l4 The Barrie Examiner Wednesday December 29 1976 Resolve to use FastA cting Classified Ads In 1977 by dialing 7282414 PROPERTY FOR SALE payment problems REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE mo ED LOWE LIMITED REALTOR 488 Bayfield 5t BARRIE Ont 726371 REAL ESTATE Don PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES FURNISHED ROOMS to eat Friendly or any USELUI purpose atmosphere Cooking facilities provided $25 weekly Telephone 7266271 alter am COMMERCIAL FOR SALE OR RENT OFFICE SPACE Modern office with 1100 sq ft on main floor overlooking Kem penfelt Bay and municipal parking Recently decorated with wall to wall drapes and fully broadloomed Call Bill Sakeris National Trust Co 728 9201 RENTALS AUTOMOTIVE SNOWMOBILES 1972 SKIDOO cover and helmets ex cellent condition $350 Please phone 7370656 1970 SKIDOO 16 hp 3175 Also one quarter midget gocart $300 Phone 7284081 1974 MEREURY Snowmobile tor sale 440 In new condition Electric start in cludes cover Telephone 4362688 after pm ARTICLES FOR SALE Warehouse Clearance Approximately 400 colour Black White TVs air con ditioners stereos to choose from at tremendous bargains ROOMS TO lET BAYFIELD MALL area bright clean unfurnished rooms private bath re trigerator Suit one single girl preter red No children or pets on bus route 7267734 1U ILTI IIll YOULL HAVE FUN decorating it Large bedroom country home situated on acres of well landscaped property featuring separate dining room huge kitchen and lots of room for that wood stove Also complimented with numerous outbuildings including large barns driving shed and double car garage If youre an out of doors man this place is must Asking $48500 Call Lenore Laycock 728 5018 DONT BE CHAUFFEUR bedroom side split in excellent con dition large family room shaped dining and living room bathrooms quality broodloom This home is within walking distan ce to schools and shopping and an ideal location for growing family Asking $49900 To view call Lenore Loycock 7285018 EXCELLENT STARTER ORO Cosy bedroom stucco bungalow on large lot panelling in living room large family style kitchen Owner must sell $21000 first mortgage Vendor take back second Oequipment financing 0home improvements Oland mortgages 01 st 2nd 3rd mortgages Oprime rates Obuilders interim loans Olease back 71885 Call collect to Wlifillilll lllllillléllllllléll llllllllllll lLlJllilllrillllli 3254334 Orillia th to sell Call Lenore Laycock 7285018 726 7861 Barrie TF ed examples below TWO BEDROOM MOBILE South at Barrie in quiet park Included OFFICES STOR ES 20 ZENITH PORTABLE in the purchase price are refrigerator stove and drapes Immediate BUY Mm AGE FOR ENT super chromacolor possession Call Lenore Loycock 7285018 MODERN OFFICE space or lease on $3 On behalf of the staff of Ed Lowe we wish you SEASONS COMPARE our rates First second rilpaannctyl 51353905121339332213150°Z IY lust 350 Wkly GREETINGS third mortgages appraisals Gerry AnrgreAloN Syvokas 487 2700 Pat Quinn Ltd 7371414 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 4550 MORIGAOES bought and sAo1dimrne la8 5001930191 Dav l95005qtt fullysprinklered transport and light truck loading docks 18 it Wass Real Estate Broker call 726 4651 26 GE ELECTRIC GXIOO Full Spanish colour console 1977 modular solid state ONLY$899wt evenings clear part at large expanding industrial RimMs mgll 7397190 or Put in 900 wily gigtlgnE Egégtgdfoparrflhtg 333312 20 RCA Rim Telephone Peter Archibald 7264511 FOR LEASE industrial sotice and Ye WY P19 KANEFF warehouse Telephone 7263400 own s4 iiit Angelolt APARTMENT HOMES AUTOMOTIVE or 11117111114110 willy F1 II MLs REALTOR APPRAISALS int11125 roiiiris CARS roii SALE 25 MOTOROLA OUASAR ll works ina drawer 0NlYSM3VIt or pay iust600 Wkly 7269580 7264991 Adults 98 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE 7284067 TORONTO 416 8899487 OPEN DAYS WEEK WEEKDAYS UNTIL 1973 CADILLAC DeVllle Luxuriously appointed Showroom condition Tele phone 728 9929 And then you add $300 month WI on ooocmwagon with power steer ing air conditioned usto nt or monts to bur your entire rHEMAYFAiR tiredstowTitténe 2° Â°Â°ï¬ 19 FOR an gt me in ca our Some newest bUIldIn 1973 CADILLAC Fleetwooa sedan One and two bedroom Oiart Royal Blue Eve mnceivabe opï¬on 0N $699 ll mens wih ice low mileage certilled $4700 728 3004 P0Y 700 Wkly VeW mW 1973 CHRYSLER MIDHURST features Doner steering brakivsvpgha ails 0e DOWN P2YMENT ce ent condition Call Claudes Texaco en Sat Sun noon till 7370027 728 00 No US MWFD3l I972 PONTAIC Salarl wagon tor 5513V8 PAYMENT nL power steering and brakes rad at res BEDROOM warmer mm build 44000mi1Ls Certitiod $15951olephone MARCH 77 Harold Davis 7287543 Frank Hoaey 7280676 MHD NOVember 10 Bumble MIDNWMMW Poul Arbour 7263897 Fred R9Y°Id3 7285333 319312tiiimlwm °° $1759 Ei7nanébï¬aï¬ï¬iflnxrfi KrOZY Kelly Norman McMillan 7268957 Larry DeWilde 7283253 300 6910990 5190 93 adalh Barrie Shopping Plaza Bill Evans r110 toll 3221575 Chuck Lambert 7288001 SH ED iéiggnogliz 3895811200 WI cermy 7371182 Bert cutl 7284067 Larry Brewer 7289745 833232°22£$Tf2523£$537ï¬fghi Phone tonight John Colwell 7267726 Harry Magill 7263864 W91 TV Cable Cemalr 13W Instant Deliver Doug Baker 7283274 Simon Beekhuizen 9373795 WWW0°88Weekdays gnighggdygggewï¬d 9299 392 7371182 10 CW Jim Hart is 7267173 TF seats wide tires radlo and cuslorfhce MTWTh TF haUSt Needs minor repalrS on the two brdroom apartment $225 monthly brakes Asking$750 Telephone436 2603 1953 WILLYS Jeen tor sale 39000 miles INDOOR SHOWROOM lull sized 90015 on display Come in today Or call 72615606 itlr mar411061 liahtwatcr and TV cable tllltril Adults Iinly Telephone 726 0988 VI km Yummy Telephon737 for tree 32 page booklet 0t inground and above ground pools Pioneer Pools 1975 FORD LTD Country Squrre Wlth BaymartPlaza Landau luxury option Auto air power FIEEPLACE HARD Um lxrlroom apartment $150 monthly sinering brakes Windows and locks W090 593595v inr lude heal light watnr and TV cable AM FM stereo loaded Phone 726 6006 09 quaml Lace cord 16 35 30 Share bathroom Sunable tor working attprbp orcuqomï¬n Frpedewgrv 7264725 Central 72oo9aawxdn HAMMOND OR AN 1973 CHEV Bel Air Slatlon wagon 55 UPLESIE 59 LTOR Ill IJNOOM contriil Ioration 1nd ew 03 25 honena 91°0 REA 91 automatic power steering and brakes ir LI inyiridparliing Noprts $200 month Wear no msy r00 ram mm CONN ORGAN and bench automatic WWW Iy Aviiilatilr irvimrdiatcly inquire at 11 phone728 2950 Chord and rhythm ear phones $1500 yir toria St Apt attnr COnsiaer reasonable otter 728 9542 PHOTO MULTIPLE LISTNG SERVICE 1969 MERCURY Station Wagon all 1W0 BEDROOM apartment available FlREV0013 Spill Orr $85 busn car RE pawerradlorootracksmurhhcdamon APPR January $232 monthly includes re 0€werr anytlme TeIEDhone AISALS MORTGAGES trigorator stove heat and parking Bus mania as 00 Phone 87 bus 466 2320 atterdp at stop lOCallOn no pets please Telephone PFAFF BtllRawn 7268999 Collin Nelles 7265208 7785th 1968 FORD FALCON alr condlltom Specialteatefrlngg omcngexirlosrlrnisi Charles Broom 7282624 Frank Nelles 7266696 SUBLEI Penthousr xUIlelJII tor senior 5329 ï¬gybamfogwogiï¬g prolesslonal look 72¢ 3273 RU5591COWOQ 172666y TF Illln or txlrcullvi Rent roasonablr mussml Begum 5586 MINK 0A1 and lacke Emirnit 105010 bus and shopping In lormiitionovenings 728 791 ONE BEDROOM apartment downtown Muskrat coat likcmiw 1216 728 300 FIREiiOOD tor sale split mixed hiarrd wOOd l6 inct cord delivered Phone 1971 VOLVO 142E turll intection ongnt one owner new pamt radio tape tarh standard with overdrive 46000 milts RCHOLKAN CO LTD ammo mwmcll 385 $2895 JLX002 Clauargs texaco 327 7390 t°9WEDamn 7234400 FIPEWOOD 12 31 fllt Calltlotwren4anaéweokdays728 4776 até cord LM61CdélfvY°Lneï¬pï¬gn REALTOR RM WE BEDROOM apartmenl downtown CARS WANTED 7287587 11 boiidor reservos the right to cancel or rtrla nvmlablv January 15 S225 Vs FIREWOOD mm barn5 change financing and prices at any time OL svni xn fnymll 999 510 perm Ca JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices lace com Local delivery Telephone wihounonte biMothandownckdays 728476 Dam Same day pmkup Ho AUC 728 7597 ler time 7284401 2BEDROOM in Barrie triplex available Wreckers 7268711 FIANO up 8099 beaï¬ Direct Toronto Line 3646625 $223105J°€$2213IKPRLTT me WANTS 0399006 53 Wt Wed OWE ivvmmw HWUMS 151859wgm wreckan and parts 00 Drum pair rjeslgn approx 60 years old Neecstun PROPERTY FOR SALE MORTGAGES rrevvckup Telvpnonerttw mg 90 $310 one if SfHEyLORnaplglgggglig 9338091 SHAKELS WRECKING anti Towllg 487 97158an1 if Cr rt $11 no vwri Iii lutirw hittinmnm rapmtlélimrs DOUQMOVWScatCn570 SKI BOOTS tor sale Munari Alaine ski rrliiiri iiiinrinlriw 1111 any IOlttl iin SUBLE One bedroom apartment 36 3677 boots mens size 10 in excellent conai Hm Im mnhhm 0mm Am $735 monthly InlludfS utilities and SCRAP VEHICLES wanted top prices tlon Mustsell telephone 737 1356 grollrilti liriti Urly linii Rinl Wm WWWNVPS sauna Gym on paid irrve Immeiltflit pick up anylimc COCKtA mule mamhmdneggadr ilu routr Telephone 726 1341 Nf tivrtroom apartment 135 Wellington ILJLILIIU E6 436 2900 enatablns amused table anoéchatrs orangn drapes white Sheers 288 95 KINZIE NlAPll Iiint 11 till null 107 Ill 17 gr ypirlgyirnoramysy COLE BROS cars an wng wmwn 7101 11 rlrirs tlolins rliiiiu litlrr ltillililllt montll AynrlaliltI now ovyemnshper 10 WrCCkng IJS OIUHJD 0875 723095690 95 91990006 ll 511111111041Illilllw tli rlrrtir 737 2407 nttvr op om 35 63L Aner 611 59Q Dvpt il till Nil 117 lyilli in EA ST lam lofï¬jvftnln $2132 zaggglent Clmral TRUCKS 8i TRAILERS lIREWOOD am as wlfllï¬trlltiyxtllllylII1IllillL131IFOllf1ifkd mums Idvanu ICIIDIOOE 773 0755 1975 GMC DKKUD Dower Symrng power brakes 28000 miles automatic 350 engine heavy duty Wiring custom back bumper Phenol 445 6281 1972 DODGE ton custom automatic radio rear bumper radial tires 44000 miles good condition tAIll FREE DELIVERY Also SNOW PLOWING REALTOR Hows Weekdays to Saturdays to AVAILABLE JANUARY One bed room apartment $180 monthly plus hy tlra vlitrally lcratmt Iclephono 716 391 ONE and two bedroom apartments at inti $61900 vii 7lIllr Vlilll inth stilli 7767471117726171 LOTS FOR SALE REALTY LTD BARRIE 110 DUNLOP ST lillll IlNli lllnlilll lawnstiip WE HAVE funds immediatel Mldtlurst stove 1nd laundr we STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON YOUR LAWN 3333133311Illv79 517533MWW ovaleblewllh competitive role $211932Eiiéignoi£l£is23197123235 EIrglgaï¬king mg or 7268EIEQTSTM728ES7375 Peter Snelswell 7282930 zlliytï¬ï¬‚p 1121 011s linttlIitlliilrlf fimlgrtirezzd pggnmlpete ccoomn LulethD apanmem on Dunlop WALJTOWACCESSORIWES Fog STEVIE 4872932 fllIrllllllyAvkrllihtlznilvdflIIIMCLIIIT fidentiality For first Second onei JLILFIILIjrlrflSSLICiéggtorlgggghil793Available azgoggï¬llgsuzirggorreing iiwrir léIllofifliII£iigt7 Wif New 1129s 8519 2l3122i2smegma 03 HOME ï¬ath ALL TYPES of property residen BRAND NEW bedroom townhouse Ior SNOWMOBILES mom At common Asmg 1500 rent in DXL Iuswo location For more in Iorination 21117371981 RUSSELL CHURCH WE Also buy existing mm BEDROOM HOUSE available Jan ar 151h nth ndlc St or th MObIIe Homes t9099510 C05 lJlnisyhod relc rogm Uand Iaundryeiovdln Ud OUR ADVICE IS FREE 17 garage 726 3257 bumeon SALE RENT elephonc 135 4245 alter am ARTICLES WANTED 1101 commercial and vocational WARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILES In stock now at preseason prices EMORY fR MILLER noulli CASH FOR old lurniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pro 1950 items 728 8234 BE DROOM Iurniture wanted suï¬aï¬e WILLsou BEDROOM HOUSE avnlablo mm REAL ESTATE LIMITED co AN KERR llmlv ms per month le lurlrter lg SPORT HAVEN MARINE Lilcccéigiggnilriefigilgili mm LIMITED REALTOR Parts and Serv1ce BUS 7371881 Iorination telephone 728 7204 between Exclusive Dealer For HOME 4875385 95 weekdavsonw mllzsheos EL BIsz gleI 3111gswigleesnoneTJTVoï¬ RIE 7218817 NTO3 47941 two BEDROOM ti do on ant 67 DUNLOP ES Bendix And Glendale area available Janugyygl IS250 2230 DOGS AND PETS 7261001 stove parking Call between and 107 ill op E03 weekdays 728 4776 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR ISBRANDT HOMES Modular Homes EDGLHILL AQUARIA Aquariums BARRIE Norlhlanders BEDROOM H0050 in 5300 D29 lish plants all accessories Lowest TF Miller SilorouLcjld Oval Trailers Member Ontario Mortgage monthly In Angus area close to school 93 IgArgzggLREd 75213002 wooIn osr 50 and shopping Available January is BARR am amp Harvey Weber 4363815 Cec Cozk 7283036 Corsair Glenetto Brokers A55°c°° lolophonicollerumsan Oro KI and clipping at all breeds Sophia 726 8997 Th 728 87 Canel FOR SALE or rent bedroom detached Snowmobfles 579 EGSLHS JON3 Tums side split house lully broadloomod with POODLE TRIMMING prolessionai Percy Ford 7287930 Les Lovegrove 4241289 hall basement large partially treed lot MacDonald groomingi all breedsi PICK UP and de fold ONO 7267733 Neison Gone 7266096 Hlahwov 11 South ideal Ior children telephone 7269711 livrery726 8798 PetStuidrlo R9 ll 458 9248 726 2386 170 Burton Ave 7289866 Humnd suond ext6004240960 Marine MAYS POODLE PARLOR Protes 055 Me 90 15 FULLY furnished home tor rent lor sional clipping and grooming reas Rob Knapp 7267294 Jeny McNabb 7264331 TF MORTGAGES ARRANGED S100 per month telephone Harry Maglll 73 Yonge St South onable rates Telephone 72741091w 7H Lo Go not a1 Estat or 659v iniaatnriltci Lluirco HMO Ken Millet 4873365 Bernie Blum 4875540 ipnvt MAIL Motrir 110mm Inr sale R°°9bl° R0 7213067 011726 3263 Borne glycilrirriglurdepogldlecslg Hannah Penlland 7288028 Clarence Canning 7261676 agrn Lirï¬lulnul InDAerklflZrTiirmgli th tMMEDIATE possessnon bedroom 175 phomn 5533 01 90905 house wuth targe laundry area recrea Res1dentlal Farms ACTOOQGS TF Baylielast puchosod tipn room private drivegaraae private J3 GARPEN7$AUVVPPLIES WE KNOW Its no 511an WW It yard minute lrom downtown Barrie Commercm Investment Industrio Properties Hm HOW mm th mo per mm Ca Bob mam TROPICAL PLANTS Allvarietles Blo Businesses Mortgages and Appraisals BRINGING PEOPLE AND HOMES TOGETHER l49 BAYFIELD ST 7269262 40 MAPLE AVE BARRIE 7372101 Complete Realtor Service E110 REALTOR Agent for Pineview Estates OI Midhurst 7288017 PETER GUBBELS 7282425 7280653 TF the home follies who cat about people 47 COLLIER ST CORNER OF OWEN COLLIER STREETS BARRIE 7262611 LOOK FOR OUR SIGN FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS JOHN COLE TOM CAIRNS BillMcCreory Manager 7281865 Helen Hopkins 17281662 Dorothy MacQualrie 7236358 Audrey Marshall 4362880 Corby Adams 7286829 Barry CampbellNash 7371324 TF tralllr prntilnlll Zilll linrnlil lot at putritnlint 211900 OIIN RV llVlei UIOI park firllltti ltI IITTIQ Niw 11mm Uivtl11011105170111 $11011 12H Allt prli Siiiltlriy iiltur noon IRAVI MAli Motor IIUITII lor silli Or rent tlnlirliiy Ill 0111111010 11111110 1111 tort iliiriil 111711 and Awninli 14 Biiytillll SI IZII Saunders REAL ESTATE BROKER HS BAYH llll ST liAlIlIll 7263111 HM9EGAGES Photo Multiple Listing Service MORTGAGE LOANS Esther Kennedy 4245471 Marg Wood no toll 4873148 Loo Cavanaugh 728 1207 Bob Saunders 7263883 Larry Wood no toll 487 3148 Ross Botstone 7263043 PROPERTY ron SALE PROPERTY FOR sniff annua LTD 95 LOANS IstMTGS at 11 a°o 2nd MTGS at 13 Open Daily am 530 pm ï¬R LIST out on SELL with INICSl PIRSONAI Ill il llVlil KAN 1u It It REAL ESTATE LTD Sat everllngs ll by appointment DOWNIUWN Illriitmir ml 11 Iltltirl wm summers Idiril rlliiil or 011111 urtlmg Ill ltll rint TW 9I Bayfleld SI llnnrlr imi iiviltliililr Hut 1111 11 I1 Virili RIril iliitl Hi 111 111 Ill rllll BUII 121M 0151 Illill 100 IIII with Irma cozy bedroom 172 storey Sllll IIIIII II rlIllI ill UIIIII wiliiuri lilittiii mi arcs in llV Murray Sykes R85 Creemore 4662136 iiim linriin imiiit Iliiii Iiii ii I26 6661 Rep Henry Elrick and TF viiii1uil iIiIII IIi lIl Il 711 1111 Mt ltll 7211 5583 Mortgage Life Insurance Available FINANCIAL ENTERPRISES 121 BAYFIELD 51 7267130 Office Hours am pm by appointment Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association TF llilt FIRST MORTGAGES UP TO 9590 SECONDS UP TO 90 FROM 12 We specialize in rural income builders vacation and older homes 7265861 Nigel Dunn WTF Early January occupancy Barrie area Orlllla BEDROOM bungalow tor rcnt Attach ed garage lenced yard east end at Bar rio Available immediately $300 month 1y Telephone 728 9460 BEDROOM condominium on North SI baths privacy fence garage Avail able January lsth $295 per month Telc phone 728 7499 SMALL MOBILE Home suitable for couple $185 monthly utilities included No animals between 8th and 9th conc ol Essa iustoll 90 Hwy 726 7329 EXECUTIVE bedroom home very clean tully broodloomed recreation room car garage washrooms Possession January Taurus Real EstateMrJain73730000r7269915 CEDAR chalet Itoor to ceiling Ilreplace burn in dishwasher bedrooms small den utility room 2V2 car garage on acre lot miles south oI Barrie near Allandalo 6011 Course 3280 per month Phone 726 7198 alter6 S270 MONTHLY plus utiiltlesior ttiisJ bedroom home heated garage large lot Telephone Brian 7261683 or 8111728 4067 ROOMS T0 FURNISHED ROOMS Central park lng kitchen privileges common room linen supplied weekly Responsible adults Coln laundry Iacilltles Tele phone 726 7186 SENIOR Citizen lady wtth bedroom Iur niture in large private house down town good district 525 weekly In formation eveningsna 7914 BOWNIOWN Furnished rooms linen supplied with kitchen Iaclllties and rec room privileges 726 6392 Iurnlshea 1972 X335 Polaris excellent condition S700 Phone 728 7541 SKI DUO OLYMPIQUE good running motor and track needs decompressor cable $225 or best 01107 Also complete Moto ski engine and clutch 9150 Phone 7282863 ARTICLESAFOR 551 plants our specialty Brays Gamen Centre 26 Forndale Dr 72629571 CHRISTMASTREEST CUT YOUR OWN 9th line Ora Twp miles north at Hwy 11 tallaw signs ARTICLES tonal ATTENTION COTTAGE OWNERSFARMERS REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDINGS LINE GRAINAIRIES BINS OR BUILDINGS WITH USED ALUMINUM PRESS PLATES 23 355 009 THICK 30° EACH AT THE BARRIE EXAMINER ASK FOR MR NEAR 7266537 TF