Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 31 Dec 1976, p. 2

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be turned over Rated as one ol the sports highlights ol the past year in the Sunntdale area was the success oi Minesings Steve Jones in Winning the cross country race tor senior elementary school boys at Sunnidale park last tall The Central school student ran bareloot but his strong per tormance helped Minestng Central to secondplace INISHING FIRST team tinish in the senior boys diViSton ot the Areas and elelmentary schools competition Examiner Photot $667 Wintario grant given Oro arena board RO SIAIION Stall tintaiio grant lot $667939 to be spent oti the io arena at iuthrte has been lorwarded to the arena hoard by ro counctl Ihe cheque was lormally ac cepted at speCtal meeting 01 council presided over by Reeve Wallace Key With all members present Councillor Joanna IcEwen and Deputy Reeve Simpson moved motion that it to the arena board tor rink use Resolution lrom the ro planlt iiing board recommending that counctl request the minister ol housmg to hold consideration ol new development proposals along the Lake Simcoe shore area in abeyance was discussed atsomelength lhey asked proposals pre sently approved in prtnctple by the township be excepted WATERFRONT SIIDY waterlroiit study assessing both the leaSibtlity and desnability ol permitting addi tional development along this area is now under way The planning board report said that approval ol developments Within the study area at this time may have bearing on the municipalitys longterm plans More changes to metric ELMVALE Some changes in use 01 systems ot measures Will be introduced in the new year it was announced at the Ontario ministry ol agriculture and lood ollice tor North Sim coe All leeds and btilk grains Will be traded using the Kilogram and tonne lor units starting on Feb it was pointed out by Robert llumphries asso ctate agricultural repre sentative Alter January 15977 agricultural pesticides will begin to appear iii metric SthS and Within two years all pesticide containers Will be metric Alter July 1977 tertilizei Will be availabc in metric units and within two years that iii dustry Will be totally con verted The bag size generally agreed upon will be 23 kg 55 poundsi Seed grains and lorage seeds Will be ollered in metric units alter February 1977 and tinally converted to all metric sizes by February 1979 The common bag Sllt Will be 23 kg AllANDAlE GOLF COURSE RIM Barrie 7285313 lor lake shore development The council passed resolu tion concurring with the recom mendation With CounCillor Paul Hansen and CounCillor Mc Ewen moving the motion bylaw to prescribe the height and description ot tences and reqmrements tor privately owned outdoor SWimming pools was passed letter was read lrom the Ontario Hydro in Barrie aths ing 01 new street light rates et lective lrom Jan The energy rate Will be $9240 per 1000 watts per year up lrom $7260 it was stated The Barrie oltice ol the ministry ol culture and recreate tion torwarded letter adVising ot an open house to be held on Wednesday Jan 12 stiowing serVices available An inV0ice tor $1000 lrom Orillia township to cover cost ot snowplowmg and sanding in subdivision on the north side 01 Bass Lake in accordance With mutual road agreement was passed lor payment Mrs Bertah Cameron direc tor ol Simcoe County museum asked about obtaining 10 copies ol The History oi ro tor the museum gilt shop FOIR REIIRINI Retiring trom council Will be Reeve Key Deputy Reeve Simpson and Councillors Paul Hansen and Joanna McEwen The new council which Will take ollice on Monday will be hearted by Howard Campbell With Councillor Allan McLean movmg up to deputy reeve Councillors Will be Clarence Smith Paul Kit CHURCHILL Red and white carnations lashioned into Christmas tree shapes white candles and decorated Christmas trees lormed the setting tor St Peters Anglican church candlelight serVice on December 12 Wreaths and swags ol evergreens adoriicd the Windows The llowers were in memory ol Mr and Mrs Fred Morris and Mathew and Miss Barnett Charles Jcttries Bud Mallidinc and Glen Zeiklc alter boy took part in the ser Vice Attending lrom distance were Mr and Mrs Verle Morris and daughter Weston Mr and Mrs Frank Ilallarn and tamin and Mrs Ilallarii Senior ol Phelpstoii Groomed Trails Chen and Charley Sander son Police Village trustees tor Hawkestonc tor 197778 are Bradley Richardson Ralph Leigh and Paul Fallon Lloyd Fletcher is county school board representative tor Ward covering ro and Vespra townships Notice was received that the inaugural meeting ol Simcoe County council will be on Mon day Jan 17 at Midhurst ro Will have two new represen tatives in Mr Campbell and Mr McLean with Reeve Key and Deputy Reeve Charles Simpson retiring tor the pre sent Band ready for parade SIAYNER StallI Merit bers ot Ontario massed Legion band which included Stayiicr and other Stincoe ounty players appeared to have XIXIIIIICHI unusually cool Miami weather at the start ol their current visit The mercury dipped to lo elsius at Miami on lucs day an abnormally low temperature tor that area IcleVisioii Viewers here are among those looking lor WIIHI to seeing the too bands iiieii and color party pare ticipatc iii the Orange bowl parade on New Years eve Ihe ntarto band received lirst prize tor best entry in the same parade two years ago lhcy are scheduled to return home this coming Sunday COUNTX GLIMPSES Newcomers to jom Medonte counc11 MOONSIONE Staff former member will rejoin Medonte council and two new members will be sworn in at the inagural meeting at the mu nicipal office here on Monday January 10 Reeve Ingram Amos will be back to start his ninth year as head of the council while Coun cillor Dave Walker will move up to deputy reeve replacing Horace Vasey Former councillor Lytle Johnstone will be returning to council alter heading the polls in the recent municipal vote Newcomers will be Pat Lawtor and Clitl Wells who also won at the polls Howard Robinson clerk Will administer the oath ol ollice FORMER WARDEN NEW LOWELL Stall Reeve Lloyd Pridham who was Simcoe County warden in 1972 will start his 17th year as head of Sunnidale council at the in augural meeting next month He is lormer chairman ol the Nottawasaga Valley Conserva tion Authority board IIYDRO RATES UP MIDLAND New rate schc dules increasing electrical rates in Midland will become ellective with all monthly bill ings starting on Feb and on bimonthly billings on March according to notice ol Midland public utilities com mission The upward adjust merits lollow notice of increases in Ontario Hydro wholesale rates SPONSORS FILM WAUBAUSHENE lea ture length movie Brothersin Law Will be presented by the Travelling Film Soctcty at St Johns Church on Pine street here on Monday evening Jan under the sponsorship of the Waubaushene library ELMVALE COUNCIL ELMVALE Stall Three new councillors will take ottice at the coming inaugural ol Elmvale village council when village clerk Faye Iownes will accept the declarations They will be Marion Baker Bill Player and Don Hockey Retur ning Ior another twoyear term will be Reeve Ken Knox and Councillor Earl VoIlick Leav ing counctl tor the present are Bob Ihillault Alex Currie and Fred Harpell YSUMMER AMP ORILLIA Stall Ihe Rotary club Will conSider recommendation that $2500 be donated to the YMCA Camp Summerland on Lake Cou chiching at meeting on Tues day Jan The donation Thornton WI to start new series of euchres By MRS GEORGE HOLT IHORNION The Ihornton Womens Institute will be com menctng weekly Saturday night euchres on January at the Ihornton LOL hall Starting time is 11 pm and admission includes lunch as well as prizes The lestive season was mark ed by many parties in this area The Town and Country SWingeis held their party at the Orange ball when SIX squares danced to the guest caller Er nie Brown ol Orillia desk set was presented to Mac and Norma Marcellus the local leaders delicious butlet luncheon was served alter the entertainment LIW MEETING Trinity United Church Viomen Will meet on Wednes day Jan at the home ot Mrs Ivan Maw at 745 pm Roll call Will be New Years Resolu tions draw Will be held tor mystery lricnd Two new members admitted to Trinity United church oti Dec 26 were Mrs Monty Elliott by protcssion and taith and Mrs Margaret Dew by transter lrom the London United church Rev Paul larkin chose as his larewell sermon Postlude to Christmas while the 15voice choir sang Noel Noel Christmas Day guests were Al and Beth Sutton and daughter 01 Ajax with Everett and Myrtle Evans Ray and Vincent Bolt 01 Egbert Nor man and Marjorie Scott ol Bar rie With George and Florence Ilolt Earl and Barbara Lciiiiox ot rtoii and Mrs rr ol Toronto with Joe and Kathleen Lennox and Dalton Banting the lainily ol Al and Ruth Blackwell at the Blackwell residence Spending hristmas away troiii home were Hill and Lena Stephenson and Norma Lund With the John Lund laniily at Bradlord Eleanor Maw With the iary Maw tamin at Bar rie and Scott Sharpe and larencc Munro WIIII thc tesley Ilindles at ookstowrt Ernest and Mtltltll Mctut cheoii spent Christmas Willi Frank and Edna Iarke 01 Bar rie while Wallace Isobel Eddie and Jean Black and rval and Helen arr visited Bob and Margaret Jarinaii and lainin ot Barrie Lucille Prentice Art Lillian and Douglas Black Ken and Dawn Black and lainily and Bert and Marie Mailing and lainily spent the day with Doit and Lois Shannon and boys at RR mkstown YEARS DAY MENU Apple Juice RELlSH WAGON Stuffed Olives Black Olives Apple Rings Crabapple Sweet Pickles Dill Pickles Baked Bean Sauerkraut Silver Onions Cottage Cheese Pickled Beets HOT DISHES Roast Ontario Prime Rib of Beef natural gravy supreme of Chicken Continental style Baked Potatoes Sour Cream Baby Carrots Parsley Butter COLD BUFFET Coho Salmon Mayonnaise sauce Smoked Oysters Crabmeat Sardines Baby Clams Anchovies Tuna ASSORTED COLD CUTS Ontario Turkey Baked Canadian Ham Pickled Ox Tongue Brisket of Beef Roast Leg of Lamb Roast Loin of Pork Salami Head Cheese SALADS Waldorf Chef Cole Slaw Potato AppleRaisin Cucumber Salad DESSERTS Chocolate Eclairs Cream Puffs Vanilla slices Pineapple slices Apple Streudel Assorted Pastries Scotch Trifle Jello Parfaits Mixed Candies Fresh Fruit Nuts After Dinner Mints Milk Tea or Coffee MM Dunlap St Clovatlul Hwy Mat 90 726 l834 IiVia is Nora Jennett spent Christmas With the Jim Magic lamilyatCambridgc FRIENDSIIIPCLUR Ihoriiton Friendship club Will hold its lirst meeting 01 1977 oti Monday Jan at 130 pm iii St Judcs church hall The members were inVitcd to the Barrie GetIogethcr cltib as guests on Iuesday Jan Attending the baptism ol liVia Frances Balodis on December 26 at Cookstown United cliurcti were Scot Sharp Clarence Munro and Jean Evans lroiii Ihorntoii the daughter ol Gunars and Frances Hindle Balodis ol Prince Edward Island now Visiting With the latters parents Mr aan Mrs Wesley Hiiidle Brother Mark was also present lor his Sisters baptism by Rev Paul Iarkin received preliminary approval earlier ORILLIA TOWNSIIIP ORILLIA Stalt New reeve ol Orillia township Bill Calverley and his colleagues will take their oath ot office at the inaugural meeting here on Thursday Jan it was an nounced by Joe McCann clerk treasurer BUILDING INSPECTOR MOONSIONE Stall Four applicants tor the township building inspectors Job were chosen out of 14 ap plications by Medonte council for lurther interviews An ap pomtment is expected to be made soon The ollice became vacant due to the restgnation ol Baycrolt due to ill health WAURAUSIIEi DANCE WAUBAUSHENE Stall New Years Eve dance will be held at St Johns Parish here from pm to pm Lunch will be served 9311 ANNIVERSARY IOIIENHAM Stall Named alter an early settler named Iotten this South Sim coe community has just mark ed its 93rd anniversary an in corporated village Reeve Joe Belloit heads the Village coun til NEW YEARS EVE PENEIANG New Years Eve party and dance NIII be held at the local curling lub With bullet lunch and ither novelty leatures DISTRICT NE WS Ihe Barrie IxllllIIll Friday December 311976W Up to 50 on ON REMNANTS MILL TRIALS BALES END OF LINES AND DISCONTINUED CARPET Immediate cutting while Euchre prizes awarded by Bell Ewart Legion BELL EWARI Ross Mc Mickings won the mens high at the Canadian Legion euchre here on Thursday night with Adrienna winning second place for the ladies Stan Givens and Hubert Preston were other winners for men while Marg Peleck and Pearl Hadley were winners for ladies The Bell Ewart community hall had eight tables in play on Tuesday night Marg Peleck won lirst with Ron Smith se cond and Hubert Preston low In the ladies division Joyce Sheppart Ruth Morris Donna Baxter and Alma Brocklebank were winners Special awards went to Jenkins and Wayne MacDonald and ladys purse as door prize was won by Phyllis Givens Local grandparents Mr and Mrs Orville Mitchell enjoyed the last game 01 Oshawa midgets when their grandson Dale Howerchuk received the BP trophy presented by Bill Callinbournets He is captain of the team and the son of Mr and Mrs Orest Hawerchuk of Oshawa They beat Stratlord to Saturday morning downed Peterborough to and beat Guelph in the final to 20 YEARS AGO EVEREII Statl Burns Wales deleatcd Keith Elder in the Iosorontio township elec tion Ior reeve 20 years ago it was shown by old municipal records The tour councillors then elected lrom nine can didates were Dan Lorree Harold Swaltield Glen Ihomp son and StanBailey CORRECTION NOTICE We wish to draw to your attention the following errors which appear in our I976 Christmas atalogtic Page item 12 The copy rcads 59¢ each it should say package of two 59¢ mentioned 2295 shown in the illustration be 4X95 not 5895 Page ilems9 lo 18 Because of our discussions with the manu Iacturcr we assumed these items would include flasher hiilb to make the light sets blink on and oil These sets do not include the bulb Page II item This item is not art clcctric digital clock It is batteryoperated and the price should be 1995 as iii the copy not Page 13item IO The photography shows the correct price III 48 95 but the copy shows higher pricc The ice in the copy IitlII Page 22 item Iicsc tarikards wcrc iticorrcttly listed as set he pricc identification should read 59 each Page 53 item Through lllllll error we IMHC iriiplicil incoi rcctly that L725 RPM motor lll1iIllLILLI lll lIlc PIILLUI tlic lirich wood lathe We are sorry but the motor riot axailablc With this item and lIlllI be purchased cparatch Page 57 item Our description ol IIII item iiicoriiplctc It should sav this is IlIIIlhtLSIC propane torch We zipoliigic for any iiicoiitctiiciitc wc lIlIIIlI have taukctl voii matsc RETAIL Every inch of Carpet in our warehouses is Tagged with Great Savingsll on bales remnants and imported area rugs If youve been waiting to buy that carpet you want at the Bad NORTH YORK WAREHOUSE 3150 Duilerin St 7871 O5 rice you want Shop SCARIOROUON WAREHOUSE 2480 Lawrence Ave 1595888 MISSISIAUOA 1855 Dundas St on the latest newly arrived l977 styles colou WAREHOUSE WAREHOUSE 525591 IRAPTO 190 Clarence St 453871 on walltowall carpet wltli guanntooil walltovnll Installation wltliln WNIIIY WAREHOUSE Thickson Rd Hwy 5198281 OTTAWA IAST WAREHOUSE 1221 Cyrville Rd 7418523 IAIIII CARPET SHACK Hwy 26 27 7281053 zg lt

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