STAHSTIC If You Drink and Drive New Years Eve Its no accident that the highest percentage of road tragedies occur during the holidays Its fact Its also fact that drinking and driving can be deadly combination Why chance becoming another statistic on New Years eve Take look at the facts Think twice before you have that second drink And have safe happy New Year DODSLEY MOTORS 453 Dunlap St 726777 MOLSONS Iiimay 211112 Mul BARRIE ONT DELUXE TAXI 7284444 REFRIGERATION VALLEY BUS LINES SALES AND SERVICE Owned and Operated By Car TrUCk Lmes Wilson 16 Maple Ave I6I Brock St 7266666 7262636 HARPER TIRE This timely message is published by the following safetyminded businesses TILDEN 341 Bayfield 51 7370800 Byrne Agent Gray Coach Lines Ltd IS Maple Ave 7285571 arrie Floor and Wall Ltd 20 Maple Ave 7285862 RENTACAR TRUCK Sales Service ltd sandy cove TaXi 277 St Travelways Stock Bros Bus Lines Ltd 31 Penetang St 7285941 AEIIV DriveIn Restaurant 347 Bayfield St 728094 EISSES BROS EXCAVATING 225 Cedar Cr Painswick 7371501 112 iï¬arrie Examiner The Barrie Examiner Thursday December 80 1976 PETERREINO SPORTS CO INC Baymart Plaza 7263232 LIVING LIGHTING Bayfield Mall 7287242 SCANTI INVESTMENTS LTD Bayfield Mall 320 Bayfield St 7267632 Barrie DriveACar 43 Essa Rd 7266474