Ellie flame Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus DIM Henshaw Managing Editor The Barrie Examiner Wednesday December 22 1976 Festive season safety important to all of us Appeals of safety officials for drivers and pedestrians to take par ticular care during the busy festive season to prevent it from being mar red by road tragedies certainly deserve full cooperation Reduced speed limits have resulted in reduction in highway accidents but the toll continues to be considerable It should be constant ly remembered that excessive speed is still rated as the main cause of accidents The great majority of drivers adhere to the lower speed laws but even few exceptions can cause much havoc not to mention shock ing tragedy Driving after drinking is another major cause of accidents which some feel society itself should ac cept at least part of the blame for supporting the considerable expan sion of public drinking facilities Safety associations which advise drivers to use restraint at parties and plan ahead for transportation make what surely must be general ly recognized as plain common sense Party hosts and hostesses also are reminded of their respon sibility to guests in arranging safe transportation for any who drinks too much and is unfit to drive All drivers have special respon sibility to take extra recautions in watching out for estrians The latter too need to be particularly alert especially at crowded in tersections during the Christmas rush hours Safe driving habits should of course be yearround resporr sibility not only on Barrie streets but on highways country roads and elsewhere Carelessness momen tary inattention or indifference are major accident causes as well as driving after drinking In the city of Barrie and in various other municipalities throughout the county and elsewhere different organizations have undertaken to help sponsor Christmas season safe ty campaigns and these merit sup port Buckling up seat belts will help prevent injury but general obser vance of safety rules also is of prime importance Why spoil your holiday season and the holiday season for those you may injure maim or kill point edly asked safety message DOWN MEMORY LANE FIFTEEN YEARS AGO IN TOWN The Barrie Examiner Dec 22 1961 Inquiring reporter asks cross section of Barrie youngsters what they want for Christmas Featured are James Bewick Lynn Slessor Wannetta Lawson Johnny McElroy Douglas Davies Mary Bibby Alison Miller and Johnny Maj John Gillespie of Salvation Army is concerned Christmas Ket tle program will fall far behind last year Barrie donors with Rh negative blood alerted to help Lind say man critically injured in mishap on Highway 400 south of ci ty CN spokesman in Barrie says the railway cannot get all persons aboard who want to go west on the Super Continental this Christmas season Extra coaches are added to handle local traffic Church choirs featured in photo spread First Baptist senior and junior divisions RECESSION FEARED and St Marys Roman Catholic and Burton Avenue United Mayor Willard Kinzie proclaims Dec 26 as Boxing Day in the city Newly opened Stayner Collegiate holds its first annual Christmas dance tonight Elizabeth Trainor and Wayne Richardson write last Cen tral Collegiate column of year and Leslie Coxall does same for North Collegiate Student nurses of Royal Victoria Re ional School of Nursing present ristmas choral program under direction of Ross Caldwell Approximately 100 friends and relatives gather at Dalston to help mark the 50th an niversary of Mr and Mrs William Coward Goalscorers in mer cantile hockey league this week are Wayne Bessey and Ron French with two and the following with singles Bill Clayton Tom Garner Joe Brown Ron Van Western Europe business looks to Carter and US By LOUIS NEVIN LONDON AP Businesses in much of Western Eur0pe emerging from the worst de pression in more than four dec ades are looking to President elect Carter to boost the United States economy and help avert new global slump in 1977 Their spokesmen say only de termined action by West Ger many Japan and the United States to stimulate their econo mies can forestall new reces sion The call has been rejected by President Fords ad ministration and by West Ger many And the European Com mon Market is having tough time trying to persuade Japan to curtail exports to Europe of key products that are taking over vital sectors of the market The problem for the big three is how to recover without un 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe Count $3400 yearly Motor Throw it $3900 yearly Balance of Canada $3600 year yNational Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto 8641710 640 Cathcart St Montreal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Assoctated Press or Reuter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tismg and editorial material created by its employees and reproduced in this news per Co yright Regis ration Num r2m815register61 the Barrie Examiner leashing the inflation that wrought such havoc in 1974 and 1975 big jump in the cost of oil further clouds the outlook for thenew year An Associated Press survey at the close of 1976 shows that half the countries of Western Europe have inflation rates in double figures some with 20 per cent or more UNEMPLOYMENT HIGH Five per cent or more of the work force is idle in half the countries while many more workers are on short time Some countries are in dire economic straits Britain Ire land Italy and Portugal are worst off France Denmark and Spain follow closely Countries are variously af flicted by balanceofpayments problems high inflation or high unemployment rates Britain Ireland Italy and Portugal have them all West Germany and Switzer land remain Europes illars of economic stability wit declin ing rices and unemployment and oomingoutggé Business was ming in the Netherlands too although in flation and unemplo ment con tinued at high leve Political instability that brought business to the ed of chaos was at the base the troubles of some countries no tably Italy and Portugal The woes of others were purer economicrampant in flation stagnant industrial out put heavy foreign debt with mounting interest payments and declining foreign trade Charges of waste were raised against some of the troubled countries Norwegian news paper recently examined Den marks woes and concluded with comment that might also apply to Britain The Danes are going to hellfirst class of course Britains cost of running its IillilEIlIOUlHI rim forgotten as dead man out of mind am like broken vessel Psalms 71112 This is not bad for its in our brokeness and desperation that He takes the shattered pieces and puts it all together for us welfare state has risen steadily and the Labor government and the trade unions that support it oppose any out in social spend mg Budget deficits have grown steadil $17 billion in 1975 moret an $20 billion in 1976 Most loans are raised at home but the ovemment ad mits that $305 illion was bor rowed overseas up to the end of October Interest alone on the government debt has grown to staggering $10 billion year In late November when the government was trying to per suade the International Mone tary Fund that Britain was ready to mend its ways in crease taxation and cut spend ing 40000 trade unionists pa raded through the capital in demonstration against any such cuts in CANADA IS UP OF TWO DIS TINCT ATIOS JUST LIKE TWO TRAINS ON PARALLEL TRACKS THAT WILL NEVER MEETPREMIER RENE LEVESOUE FROM PARLIAMENT HILL Larry Zolf for the Senate spoof serious or fantasy By STEWART MacLEOI Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service The trouble with big loveable Larry Zolf is that you can never be sure when he is deadly serious when his tongue is pressing firmly against his check or when he is taking part in an outrageous spoof CAVEAT EMPTOR The doctor game over or under By LEONARD NOBLE suppose that lot of people have been disturbed by the revelation that some 812 doc tors in the province have been identified as having billed the Ontario Health Insurance Plan for more than $100000 each on yearly basis Let me be quick to calm the fears of any doctor whose name appears on the list and who may harbor the mistaken belief that he will be despised by his fellow man No on the contrary such doc tors fears are groundless Un doubtedly he will be looked up to as person who has suc ceededinlife My concern is for the doc who didnt bill enough to make the list After all can you imagine anyone giving their wholehearted support and con fidence to someone whose name is not on the list In time that list will become as important as BlueBloods directory on Whos Who YOUR BUSINESS Time running out for taxtrimming By VINCENT EGAN Business and onsumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The last days of December represent the last opportunity to make those financial moves that could result in tax savings The time is already ast for selling stocks and bon in or der to establish capital loss to offset capital gains for 1976 For tax purposes the settlement datenot the date on which you sell the secu ritiesis what counts and Dec 20 was the last day on which Canadian securities could be sold for settlement by earend In an case its pro ably un wise to ase your portfolio deci sions on tax reasons which can be extremely complex Such de cisions should stand on their own investment merits The same warning ap lies to the use of socalled tax elters such as movie financing multi unit residential buildings and the like investments in such rojects must be completed be ore yearend if you are to take credit for them on your 1976 taxesbut dont rush blindly into deal solely to beat the tax deadline On the other hand there are number of financial moves that can safely be taken by many taxpayers to improve their tax situation Here are few For 1976 only theres 10 percent antiinflation surtax on incomes of more than $30000 That means that to the extent persons tax exceeds $8000 it will be 10 per cent higher this year than next So if you are in that income category defer as much in come as possible such as bonuses to 1977 and pay any deductible expenses before yearend If you run your own busi ness or are partner in busi ness consider the advantage of buying whatever new ca ital equipment you may 11 car truck or an office ma chine for example before Jan so that full years deprecia tion allowance may be applied against it on your 1976 income can just imagine cocktail party chatter along these lines Hello Ilcnry Hows the Boy Not so bad for guy thats just gotten over major surgery Is that so Ilcnry Anthing serious Well had gallbladder operation which was com icated by an appendix that ruptured while was on the operating table Mind you it wouldnt have been so bad ex cept for the fact that one of my lungs collapsed while they were stitchingmeup Sorry to hear that Henry You must have had some really bad moments Oh no never really was in jeopardy was lucky enough to have the best surgeon that HIP could buy llc topped the list you know After all what can one say very glowineg or en thusiasticnlly about the con verse situation If one does own up and admit taxreturn lne max1mum employee contribution to pension plans was increased to $3500 year from $2500 in last Mays fed eral budget providing that it is withheld from the employees earnings If you are in such plan and are in position to make the larger contribution make sure that your employer withholds it before the end of 1976 Since the first $1000 of in vestment income is tax exempt check to see that you have cashed any bondinterest coupons that are payable in 1976 if you have not otherwise used the $1000 exemption But if your investment income does exceed $1 000 it might be better tocashthosecou nsafterJan so that you will ave the use of the money for an extra year be fore paying tax on it You may invest $1000 in Registered Home Ownership Savings Plan RHOSP and do duct it from 1976 taxable in come on condition that you didnt own house at any time Certainly am serious about my great new undertaking for 1977 he now was sayin as he sat on the other side oft fire place discussing his forthcom to having doctor who is not on the list would imagine it would come out something like this Oh yes Ive got very fine doctor he is most sympathetic and understanding can call him day or night without the slightest bit of annoyance or irritation on his part As matter of fact he even makes house calls just dont undcrstand how it is that he didnt make the list Recognition just does not come that easy for some folks This whole busmess oi the list could become 11 yearly institution without too much of fort on anyones part As the year draws to close can see the top medics jockeying for position for first place while some of the lesser lights will be scrambling along trying to finish in the money Perhaps the province could run lottery based on what each doctors position is on the list on Dec ill They could call Over Or Under the go me this year Should you be on the point of buying3your first house its robably est to defer the purc asc until January If you own home now but hope to qualify for the RIIOSP ex emption next year some ac tionvsuch as legally transfer ring ownership of the house to your spouscuwould have to be taken before 1906 ends Charitablc donations total ling more than the standard $100 deduction can reduce your tax liability If you are plan ning to make further charitable donations soon make them before yearvend if your 1976 donations so far exceed $100 Otherwise postpone them until Jan to improve your chances of exceeding$100 next year The deadline for making an investment applicable to this year in your Registered Retirement Savings Plan RR SP is March not Dec 31 Usually however prices go up and yields go down as the deadline approachesso try to make your RRSP contribution soon ing campaign to become sena tor It was novel conversation Who else has ever mounted public campaign to become senator Thousands have prob ably written to various prime ministers confidentially sug gesting their own ap pointments but no one has ever gone out there to stir up populist movement What Mr Zolf wants is for Canadians to inundate Prime Minister Trudeau with letters and telegrams demanding that the 42yearold broadcaster journalist become senator And on Jan billboard is scheduled to go up at Torontos Yonge and Queen streets with the first public proclamation of Zolf for the Senate or some thinglikethat group of friends at the To ronto ress club decided to makct is initial contribution The candidate wants similar billboards in all provincial capitals NtSIENIINi dared to ask how much money Mr Zolf was prepared tospend on hiscampaign Are you joking My own money Never Not sou But he plans on writing book on his campaign which will be published in time for Christmas 1977 It will be called Running for Senate and the author has already gen erously committed all profits to The Larry Zolf Trust Fund And if am not appointed to the Senate by Christmas 19TI that book will have vicious lastchapter When Mr Zolf sits down to talk about project like this the words spew out like ma chinegun fire and lacking tape recorder most of his cam paign platform raced past un remembered But at various times he seemed to speak in fa vor of Senate reform the Sen ate statusquo and Senate aboli tion lie also described himself as provincial centralist or was it central provincialist And the most absolutely outrageous piece of pernicious legislation he has ever seen was the bill forcing new senators to retireat75 If am appointed to the Sen ate Ill speak out for those things believe in For in stance believe in the abolition of capital punishment except for the odd guy would want to hang WE WANT YOUR OPINION Letters submitted for publication must be original copies signed by the writer Please include your street ad dress and phone number although they will not be published Letters which can not be authenticated by phone cannot be published For the sake of space public interest and good taste The Examiner reserves the right to edit con dense or reject letter READER FORUM Get Together Club extends thank yous DearSir At this time we would like to send seasons greetin and thank yous to the clu and or anizations who have con tri uted to our seniors club during the year special thank you to the ladies of Collier Street United LHE WORLD TODAY Prisoner exchange Mr Clean idea By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Like all of you am horrified at the very large number of hu man beings who are locked up tortured intimidated and de nied years of useful life by sys tems opposed to their beliefs The worst by far has been the Soviet Union with its despicable methodology of putting dis sident writers and intellectuals into psychiatric hospitals But the Russians merely lead in such deprivity Others will ingly follow even if not ideologi cally in the same camp as the cruel Soviet taskmaters There is Chile South Africa Uganda Syria Cuba In donesia India until recently Spain and Portugal and Mexico The number of nations imprisoning political dissidents is exceeded only by the number of their citizens they impound This is an essential prologue to the release of Communist prisoner of the rightwing Chil ean military junta and of ma jor Russian intellectual by the Soviet Communist police sys tem The exchange suggested sev eral months ago by Chilean President and Gen Augusto Pinochet called for the release to the Soviet Union of longterm Chilean Communist party leader Senator Luis Corvalan in exchange for Soviet release of intellectual Vladimir Bukov sky The former has spent three brutal years in Chilean military prisons the latter an even more brutal 11 years in Soviet labor camps and psychiatric hospi tals ILL FROM PRISON Both are physicallyill men Corvalan from beatings star vation diets and exposure in such terrible places as the mili tary prison in the cold far south of Chile in Puntas Arenas Bukovsky with catalogue of diseases liver ailment heart disease and vitamin defi ciencies The exchange of the Soviet bi Capturing Canada aim of 1812 War 1508 BOWMAN It as often been said that the War of 1812 was senseless and useless The Americans claim to have won the war but their real objective was to capture Canada It would have made more sense if the war had begun in 1807 Relations between Britain and the United States were strained to the utmost Dec 22 1807 when Congress passed an Embargo Bill prohibiting any ship leaving US port for the purpose of carrying goods to any British port This halted trade between the US Canada and the Maritimes The bill was very unpopular with the New England states which carried on prosperous trade with the Maritimes The New England states refused to take any part in the War of 1812 and towards the end some citi zens of Maine swore an oath of allegiance to Britain The trade embargo in 1807 was the result of other restric tions imdposed by Britain and France uring the Napoleonic wars Britain would not allow foreign ships to deal with Fran ce or her allies Napoleon decreed that any vessel enters CANADAS STORY Church who have supplied tra rtation for many years to an from club meetings It enables many of our mem bers to attend who otherwise would be confined to home Thank you Elizabeth Lon GetTogether tub ologist and the Chilean politi cian was made on the ta ac of the Geneva Internationa Air port with the same Aeroflot jet which flew in Bukovsky flying out Corvalan to Moscow just in time for Leonid Brezhnevs 70th birthday party Soon we will hear again from Bukovsky as we heard from scholar and author Sol zhenitsyn of the incredible bru talities of the Russian prison system Corvalan already has had worldwide forum from prison speaking out about Chilean military oppression to the visiting human rights commis sion of the Organization of American States in November 1974 Whatever the motive the chief one being decision by both dictatorships to try and give Mr Clean image to the world the exchange is in dicative of what can ha pen short of the millenium re ease of all the worlds political pris oners In this case the impetus was Chilean not Russian since President Pinochet is in deep economic trouble and running the risk of losing private and in ternational bank loans his regime desperately needs The deep paradox in all this is why man released from one totalitarian system takes off at once to embrace eagerly an other switching Chilean secret police surveillance for the Rus sian one But then he might be safer af ter all in Moscow bearing in mind the stillunsolved assassi nation in Washington of former Chilean ambassador and in tellectual Letulier friend and associate of Corvalan in the for mer Marxist regime of the dead and former president Salvador Allende N0 REASON This limited but essential ele ment of humanity comes at Christmas time festival shunned by the Soviets paid lip service to by the Chilean gener als who still go to mass ing British port or submitting to search by British war ship would be subject to cap ture One of Napoleons objectives was to capture Canada for France He sent an army to train in the island of Haiti from where it was supposed to move up the Mississip River and at tack Canada is would have required US cooperation Napoleon was forced to aban don the plan when mosquitoes and the Haitian people killed 60000 French troops Instead he sold French possessions in Nor th America to the US for $27million They included land between the Mississippi and the Rocky Mountains extending south to Mexico OTHER DEC22 EVENTS lassBuffalo and Huron Railway was extended to Strat ford missNewfoundland rejected proposal to join Canada 1897Bering Sea arbitration award forced us to pay Can ada $463000 1952Prime Minister St Laurent announced plans to build St Lawrence Seaway 1961Canada sold China wheat worth $71million Berrys World 1976 mm 1m all the stupid things Why did go to Marathon Man and watch that drilling scene LAST NIGHT