The Market Place Wednesday December 22 1976 CURLING WINNERS Harry Hadden centre presented the Brass Group Trophy to the winning rink of the first schedule mixed championships Friday night at the Barrie Curling Club At left is Bill Merriam skip and at right is Reuben Doyle second vice In front are Marie Merriam vice and An na Doyle lead Examiner Photo Films shown at party in Oro Station centre By BESSIE CRAWFORD 0R0 STATION Approx imately 65 children and adults attended the annual Childrens Christmas Party at the com munity centre Jack Clark ran the projector and showed films entitled The Night before Christmas Plutos Christmas Tree and The Shoemaker Story Chairman Walter Iles wel comed all who came and an nounced the annual meeting to be held Thursday Jan 13 at pm He said he would like representative from each home in the community to attend Andy Crawford played two numbers on his electric guitar which were very good Tickets were sold on turkey and chicken The turkey was won by Paul Hansen and the chicken donated by Doug Crawford went to Mrs Pauline Peck Susan Leigh won ham for correctly guessing the number of beans in jar Mrs Leigh missed the correct total of 6500 by only eight beams Everyone was glad to see Susan win since it was her birthday The second closest guess of 3500 by Guy Cluff He too was awarded ham for his guesstimate munity centre last Wednesday evening to honor Mr and Mrs Bill loffan and Mr and Mrs Dwight Bell two young couples who were married recently The entertainment was provid ed by recitation by Mrs Howard Crawford followed by fashion show Taking part in this dressed as women were Bill Toffan Dwight Bell larence Smith Bob Bell Ernie Gentle and John Crawford They modelled the latest in creative styling in dresses miniskirts mink stoles wigs and hats Also modelling mens night attire were Mrs Norman Leigh Mrs Garfield Burton and Mrs Howard Crawford Mrs Douglas hew acted as the commentator The two brides Lois Toffan and Debbie Bell came forward to pick the beauty queen and naturally they chose their own husbands Barfield Burton called the two couples forward and spoke few words to them seeing as both Debbie and Hill had gone on the bus with Mr Burton to secondary school He then read poem to the two couples which had been composed by Mrs Barry Leigh Debbie and Dwight were presented with brass woodholder and four pinwhecl crystal glasses and some money Lois and Bill were presented with blue electric The highlight of the evening blanket with dual controls and was the arrival of Santa Claus harvest gold hand mixer and who distributed presents and somecash candy bags dOUble Presentation the community and refresh ments followed ceremony was held at the com Both couples then thanked Retirement party held at Coldwater Centre By SHIRLEY JPINNPITT COLDWATER retire ment party was held recently at the Coldwater Community Cen tre in honor of Herb Cochrane of Eplett Street whose retire ment from the ministry of natural resources becomes ef fective at the end of December following48yearsotservice Attending the dance and delicious buffet late supper were his present coworkers as well as associates over the years from Midhurst Minden Maple Owen Sound Midland Barrie Kitchener and Font Hill His daughter and soninlaw Mr and Mrs Larry Beach of Kitchener and many friends of Mr and Mrs Cochrane were also prsent Mr Cochrane was presented with large silver tray emboss ed with gold bird and canoe and set in wood suitable for wall hanging and inscribed with Presented to Herb Cochrane with the respect of his fellow employees from the Ministry of Natural Resources 19281976 Mrs Cochrane received large silver lazy susan Mr and Mrs Ron McArthur and Mr and Mrs Garnet Dob son attended the Dominion Store Christmas party and dance at the Wyebridge Com munity Centre Dec 11 Mr and Mrs Keith Robinson Jr and family of Bolton visited with Mr and Mrs Keith Robin son Sr on Saturday BROWNIES PARTY The Brownies and Guides will hold their Christmas Party on Thursday December and part of the festivities will be the singing of Christmas Carols at the Jay Haro Nursing Home An enrollment ceremony for Brownies was held at the Parish Hall Dec 15 with arents attending Assisting grown Owl Betty Bidmead Tawny Owl Doreen Stewart and Snowy Owl Tina Clarridge was Mrs Coleman Guide and Brownie Commissioner of Vic toria Harbour Taking part in Advent Ser vices as part of the regular morning service at St An drews Presbyterian Church Dec 12 were Sunday School teacher Mrs Doreen Stewart Jim Jeff Jason and Janie Stewart and Doug Finan All the Sunday School students at tended the service with their teachers and presented their gifts for dedication GIT GROUP The CGIT Group of the United Church under the leadership of Susanne Clarke conducted service of worship at the church Sunday evening Taking part in prayers songs skits and candle lighting ceremonies were Andrea Hall Susan Beach Cathy Waterson Rebecca Hass Lecia Potter Debbie Brittain Nancy Pagan and Michelle Frankish Taking the part of the Magi were Ex plorers Kelly Hall Kelly Clarke and Michelle McArthur and the rest of the Explorers led by Joyce Hall acted back up grouptotheCGIl The next regular meeting of Coldwater Council will be held on January 10 in the Council Chambers and not Jan 15 as previously reported Will rent hall to Auxiliary COOKSTOWN Staff The Ladies Auxiliary to the Cookstown Lions club will be granted the use of the town hall for meetings for six months at $10 per meeting according to resolution approved by council It was specified the agree ment was for meetings every second Monday of the month Councillors Bob Geelen and Dennis Partridge moved the motion which was carried The council asked the clerk to obtain information from the Workmcns Compensation board about compensation coverage for employees The council discussed sub division agreement with members of the incoming coun cil Next ywrs village council will be entirely new Melville Brayman will succeed Norman Cook as reeve COLDWAIERYOUNCII COLDWAIER Staff In augural meeting of the 19777tt Coldwater council has been ten tatively arranged for Monday Jan 10 at the council chambers here Bright ideas for Christmas LIVING LIGHTING The Friendly Lamp People The Toy Shop MANA GEMEN EL VES Send thanks Seasons Greetings to all our customers sincere Capture the magic of Christ mos with novel lighting idea from Living Lighting Browse through our large selection of lights and lighting accessories Our friendly staff will help you make your selection for that hard to buy for person on your in list show 21 W4 lASI MINUTE SHOPPERS We still have large selection of toys games to choose from Open every night til 930 pm 7287242 Boyfield Moll IO am to 930 pm Mon Sat Well Check Your Batteries Well Clean YourLens FREE KAMERA KLINIC OPEN 10 to 930 The Shop Phone norm loyï¬eld Moll Ionic BAYFIELD MALL Exciting Christmas ideas for everyone on your list the choice is yours at Graysonheld CANADAS FINEST 20 piece Service for KNIVES Ft RKS lliASli MS llliSSliRl Ns Slzlil lRKS Complete with Presentation Case International Sterling Regular 3600 Regular 3720 l3 tillagetilt Canadian ownrd Company Silimmltï¬r gï¬Ã©Ã©iai s50 thT Ruml Linn11 special 8540 3301190 of ngrhqu ghriiyrinlwlrl CHARGEfl gltaljfifillltollfl Elwin 361 MONDAY to SATURDAY anytiqu Mull Barrie U613 680 Maple saute 1371319 BAYFIELD MALL BARRIE Only Shopping Days Til Christin Selections are now their best SHOP EARLY PUT HAMMO Ill PRICED CHRISTMl GIFT SUCS All GRANDFATHEE PIANO ORGAN AMPS FROM $2195 °PADDED BENCH covms colors mom $1495 SIEREO HEADPHONES FROM SH OH HAMMOND rxrm PROMPT BAYFIELD YES WE ARE STlll SCHEDII