Stll WDDflV ALBUM MR ANI MRS RONALD McIyICIC McKEE FLEURY Rev Stewart olliCiated at the November wedding of Judith Susan Ileury and R0nald thomas McKee at St Andrews Presbyterian Church The bride is the daughter ot M8 and Mrs Raymond Marc Fleury ol Wellington Street and the groom is the son oi Mrs fl McKee ot North Street and the late Mr McKee Escorted to the altar by her tather the bride wore peasantstyled gown ol white patiste accented by stitched looped orlon and lace around the slightlyhelled skirt and lashioned with square neck Jtne long sleeves and rultled culls Her tingertip veil was held in tnqu Dear Ann Landers Im 16y Im so miserable cant descri ffear of talking used to be afra cant even talk in front of girls LANDEBS Life of party not your style place by babys breath and she carried bouquet ot autumn tlowers Nancy Atkinson Sister ol the bride was the matron ot tionor and the bridesmaids were Lin da Kanold and Janet Kennedy All are trom Barrie lom Micks acted as best man white ushering duties wre carried out by ltick Hamilton and Rick Saunders all ot Bar rie tase organist reception was held at the Sunnidale oiiimunity cnt re Hutoltown guests attended trom lexas rlspanola loroir to aledoii East and ttriIIia the couple reside in Barrie Van llemcrt was the earold girl who smiles lot but be it in words My problem id to talk in front of boys Now After night out always tell my parents had good time then run to bed and cry letting 0ut all the anger Is this normal try to plan topics to talk about beforehand but always fade inlo the background and the sa the life of the party me kids take over and become Im attractive and talented but hate myself for being so quiet Ill look back at my high school days with regret because never have any fun Is there any hope for me Iioked lp Dear hokid Forget about being the life ot the party ths not your style Attack the problem on sm all scale in onetoonc con nversation ASK QIICSIlttNS Everyone loves to talk about him self The best conversationalis ts III the world are those who drawothers out and sit back and listen Dear nn appreciate the tact that my husband finds inc lsexually appealing but wish he could put his arms around me or give me kiss on the check that says Im glad to come theme to you or Sorry you had bad day in bed want to be loved not Is this asking too much Must every physical contact end up just desired gticss what Im saying is need my husband to be friend as well as lover It would make me feel much moi secure it knew his lllitltsl would endure after the lust tor me diminished How do communicate the messageIhoeiii lrohlem Dear IIioenix Youve got ighclass worries dear Your letter doesnt indicate that you have any problem com municating Why dont you tell your superamorous husband AND RS JOHN GOULD GOULD ARMSTRONG Decorated in red and white carnations St Pauls Anglican Church provided the setting tor the IateNovember wedding ot Catherine Anne Armstrong and John Michael Could Rev Walter Lee otticiated Joan and Bob Miller ol Guelph provided the musn The bride is the daughter ol Mrs Monty Shering ot Stroud and the late Joseph Armstrong ol Manitoulin lslaiid and the groom is the son ol Mr and Mrs lxentiould ol Stroiid liven in marriage liy Monty Shernig the bride wore gown ol matte jersey over tattcta styled with split rticck bodice and long sleeves acr cented by enicc lace Maribou trimmed the chapel length hooded cape She carried bouquet ot red roses IIII carnations and babys breath Miss RoseMary lapineau outure 0t Barrie was the maid ol honor and the bridesmaids were Mrs Marlene Wheeler the brides Sister ol Barrie and Miss Janice Richardson and Mrs Uleksinski ot Stroud Iom King ot Barrie was the best man and ushering duties were carried out by Steve Wheeler ol llarrie the grooms nephew Ken lould ol Stroud and tick leksinski ot Stroud The reception was held at the South Innislil ommunity Cen tre in lielroy tlutroltown guests attended trom Manitoulin Island Barrie lort lilgin Sudbury Manitoba Baniroll Queensville ak Itidges Hell llaven UUIIIIOOIT KtSWltk and ttiurchill The couple reside in Letroy Nancy helped to change things NEW YORK ili In tclc visions early years the women on news programs usually occii pied certain turt that ol the weather girl Ihen Nancy Han schnian came along and helped to change things In than she became the liist lemale national network corre spondent tor liS alter working for the network as producer for six IIils Getting there meant being available for all tisk working late at night on weekends Ihanksgiving and tliristiiias live said the aiitlior now Nancy Dickerson ot recently tlllllSllttl book imong lhose Ircscnl As national corresimndent shc covered loiir presidents John Kennedy Lyndon John son Richard Nixon and lerald Ford all of whom she knew personally belore they stepped intotheWhitcHouse She now travels around the country giving lectures writes articles and makes occasional on theaii appearances in women in broadcasting to day she said Theyre finally being taken seriously Barbara Walters new spot as coanchor person ot the Alit Evening News is big breakthrough llltISlMStilliSTS Mr and Mrs tircnville loaii ot Harrie trayilled to olbornc with Mrs Itayid Hooper ot Icilord tor the lec 31 wed iiiiig oi llltll cousin lxathy loycc to tiary IIllltlStltl lhcy ltllllllttl to lsarrie with Mrs lcnic Joyce and her daughter ltoscniary who were thcir iliristinas guests along with Miss lllll learson John Joyce and Mr and Mrs Norris Itoan ol Ioronto Mr and Mrs liavid llooper ot Mcatord and Miss liIIii Iloali Mr and Mrs The Barrie Exnmlncr Friday Decemberzll I976 PEOPLE AND PLACES ANAF DRAW There were three winners in the recent Army Navy Air Force Associations Christmas Doll raffle with Dick Dennis capturing top prize Mr Dennis won the Christmas doll while Mary lerry won rug Christmas cake went to Cec Forth CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Arthur Weatherby ol 81A Clapperton St are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this Sun day family gathering will mark the occasion Ihe couple were married in lruro NS on Ian2 1927 THE NET The Net liIm on the teaching and treatment at leprosy victims by the lamous doctor lhangaraj and his team in India will be presented in Barrie Sponsored by the Barrie auXiIiary ot the Leprosy Mis 5ion the film will be shown Jan 13 at pm at St Giles Anglican Church on Cook Street ERMA By ERMA HOMBECK When made out cheque this morning salesman han ded it back to me and said You have the wrong date Youre week behind time may have the wrong date smiled but am no longer week behind time Two years ago got sick and tired of missing things so set my calendar back dont understand he said Eiery time Id go on vaca tion someone would say You should have been here last week The weather was fantas tic Or when went to buy some thing theyd always say too bad you werent here last week Everything in the store was marked down 50 per cent And got lot of Too bad you couldnt come last week when we were home So you set your calendar back he asked numny Not only my calendar but my wristwatch Do you know how maddening it was to hear You should have been here live minutes ago Paul Newman Burt Reynolds Itobcrt Red lord Gregory Peck tpick onei was sitting at the very next table Ir to trudge up moitain side panting like racehorse only to be told You missed fantastic sunset by that much Well just got sick of missing sunsets Doesnt it drive you crazy operating with two calendars and two watches Doesnt drive me crazy It does bother lot of people though Drove the three major television networks crazy cast my vote week before the computer could project how wasgoingtovote Ihat would be sticky And its great shock tor people who say In call you the little Mustard at Toronto discusses employee em ployer relationships With Margaret Watson leltt ot rillia and Henna Granger head nurse at ltoyal VIC UNTILJAN 15 LABOR RELATIONS IS SEMINAR TO toria Hospital during labor relations seminar presented recently in Barrie by the Health Sciences liVision ol Georgian follege Mrs Wat son is chairman continumg education Health SCiences DIVISIOD Senior consultant with the Hospital personnel Relations Bureau Mr ï¬rm PIC am yltiy tr Mustard was seminar leader for the allday session designed for area nurses in supervisory positions Georgian College Photo Zoo Sight is at county museum Zoo Sight exploring the diversity ot animals through photography opened at the Simctxitounty Museum lec lo and willcontinuetoJan Izi MIDHUItSI an exhibition The exhibit ol 11 lull color images was conceived and pro duccd by the extension services branch ot the Arttiallery ol lllr tario Zoo Sight was photographed by three ol anadas top con artists Michael Mitchell Shin Sugino temporary photo and Susan Irow Ihc Iravclliiii exhibit is land ed by grant troin lilk Stores Limited Looking at the ot lLIks Stores that the artists liroiiglit cxliibit nays Manuel lillkiiid president it obvious their own personalities and very open minds to the ass1gn mcnt It is their XISOIIZIIIIIEES that make the photographers re sults so outstanding he said he Zoo and its animals are seen through their lenses as the visitor rarely sees them Ietitiires and details subtleties of shade and color are here in locus Each photographers percep tions and approaches were dif lerent Susan lrows technique was based on patient observation and selective shooting Shin Sugino on the other hand worked rapidly shooting many frames Many ot his titles are drawn from nursery rhymes and childrens stories such Alice in Wonderland Michael Mitchell used jux taposition ol toy and real animal in some shots that is both humorous and revealing 0pm FREDS FLOWERS Hi hway II at Stroud 900 am to 700 pm FLOWERS Eon ALL OCCASIONS Ntil INTI RII seems to be the message ol these licn iiec loxcs at the Metro oroii exactly what you told me tlr better still hand him this column and ask him if he recognizes anyone he knows Dear nn Landers Recently when visited my parents found my wedding picture along with the wedding pictures of to oo ho appear as part ot photographs taken at the zoo thi phoio art show Zoo by three top art pho Sight on display at tthim tographers Michael Mit coet ounty Museum be ex chell Shin Stigiiio and Susan IIIIll tcattilcs litl Color lrow minute you get home and you answer Youre LATE see what vou mean tert Hooper and Mr and Mrs Allan Hooper Sherrie and lioiig iII oi Harrie Alter 23 years ol assignments ranging from the glamorous such as covering the Inauguril tall to the gruelling lithoui the Most famous Basket in the Wood my brothers and sister hanging on the living room wall iitil now the pictures stood unobtrusively on corner table My oldest brother and his wile celebrated their 23th aiihiyersary last year That will give you an idea how old these pictures are The problem is was divorced Iii months ago made no com ment but while my parents were in another room taped banner across my wedding picture It read Rest In leace My mother became furious said had no right to touch anything in her home and added Since your wedding cost $2000 can do anything want with the picture have heard nothing from my are they angry with me when Dont you agree that hanging parents since the incident Why in the one it ho should be upset wedding picture of divorced couple is in poor taste hicago Reader Dear hicz agree But apparently your mother wanted complete rtgrouping and that meant you and your ex In time youll be welcomed back to the told and when you are say nothing about the pictui there Dear Ann Landirs thir daug steady boyfriend is IT llicyvet and plan on getting married Wllt The situation is this IIarl lett Simply bchavcas it II wasnt liter Sheila is 18 years old Her ech dating sinchanuary 1076 llail turns Iii home toiir months ago alter an argument with his lather We took him in because he had no other place that was decent lle theliving room Since Earl quit his job he sp Sheila doesnt work either so they bolli do nothing cidentally she has colitis and ti been sleeping on our couch in ends all his time watching TV ilnr iids it hard to hold job but she plans on entering college in February Earl needs two more years of hiin school betoie he gradu ates and he says he isnt going back He feels that because Sheila is III she should decide tor her sell whether or not to have premarital sex pressuring her and even thougl Im sure Ilt is she has sent for your booklet len Ways To fool Itlll2 claims youre square old hat and says the booklet is Ioiisy IIeas boggling situation Its too much lor lll Dear Mother Sorry dear such multirtaceted mess in out You have an uncmploywl comment on this whole mind Sheilas tlotlicr coiildiit begin to respond to column IllgllStIiitnl dropout sleeping on days til litltltitlzil political iiiii ventions Mrs ltickcrson dc scribes liciselt as mellowed SIIIJ PIXIIIi But she said still get thrill when walk up the Ifttlr Iar drive at the White House In an interview she reviewed some of the changes she has seen since she started report ing politics and the press she commented Much more enr phasis is put on peoples lives and Im not sure thats good thing There should be some privacy left We shouldnt use private lives as the criteria by which we elect ollicials Watergate she said has changed the press great deal There was always the possi bility that sources would lie to you but it became an art lorm with Vietnam and Watergate Thats chilling experience This phenomenon has caused the press to swing too far on the other end of the pen duliim she said In vestigativc reporting has conu to the point where eieryone in public ollicc is suspect This has created mean at mospliere which is not very pro duclive WIIIIINti SH tl lttttth Mrs Dickerson who lives near Washington with her IIIIS band Dickerson and their live children said she is Designers enjoy working with the pianos of today llltltiIt Iteadyfora grand piano on revolving pedr estal in the middle of your liv ing room lhats one of many ways that interior designers now are treating pianos litsigners say they enjoy working with todays pianos be cause ol the wide variety of lltSilitlIilIll Besides being popular musical instrument the piano has gained stature in bold and original rminscttiiigs llesigncr ltoli Hubcshttin who recently created the re vulving piano for client also came up with more at lordahle suggestion for grand piaiioowners piano bar Have laminated plastic top cut to fit your piano top when add bumper edge upholstered in vinyl he said llllINIIIIIIIC Designer latricia Ilaxico be Iltt that piano doesnt have to be in the living room It depends on your life style Iut It wherever pcople congre gate Ill your house My piano is in the dining room because my Another plus for piano in the dining room says Mary Jean Kamin is that frequen tly dining rooms have doors that allow them to be closed off This lets you use the rest of the house when the piano stir dent is practising or taking lesson For the house or apartment without dining room Ethel Samuels recommends using spinet to help create dining area Its only 41 feet wide and fits easily into small living quarters spinet placed at right ang les to the wall makes an ex cellent room divider between living and dining areas she said Patricia Harvey created an illusion of an alcove by making tall folding screens for each side of the piano and covering them with wallpaper then using the same paper on the wall above the piano Adele Faulkner uses mirrors to create lightandspace illu sion by putting piano against piano makes good local point as the centre of storage wall said IImily Iaiiio You can put shelving and cup boards on either side of the piano and above it WIIII Illtlr den strip light to illuminate the music rack Vibrant colors for pianos are favored by many of thcdccorm tors surveyed latiicia Ilaxico painted her piano an old up right the same plum color as her walls Then she replaced the front panel with plexiglass so the action is visible and lIt the piano with two highrin tensity lamps For childrens playrmm Hubenstein painted piano cherry red and decorated it with handpaintedanimals Ioscph Itlakc concentrates on coloriiitliepiaiiobeiicli When the piano is against wall the bench becomes iry con spitnous lie gtitltl Ill tI IIJttll llltlltilslll llI Iii it cl such as iiiiillipoiiit IIIISIISIAIIVIII During the great potato Iain BARRIE DENTURE CLINIC COLELLADT Complete Denture Service 7264721 149A Dunlop St Barrie Moniker Domurin Society of Ontario HAWAII 77 Lro idlftiimfllï¬qot Its time to call your Welcome Wagon hostess 7261454 01 7286331 DIRECT FROM BARRIE Travelworlds Fourth Annual Escorted tours to Hawaii direct from Barrie TOUR No TOUR No IS days at Waikiki in the Ocean Front Lanai Wing of the Sheraton Moono All inclusive $77900 27 days the first twelve days at the Sheraton Mound Waikiki next IIVC days on the Island of Maui at the Maui Surf then to Kona on the Island of Hawaii at the King Kamehameha All inclusive SI 08900 Departure February 27 COST INCLUDES Bus transportation from Trovelworlds downtown your couch iressuring your diugliter to him cm 11 my friends and like to sit around long wall and mirroring the 1m 01 mum mm HM office in Barrie to Toronto Intern Airport and return Iris colitis iiiiiitliolrl Ilttlt bllt waits to go totollem 4c the workmgim lmmwr Wk MW mm mm Wu who do Ihl million Irishiiien tltttl oi stat Return on transportation by CP Air iet from will dea wit itl res boy thinks my booklet is lousy Ninth strunient floor toculing Am he Toronto complimentary inflight meals ttransportation between airports and resort hotels including baggage handling In my opinion that boy has turned your home into squirrel cage recommend counselling lor the whole lainin Hood night Mary Hartman SAVE SPORTHIRTS DENIMS SAVESWEATERS BELTS SAVE spomcoms VELOURS STANLEIGHS SAVINGS 6613467 Special SIOIIfer Lessons for Only $750 Dancing is Fun Learning is Easy Theres still time toleorn few basicshWhether its the modern DiSco Dances or more traditional like New Years Waltz Whats your interest Lets make Arcriiomoduiioii in on conditioned rooms with private baths in deluxe liottilu Iliitei IslaiidAii transportation All airport and hotel taxes Tour Escorts Kel and Connie Johnston Clovetwerld Maple Ave 7263971 SAVE BEITSjzsTi PIECE suns this your most exciting Holiday Season ever We might be the best Christmospresent you ever gave DENIMCURUURUIIlMINEISUCNLGAISIWIIISIIIIESKINS VELVTSIIIMIIIIIILSPUIIISCCTIINSPUIYESIERS SPECIAL CLEARANCE GROUP MENS cASUAiz PIECESUITS 34 to 52 Talls 40 to 46 FOR $15 EACH OR FOR 525 IIIIIIY 830 AM It 900 PMSAIURIIIIY III ILM 4PM I25 MARTIN RUSSIIVE ihilillllililit SAVE LADIES BOUCLE SUITS WOOL SEPARATES LADIES TAILORED BLOUSES JACKETS SKIRTS SLACKS SELECT 0200 12000 atitatirritants5 MINIMUM SAVINGS $50 yourself Call 7373610 PATS DANCE SOCIAL CENTRE aims saaa SIH Siinsawnr 3AV AAIADAL LAKskï¬b