Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Dec 1976, p. 5

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mmm Palestinian children play With human skull lound in rums in Beirut recently GRISLY GAME tollowmg ceaselire in Lebanons 21month civil war Photo by AssoCiated Press Photographer Eddie Adams AP Photo Renovations believed factor in progress of hotel fire HAMILTON tCP Fire Chiet Len Saltmarsh said Wed nesday the rapid progress 01 tire that killed Six persons Dec 25 at the Wentworth Arms Hotel has been traced to renovations which tell spaces 01 up to Six feet between new lalse ceiling and the original ceiling Meanwhile Vaughan Copp 26 ot no lixed address charged With Six counts 01 lirstdegree murder in connection With the tire was remanded in custody until Jan when he appeared in provmmal court Wednesday Chiet Saltmarsh said at news conterence that once the tire got into the lalse ceiling it spread through much ol the building Since there were no lire stops When the tire broke out the groundlloor dining room 01 the threestorey building was titled With diners Four customers and one lireman were treated lorsmokeinhalation The tire ehiel said that be cause ol the lalsc ceiling hotel patrons and employees did not detect the llames or smoke un til it was too late to evacuate everyone lrom the building CREATED HAZARD Al Williams assistant Ori tario tire marshal said con struction ot the talse ceiling THE ODD SPO7 Embarrassing for society HOLLYWOOD rla lAPI The local branch ot the Ameri can Cancer SOCiety decided to hold benetit night during protessmnat tennis tour nament Then the group learned major tobacco company was sponsoringthetournament Ollictals ol the society its too late to cancel the benelit attair and admit theyre em barrassed guess we were stupid but we just ligured we were selling tennis tickets and not ciga rettes said Ann rorte direc tor ot the Broward County Chapter ol the American San cerSOCiety The group is committed to selling 500 tickets to the lan round ol the Virginia Slims ten nis tour sponsored by the Philip Morris Tobacco The letter sent by the Holly wood chapter to announce the lundvraiser shows young woman With tennis racket in one hand and Cigarette in the other OMAHA Neb tAlr Theres bad news tor tobacco Little doubtman married to women MONIBEAL rCPl Police are reported to have located and talked to woman here who claims to have been mar ried to Joseph Gordon Sharp man who had two other Wives and three exWives when he died in plane crash Dec 10 in Indiana Jim LeWis an otlicial With the Franklin County prosecutors otlice in tolumbus Ohio said in telephone in terVIew Tuesday There is lit tle doubt that Sharp was married to the woman in Mon treal as well as woman in Gahanna Ohio and Grcsse Pomte Park Detron suburbt Mr Levis said the Montreal woman was cooperating in an investigation into charges against Sharp and others ol thett by deception and usmg the mails to obtain money Alter Sharp died woman ICAK CHINESE FOOD WANT QUICK SERVICE try our hot toot doIIvory Pro on ordors over $71 In Barrlo 10 Dlscount on PickUp Ordorl ovor 3700 Phone 7288811 405 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE who identitied herselt as Wendy Sharp ol Montreal phoned his employer to notity him that stie was Sharps WIIC Sharps job With Docutel orp involved servicmg automatic bank tellers The woman who called did not leave any intormation and otlirrials at Docutels Montreal branch said they doubted Sharp could have Wile here because he only $1le the city once or twice year However more inlormation was obtained about the Mon treat woman Mr Lew1s said This was passed on to police here who located the woman about week ago The investigation into Sharps polygamous lite began shortly alter he died when iii vestigators lound several somal security cards and drivers licences marked With addresses inOhio and Michigan had created situation Such renovations would re qu1re approvals lrom the City building comiiiissionei the tire marshals otlice and the Liquor Licence Board 01 Ontario he said Eber Rice chairman ol the li quor licence board said Tues day that the hotel had complied tully Wllh all regulations thiel Saltmarsh said the last general inspection 01 the hotel was made by the tire depart ment in late 1973 and spot check on the hotel earlier in the month had not involved alarms or lire escapes to the building hazardous Chewers in Omaha SplllOOIlS no longer WIII be reqmred in publicbuildings ity council repealed the 01 dinance this cck The obsolete rule is one ot number the city attorneys ot lice has recommended be re moved HELSINKI Ilteiitcrr len Irinnish boy scouts and girl guides are claiming world record alter helping 1407 people across street in the City centre here in live hours HOVE England Itetitcrl Snail trader hris Hudson has deemed to swap his lite ambi tion 01 owning the worlds long est snail tor the love ot his wile When Hudson 22 married Debbie 20 lew weeks ago he had to promise her lirst to give up his snail trade as token 01 his love But this week the tormer snail traders Alrican sup pliers ignorant ol the deal their boss hart made with his bride sent him the snail he always had dreamed ol l45II1h long west Alrican shellcarrier which he claims is the Worlds longest snail in captiVity In the Gumness Book ol World Records Hudson is listed as the owner 01 Geronimo the worlds longest snail at 115 in ches But Geronimo another west Atrican speCies died ear lier this year and his carcass was bequeathed to the British Museum Now Hudson who betore his wedding vows imported snails and bred them as childrens pets intends to donate the new snail he received to the London zoorlor the sake ol domestic peace Giant Smorgosbord Beverage included 50 Per Couple for reservations call 7281312 Officer makes lifeordeath choice in siege HAYSVILLE Kan AP Undersherill Sam Davidson said it was the choice of one lite or eight that made him order sharpshooters to kill former mental patient who threatened seven hostages with death in home in this Wichita suburb Larry Leer 30 was killed Wednesday night by two shots in the chest eight hours after he took Bonnie Horinek and her tour children captive and held them with pistol ritle and SIX other weapons he gathered in their home As the drama prog ressed the Horineks were rc leased and he took seven other hostages Leers initial demand was to see his lormer girltriend Lon iiie Beam Mrs Horineks sis ter But alter she arrived the demands grew to include eiga rettes protection upon surren der protection liom bank ruptcy and commitment at mental hospital ot his choice hostage Sherill Johnnie Darr said When went into the house all the people were in control It any one it them had made bad move while Mrs llorinek and her tour kids were there Im alraid wed have all been shot Other hostages who came to the home at various times at Lecrs request or in exchange tor the llorinek lainily were Miss Beam lolice Lieiit Harry Minor Police Detective Bernie Drowatski Police thaplain ltev Byron Tracy and harles lickared identilicd as coun sellor Seeks post TEL AI Iteuterr ltabbi lVIeir Kaliane head ol the mili taiit Sbascd Jewish Detencc League said Wednesday he will run tor the Knesset tparlia ment1 as an independent in the parliamentary IlltS in Is rael next spring He told news conlerencc his application Ior membership in the National Iteligioiis larty tNltli had been rejected Is governor Sl PALL Minn tAll Hudolph George Perpich be came governor 01 Minnesota on Wednesday when Gov Wendell Anderson stepped rlown to take the Senate seat vacated by icePresidentelect Walter Mondale 17 killed MEDIaLLIN tolombia chu teri Seventeen persons were killed and 13 injured ed nesday when bus plunged into tasttlowing river in oloin bias northeastern Antioqiiia province otlicials said Good crop HONG KONG tlteuteri him had another good harvest this year with grain output reaching an airtime high the New hina News Agency re ported Wednesday But the agency did not give actual 11g tires ot grain production This IS the ISth consecutive year that hina has reported good har vest Drug haul MEAHO llY tlteuteri Mcxtcan police said WHlncsday they have served to tons ot marijuana valued at live mil lion dollars alter an American plane crashed at smugglers airstrip in the northwestern re gion No arrests were made but police said the marijuana had been burned Honored WIJIIANltIl lhetam ily ol Darryl Bosetti lit drowned last February while attempting to save triend in the Wetland Itiver was presented Wednesday with police ccr titicatc and silver medal and diploma lrom the Itoyal Canadian Humane Association Nineteen other persons also were honored on police awards day lor helping others The most exciting AMHCSON 200niile lone Declaration SWIFT CUHHENI Ntld Itli ExternalAllairsMinis ter Don Jamieson signed Can adas declaration ot 200mile lishing limit in briel cere mony Wednesday at his suin mer home in this IIacentia Bay community 130 miles west ot St Johns What have just signed is an orderincouncil Which Will have the ellcct on Jan 01 de claring anadian control ol and management rights in 200 mile zone otl all the coasts ol Canada Mr lamiesoii said The planned Zoomile tishiiig zone was lirst announced last summer Major lishing nations in cluding the Soviet own have signed treaties iceogniZing tanadas right to manage tish stocks in the zone tndcr the declaration an ada takes the right lostt quotas tor all ships lishing Wlllllll 200 miles Prison site LONDON Ont ttli London is one ol several wcstcrri On tario communities being con sidered as site ot medium security prison tor about 200 prisoners anadian peniten tiary service otlicial said Wed nesday Itobert Diguer deputy cotriiiiissioner ot operational serVIccs ol the penitentiary ser viCc conlirmed plans to build new prison and said ollicials have been in touch With num ber ol other cities Fire damage LlSltWrl Ont Cli portion ot Main Street was blocked to trallic Wednesday tollowing tire that destroyed threerstorey building con taining an appliance store and eight apartment units II this town about 25 miles north ol Strattord The tire early luesday caused an estimated $500000 damage and drove Ill apartment dwellers trom the building Another 25 or 30 people trom apartment units in neighboring buildings were evacuated during the blaze Rail mishap BltANlrOltl HO lreight train aiirt bridge were damaged Wednesday when one ot the trains boxcars proved too tall tor an overpass and had its top pecch otl while passing beneath it The incident oc curred when yard train pull mg 10 cars was travelling cast on the anadian National Hail waysCI Hail connecting line The seventh and eighth cars were wedged under the bridge abutment The seventh car which contained empty acety lene tanks was about two leet higher than the other cars and had its top peeled oll Contract MONIItEAl ttll The Quebec Grand oiincil oI ree has been awarded $400000 contract by the James Bay Energy orp to dctorcsl an area that is part ol the massive LG2 hydroelectric project original motion picture event of all by Dno De Laurentis Corporation Rights Reserved Wornth Some IconI may 0191 ROXY dBDUNLOP STW Dino De LAME preserts ddm GuiIIermin Film MT EITEITAMIEII emailed Bridges Charles Giodin Inmdring Jessica Lange Sum11ier 11m vb SemiJr Produced by Drool tannins hurled be John liillrmin Musr Cr mposed and Gained by John Barry PantBill inka Pardmoufi Humor Brooch Ont 7284681 REMINDAS Iklease I3 43 51 Motion Daily at 130 pni Ivan Inga at 700 30 The contract is the first awar ded to native people at the James Bay project in north western Quebec under an agreement with the provincial government which requires government agencies to give preference to native people in awarding contracts Corporation spokesman Guy Letebvre said about 50 Cree mainly trom Fort George and Mistassini will clear about 790 acres ol trees in the Desaul niers reservmr area ol the LG2 dam stte Guards pay QUEBEC Cl1 Some 01 the 195 guards at the nearby Or sainVille detention centre Will earn $35000 this year 01 which about $23000 Will be overtime pay says warden Gilles Blan chard In an interView published Wednesday Mr Blanchard said the prisons 195 permanent guards have to work as much as 16 hours day to supervise IISOHCIS Some guards had compiled as much 1200 hours ol overtime between April and November The shortage ot personnel threatens the elliCient operation 01 the jail said Mr Blanchard He eited absenteeism as problem adding that on the av erage each employee missed about 37 days it work this year Other problems among the personnel were alcoholism do mestic strite smcide and ner vous depression he said At any one time an average ot 355 prisoners were held at Or sainVille in 1976 the warden said This compared With an average ol 215 in 1972 JIMMY ARTEZR finances Not ready PLAINS Ga AP Presi dentelect Carter says he is not ready to announce what he Will do with his own extensive Iltllin Cial interests while in the White House But he promises to IMPERIAL CINEMA Adult PETER Entertainment IMERIL CINEMA THE NEWEST PINKEST PANTHER OE All abide by the same restrictions he plans to place on his top ap pointees Carter commented on his fi nancial holdings and on con tlictolinterest code Wed nesday shortly before he retur ned to his home here after holding preinaugiiral cabinet meetings Aides said the code of ethics for all those Carter names to high positions would be made public late today or Friday For three days the president elect held meetings with his prospective cabinet members and other key advisers on St Simons Island secluded re sort oll the Georgia coast New strain OTTAWA CP Three cases of new strain 01 go norrhea totally resistant to penieillin have been reported to the lederal health department spokesman tor the health protection branch refused to say Wednesday where the cases had been lound but an article in the Dec issue 01 Medical Post says there was one from British Columbia one from Halilax and the third lrom military base in Ontario The new strain ot gonorrhea was discovered about two mon ths ago by American and British researchers Dr Russell Manuel ol Dal houSie University head ot lederal committee that wrote report on sexually transmitted venereal disease said so lew cases 01 the penictllinreSistant gonorrhea have been discovered in North America that it isnt problem here yet Jail tour TORONTO CP The news media and an inquest jury Will make separate tours ol Strat tord jail where live prisoners died in tire earlier this month Dr Cotnam Ontario chiet coroner said Wednesday Dr Cotnam said the news media Will be allowed to tour the jail probably right alter the otlicial group which Will in clude the jury relatives 01 the dead prisoners and Crown At torney Douglas Page There Will be no ditlerence between the two tours he said Stratlord Coroner Mac Donald said he does not want the news media along when the iurytoursthejailJan6 Winner IUHONIO CP 34year old Sudbury man who Will be come lather early in January won 5100000 in the Boxmg Day Wintario Lottery draw Mustata Hiros who held ticket number 65724 in series 43 collected his Winnings Wednes day He said that he and his preg nant Wile Nellie 19 liker Will invest most ol the money in bustness ot some type Mr Hiros who works as Hold Over 3rd Week 705 pm pm siiiiiis IN during HERBERT IDM no DWI DUKE IEMARD RDSSITER lESLEVAIIE lel lairIbo by RICHARD WltIAMS Sim um HENRY MANCIRI Inmate new TORY iniiis tomb It Song D110 JDIIES Irittu In FRANK WALDHAN BLAKE EDWARDS Produced arid Damn or DUKE EDWARDS ruined PARIVISIDR CDtDR by Detuie Hold Over 2nd Week pm 910 pm you ruclt LOVE ACTION COMEDY SUSPENSF EXCITEMENT Before Rhett kissed Scarlett Before laurel met Hardy Before Buth CGSSidy met the Sundarice Kid Below any movre ever made There was handful of adventurers who made flickering for racket MIND AS All EITEITAIIIEIT laugh or cry or toll lll love 1105 you could we not own Iiivim rum 1m AVIUNNMK so IMAIMMLVWI I1 IIIIIIIMIRI WI um lvr uni niwniis mum Mirnu mm PI llfl IIIJIAMNIWS MMIIIIM SIIIISIIHW IMIII pl idol he mun an on some Iiim Iridium DIIIDIIIR WILUIIIIIIAH Ilfllllilml mmlllfl Ill Mull lurmnri III1IHII on The Barrie Examiner Thursday December 301976 groundskeeper for the Sudbury school board said the rest of it will be used to pay bills native 01 Yugoslavia who came to Canada about 12 years ago Mr Hiros said he had won $100 and $25 prizes in earlier Wintario draws Snow poser CALGARY CP Calgary zoo ollicials have problem With newlyachired snow leopardwit has never seen snow The 77pound leopard kitten was obtained lrom Colorado 200 where he had been kept in doors Since birth Zoo otliCials say it may take several months to condition the leopard to the outdoors AlSIAIR GILLESPIE energysaving Insulation OTTAWA tCPl The lederal government Will subSidize the cost ol insulating homes in Prince Edward Island as part at $12million energy con servation program tor the prov ince Energy Minister Alastair Gillespie said Wednesday Mr Gillespie said Ottawa made similar otter to Nova Scotia but has not reached agreement With the province which wants $150 million in payments over the next live years to reduce electriCity costs He told reporters other prov inces WllI not quality tor the in sulation subsidies because they do not rely as heavily as PEl and Nova Scotia on costly oil powered plants for generating electricity Under the program the gov ernment will pay maximum of $350 in direct grants to householders for home in sulation materials or $500 to contractors for home insulation Jobs The program is part of Ot tawas response to requests from both provinces for special aid to offset soaring electricity costs PE1 depends on ex pensive imported oil to generate 100 per cent 01 its elec tricity while Nova Scotia is 63 percent dependent on oiltired electrical production Pay boost EDMONTON CP Gult Oil Canada Ltd and 1000 mem bers of the Oil Chemical and Atomic Workers OCAW have reached tentative agreement lor an 85percent wage in crease lor 1977 The agreement exceeds anti inllation board guidelines by onehall per cent Neil Heimer OCAW national4 director said the settlement was reached in midDecember although the contract does not come due until Feb The new agreement gives Gull tradesmen $902 an hour compared with the existing rate ol $835 Top operators will receive $988 compared with $915 under the 1976 oneyear contract Mr Reimei said the average rate will be in the $760to$790anhour range Gull Oil traditionally settles their contract With the OCAW lirst and other oil companies use that settlement as pat tern There are about 20000 OCAW members in Canada Only three TORONTO CP Only three 01 235 positions in the up per levels 01 the Ontario civil serVice are held by nonwhites says survey by the Canadian CiVil Liberties Association The survey conducted earlier this year shows one black and two Japanese per sons hold posnions at the level ol deputy and assistant deputy minister board or commission chairman or executive direc tor It Will be sent to the Ontario Human Rights Commission in teW weeks tor the commissions current reView ol the Ontario Human Rights Code ITS Wills wasr mar crews Itrr Wt lift THE EROTIC ADVENTURES OF Starring ALEX ROMAN DYANNE THORNE KAREN SMITH EDUARDO RANEZ Directed by COREY ALLEN TS JYRDE INTO FANTASY WAiriJi3NEi pgtilkp WC Inc111019119 NEE EVERY Im EVENINGS AT 730 only riian am BE JAMES ruiiciscirs BARBARA EDEN AT THE CIRCUS

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