SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Death Notices Engagements Birt maximum 40 words additional words cents per word Card of Thanks 25 words $500 Additional words cents per word In Memoriam no verse Verse per count line extra Coming Events BIRTHS GOOD NEWS STORY When you an nounce the birth of your child in The Bar rie Examiner clippings of the notice are available lor Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your friends and relatives in those far away places Place an announcement after birth Call The Barrie Examiner Classitied 7282414 DEATHS HOOD Doris Ellen suddenly at home Shanty Bay on Thursday Der cember 30 1976 Doris Shaw beloved mother of Bonnie Mrs Edward Holowchuk ot Shanty Bay Sister of George Shaw ol Exeter Bert and William predeceased Resting at Heinr buch Funeral Home Strattord Visita tion from Sunday at pm Friends desiring to send memorial tribute may donate to the Ontario Heart Foundation ARNOLD Funeral Home Chapel 127 BAYFIELD ST 7282530 Friendly Courteous Service MWFTF IN MEMORIAMS GRAY tribute at love for darling daughter Donna who passed away January 1957 However long our lives may last Whatever landswe view Whatever ioy or grief be ours Wewill alwaysthink at you Always remembered by Mom and family CLARK George In loving memory of dear father and grand father who passed away January 1976 little tribute small and tender Just to say we still remember Every remembered and sadly missed by MaryJean John andlamilies MARROW In loving memory of dear Margaret who passed away January Ist I964 We treasure still with love sincere Beautiful memories ol one so dear Sadly missed by Mom Dad sisters and brothers ROLFE In loving memory at dear son and brother William Thomas Bill who passed away Dec tl 1970 Just when your lite was brightest Justwhen your years were best You were called from this world of sor row 10 home of eternal rest Sadly missed and always remem bored by Dad Mom brothers and sisters and theirtamilies VIEYERSEV Tender memories ot Herb who passed away on January ist I976 He has lound peace and rest at last In the arms oi Jesus Always remembered Marg and tamily AARKLE Dora In loving memory of Jear wile and mother Mrs Stanley Markle who passed away Dec 30 l973 in our hearts your memory lingers Always ender Fond and True theres not day dear Mother We do not think of you Lowngly remembered by husband and family and grandchildren CARDS OF THANKS MORRlSON We Wish to thank rela tives friends and neighbors for kind ex presswns of sympathy extended to us in the loss of dear husband and lather Donald Morrison SpeCial thanks to nurses onéBandhospitalstatt riMargaretMorrisonandlamily $500 cents per line $3 22 er column inch COMING EVENTS BINGO REBEKAH AND ODDFELLOWS EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT 800 pm I00F HALL FERRIS LANE Jackpot SIOO refreshment booth ThTF ANGUS LIONS FLEA MARKET Highway 90 Angus every Sunday I2 to pm BOOTH RENTAL Coll 4246986 or 4241862 after pm FTF Barrie Horticultural Society THURSDAY JAN pm Codrington St School Slides of I976 Photographic Competition Speaker Mr Tenute D3l J5 LEGAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS All claims against the Estate of MARJORIE ELIZABETH JANE HANSEN late of the Village of Cookstown in the County of Simcoe who died on or about the Qist day of October 1976 must be filed with the un dersigned on or before the 14th day of January I977 after which date the Estate will distribute the assets having regard only to the claims then filed DATED at Barrie Ontario this I7th day of December I976 STEWART ESTEN Solicitors for the Executors 2i Owen Street BARRIE Ontario DI8243I TENDERS Ontario MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES Sealed Tenders will be recieved by the undersigned to supply and install apreengineered metal building Work to include installation of footings slab partial electrical windows and doors plumbing Tenders will closeJanuary I2 1977 For further information contact Groves Superintendent Midhurst Forest Tree Nursery HELP WANTED Midhurst Ontario Telephone 7057286599 03 HELPWANTED SALESPERSON l2000 I5000 Calibre lighting products company is seeking topltnotch person for the Barrie region and surrounding areas This is fantastic opportunity for the right person Salesperson will be calling on industrial accounts and institutions Earn very high commissions No evenings no Weekends and no overnight travel Repeat orders represented 85 of our volume last year Earn while being trained in the field before being sent out on your own For personal interview call MR TODASCO 728619I Holiday Inn Call Tuesday January 41h to pm and Wednesday January 5th am to pm NOTICE deadline for classified word ads pm previous day noon Saturday HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Salespersons Experienced Preferred Improve your career in ell established firm with knowledgable and experienced staff Highest commissions and ncentives Guidance and instruction in all phases of real estate Mortgage and Appraisal departments Airconditioned offices Coll WILLSON or BOB MARCH for appointment All inquiries strictly confidential DSI JS ILLSOH IIQDUNLOPJI No 1938 I0 APIPAISIHG AND TINANCINC REAL ESTATE LIMITED MIN RON IO 364 OWN UNIIL THE BARRIE EXAMI HAS ROUTE OPENINGS Please fill out the application below and return it to THE BARRIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayfield St Barrie Name Teephone hMA TF and Win Prizes SHIRLEYALEOA AREA WELLINGTON SOPHIA ST AREA PEEL ST SOUTH END SHOREVIEWGARRETT AREA SHANTY BAY ROAD MELROSE ST WELOON CR GUNNOAK AREA NER or Phone 7266539 anouun loIllooollool 59 J4 AUCTION SALES ALLEN HORNER Auction Service BARRIE SIMCOE COUNTY Form Household °Antiques Appraisals RR NO BRADFORD ONT Phone 4167753659 or 7054584589 FTF BILLBARR AUCTIONSERVICE Antiques farms industrial household estates mortgages consigments and appraisals HONESTY INTEGRITY AND COURTESYOURMOTTO Successor to Jerry Coughlin CALL 7280744 FTF BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alledged to arise through either failure 0r delay in forwarding such replies however otherwise EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72824 TF Striking hotel employees ill Miamis Sheraton Four Ame bassadors shout it out Willi cab drivers lhursdtty as cut SAVE UP TO Dies attempted to MAMMOTH TWO DAY SALE 12 OFF SHOUTING MATCH through lllt ltktl line When the shouting Iltltil pickets to agreed to let czths remain on Irtvv the street guests would have to walk down lrom the hotel board the cubs AP Photo ORIGINAL PRICES MON JANUARY IO AM TIL PM TUES JANUARY IO AM TIL PM N0 7371182 PHONE NOW FOR INSTANT DELIVERY 7371182 DOWN PAYMENT NO PAYMENT TIL MARCH 77 MOST NEW IN CARTONS SOME DEMOS SOME ONEOLA KIND ALL Alli WNDITIONERS HIIST ill 4000 to 10000 OVER 300 BRAND NEW AIr Conditioners Cratod 75 76 Models In ooolod cartons HIKE US AN OFFER TODAYI curt REGULAR Suggested list $799 SAVE $206 REDUCED TO ONLY GIANT 25 COLOR Big 295 sq in viewable picture Rectangular too Huge 6Inch duocone speaker Like two speakers in one Especially easy Color Quick tuning too FuII tloor Spanish cabinet tothe 59 Serving Canadians for over 22 years over good years in Barrie with trade NO MONEY DOWN NO PAYMENTS TILL MARCH 77 on extended term plan KRAIY KIM KELLY The Barrie Examiner Friday December 311976 15 Elaborate ceremonies marked New ears CHICAGO AP If you take your New Years Eve celebra tion seriously you might be in tor long hangover Depending upon your nationality New Years can extend lrom early September to midJ une Most North Americans cele brate New Years Eve Dec 31 but the Chinese Egyptian Jew ish Roman and Islamic New Years all began at different times The dates may differ but according to The World Book Encyclopedia all civ ilizations celebrated the first day ol each year with elaborate ceremonies Anctent Egyptians celebrated the New Year in midJune the time when the Nile River usually overtlowed its banks And in ancient Rome the tirst ol the year honored the god Janus alter whom the month 0t January was named Janus had two laces which looked both ahead and backward so the Romans used this day to look back over the events ol the past year and to give thought to what the coming year might bring When the Romans invaded England they discovered that the Druid priests celebrated the new year March 10 by givmg Color Console TV 100 Solid State Modular Get Your Free Gift COLOR Super Zenith Chromacolor $8999 20 ZENITH slightly marked $39999 the people charms of mistletoe New Years Day became which grew on the sacred oak Christian holy day in 787 AD trees Why Spend Another Evening Alone Phone now for your FREE Brochure SINGLES SOCIAL CLUB Barries only new and true adult smgles dance club invites membership pat tictpation Being single 30 and over in Barrie need no longer leave you testing like fifth wheel or an outsider You no longer need drive to Toronto just to VISII Singles club Why not join us now Ior as little as $300 tor an evenings en tenainment Coll Some of our mare popular ac tivities are dancing with people 2070 yrs young din ner dances nightclub outings Social club dance parties popularity sessions and generally breaking the trend of being alone PATS 7373610 pm pm Mon Fri Super 26mn Color Spanish 26 ZENITH SPANISH CHROMACOLOR Sensationally Priced $69399 Toshiba Blockstripe inline matrix picture tube $69 99 WT N0 PAYMENTS Tlll MARCH 77 HIMSELF Wits LYS BARRIE PLAZA Vs