PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY JESSIE BRYSON Teacher of Piano Singing Theory Pupils prepared for examinations of the Royal Conservatory of Music Toronto All grades and ARCT Modern Methods Studio 27 Bradford St 7284718 MARJORIE HANES Teacher of Piano and Theory Pupils prepared for Royal Conservatory Examination ALL GRADES ALL AGES 7288153 15 Clapperton St ROY SCHUETT CO Chartered Accountants 103 Collier St Barrie Phone 7265100 POWELL JONES CO Chartered Accountants 24 Dunlop St East Barrie Ontario Telephone 7287461 ARTICiEsroiisAir DOGS AND PETS LEDLEEHILL AQUARIA Aquariums tisti plants all accessories Lowest price ltlArdtqtiFZit 160091 BARRIE POODLF salon Shampoorna and clipping at all IJIttlIS Sophia Street East 710 41 FOODLE tNIWWNO prOIiSsrondl oroonting iit prams pick up and de livery 776 8798 Pet Studio MAYS FOoDLI ARLOR sronnl tripping and grooming onablw rtirs telephone 716 0th MALE and ternan KL registered mack mitirnti ri poodles winks old 575 Phone 26 $673 FREE 10 good hnmi owner no tanner Protvs riias able to limp sane Pot IIUUSL don Chihuahua tntt errier ivlephonc 738 MRI103 7151 levvzntinus TO GIVE AWAV Its all etrs Old tutttnlus spirit2 Milk nvuturvtt Evenings pTIOIILJZ gum or 49 3181 CHRISTMAS TREES UT YOUR OAN 9th IIIIC ro Ilsp miles north at Hr ll tollon signs NEW YEARS GREETINGS Craig Hunter Poultry Farms RR Stroud 4361811 031 MFARMERS MARKET FARM FOR PROFIT SHOP SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP 7266531 If FEED SEED GRAIN HAY FOR SALE Sc vlipftcmuf Mitt fftlO mi II QR 10 itro iri HRJI QEARMFRS MARIE pvt UIli man iic utal van Feed her alf Startena dairy heifer under two months of age needs all the nutrition she can get into her undeveloped rumen Hay just doesnt provide the proper nutrients In addition hay Is hard to digest and takes up rumen space that should be filled with high quality feed such as Purina Calf Startena When fed as recommended Calf Startena provides just the right balance of nutrients dairy calf needs to grow properly and develop into high producing milk cow Purina Research scientists formulated Calf Startena many feeding tests that proved performance results that showed heifers grew 197 faster when Its superior eluding fed hayfree diet See us for the facts before you start your next group of heifers PARTRIDGE FEED SEED RR SHANTY BAY MILE NORTH OF HWY ON 4th LINE 080 4872929 She cant afford to eat hay PURINA DAIRY CHOWS VOCAL LESSONS SUSAN FORD RICKETTS ARCT LRCT Registered Music Teacher Preparation for all grades Royal Conservatory if desired 20 North Park Road Barrie 7282181 ANGUS ROSS BA Registered Music Teacher Instruction in Piano and Theory Also tutoring in French Latin and other school subjects 91 Ross St Barrie 7285775 SAMUEL ROSE and ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy 49 Collier St Barrie 7284949 7285584 FEED SEED GRAIN WANTED Sheiledcorn Wewrllpick up or deliver to our elevator Farms Hawkestono 48 2725 1500 SALES first and second cut alialta hay elephone 726 8274 HORSE HAY tor 90 cents per Dale Also more years old 143 hands dark bay must be said 8350 or host otter Even ings 172 2060 or 179 3183 HORSE HAY for 90 cents per bale Also mnru years old 14 hands aark bay must be sold $350 or best otter Even ings 322 2060 or 129 318 FARM MACHINERY BROWN AND BELL Farm Dairy Equipment DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Complete Line of Dan Farm Equipment and Supplies BarrteS Holly Hwy 27 1260338 or 7286766 MWF TF Maryvrlia Winter Repair rates at BOBS DIESEL EQUIPMENT LEYLAND Sales Service See the new Leylartd urutio tractors RR Barrie Highway 27 miles south of Barrie 7057261114 MWFJ3 SNOWBLOWER auoIr Type tor paint hitch S265 Apply Robertson Annui 474 0306 WATERLOO Trar tor With iylindir Wisconsin air cooled enqinii With snow pm It Good tor small parking lot S725 IIICLJIIOIII 458 9101 eveninQS 776 4053 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES AiPEs Apply Koale and Son Con rimsiori NO 7261907 778 8489 £10500 Srndas Yourcontainvrs fitti srio tweets from STARTENA in Iii iiiii ALUMINUM GEORGIAN BUILDING PRODUCTS ALUMINUM Siding Eavestrough Soffit Windows pacio Doors Shutters Awnings AdditionsRoofing Porch Enclosures Stonework For free estimate Call PHIL SPURLING 7266907 Local Family Business ALTERATIONS LADIES AND gentlemans alterations 76 Mary Telephone 7373437 or residence 725 3449 77 APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized sales and service 18 Alliance Blvd 7783392 APPLIANCE REPAIRS MAJOR APPLIANCE REPAIRS Day or night service All work guaranteed Instant replies 7264881 ask foriPhilr AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS WE REPAIR British European and Japanese cars Coronation Auto Sorv 17 Mary St 7765441 REPAIRS CONVERSIONS Engine Rebuilds all small cars Import Domestic Safety checks Labour $12 hour Owen Racing 416 TIfIIn 776 I745 BIRD HOUSE PURPLE MARTIN Houses for solo Apply at 92 Melrose Ave 80771801Iel9p70110 778 5283 CARPENTRYVV AND General Contractor KITLhUn rec rooms renovations additions fireplaces guaranteed 737 1507 CARPENTER SpeCiolizing in rec rooms in terior remodelling trim etc Please call 7788884 afterbp in CEDAR DECKS rec roams extensions etc Fully experienced 776 9W7 776 7609 CABINET MAKER European trained Kit hens vanities Pine furniture renovations alterations Dornestii Commercial 776 7948 LICENCED CARPENTERS Custom homes cottages renovations repairs Satisfaction guaranteed RandJConstruction 776 7461 CARPENTER will do rec rooms renovations remodelling etc Noiobto small 726 1271 GENERAL CONTRACTING Rooting Orpen try painting Reasonable priius Call Bolt allerbp in 436 4789 CONSTRUCTION licenrvd turpenten for renovations additions homes cottages Free estimates 435 4995 CARPET CLEANING START YOUR spring cleaning toriny Reutulim your iaipets with OIpEI steam cleaning 726 632i CAR RENTALS HOLIDAY RENTACAR SYSTEM 01 176 Bradford St Barrie 7267474 featuring Fine Chrysler Products D31 CERAMICS WINTERICK CERAMICS floor and wall tiling and repairs 776 6763 ciiAIit CARING ANTIQUE CHAIR CANING Over 35 years WIIBTILT Telephone Sornors 436 7799 CHILD CARE WEEK END SERVICES 741mm supervision meals eiiturioininunt loving 01 Reasonable rains 424 6731 FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK FOR SALEM SPECIAL Lf AHANCE of User Ier New trailers htvlrill maxi Aluoieasv anitrintals 7261651 HARNESS REPAIRS iioikey iquip mnnt ripiiirs inrtdlis and TIICI HIniIcr sons Saddlery 772i Yonqc it Pmns Wtr 717 2987 HORSES BOARDED iian trainrd Eiho Spring Ranch l0ih line at Oro Phone 487 584 HORSES BOARDED Box stalls hot mnstt twue daily minutes train Biir rituibS monthly 7447 POULTRY AND CHICKS READY tolin DUIItIi egos Craig Hunter Sirourt436 Hill Isa tarm IFIISII Poultry PERSONALS SLEIGH RIDES Evenings Weekends $25 an hour miles west of Barrie Leon Morris 7286078 MWFF25 MONECA CARD READING Counselling IPsychic Parties Call 7288868 Mon thru Fri MWFJIO INFORMATION Travel planning our specialty our trained counsellors will be pleased to discuss any destination We are now able to give first hand information on most destinations HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 45 DUNLOP ST BARRIE ONT 7284700 DBIH ASHVILLE We are accepting reservations for our group bus tour to Grand Ole Opry Easter weekend days For details HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 45 DUNLOP ST BARRIE ONT 7284700 HAWAI ALL THE HELP YOU NEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory COMMERCIAL ART COMMERCIAL ARTIST design art work layout etc Plosa cal collect 416 mag Ciisroui nucmc RESIDENTIAL FENCING Chain link custom wood fences Improve your property 7311507 DISC JOCKEY THOMSON TURNTABLES Music for all acca sions all ages Immediate bookings ovpilabla 4241048 MA DRESSMTAKING onssszs FIT it made by JOSIE AOutNo Specializing in pantsuits gowns and altera tions Worsloy DRYWALL SPECIALIZING IN taping and textured spray ceilingsgCalALTpny 7281102 TAVTSTiioiioiiitIé GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING Eavestroughing installed Call 7786628 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialists Roofing and rooting repairs Free estimates Call 4741956LNew Lowell ELECTRICAL PETER GAMBLE Electric Commercial RGSIdential Industrial Installations and sor vtca 7764996A SIMCOE ELECTRICT lndustrial Commercial Residential Farms Lighting design Electrical consulting 20 yrs experience City Masters Lic 118 7288234 EXCAVATING ROBERT BOYCHOFF Excavating haulage septic systems trenching loader work gravel 436 1558 436 I757 BULLDOZING small and large lob Er Eason and Sons RR Minesing 7767638 DRAG LINE Work Wanted Farm ponds dit hing general excavating etc Phone 776 8693 WEST GROVE CONSTRUCTION Backhoe Excav Trenching Horizontal Augering 7289833 FIREPLACES 77 FIREPLACES Specializing in natural stone antique brick Custom built and designed All workmanship guaranteed PETER HENSTRA 7372871 erNLworx and fltIlplarES spiicTaIiy Vic Wotsori for froc ESIIIVIOIE 7781599 FIREPLACE ACCESSORIES CANDLE AND COPPER HOUSE GUTHRIE ONT 4873442 AND MASONRY Specializing in fireplaces have fireplure this wrnior Phone 778 567 REFINISVHWING HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation and refinishing old and new guarantaedad not In hip or peel 375 8341 iiAtiorMAiid FREE Garages cleaned Trash hauled away JUST GIVE US YOUR CASTOFFS 4875525 7263441 between 10 DJ and 530 prn Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will assureyou of the finest job possible HANDYMAN HOME AND COTTAGE Maintenance Pain ting Plumbing Roof and Chimney repairs ï¬lo41 CARPENTERPAINTER You name in do Call 7263407 HOUSE CLEANUPS Painting carpentry Enoral maintenance ctr etc 4875357 HOME IMPROVEMENTS INTERIOR REMODELLING Kitchens rec rooms Call Russ 4363681 after 630 pm Roforlncos available NEED MORE living space rec roam extra bedroom play room laundry office storage space Also painting wallpaporlng Murray Bail 7288906 CUSTOM REC ROOMS Complete bandian planning and decorating privacy screens and patios aluminum door The number for all your needs 7788906 SPECIALIZING IN Tuck pointing chim neys waterproofing brick and stone caulk ing window and expansion iointsWark guaranteed 4589346 LEARN ABOUT YOUR LOSS Most older homes lose 50 to 60 of your heat Stop Heating Ontario INSULATE with law last Cellulose Fibre Insullation Returns your money within two years LOCAL AND MODERN INSULATION 7266392 HTNCOMETAX INCOME TAX returns prepared Angus Bar ria area 55 up Dobson 4245910 after WI WPIPIB CENTRAL DATA PROCESSING Complete Accounting And Bookkeeping Services OYear end Financial State T4s Olncome Tax returns For an appointment at your convenience PHONE 4364952 INSULATION SIMCOE ECONOMY IRIUIGTIOVL fibreglass blowing and patting Free estimates Scott Muir 7781267 LANDSCAPING PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPING designs sup plied Tree removal Custom spraying For Iilirai Insecttide Herbicide 487 3401 728 9369 MASONRY MASONRY block and brick fireplace No rob too small Reasonable rates 737 3357 MICROWAVE OVENS DELL MICROWAVE Services Authorized Amona Sales Service to all Microwave Ovens 7764177 anytime MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT WARREN BROWN Music for people who like to dance Good rules 778 9545 MUSIC INSTRUCTION GUITAR LESSONS Classical and popular Marcel Potvin Guitar Studio 776 I489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ beginner and advanced months trial instrument loaned for home practice Canadian Academy of Music I21 Bayfield 728 I799 OFFICE SERVICES HELP WANTED HELP WANTED WANTED Real Estate Sales Representatives For Barrie and Simcoe County Previous experience would be help ful but not essential generous benefit program is provided For confidential interview please call Les Wainwright 02731 Federal Trust Realtor 87 BayfieldSt 7372300 Tororito Direct Line 3620332 PAINTING VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In terior exterior Work guaranteed Establish 13° 1995576°° UAW WAYNE FOLEY Professional painters Ex terior and Interior Free estimates Work 91°29F2d7367399 DON SIESLING Professional painting in torlor exterior paper hanging custom work satijfgctianigugranteedL7266808 HILLSDALE DECORATING Interior ex terior wallpaparing custom textured walls Industrial Engineer required for manufacturing plant located in Barrie For this position you should have an IE or Industrial Management andceilingsTelephone705835 5387local degree wnh preferably Years experience working in volume manufacturing concern Previous MTM PICTURE FRAMING required GATES 82Dunlop St kEast Custom You must have inplant LE experience and be able to implement gzgrgzgagmiwe we mm and maintain industrial engineering functions such as layouts cost CUsIOm plCIUFerFVOmtng Wide reduclonr melhOdsi monUIOCUrlng leChnlqueSi Time SIUdY and solution Futtorr WIW 105 5er standards develo merit You will also re are and inl Satisfaction gugrrontead 7788683 Standards abor PLASTERING WICKLUM PLASTERING STUCCO DECORATIVE REPAIRS SPECIAL RATES FOR JANUARY FEBRUARY P31 3222478 PHELPSTON OPPORTUNITY Training Program starting NEW WORK and repairs drain and SLWLI leaning omplete kitchen and bathroom experience This is career position with favorable advancement propects Salary commensurate with background and experience Excellent benefit plan In confidence send resume and salary requirement to BOX T7 THE BARRIE EXAMINER zesgalvzacgons corainir tile Bilotia ll MULLED TIFFANY PARTY RENTAL Automotive Everything For Entertaining Tables chairs dishes glasses WeDeiiverélReserveNow 7374388 NEEDED IMMEDIATELY 248TffSlB°rre Experience not necessary Must be eager and RIDING INSTRUCTION aggressive Top benefits Demonstrator supplied Excellent working conditions Barries Oldest Automotive Dealer Apply for appointment ROBERT OR ORVAL JACKSON 7260288 JACKSON SALES LEASING RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor OHHIO HUISVS boarded Barrie fivo minutrs Winity Haiiqh Farm 776 0192 ROOFING AND ROOTING New and old Repairs Free estimates 322 1897 after 11 SNOW BLOWING SPECIALIZE ii WM Drown DWImp For free estimate Cnll uiiri 7TH 0966 0071 737 7859 SEWING MACHINES SEW TECH CO Spanglish reports all makes industrial rtuiiiiistir 5Wiltq machnus Now usud Agents BIUIINI It¢ ing Machines 737 1671 737 1185 snowmwme MILLWRIGHT Experienced III the installation modification and repair of PAULS SNOWILOWING IISIIIIIiIIuI nitl ommmrmr mobl mm morhinory IIILIUIIIIg pneumatic cylinders volvesetc 095WIPW 7330 Knowledqoblh in use of power tools welding broising 0nd WRIGNTS SNOWPIOVJING Sirrnll Ulllflllt not and imidiiiiiul Dependable 716 7757 SIMPSON RUSIJI nut and lufltttult tor snowplowiiig Call 778 7titbm 776 7801 KENS SNOWPLOIHINC Commercial S15 00 hiiiir solder trig able to read blueprints iiiiiaiiiiutili intol Apply petitririigl Iv NitricIII RUBBERSET CO CAN LTD iiiirliiiiini 54 no Grovenhursy Ony 7167191 minim HELP WANTED MATURE KITCHEN HELP full time Apply in person to the chef at Bayshore Motor Hotel 148 Duntop EMPLOYMENT WANTED LICENSEDMECHANIC will repair cars In spare time Anything considered Telephone 737 0947 evenings LEGAL BROSTELLA DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Brostella Developments Limited intends to dissolve pursuant to The Business Corporations Act DATED at Barrie this 30th day of November 1976 PAUL PERRI SecretaryTreasurer J3 TENDERS COUNTY OF SIMCQE PRINTING OF MINUTES AND AUDITORS REPORT Sealed tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned up until 430 pm on Jan 14th I977 for printing 150 copies of the minutes of the 1977 proceedings of Simcoe County Council in three volumes including an index for each Session Volume IJonuory and February Sessions Volume 2Al Sessions bet ween March Ist and July Ist Volume 3All Sessions bet ween July Ist and December 315i 12 copies of each volume to be left without covers for binding purposes 150 copies of the Auditors Report for 1976 to be included in Volume SPECIFICATIONS 50 pound book stock pages to contain 40 Ms point type anI be bound in 16 page sections Minutes to be delivered four weeks after receipt of copy for the last Session of the relevant volume Separate prices per page to be quoted for printing minutes and Auditors Report Lowest or any tender necessarily accepted Contact County Clerks office for further information GORDON WATSON Clerk County of Simcoe Administration Centre Midhurst Ontario LOL 1X0 not DBI EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 PUBLIC NOTICE COMPLETE BOOKKEEPING and typing sar vices altered at reasonable rates Pick up and deliver 474 6731 PAINTING PAINTING paper hangindg experienced free estimates lack Richar son 776 2017 756 8874 PERSONALS PERSONALS TELE CARE Why light your problem alone Let trirynn help Call 181671 716 797 anytime Free reireshmems flee in ALCOHOLics ANONYMOUS 773 6581 you drink thats your business It you ormOIOn Free presenl°°n wanttoauit thatsours Call any timi January 15 Hosts Hays Travel Service Location The Hayloft St Vincent St Tran sportation will be provided if required HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 45 DUNLOP ST BARRIE ONT 7284700 DBIH Average temperature Feb March 79 degrees We have March tour available Why not call for details HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 45 DUNLOP ST BARRIE ONT 7284700 DOTH TRINIDAD TOBAGO weeks nights Trinidad 12 nights Tobago Crown Point on the bay Eff apartments $529 per person HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 45 DUNLOP ST BARRIE ONT 7284700 wgr DBIH THINK SUN Tired of snow Try California Flydrive Visit wonderful San Francisco We have just retur ned with first hand information HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 45 DUNLOP STW BARRIE ONT 7284700 DalH BARBADOS week tour Fri departures Enjoy Jolly Roger Cruise or visit Bridgetown Think of 80 degree temperature Only $399 per person HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 45 DUNLOP ST BARRIE ONT 7284700 D31H UNWANIED HAIR removed Safely permanently medically approved Ly dia Hrcnciiuk Cortitieri Electralogist 737 2671 DO SOMETHING NEW phone Rendezvous Datinq Ltd 416 As toot Brampton 11am in All ages PERMANENT tingernails done length Talcphoneme 462i BOWLERS WANTED Couples Singles Teams ladies mens Start now all Kempvrew Bowl728 9761 HORSE drawn sleigh rides Weekends and evenings Dunran Murdork RR Barrio 776 4756 evenings HAVE AN ARTIST frame your pain tings photographs prints High quality design custom and instant trames Valais Studios 205 Dunlop Street East 737 1014 INTERNATIONAL IV Investigation Sor Vices civil criminal divorce sur Veiltance Discreet and contidential 737 2977 RIDE wanton to Toronto Scarborough area Monday to Friday Telephone 456719 INSTRUCTION ENGLISH RIDING instruction Well schooled horses Indoor arena minutes trom Barrie 726 0I92 HELP WANTED AVON SELL BEAUTIFUL PRODUCTS youll find you never looked so good No experience necessary Call 7289652 or write AVON PO Box 485 BARRIE Ontario ACCOUNTANT 2nd or 3rd year IA or CGA student re qurred to assume responsibility tor ac countingtunctionsincluding preparation and analysis at financial statements and supervrsion 0t part time statt membersApplicantmustbeseItstarter and well motivated as position is new Excellent opportunity tor advancement with this medium sized company Loco tion In Stroua Ontario Reply In writing to Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Lta Box lot RR No Stroua Ontario ALL QEPLIESCONFIOENT iALt WELL KNOWN company requires am bitious full or parttime help in Barrie or surrounding area Car necessary Earn above average wages Telephone 416895 6532 DENTAL ASSISTANT tor Civilian Den list at Base Borden Must have own transportation Telephone 4246595 bet ween9am nnaSp RELIABLE Babysitter required tor two preschoolers Preter my home River wood Farm subdivision days weekly Telephone 728726 otter 510 pm MATURE KITCHENHELP full time Apply in person to the chat at Bayshore Mgtor Hotel I48DunioprE 436 769501l0r 6872224 DANS snowriowmc runnyuh WI 031 small comrruiri iul Diiiir RIisiir able Barric and Angus all 26 9179 JOES sNowpiowmc urtiiIiIiirul iiis denlial Ruosonablu mi min puguc NOTICE PUBLIC Monc so meg AiMII STUCCO OF 19 Russtii TIXIURL SPRAY tum In interior IfllIUfld wi niil lliltliqi him BTtnfllp DnliRiiAiill Miilliiiit titiiiii 97 28 43 TAILORS AL THE TAILOR snort yrirmiisi rimmiin xi of Corniriirie Buililiiiq UTii71l triiloriiiq xriil altatclliolis £0 TELEVISION LEASING RA ETTT THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION rriu only Nniisi IE liuuiiiq now your new OIL Iimii $3 rs WiiA iii aunt OF THE mDunlopSt 72a 4797 CITY OF BARRIE rusticjiiiiiu December 18th 1976 NOTICE OF PROPOSED INCREASE IN ELECTRIC SERVICE RATES The following rate increases have been Ontario Hydro Effective with all electrical ener will apply RESIDENTIAL SERVICE ELECTRIC NET RATES SCHEDULE Telephone 705 7264242 15 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario gy consumed on and after January Ist 1977 the following schedules of rates follows FIFSI IOOkilowatIhours at80 per kwhr Next 400 kilowatthours at 40 per kwhr All additional kilowatthours at 23 per kwhr Minimum bill $700 Bills are rendered NET There is late payment charge 0159 before the due date ELECTRIC HOUSE HEATING applicable to all rates for bills not paid on or All consumption registered on separate electric house heating meters is billed at 23 per kilowatthour NET Allelectric customers receive their bills on monthly basis covering not only electric house heating service but regular electric service water service etc FLAT RALEWATER HEATING SCHEDULE Although no new installations have been permitted since 1969 the following rates will apply to those which were in service at that time 500 watts 600 watts 750 walls 800 watts 10003000 watts 1500 4500 watts GENERAL SERVICE ELECTRICUNET RATES SCHEDULE Commercial and industrial 509 per month net 610 per month net 720 per month net 755 per month net 961 per month net $1441 per month net Those Commercial and Industrial customers having maximum billing demand of over 50 kilowatts are billed monthly with demand charge of $270 per kilowatt plus energy charges Those customers with maximum billing demand of less than 50 kilowatts are billed on bimonthly basis and there is no demand charge Since most General Service customers fall into the latter category rates quotations here relate to bills rendered EVERY TWO MONTHS covering the electrical energy consumed which is apportioned as follows First 100 kilowatthours Next 400 kilowatthours Next 19500 kilowatthours All additional Minimum bill under 50 kilowatts kilowatthours at80 per kwhr 0140 per kwhr at29 per kwhr at 155 per kwhr $700 Bills are rendered NET There is late payment charge of applicable to all rates for bills not paid on or before the due date As stated above those General Service customers with billing demands Of greater than 50 kilowatts will be billed monthly and the consumption blocks shown for twomonth billing will be halved TRANSFORMATION ALLOWANCE For stepdown from subtransmission 25 per kilowatt of billing demand per month For stepdown from distribution voltage 15 per kilowatt of billing demand per month FURTHER INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED BY CONTACTING THE BUSINESS OFFICE ELSON SecretaryTreasurer