hwyténeflmleemm22497 LADY LIONS ORILLIA Staff Dianne Kollman has been installed as new president of the Orillia Lady Lions for the new 1977 Housing grants sought New officers elected This tloppyeared puppy with Darlene Davidson hiding behind the black eyes and whiskers was part of the Cookstown Santa Claus parade in Cookstown The dog clowns and Miss Fall Fair Louise Harvey all IN SANTA CLAUS PARADE AT COOKSTOWN paraded down the main street ahead of Santa riding the town fire truck Ex aminer Photo Plan Christmas events at churches in Ivy By CAN lINNETT film will be shown in the Presbyterian church this evening entitled So Long Joie and it is hoped it Will be well at tended film games and lunch with cake and ice cream are in cluded at Christmas party program at Christ Church on Saturday afternoon starting at oclock ll children are welcome Soft toys will be col lected to send to the Huronia Regional Centre formerly known as the Ontario Hospital at Orillia Over 100 attended the recent SANTA IS AT THE MALL EVERY DAY THIS WEEK FROM 200 PM TO 500 PM township dinner held in lvy hall when wives of members of the Orange Lodge catered They served hot roast beef dinner which was followed by dance WOMENS INSTITLTII Constable Prosser spoke about fraud as it exists today and what to watch for at meeting of the Womens In stitute held at the home of Mrs Clarence lioggarth Barrie The resolution committee was in charge of the program The next meeting will be held at the home ofJoan Wright Christmas carol service Will be held in Christ Church on HEY KIDS SANTAS HERE ASK MOM DAD AND 630 PM TO 900 PM SATURDAY 1000 AM TO 500 PM At BE SURE TO COME AND SEE SANTA CHRISMOUSE CHRISMOOSE JOIN SANTA THURS FRI 630 PM TD 900 PM ON SATURDAY FROM 1000 AM TD 500 PM Christmas Eve at Ivy hockey girls defeated Alliston last Saturday night by to score Mr and Mrs llon Hammond entertained all the folks on the 8th Line at farewell party for Mr and Mrs Jim Peacock and family on Sunday afternoon They are moving to Barrie Best wishes were extended Mr and Mrs Rob Kerr plll chased the farm formerly own ed by Mr anti Mrs Jim Peacock Mr and Mrs Jack llirons and girls Scartmrough spent the weekend with Mrs June llirons Children receive free candy canes coloring pictures of ChrisMouse and ChrisMoose and can have their pic tures taken with Santa or ChrisMouse and ChrisMoose SHOPPING HOURS IO AM TO 930 PM MONDAY T0 SATURDAY IOTS OF FREE PARKING WITH OVER 60 STORES SERVICES by council at Alliston ALLISION Staff In order to help local housing needs the town council has agreed to participate in the On tario ministry of housing pro gram resolution which received voted approval from the members referred to the Cen tral Mortgage and Housing Cor poration municipal incentive grant program This will pro vide grant of $1000 for each housing unit meeting the re quired criteria to provincially designated municipalities it was noted Councillor Elmer Hawkins and Reeve Peter Cameron moved the motion which specified The council of the town of Alliston hereby makes application to the minister of housing for certificate of eligibility to enable this municipality to participate in the program and agrees that funds received shall be used to facillitate the production of housing ANNlAl REPORTS It was further agreed an an nual report will be submitted before March on the expen diture of funds received under this program for each previous year Mayor Oakla Gray presided at the meeting and all members were present The housmg resolution passed Without re corded opposition After discussing about Stage Three of the Alliston Greenbelt PFOject along the Boyneiiver the council agreed to pick up $375 in extra costs of the over run of the project letter from the Nottawasaga Valley Con servation Authority board ask ed thc council to accept 25 per cent of the revised cost estimate which figured out to thatamount MAYOR GRAY back next term Chrome Finance committee reports to the amount of $200208 were passed This included $l90839 general $8344 salaries and $1025 for election officials and rentals The committee of works statement amounting to $2224641 was passed along with $19378 for sanitation The police and fire financial report amounted to $22410 and town property committee expen ditures$l47ti The council appointed Mayor Gray to attend an open house to be sponsored by the Ontario ministry of culture and recrea tion at Barrie on Wednesday Jan 12 the mayor giving the authority to appoint delegate if he couldnt attend himself Two members of the present council John Taylor and Douglas Taylor are retiring at the end of the year The former has served some 15 years on council and was former depu ty reeve and member of Simcoe Iounty council New councillors who will be swom in before the inaugural in Janltary will be Berry M00 and Joseph lleydon who were recently elected at the polls Returning again will be the mayor Reeve Cameron and Deputy Reeve James Dickey along with Councillors Elmer Hawkins and Aidcn Whelan Kiddies by ACW at St Pauls By DORIS PRATT ST PAULS The afternoon ACW ladies of St Pauls Anglican Church held their an nual Christmas meeting and dinner at the Brookdale Inn in Barrie term Tis the season for deliVeijes There were 24 members one Visitor and Rev Walter Lee present to enjoy the dinner The slate of officers for 1977 elected were president Mrs Thomson past president Miss MacKertcher first vicepresident Mrs Charles Sproule second vicepresident Mrs ll Bailey secretary Mrs llolyer assistant secretary Miss Daisy Wright treasurer Mrs Leo Gibbins dorcas Mrs Richardson and Mrs Neely birthday box Mrs Bailey sick and shutin visitations Mrs Richardson study book Mrs Hunter Mrs limerick Mrs Strang Mrs Dora Beamish and Mrs llolyer social Mrs Rix Mrs Leo Gibbins and Mrs Sargent quilting Mrs Rich ardson Mrs Green and Mrs llunter delegate to ad vistory board Mrs lhomson Rent an extra truck from Avis IO Dunlop St BARRIE 7266527 Merry Christmas Richardson Rowe New foundland spent week with Mr and Mrs James Madel and family DINING ROOM SUITE padded seats table with orborite top plus chrome chairs with Each 55 Dunlop West FREE PARKING ICE FISHERMANS SPECAl Army surplus jeep coats sizes 28 to 48 long and short used in good repair 995 NEW STORE HOURS BEGINNING JAN I977 Monday Closed Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Friday Night All day Saturday BARRIE SECOND HAND STORE 7282427 M4