Resolve to use FastA cting Classified is In 1977 by diariiie Wwï¬Vv The Barrie Examiner Friday December 31 1976 13 7282414 PROPERTY FORSALE FOR SALE GEORGE IVTIILELAJLIQ REALTY LTD BARRIE REAL ESTATE 110 DUNLOP ST 7373200 MWFTF isivianv MILLER LIMITED REALTOR 67 DUNLOP WEST BARRIE 7261881 TORONTO 3647941 5119111510 AGENTS FOR ISéRANDTiHWES Ross Miller 7260563 Ron Sproule 4873715 Al Rose 7288116 Mike Lysabild 7266054 Harvey Weber 4363815 Cec Cook 7283036 Ron Jones 7268997 Ron Thorne 728 8714 Percy Ford 7287930 Les Lovegrove 424 1289 Gerald ONeill 7267733 Nelson Garrett 7266096 Ross Burwell 4589248 Helen Burris 7262386 Rob Knapp 7267294 Jerry McNabb 7261881 Ken Miller 4873365 Bernie Blum 4875540 Hannah Pentland 7288028 Clarence Canning 72611676 TF MLS REALTOR APPRAISALS 9B BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 416 889 9487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR TVillovf Larzdirlg MIDHURST Open Sat 81 Sun noon till dusk Harold Davis 7287543 Frank Hooey 728 0676 Paul Arbour 7263897 Fred Rcynolds 728 5333 Norman McMillan 7268957 Larry DeWiIde 728 3253 Bill Evansno toll 3221575 Chuck Lambert 728 8001 Bert Cuff 7284067 Larry Brewer 728 9745 John Colwell 7267726 Harry Magill 726 3864 Doug Baker 7283274 Simon Beekliuizen 7373795 Jim Harris 7267173 if 79 31111711210 31 BARRIE PHONE 7261405 PHOTO MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE wï¬m MWMWNQNS IMITED Ht APPRAISALS MORTGAGES Bill Rawn 7268999 Collin Nrgllcs 726 57117 Charles Brown 7282624 Frank NQlILs 726 6696 Russel Carson 7266161 5331 RCHOLKAN CO LTD fR REALTOR GHOLIIIIII 10 Collier St Barrie 7284401 Direct Toronto Line 3646625 TF NORMAN 168 DUNLOP 7283293 EAST REALTOR Hours Weekdays to Saturdays to WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN John Crawford 4875955 Peter Shelswell 728 2930 David Shelswell 4875560 Roger Shelswell 4872920 Jim Cross 726 2159 TF WILLSOII REAL ESTATE LIMITED 11 DUNN 11 171 lUkUHIU 1711 7711 Al1lpI11rir All ill1111 irrf 0311111500111 17 Sf TF ROBERT ARMSTRONG LIMITED REALTOR Residential Farms Acreages Commercial Investment Industrial Properties Businesses Mortgages and Appraisals BRINGING PEOPLE AND HOMES TOGETHER i49 BAYFIELD ST 7269262 89 BAYIJIJH ST liAlilillI 72111111 Photo Multiple Listing Service Esther Kennedy 424547 Marg Wood no toll 4873148 Leo Cavanaugh 7281207 Bob Saunders 7263683 Larry Wood no toll 4873148 Ross Batstone 726 3043 1Â¥LL AAA 1LISTBUY 0R SELI wmi 3111 151113 110 ca Bill McCreary Manager 728 1865 Dorothy MocQuarrie 728 6358 Corby Adams 7286829 REALTOR JOHN COLE 7288017 TOM CAIRNS 7280653 78999 19 5517 Golf Haven Estate Jr Executive recreation min ded wrth galf boating skiing and ice fishiiiq at your doorstep bedrooms upon liiizplau Gt garage liiiiiltLlliill cupancy Call Hans Brauiis collect 416 727131111141718111 2101 ALOI BROTHERS LTD RULTltOi 141 Yotigi $911101 So Aurora 0111111111 BOTFIE Oim Mari Real Etoiu 011111 1111i lor results Nlllll 1111 Soil W11 WHITE REAL TOP FOR PROMPT 111111111011 CALL 7281071 1111 II 10000 104 main stw stouftvflc 0110 4873437 II 113115 AlEREiCNALleLl1ERil 72ft 11294 1111 LEON ARRICK REAL EiTATf iTT 11111111er 7265827 MW 11 001114 llifli lrtv111i111 11 tithinrirni 111111111 11 11111 Jaw7 $1150 1111 11l1li2 111 1111 11 I111 1111 11 111 r11111 1111 llill Jl 11 51i p1 Jr 11117 V111 lHi 1111 Ni A115kl 111171117111 11 1111 17113617 11 7174tr1il NE HUJL 111 1111 111 itr1irt1 r111 11 11 111111111111 down 11111111 iv oedrr1irri111 r1111 1111 lxtr1 3219 it111 41 1111 911121 H111 11 t1 111 pawIi l71VI 111 11 H111rt111111 111111111 1r lidwill 11 7116 1011 11 17 1111 11 LOTS FOR SALE BUIIDH11 101 tir 1111 11121 Ashnq $17 000 Mari11 rillJ it 711 iliau kit111 Ft1iti 77 171 iir IN 1111 CUTIAGE LUI ll1 1101111111 Muskakzi Rivir 11711 11 r11 roiirt tor 111111111110 W111 1111111 1111 11111111 lt14111 Htv1 1r11 Ak1rtll 1111111 1111 riIlljr 127 7589 711 411 Ii 11 111 trir1liir1 1tytir11111 rty COMMERCIAL COMMUrrii111111111111111161111 ayniiitiilr 1111711111111111 11 1i11111r rir Jlilll1i Ill 11 11 071 iItiil11i itrml 111 1iI1 tiliilrl 1111 711111 t111i n1 1111111 tut11 lt1iiri1 717 11 M0311 HOMES TRAILERS RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd SALE RENT Parts and Service Exrlusivo Dealer For Bendix And Glendale Modular Homes Northlandets Travel Trailers Corsair Glenette Cygnet Terms Up T015 Year Highway 11 South 170 Burton Ave 728 9866 TI TRAVII Mill 11117 1111111 Ill 0r rIni liriliilny Iii 1111111111111 1111111 111111 tort Harrie lent 111111 Avltiill ii It Bayiiiridii WE KNOW its not Stirinrr it NII w11 let the HIILII Ifllilt ll1l 11Iv1 your lraiIir nrrihlniii iilt lt1rrilil int 111 porntrtirtit71191111 COUNIRY LIVlNl 1Jliiit pitti 1ulitl1 oi Iiarrlt New IlliIiH Unirt Iioltli it 11111 51 lIX IM iii1 111111 liltrliy iltli nouns lRAVi MAII Mrilrir 111111111 irir 11111 If item liniirliiy Il1 111rrltili1tr Illillli 111 tort IIiIFilt lltll 11ml Awriirirr 111 14 UiyliiIrl St Nillllll rlillltrii for ilusuifiiil word ml pm previous day noon Saturday the home follies 16 about people 47 COLLIER ST CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS BARRIE 7262611 LOOK FOR OUR SIGN FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS 4O MAPLE AVE BARRIE Complete Realtor Service 11110611111011 SALE Helen Hopkms 7201662 Audrey Marshall 4362880 801 1y CIltlpbollNOSIT 7371324 TF 7372101 Agent for Pineview Estates of Midliurst PF rR GUBBELS 7282425 TF 11A 1T 11 WT ltnTlttliOlElY lt17tiitil 111p11t1t1v1rates it 1111 pininpt ppm 111111 111111111110 con 7111 4111 511711Iailcl 111 Ali 11 111 113111011 1i 1ilutt1lilml 11 113 111 1nor lt1 ililPLE 1111 ER 11 737 1881 it 48 7158 1111111 111 if is 211 11111 11 0411t1lt1gL1 11111011 111113le 523E LOANS flea 3111483 IT LL17 N3 11 111 1111 l1 11 11 11 111 1711 166 11 16 RENTALS APARTMENTS TO RENT SH One bedroom apartment Good view at bay $225 monthly Includes heat light water and TV cable central suit adults Telephone 7260988 weekdays IS ED One bedroom apartment $150 monthly includes heat light water and TV cable Share bathroom Suitable tor working girl central 7260988 weekdays BEDROOM central location tridge stove and parking No pets 5200 month Iy Available immediately inquire at 11 Victoria St Apt after TWO BEDROOM apartment available January $232 monthly includes re irigerator stove heat and parking Bus stop location no pets please Telephone 728 5816 SUBLET Penthouse suitable tor senior citizen or executive Rent reasonable East and close to bus and shopping in lormation ovenings7287914 LOVELY turnished apartment Central location suit couple No pets ist and last months in advance Telephone 7280755 ONE and two bedroom apartments at Midhurst stove iridge laundry ta rilittes parking First and last months rent No pets Phone 7266725 atter pm ONE bedroom bachelor apartment East end Barrio Retrigerator stove dryer drapes utilities and cable supplied Li mited parking $215 per month Tele phone 3222013 BEDROOM heatedapaEtment In 610 Telephone 487 2714 FURNISHED W0 bedroom apartment available now Suitable tor working cou 11111 For turther intormation telephone 72111 6520 IIFDROOM apartment tor rent in Ilipltx pay own hydro $210 monthly l1rt and last months Available im 11111111101y ielephone7264896 ANGIE LIVING room kitchen and iiiitroom piece bath fridge and stove 11111111100 downtown Barrie Immediate 1111 it1ilIT 5140 month Cali Dave 178 2421 during business hours HEDROOM APARTMENT Stove re miterater heat and water supplied itildtille iintranco surtabie ior adults no pets Telephone 726 4784 days or 77111 I512 evenings two bedroom semiiurnished apart 11111111 on bus route Available im rnudiatiily Separate entrance Tole phone 737 7699 or 726 2551 BACHELOR APARTMENT 10mplciLly turnistieri cilriles utilities Near phone 726 6271 HOUSES FOR RENT 1131710011 townhouse $285 per miinth only years old For details 1Iil rilI Lorni Hay R0131 Estate 151 1516 or lulur I28 4067 NE ULLY Carpeted bcdroom home 11ll invade and tinishod ton On largo 1t mtli rmrdvn in Painswrck Available 111m 11 TtltDIIOITL 737 2949 iikANl NEW and bedroom homes Atlnnduli irm Largi1 lots telephone 419 3117 BRAND NE bedroom townhouse tor rum in exrluswe location For more in irritation111737 1981 BEDROOM HOUSE tor rent $45 weekly in hospital Tele available Jan u11r 15m in the Cundlos St area with 11111111111 rer room and laundry room 11111 11111111 776 3257 brtwccn am in iwr1 BEDROOM house in downtown arm avmlnbln January 5250 Fridge stow DrIFNITTl Call outwern and wwkrliiy 728 4776 BEDROOM House tor rent 5300 1111111111 11A11911511ria closoto schoot 1711 lltpln Available January 15 liIitlirir1ir01101487 5842 Oro 1MML 1A1E possossion bedroom huum wult largo laundry area recrea 111111 room private drive garage private tarii TYitIIiiIt irom downtown Barrie $7711 pw month Call Bob 375 3948 11111 DAR t1ilit tloor torerhnq iireplace limit in dishwasher bedrooms small 11111 utility room car garage on 1111 101 11111111 south ot Barrie near 11111ii1iito Jolt Course 3730 nor month Iltrlt 176 7198 ittcr Xi ilTIVl DPOFOOm homo very 11111 tiilly broadloomvd rerrration 11r Jarluv washrooms Pas 1111 Lintar inurus Real Estate 11111 73 101007 776 9915 1Mli MOBILE Homi 111111111 iur coupI1 SIBS monthly turnished lo 11111 lillilliTq 11 111i111n1rritri 2111 11111 l11ll1r llll1 1111 loans sli111lclrllt 71885 Chill 1llLl tO éstern international Fundin Corporation FURNISHED ROOMS Central 11111 1111 lUll No animals between 1119111701 riiFssa tustoit9OHwy yr 1W iii DROOM bungalow Livmq 11 1111irirr0111 kitihtrnoil heating 11r 1111111111111 S1250 monthly Avml 1111 11vviii111itiy Twitphonnno 6300 rib ill DPOUM lutly tiroarlloomed 1111 11111 1111 1711111 Avmlatiln January 11111 1111 BiminiIll 0384 ROOMS TO LET park kit 11111 priwiiqrS common room 111111 upwind wirkly Responsibil nil111 riiii iiiundry tnrilitios Tole 1111111111127171116 1l 110w Litilin IIIIIY With tieilroom tur nitm lIi inrut TlViIIl trousr down 1111711 110ml 111trirt 525 weekly In 11111it1ii11iyt1riiriq728 7914 1111A OWN urnishori rooms linen 111111111 with klllliil liTCtllTlLS and rec 111171V1lltll 776 6392 1119111 107le Iiirnliltltl and unturnishcrt 171111112 niwly DrudrIIOOtITCll and painted 11 111111 117 ilitiis Phone 778 4268 or 11111 325 13531 lllil 72 111111 fl 1110111117 MCllTCACiLi ARRANGED 11111it1u Patna IIIHIHQ Mrutgriqes I11iii1l 1111i 1ixli 111u11siivriiicu ri1ltl1lu 1111 1J1AI 1i11e11fiSES 11 lA ii 7716 7130 Offtiulim 1321 111 9pm 11 iriririinliiient Mtfiiilib 11 1mm Mortgage 11111111111Automation 101711111 1111111 1y11I1i 71 1111 Maura111 111 11l11111 111 iv lll 11111111 111l1 111411 111 1111 111111111 1117 1111 111 ltiit 1111111111 2111111 Slttntli 111 Ill 1111 11 1111111 111 11111 11 1111111 1itltl 11111111 iIiitll 11Il 77111651 11tt11111 1111 v11 1117 RENTALS APiTllifllriiï¬ T0 RENT liallr IPARTMlllI HOMES 11111111 1111t 1111 11 31 71 giill Alluti THE MAYFAIR liririiu i1lWLSI hutlrlitig 111 lilil lwu liirlriiiirn apart iiiinit with 1111 view and many fiftililllfi 7370027 llJIiiliJil 11111111111111 till itrMntown 11llld 11111 11111 illrtri 111111111111 111 NH 111 111111 i111 Iiiriis Iltltlllt1 Iilllll1 illtii Itiitl 11ml 111111 27191 111 111111111 111 Mr Mat t11 1711 11171 IIIIIIUI1 111 11 111111 tiiliiil 111 111 111liitl 111 11111111111111111 pit11 ii tliiil 1111 11111111111 lipilIIiTIIIll 1215 iiiiiillttiy 11111111111 iiIlIllL anti 111111111111 111111111111111 munii gym on Illtllli lili1pllliiw726 1341 NI IHiITUIIIll 11 11111111 liifi Willitiilli it Wi1t 1111 11111111111 1l1il 1tr1ViSl7i pir rniiiitli 171111111111 111w TlltplliHH 71 71117 1liii 11 111 71111111111ittir HUGH WLY dtWOTrTItd turnlshed 11mm to rint in downtown location 11111111111l1111n 11urus Rial Estate Ltd 11 1111111 M1 Illritlflliil mom in Nil114 home 111 1111 701110 iiipnrnti intranco Avail 11111 iTtiliillilIIllV IQIODITOTII 737 7699 or 776 2111 ROOM AND BOARD lUUM AND BOARD available in ladys WM1111 litlml tor mittun lady Home 111111111111 CloilI 10 bus stop and shopp 1111i VVTIII 80x 18 Barric Examiner ROOM and board tor young gentleman 1111tril location Parking Light wash 111a ilirir Iotaphone 728 7568 OFFICES STORES FOR RENT 1000501 llll iiist oi modirn store or oilicc space 1111 riiit or inn11 Dunlop East Mini lliim ustomrr and owner parking liiopltimir 7711 57311 MODERN 0t TiCE spare tor lease 11111111 or large surtiis immediate or cupiinr short or long term 726 3400 Antloluti SPACE FOR RENT RETAIL SPACE available for lease Spring 1977 Prime location Telephone 7286165 for further particulats Fl PRIME INDUSIRIAL SPACE 550 19500 sq it tuIIy sprinklered transport and hunt trurk loading docks 18 It 1111 part at large expanding Industrial lllilll I26 7130 Oi iICE SPACE tor rent downtown location carpeted parking available 111111phoniPetcrArchibald7264511 ION LtASE industrial space and warthouse telephone 7263400 illlII V7 RESORTS FLORIDA Luxury condominium tor riirit between St Petersburg and Clear wattr bedroom central aircon iitioning all iacilltles On the Gull plus private pool Telephone 726 4843 or 7711 71145 COMMERCIAL FOR SALE OR RENT OFFICE SPACE Modern office with 1100 sq ft on main floor overlooking Kem penlelt Bay and municipal parking Recently decorated with wall to wall drapes and fully broodloomed Call Bill Sakeris National Trust Co 720 9201 TF AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE AUTOMOTIVE Were overstocked so all prices on our new and used cars are reduced by 10 or more FAMILY I975 CHEVELLE STATION WAGON 21000 miles automatic tran smission power steering and brakes small V8 motor radio etc Has not been driven on salt roads Great value Stock No Mercury sales 1916 FIRFBIRD FORMULA Yellow with black interior V8 350 automatic console shift power steering and brakes AM with tape deck bucket seats rear window defroster whitewall radials remote 9539 mirror floor mats and block heater 20000 miles Licence KMD729 1972 OLDS 98 DOOR W75 MON CAR 63000 miles automatic tran smission fully power equipped Green with dark green vinyl roof Excellent comfort for long Metallic copper with tan vinyl roof and interior 350 V8 AM radio with rear seat speaker trips in the new year Licence 8ncgjle234ODOO miles Fag386 1975 FORD F250 WHEEL DRIVE PICKUP I972 OLDS CUTLASS VISTA white 360 V8 automatic CRUISER WAGON V8 automatic power steering and brakes radio etc New car power steering and brakes full time wheel drive 750x16 lug tires and spare step bum shape with low mileage in the per radio 23000 miles 4015 rare cc in great Licence E95086 One owner demand Licence HNV878 75 Tuman Metallic ice blue with mai 1974 BUICK CENTURY ching leather interior 350 VB 4DOOR AMFM stereo loaded with Automatic transmission low ex°51 28000 miles Licence JJ5536 One owner BUT GOOD NEWS mileage at 30000 miles VB power steering and brakes radio sapphire blue with dark ANOTHER 5UP blue top Top quality interior 75 TBIRD cloth and vinyl Most popular ISARRIVINGSOOM car size today Licence HNW 1975 CNEV MALIBU 285 2door coupe wine red with gold interior VB power steering power brakes AM radio almost new complete set of Pirelli radials Superb car Licence KRXO23 T975 MERCURY COMET 4door cyl standard shift Apple green with matching in terior Low mileage One owner Economical and com fortable Licence JHWOBI SPORTS 1975 MONZA PLUS Small V8 motor 4speed gas saving transmission power steering deluxe interior tur bine type wheels radial tires AMFM stereo cassette to plus many other extras car 74 MERCURY MARQUIS that would be showpiece for Yellow Ldoor and Y8 77 44000 miles Licence KYZ automatic power steering and brakes air rear window defroster whitewall radials vinyl top 42000 miles Licen I976 BOBCAT MPG ceKKW537 RUNABOUT speed transmission with deluxe bucket seats 18000 miles radio electric rear defroster opening rear vents whitewall radials sports car with economical operating costs Licence KKJI 10 1974 CORVETTE speed small V8 engine power steering and brakes AMFM deluxe road wheels leather interior plus other op tions 39000 miles Americas only true sports car with lowest depreciation of all American cars Licence HNR426 I972 DATSUN 510 DOOR cylinder speed electric rear defroster AM radio bucket seats vinyl type roof red with black top and interior 44000 miles Licence EVA351 CARS FOR SALE 1973 CADILLAC bovine LUKUFIOLISly oppomted Showroom condition Iil phone 728 9979 1976 BOBCAI Wagon Willi p0Wii steer rng air conditioned custom interior on Iy 2000 miles asking 54600 Trliptiono Midlnn11526 9106 I973 CADILLAC Fleotwood srdnn Royal Blue Every ODCOIVEIIHT option low milengv cortitiod $4700 728 3004 i973 CHRYSLER Newport Custom power steering brakes and air 1x celient condition Call Claudvs Trixaco 728 4400 I972 PON TAIC Sainrr warmn tor 51113 Vlt power slotring and lirnkiw mitml liii111 44000 11105 Ciriiiii1d $1595 1111010110111 726 2681ti1toro 30 pm DUNE BUGGY Finished tor the road with green metal ilake body and white root Now buckm seats wide tires radio and custom 11x I971 VOLKSWAGEN cylinder speed radio low mileage well cared for car Yellow with black interior DOUGLAS LINCOLN MERCURY SALES 181 ESSA RD BARRIE 0111 7285558 76 Year End Used Car Sale We must clear some of our used car inventory to make room for tradeins arriving daily from our new 1977 Douglasilincoln Mercury Sales CARS FOR SALE AUTOMOTIVE TRUCKS AND TRAILERS 1972 DODGE 77 ton custom automatic radio rear bumper radial tires 44000 miles good condition will certity Asking $1950 or best otter Phone4873131 1975EOFDTER131ine van va automatic excellent condition $2000 or best otter Call 7269824 or 7373251 SNOWPLOW 1973 Jeep 2000 hydraulic snowpiow wheel drive cylinder standard one owner low mileage new paint new tires ready to 90 $3595 as is Call Brian Taylor 7285558 1973 DAT suN PICKUP with cap 53000 highway miles In good shape Can be rertrfied $1200 Call 4875382 SNOWMOBILES SKIDOO Snowmobiles at MacDonalds Marine 73 Yonge St South Barrie 7282940 SNOWMOBILE PARTS El ACCESSORIES Big Red Castrol 81 STP Oil AC Champion Bosch plugs J3 1974 MONTE CARLO Tecumseh Kohler Tan with vinyl landau roof Engine Parts door 350 automatic power Delco Batteries steering and brakes AM radio wire wheel covers 47000 miles Licence HTN355 AUTO ELECTRIC One Owner 152 JOHN ST 7280737 1974 CHRYSLER NEWPORT TThSMy18 door hardtop V8 Sher wood green metallic with mat ching vinyl top and brocade in terior power steering power brakes air conditioning tin 1974 MERCURY Snowmobile tor sale 440 in new condition Electric start in cludes cover Telephone 4362688 atter pm SNOWMOBILE 1975 Mercury Snow Twister 440 75 hp carbide runners plus cover Excellent condition 5850 ted 9102s electric wrndpws IsleEpoqyzggisg AM 5P9 951 1970 SKI poo Olympique 123 good con radial tires Beautiful drrvrng dition No work needed $275 Telephone and superb luxury at an 722 3959 1975 ARTIC Cat Panther complete wrth economco PTCe Cence electric start speedometer and back 1110794 zestaestproEpogszzyfl I973 Skiwhiz One model 400 WT twin PORSCHE cylinder and one model 300 single cylinder Asking $500 eachlor best after 726 0389 SERVICE AND REPAIRS Gosol ne per gallon Full Service at selfserve prices Claudes Texaco 82 Bradford St 7284400 Red with chocolate interior litre speed AMFM radio 36000 miles Performance and economy Licence 888847 I972 COUGAR XR7 V8 automatic power steering and brakes in gold with very attractive tan plaid interior This is truly ex ceptional 1972 automobile Very low mileage one owner Licence DWKO26 1971 PONTIAC CATALINA CONVERTIBLE D3 Metallic dark iade with white ARTICLES FOR SALE leatherette interior and white convertible top 350 VB FIREWOOD automatic power steering BIRCHHARDWOODMIXED and brakes radio whitewall FREE DELIVERY radials good example of this rare convertible model Also Licence KYY154 SNOW PLOWING FREE ESTIMATES moo 7264813 7287375 Hydraulic snowpiow 4wheel M1W1FMY1 drive cyl standard tran smission low mileage one owner new paint new tires ready logo FIREPLACE HARDWOOD seasoned top quality lace cord 16 $35 12530 91 £10111ch Fm Siliygcx 7264725 HAMMOND ORGAN and Leslie speak er like new Totalstiszsihfle 7286100 FIREWOOD split dry $65 bush cord Free delivery anytime Telephone 4662320Mls19m PFAFF Sewing Machine Christmas Special teaturing bumin extras lot that protessional look 776 3273 MINK COM and iacket Also Muskratcoat like new 1216 7283004 FlREVlVODD 0r sale split mixed hard wood 16 tnch cord delivered Phone 377 2390 FVIRTEWOODAV i271nchS30 l67nch $35 lace cord Local delivery Telephone 728 7557 8i Essa Rood PIANO Upright Bogg beautitul rosewood tinish With inlaid ttower design approx 60 years old Needs tun ing and minor repairs 5310 Phone 4976245anytimc s1lt1 130615 ior sale Muhari Alaine ski boots mens size 10 in excellent condi tion Must srIl Telephone7371356 COCKTAIL table matching hexagon end tables new used table and chairs orange drapes white Sheers 288 95 Barrie Ont 7285558 WANTED Good condition Best otters Telephone 7269809 krr PIANO FOR SALE Weber upright by WANTED Heintzman Excellent condition Also CLEAN USED CARS Lira Organ manual Telephone 7260560 All makes and models Fair Prices Instant Cash KERV JOHNSTON MOTORS VOLKL PORT ILLO Alpine Skis approx long used only once worth $200 new will sell tor 350 Phone 7269078 anytime LTD FIREPLACE 11112611176603 ctiEEer by the tuil cord tree delivery Also logs GOWAN ST 726 6488 and posts 728 1637 or 7284739 FRIDGE ANDstove white 30 stove JUNK CM WANyï¬o High prims excellent condition 560 Small tridge 171111 5111111 dny p11 kiip Holt Auto sulablo bar 520 plume 7267964 or wmi km 11711 Call at 107 John St Barrie alters pm SNOW BLOWER tor sale hp $175 1972 door Datsun $299 antique Iioor model name 549 Telephone 7373955 BOATS AND MOTORS 22 FT SHE PHERD mahogany boat double hull cylinder Chrysler inboard lRACY WANTN c1r and trucks tar wrvi kind and pm top DFIL paid F1011 pl kup TilipliOilt 726 F1487 SHAK ELS WRE CK NG and Towing scrap metal cars bought over scales 520 ton 436 3677 Licence DMM874 1974 HORNET 4DOOR Automatic transmission cylin der engine radio vinyl roof 49000 miles perfect economy car Licence HPE268 All cars have Jacksons famous Gold Crest Power Train Warranty and are safety checked Jackson SalesLeasing Since 1927 140 Bradford Street Barrie Ontario 7260288 D31 haust Needs minor repairs on the brakes Asking $750 Telephon0436 7603 195 WILLYS Jeep tor 51110 39000 miles cylinder Telephone 737 1841 1968 FORD FALCON tair condition needs some body work motor good snow tires many new parts Moving must sell Bostoltor 424 5586 1971 VOLVO i42E iuel inirction ongiini one owner new paint radio tape tacti standard with overdrive 46000 miles 52095 JLX002 Claudes Texaco 728 4400 1969 MERCURY Station Wagon all power radio root racks certiiieti tour months ago as is 3400 Phone 487 6245 anytime I973 CHEV Bel Air Station Wagon automatic power steering and brakes certliied no rust root rock radio Phone 7282950 1975 FORD LTD Country Squire with Landau luxury option Auto air power steering brakes windows and locks AMFM stereo loaded Phone 726 6006 atter6pm i972 METEOR Montcalm 400 door power brakessteering tactory air low mileage snows mounted on rims certi tied $2000 Phone Phil Sauve 728 7139 72B 5551 1965 FORD custom V8 352 cubic Inch uncertliied engine OK body rusted 5150 Telephone 720 7359 or 726 9684 I965 FonbcUstom Va 352 Obit inch uncertliled engine OK body rusted 5150 Telephone 72117359 or 726 9684 1965 FbRBcositom vs 357 cubic Inch uncertitied engine OK body rusted 3150 Telephone 7207359 or 7269684 1971 OLDS Cutlass tor sale immaculate condition recently respraycd and re upholstered Certiiled $1995 or near or Ier Reason tor sale company car Telephone 7372830 1971 CAPRI vs speed deluxe interior winter radials certltied $2200 Alter Elm Telephone 728 6525 i975 CHEVELLE automatic door vinyl root radials as 15 Could be cer titled Asking $2400 1969 Austin Mini 1000a515815073739i5 F970 VCHEvV Bisciayrie door sedan tor sale in good condition $500 or best otter Telephone 7267255 alter pm SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prices paid iroo immediate pick up anytime 436 2900 COLE BROS Cars and trucks wanted ior wrecking Fast pickup Days 435 6322 Aii0r6 in 424 5949 WAN Car 1971 to 1974 cylinder low miiontrin excellent condition No dealers Call 7261083 immediaton or any tinti muclts mp TRAILERS 1975 GMC pickup power steering power briikis 28000 miles automatic 350 engine heavy duty Wiring custom back bumper Phone 4456281 motor At condition Asking 2500 eiephoner43$ 4245 alter 42 pm ARTICLES WANTED CASH FOR old iurniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre 1950 itemsm 112341 CASSE TIE tape recorder wanted Must be good quality and in good condition Telephonel3704351 SUPPLIES TROPICAL PLANTS All varieties Big plants our specialty Brays Garden Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 7262951 Aliriciis FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE ATTENTION comer OWNERSFARMERS REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDINGS LINE GRAINAIRIES BINS OR BUILDINGS WITH USED ALUMINUM PRESS PLATES 23 355 009 THICK 30° EACH AT THE BARRIE EXAMINER ASK FOR MR NEAR 7266537 TF