12 The Market Place Wednesday December 22 1976 MIDHURST By ISABEL NASH The primary dwisnon of the Forest Hill School is having Christmas concert on Tuesday Dec 21 at pm at the school The concert 18 open to everyone in the com munity Come out and support the primary teachers and their pupils The Midhurst United Church will hold its Christmas Candelite Service Sunday Dec 19 at pm coriral invitation is extended to attend this fami ly service The Midhurst United Church family fun night was success One hundred and twentyfive people sat down to hot beef dinner at pm followed by the Sunday School Christmas con cert The Sunday School teachers are to be commended for the way the children per formed in the various parts and the work on the costumes Midhurst United Church Choir assisted in the program The choir girls appeared and acted as young as their children If you are feeling old and decrepid join the choir highlight for the boys and girls at the concert was special visit from jolly old San ta Claus who arrived with gifts for all The Midhurst United Church UCW met at the home of Mr and Mrs Ken OBrien for their Christmas meeting Mrs Helen Coutts delivered an inspiring Christmas devo tional service with everyone taking part and singing Christmas carols Everyone present will longremember this service The election of of ficers followed the service and all of next years executive was acclaimed If you want to see what com munity effort and cooperation can do come to see the work that has been done at the Midhurst Community Centre The sympathy of this com munity is extended to Mrs Hilda Ellis on the passing of her fatherin Orillia this week Urban study in Alliston ALLISTON Staffv Steps to assist further progress in urban strategy are receiving current attention from Alliston town council and also will be one of the priorities for next year The council noted and filed copies of letters sent to neighboring tOwnsths and planning board from lar Mac pherson Assomates Limztec dealing with Allistor urban planning bylaw was gzyer first second and third readzng to provide for the hiring of planning consultant members Mayor Oaizia presided and also present ere Reeve Peter Cameror Dep Reeve James Dickey anc can cillors Elmer Hawkxx Douglas Taylor TaLor and Alden Wheiar Bra Gauley clerk recorde the minutes NE MEMBER Also attendzrg were Gerald Moon who ml oecorre member of the towr comm Januar Star Torrfjrowexz works superxxercen EH George represerrg Belpark Construction and Grace Stir sor and Marilyn iloirnstrorn regarding them obgecion to the new corripreherre zoning bylaw Mr George discussed plans for proposed apartment budding letter from Essa about its new zoning bylaw also was noted Financtal reports passed in cluded 34222412 for general purposes $50292 or board of works and $10471 for police and fire It was moved by Councillor Hawkins and Reeve Cameron that council request the ministry of transportation and communications to approve subsidy for adjustments andex tras as contained in the overrun and underrun explanatory re port for Albert street storm sewer RENT NEW TRUCK Tons OPanels Vans 018 Vans Power Tailgates Commercial rates Foolurlng GMC Truck RENT TRUCK 341 BAYFIELD ST Hayï¬eld SUNOCO Car Washl 7370800 frozen Florida unsweetened concentrated Old South orange lurce limit6tins perfamily 100 The purchase of one whole Loblaws or Swifts sugar plum semiboneless cooked smoked ham with coupon below with this coupon and the purchase 1m ofone whole Loblaws orSwifts sugar plum semiboneless cooked smoked ham ï¬Loblaws one ecupon per Customer coupon validuntiIDec 24 1976 trest by the package includ859ciips quarter pork loin Count3582 pork Chops lb lrozen predressed Canada grade lBIIWHHH lalconteiil 23 beelchuck lreshl ground bladeboneout me ium blade or short rib gound roasts lb eef lb Westons brownn serve rolls limit pkgs perfamily 12s pkg lroon SWlllS deer baslod predresscrl butterball turkeys 1014 lbs orovcr QUHH riiilimupiiu pork sausage meat Wt chicken Holiday Tradition Canada grade young legs it 98 OF jellied Ocean Spray fresh cranberry whipping sauce 44 economical buy for Christmas frozen Canada grade predressed young turkeys under 14 half oz ti pint canon Loblaws finest frozen predressed Canada grade young turkeys 1014 lbs UliiterlGDla oxen cooked ocean snacks haddock Schneiders mincemeat 1601 HIGH tiiqiilimi limiiti peeled and is or develned sh rimps chicken breasts 98 Cream 59 Gourmet dining ata bargain price frozen predressed grade cornish hens beet lull slice boneless 332391