his election cam However he said Mr Snow extsting roads than building of paign is more open to improvement ol new ones The provmce would pay 75 per cent ol the cost of widening the congested street under its connecting links program Mr Evans said another step which will be taken to relieve congestion on Baylield is signposting County Road 31 The lnnislilEssa boundary road north ot Highway 27 Highway 90 and County Road 28 to Mmest ng as bypass for traffic bound tor Collingwood He said the county roads are built to highway standards and would be adequate tor the purpose ol the 197778 city Ollthll in his inaugural address Mayor Archer cited responsibilities arising lrom annexation as the tnaiti challenge tor the Archer new council which includes tour new alderman as well as new mayor Examiner Photo Committee meetings Open to press but not public Barrie city council new general committee will open its meetings to the press but not to the general public Mayor Ross Archer said Monday in an inter view tollowing the 15 Th couit cits inaugural meeting the cotitniittee to consist ot all lit members ol council will replace the toiir standing coin initteecs ot past years lor most purposes lltl£tllt city development and pitblic works committees will coittiitiie to exist Mayor Archer said but will titect only when necessary to teal with matters specilically telerred to them Like the new general com lllltltt these committees ltave been open to the press btit itot thepublic lie tieral government coirinnilct which was closed to boili press and public atid dealt with pcrsonitcl major policies iittcrgtwernmcittal allatrs and similar matters will be abolished Mayor Archer said Player to trial on assault charge Braiittord hockey player lim anni 21 will go to trial March lti on charge ot assault tltllS mg bodily harm against Bar rie man The cltargc was laid alter an incident at the Barrie arena Nov 19 when Vanni became in volved iii light with spectator lcrcy olc ol Barrie Va iiiti misconduct received major penalty and was eycctcd game between the Biantlord Alexanders and tlttlllt lilyets ot the Ontario Hockey Association Senior League The alleged incident occurred as antti tell the ice Mr Cole was treated by Bar rie llyers team physician and received stitches ztnni appeared tit Ontario lrovuicial Court Barrie today betore ttdge Norman Nadcau He said general committee discussions concerning litiga tion personnel and land ac quisuion Will be kept conliden hat and members ol the press will be asked not to report them He said the deCiSion to close the committee to the public may be reviewed alter the new system ltas been iii ellect tor while During Mondays meeting the mayor appotnted aldermen Alex Arthur Del Cole Bill Campbell rid Thompson and Ernie Rotinan to striking committee which Will recom mend committee appomtments to council The striking committee Will meet tonight iit closed seSSion attd its recommendations Will be presenth to cotincil next Monday The striking committee Will recommend appointments to various boards and commis sions planning board the county board ol health the pro perty standards committee and more than dozen others as well as to committees ol council orougharea school Security lor the princes visit is being kept quiet About six extra RtMl otlicers some it plain clotltes were posted at the airport tor his arrival ait RMlotticialsaid spokesman at the airport detited report lrom London that the princes lligltt was booked under the name ol Mr Cambridge to avoid publicity lwo RtMl otticers Sgt lat Power 36 ot Ottawa and p1 John Ellis Ito ol llamilton will act as bixtygiiards while the prince is in Lakclield sleeping in the same dormitory the youth Scotland Yard detective who tlew to anada With the prince will return to England iit about to days lrincc Andrew lirst visited anada last summer With other ntembers ot the Royal Family to attend Olympic equestrian events in Brotnont Que attd yachting events in Kingston Ont lim Mclhec handling publicity during the princes stay said the youltt likely will travel to Ottawa to visit Gov ten lulcs Leger tn tits lirst weekend pass lrom school However the prince Will not participate in any public engagements At Laketield one ol Canadas oldest private schools the prin ce Will share room With Donald Grant 18 ol Brooklin Ont who met the prince while attending tordonstoun on 1975 exchange Headmaster lerrence Guest said no special arrangements are being made tor him Stall and teachers Wlll call him trin ce Andrew but the other studen ts will call ttiiit Aitdiew