CITY NE WS No paralysis has shown up No one in Simcoe County has shown any Signs 01 rare paralytic disease lollowmg swine llu vaccmations says Dr Peter Watson aSSistant medical ollicer for the Siiiicoe County Health Unit Dr Watson said there is no exact count ot the number 01 people in the county who have been vaccinated but it is close to 7000 No one in the county has shown any Signs 01 paraIySis he said There have been few allergic reactions but very little problem The province ordered halt to the swme llu vaccinations alter the United States Centre tor Disease Control tound possmle link between the shots and GuillainBarre syndrome There have been 72 reported cases of paralysis in the Lnited Statestollowing vaccinations Dr Watson said many 01 the vaccinations in Simcoe County were given during the tirst week 01 ClllllCS Nov 13 The paraIySis apparently ap pears Within two or three weeks alter the vaccmation is given in Simcoe County the last clinics were held Dec to 16 iii Collingwood and Allistoii Larger clinics in Barrie and Urillia Dec 17 were cancelled because ot the provmcial order Dr Watson said he was not sure it tuitlier clinics will be held saying it depends on whether they liiid any connec tion its very mdetmite at this time he said Itll take about month to sort the problem out The vaccmation program was started alter an army recniit in the United States died 01 swme llu last Winter Public health oltiCials predicted an outbreak of the deadly llu this Winter Dr Watson said the predic tion was based on the peculiar nature ot iiilluenza which seems to develop new strain every 10 to 12 years He said the swme llu strain was similar to the mlluzena epidemic ol 1918 but added since the prediction only one or two cases have been reported In Barrie the anadian General lllcctric litd plant on Bradtord Street held clinic Dec 15 With between 175 and 200 employees getting vac cmated lletty Perry plant nurse said the company ottercd the Oltllr tary clinic to employees as convenience and out oi concern toitlieirhealth Full week planned for 77 Winterama The 1977 lnnislil Winterama Will be held lrom Saturday Jan 15 to Sunday Jan 23 and Will leature downhill and cross country skiing speed skating and snowmobile racing The Winterama opens lan 15 with the Wintera ma Queen oir test at Ski Haven in itlltiltl The contest is open to all women between 18 and 24 mar ried or single lulltime or summer residents can com pete Alter the judging dinner and dance Will be held Admiss Sion is$12 couple Ski Haven Will be the scene ol crosscountry skiing races lan lï¬startmgatloam lnnislil school students Will compete in lishiiig lerbies and broomball tournament lrom Monday Jan 17 to Wednesday Jan 19 Registration Night Will be held at the Stroiid community centre Jan 21 Don Koopmans and Percy raulkncr Will look alter registrations tor the weekend snowmobile races while competitors and others dance to the music ol Harold Keiser That night the humid schools speed skating and broomball championships Will bedeCided QUEEN BALL llie Winterama Queen Hall the social highlight ol the week long celebration is set tor the Stroud community centre Jan 22 The evening opens With Happy Hour lrom pm to pm lollowed by bullet din nei llancmg starts at pm Admission is $15 couple The 1977 Winterama Will wrap up With two lays ol snowmobile races sponsored by the Ontario Snowmobile Racing Federation The races will in Clude prolesSional drivers lrom the United States and Canada and prizes worth $7340 The races Will be held at Sunset Speedway on Highway 11 Winterama closes Sunday night Jan 23 With lrophies Night at the Strolid community centreat8pm DON KUOPMANS registration New job for librarian Harrie Public Library is Ms mg its associate chiel li brarian Andre Van Vugt who has held the position tor the past six months is lcavmg the iarric library to become chiel llr brarian ot Georgina township in his new job he Will oversee the operations ol township libraries in KesWick Sutton and Pellerlaw job be con siders step up lrom his Harrie post Elsm McLean Harrie resi dent who has worked parttime With the library will till his post Jan according to cliiol librarian Sara Malcy ller posi tion has been redctined as assistant chiel librarian Mr Van Vugl came to Harrie six months ago With his Wile alter working With the Mltl Western Regional Library in Kitchener He tias been librarian tor 10 years He at tended the University ol loronr to He is interested in developing what he calls iiilornial conti nuiiig education for adults proVidmg materials on Wide basis tor adult education ABOUT 75 students trom the three chmrs 0t Warnica School in PainSWick did some oldlashioned Christmas carolling on horsedrawn sleigh Tuesday evening The v9 Youve had tew drinks at the tliristmas or New Years Eve party but you still leel perlectly sober certainly sober enough to drive home sately Dont try it says Constable Gary Crowley salety olticer With the Marne city police ve seen guys blow over 03 ton the breathalyzeri he says and they say lm not drunk dont know what youre talkingabout reading ol ll shows nearly tour times the blood alcohol level needed to quality you as an impaired driver under the Criminal Code if you cant rely on how you tcel what about how you act Skip that one too says Con stable forowley who is also member ol the Barrie Salety students and tour teachers braved the cold and snow to spread some Christmas cheer to the residents 01 PainSWick from their hay covered wagon lnnislil Don drink and then drive it could mean fine jail Association Those people With the 03 readings can sometimes walk straight line as well as you or hesays an you rely on how much you have drunk Sorry that wont work either Under the Criminal lode level ol 008 milligrams ol alcohol per 100 milliliters ol blood qualities you as an an paired driver lhats about three good drinks says oiistablc rowlcy it you drink them in an hour or so But theres catch You dont necessarily have to hit the statutory limit to be nailed as an impaired driver it alcohol in combination With drugs or With your own per sonal tolerance tor drink has in Hosts have responsibility in keeping drunks off road It isnt only party guests who have to watch out lor drinking and drivmg says Kerry Colum bus chairman ol the Barrie Salety Associat ion Hosts have responsibility too HllillAlHSlJ panel discussoii ol child abuse Will be the mam program item tor the annual meeting ol the Simcoc touiity liildrciis AidSocicty The board ol directors Will also introduce motion to in crease the annual membership tee to$ï¬trom$2 The annual meeting it the soc1ety Will be held leb 19 trom to pm iii the Georgian ollcgc cateteria lart ot the associations lltlllr day campaign against drunk drivmg is an cttort to convmcc hosts that they owe then guests more than just entertainment lood and drink It your guest isnt lit to drive says Mr Columbus give him place to sleep get him ride home Willi sober guest Or call cab lor him It may save his tile or the tile 01 some innocent third party Another way home tor New Years lilvc at least is tree bus ride All city buses Will travel their regular runs New Years lilve until 315 am and rides Will be tree alter 745 pm Willi Canadian icneral Electric Harrie Welding and Stock llrothers Hus lanes limtiiigthebill llieres no need to drive Mr Columbus says Vandals attack snowman Vandals have been attacking giant snowman in Memorial Square Doug Cherry have attacked the last month The total cost Harrie downtown improvement board chairman said today vandals the giant snowman three times during ol the dalism is about $100 hesaid Vandals cut gUideWires sup porting the Christmas display he said since last week board is getting very disturbed about the attacks bought The boa rd snowman VElll snowman the displays We havent had an attack he said The $7000 worth ol year including giant candle tram it is the tirst step in three year program by the board tor The next two years well said about displays this and small add tow more things but not it it doesnt work this year and the vandalism continues he Mr Cherry said the board wants to leave the displays up until alter Winter Carnival the second weekend it February The carnival is expected to be held downtown this year alter being held tor two years at Molsons lark larmer Ken MacDonald came from near the 12th con cession and 20th sideroad to drive the children around the streets 01 PainSWick Ex aminer Photos tact made you an unsatc driver you can be charged even it yo tall short ol the oil level llVltiNlllllll And it you do have an acci dent it wont help it youve been drinking even in modcra tion The solution Constable Crowley says is not to drive at all it youve been drinking however light ly For those who stubbornly rclusc to heed this advice we turn to llr Aikens liar ric physician who sits on the board ot directors ol rillias Hallway House tor alcoholics rough estimate llr Aikeiis says you can get away lora While With twodriiiks an hour it you are eating well at the same time But it depends on how many hours you go on in this tasliioii because it Will build up in you attera while lther taclors involved iii cludc personal susceptibility to alcohol tamiliarity With the ct leils ot drink and so on Dr Aikcns says Its saler to have just one drink an hour which in most cases Will have no cllcct on you but this too varies Willi the indiVidual and Willi circumstances he says Dr Aikens has plenty ex perience Willi the etlects ol drink not only Willi alcoholics bill Willi trallic and light Vic tims the emergency ward at Harries Royal Victoria Hospital Im drinking less and less the more see the problems it causes he says ICAIWIIIHCDRINKING Dr Aikens recommends eating While drinking and tak ing relatively weak drinks Drinking doubles to get party going is big mistake he says Constable Crowley uses lit lerenl guideline it isnt drinks it isnt time it isnt lood its the $500 line and threemonth jail sentence you can get tor im paired drivmg on first ollense That can knock hell out ol your mortgage payments your job anti your kids clothes Remember the police are sportnecking tor drunk drivers this holiday season accidents are always possible and you dont repeal dont have to have the statutory blood alcohol level to get nailed It you can allord to drink you can allord to take taxr says Constable Crowley TlllI lRl1R students at Hillcrest Public School presented program ol music and skits at the school and Wednesday morning The al teriioon Kindergarten class perlormed Christmas skit under the directorship of teacher Doris Birnie Marnie Pierce at lelt is playing Christmas tree and Susan Click rabbit Examiner Photo CAS investigating takeover of ailing credit counselling Its not very clear man date is itf Alex Holcchowsky said Tuesday alter Simcoe County Childrens Aid Socicty directors voted 54 lavor ol continuing to investigate taking over credit counselling lhe Siiiicoelcorgiaii Hay Credit ounselliiig SerVIcc is nllpltlti organization designv ed to help people get them selves out 01 debt it is 60 per cent lunded by the provincial government and 40 per cent must be raised trom the com munity In recent years its or ganizers have had dilliculty raismg the additional 40 per cent and last year the serVice was forced to close down tor tew months Dr Bolechowsky Chairman 01 the societys board ol direc tors said the chairman ol the credit counselling service ap proached him with the idea the somety could take over the ser vice it the somety were to run the Province says No to CAS fund request The Simcoe ounly Chil drens Aid Society deticit may only amount to $6000 but the society may not be able to recover the amount through supplementary budget In June the society was predicting $15000 delic1t lal Mclsaac chairman ol the linance committee said lues day At that time the socwty went to the provmce tor guidance and were given the inipressmn supplementary budget was the only answer shesaid The society approacth coun ty council the City it Barrie and the City ot lrillia tor addi tioiial liiiids The additional lunds were approved by all thrcecouncils Tuesday the SOCiety received letter trom the provmce say ing it would not approve sup plementary budget until the new year it ever Mrs Mclsaac said the mu niCipalities have already com mitted money to the somety but will not be able to carry the lunds over into the new year She suggested the society write letter 01 apology to the councils involved and enclose copy ol the governments letter showing that it is not the socie tys lault Jack Morrison said he did not believe the soCiety should have to apologize He said the re quest lor additional funds was based on the condition the pro Vince would pay its share Several board members pomted out the society would have to write some kind 01 let tcr to the COUllCllS explaining the Situation Frank Hersey pointed out relt questing additional lunds is em barrassing and it the situation is not explained the councils would not be as cooperative the next time the seeiety makes asimilar request The board 01 directors decid ed to write letter at explana tion rather than apology Mrs Mclsaac said the de crease in the deficit is due to an increase in the amount 01 money the Simcoe County so ciety is receiving from other societies tor taking care ol their children LOCAL AND GENERAL atltlitlSluli Drivers couldnt get through on Highway 26 lucsday alter noon between Miiiesing and Stayner as ll closed down the road alter rash ol minor accidents Stayner Oll said the highway was closed at pm Tuesday tor hall hour alter series ol lenderbenders oc cured due to poor Vismihty The road remained closed tor the hall hour opened tor just 15 minutes and was then closed again until pm You just couldnt see where you were going said one Oll ollicial POWER FAILURE CKBH was 011 the air until am today alter tourvhour power lailure Eight other buildings in the area ol the radio tower in in nistil were also without power according to Ted Johnston public relations otticer tor the Georgian Bay ltydro region Mr Johnston said Ontario Hydro received call saying the power was oil at 445 em The problem was caused by buniedoll conductor Power was restored shortly belore8am He said the cable may have bumed out lor one 01 number 01 reasons saying the attached line clamp could have de teriorated after long use or burned from possible over load People have to let us know when their power is oil it they live in rural area Mr Johnston said today and we need more than one or two calls to trace the problem and the area affected OUR MISTAKE Photographs of curling trophy Winners published in liiesdays Examiner were from The Barrie Country Club not the Barrie Curling Club as reported in the Examiner INAUGURAL MEETING The inaugural meeting of the 197778 Sunnidale township council will be held Jan 10 at am in the council chambers The new council is Lloyd Pridham reeve Mary Stacey deputyreeve and councillors Douglas Day Charles McNabb and Burnfie Wines STILLATSCENE Officials from the Ontario Fire Marshals office are at the scene of Fridays fire at 51 BlakeSt Fire broke out at 11 52 pm in closet of the buildings third floor according to Barrie Fire Chief Jack McAllister with an estimated $10000 damage being done There were no injuries but six occupants from the west side of the building evacuated as 20 firefighters and four trucks fought the blaze for three hours Chief McAIlister said no one knows who discovered the fire or how at this stage were service the province would pay 80 per cent of operating costs Dr Bolechowsky said the takeover idea is just thought right now but he needed board approval to continue investiga tions The takeover would be depen dent on whether or not the pro vince would allow the switch and determining where the ad ditional 20 per cent of the money would come from COMPLETE CONTROL Dr Bolechowsky said the society would have complete control 01 the service if it were to take it over and the takeover would have to mean no extra cost to the society Credit counselling would fit in with the societys changing image he said The society is trying to become family agen cy rather than strictly childrens agency he said However tour board mem bers were opposed to consider ing the takeover Bill Straughan of Barrie said the society already has finan cial problems 01 its own and should not take on someone elses it the credit counselling ser vice has been unable to raise its 40 per cent from the public then maybe the public is try ing to tell them something he saod Mr Straughan pointed to the lailure ol the United Appeal in Barrie as an example saying he believes the public may be trying to tell service organiza tions they just cant allord these services anymore Mr Straughan said he is also atraid that branching out into credit could force the society to cut back on other programs such as its child abuse team He said he could not believe the takeover would not cost the society and municipalities more money Don Jackson society direc tor said financial problems are involved in over 80 per cent of the societys cases and the credit counselling service receives its relerrals from the same sources as the Childrens Aid Society Mr Jackson said the credit counselling service is willing to give up its identity just to keep the service going Dr Bolechowsky said the ser vice would not close down it the seeiety does not take it over but would be forced to cutback on its services The directors agreed by one vote to continue the investiga tion but not to make any com mitment