Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Dec 1976, p. 13

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BALD mourn irllz 600 2471 l22News 3Movie March of the Wooden Soldiers 521 Hours 9Definitiori lzEvening Report 01 Adam12 2479News llParty Game lzLawrence Well mOdd Couple 2Bowling for Dollars 4Concentratlon 5Sirotas Court 9Jeffersons 7To Tell The Truth ellBehind the Scene with Jonathan Winters 131 mShoulder to Shoulder 2siooooo Name That Tune 3Reach for the Top 4Strik6 Spares Misses 5Bluff 7Gong Show 9Funny Farm lIFace The Music 1200 4722News 250 Grandstand 3Leave It To Beaver ssBob McLean tsUncle Bobby Show 12 Noonday Report 1220 lzFarm News 1230 12Gong Show sNeus 4Search For Tomorrow 7llAll My Children 9Flintstones lZParty Game 1245 SMovie lNamu the Killer Whale 1255 ZMagazine 5News hill nCanadian Cavalcade r1CrossWils 57Ryans Hope 9Dick Van Dyke llEnjoy Being Beautiful 12Marcus Welby 25 00 2471122News 3Mr Magoos Christmas Carol 524 Hours 9Definition l2Evening Report Fill 22 Adam12 24794News llParty Game lzLittle House on Prairie 700 nOdd Couple 2Bowling for Dollars 3Rex Humband 4Concentration 5Time For Your Christmas Show 7To Tell The TnIth 9Grand Old Country llMakem and Clancy 71 aGong Show 2Hollywood Squares 4Strikes SpareS Misses 542 Welcome Back Kot ter 7Bobby Vinton 9Sanlord and Son llCelebrity Revue 11 HAMILTON BARRIE BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO 12 PETERBOROUOII WEDNESDAY EVENING 12Editorial Page 800 2Movie White Christmas 3512Natnre of Things IGood Times 7Josus BC 9NHL Hockey ltHawaii FiveO 330 3512Memoirs of John Diefenbaker 4Jeffersons 7NHL Hockey 000 22Mixed Doubles HlzMusicamera tMovie Cahill United States Marshall unBaretta 01 ZZMy Country I0 ll 22 News 20ral Roberts Christmas Dream 3512 Musicamera llTBA 1031 sslzRoyal Suite 9Sportsbeat TNURSOAY AFTERNOON 2Around the Black World 130 225 For The Money 2llDays of Our Lives 4As the World Turns 5Coronation Street 7Family Feud 9Joyce Davidson 21 zzOpposile Sexes 512All in the Family 9Alan Hamel 7320000 Pyramid 25 3News 230 422Guiding Light 2Doctors 35lzEdge Of Night 7lI0ne Life To Live sz 29 Another World 3512Take 30 4All In The Family 22 Bonnie Prudden LI 10 zzLively Woman 3512Celebrity Cooks 4Match Game THURSDAY EVENING 22Hollywood The Great Comeback 23512Doug Hennings World of Magic 4Waltons eGemini Man 7NHL Hockey 830 llVic Franklyn 900 nCaught in the Act zitBest Sellers 3Wayne Newton 4Hawaii FiveO 5Watson Report 9Nancy Walker l2Starsky and Hutch 930 22512800 Question sTeleplay 7Nancy Walker 9Maclear 1000 22News 2Gibbsville 3Dofasco Choir titBamaby Jones SUPSIDIIS Downstairs 9Delvecchio 12Most Wanted 1030 3Faces of Small Places 7Streets of San Franciscr BARRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL ll 00 22Mary Hartman Mary Hartman 2357Mt12News 1120 36912 News ll 30 22Opposite Opposite Sexes 2Johnny Carson tMovie Dirty Dingus Magee 7Mary Hartman Mary Hartman llLarry Solway 1135 500 Minutes Live 1150 12Movle The Square Jungle 1200 22Movie The Prodigal sMovie Thin Air 7Movie Seven in Darkness 9Ironsidc tlMerv Griffin I00 2Tomorrow 9Movie The iron Glove 400 22Little Rascals 2Movie Meet John Doe tMerv Griffen 3Moira Hunt 5lts Your Choice 7Commander Tom Munsters Show 9Star Trek tlYoung and The Restless lzHyndsight 30 zzGiligans Island 8512Vision On 7Mike Douglas llDinah 500 zzJokers Wild 3Lucy Show 5Whats New 9Emergency 121 Love Lucy 51 22Hogans Heroes 3Early Edition 4Adam 12 5t2Roorn 222 llHot Hands 22Mary Hartman Mary Hartman 234579II12vNews 1120 359IZNews 1111 ZZOpposite Opposite Sexes 2Johnny Carson 4Kojak 7Mary Hartman Mary Hartman IlLarry Solway 1135 Minutes Live 50 12Movie Olley l200 22Movie Million Dollar Mermaid 3MOVie Love in the Afternoon 7Movie The Condemn ed of Altona elronside llMovte South Pacrfit 1230 iMovte They Call Me Trinity 100 2Tomorrow 9Movie To Find Man 300 1111 1100 llMerv Griffin Muscle denser than fat By LC THOSTESON MD Dear Dr Thostcson have son who just turned six Im little concerned about his weight and want your opinion He weighed 50 pounds and was 44 inches high at his fifth birth day Now year later he weighs 65 pounds and is 47 in ches high He is solidly built and is big boned He eats balanced diet with no snacking between meals wont allow it Should we re strict his eating or is he going through stage right now Our doctor thinks he is fine that he is bigger than most his age but he said nothing about restric ling his dietMrs Sounds as though you have seen weightheight chart and found that your son doesnt fit into the norm The key words in your letter are that he is solidly built and big boned His height 47 in cheS is bit over the norm for his age I46 inches so some of his overaverage weight can be attributed to that Average weight for 46inch sixyear old is about 46 pounds But if your son is as you say solidly built and bigboned then much of this apparent overweight is actually in muscle weight Muscle is den scr than fat and inch for inch weighs considerably more The skin fold test will tell you more than the weightheight chart This is done by measur ing the width of the fatty por tion of the upper arm as it is pinched between calipers This gives clue as to whether the excess weight is in fat or muscle mass Your doctor could demonstrate it for you From what youve told me concur with your doctor think you have have robust but not necessarily obese youngster who could gladden the heart of somc football coach in the years ahead Dear Dr Tliosttson Our little girl is three My pregnan cy was uneventful except for little spotting gained l5 poun ls did become extremely tircd the last couple of weeks and shc was born five weeks premature and wci hed three pounds 13 ounces was out of the hospital in six weeks woighingfive pounds Before could talk further with my doctor we moved out of slate and now hesitate to become pregnant again because of the fear of another prcmaturedcliverylS Write to your former doc tor and have him send your medical records to your present doctor so he can advise you specifically There may be slight charge Many factors influence pre maturityhigh blood pressure infection malnutrition blood problems Rh diabetes kid ney disease Fetal and placenta abnormality are others The placenta is the material through which the baby is nourished in the womb Generally women who have had one premature delivery have greater chance of hav ing another than do women who have not However modern medical science has greatly im proved the chances of survival of preemies Witness your own experience Dear Dr Thosteson am young lady in my early 205 For long time have been bothered with my legs aching from my thighs down to my feet It is disturbing at night when am trying to sleep do have flat feet Could this be causing my legs to give me so much trouble am on my feet all day Any help would be appreciatedtux Yes true flat feet can cause muscle problems in the legs no question about it But there may be question as to whether or not you actually have flat feet foot specialist can tell you in minute sug gest you see one Perhaps spe cial shoes would be your an swer However leg cramps can be caused by problems other than the shape of the feet Faulty footwear is one of the commonest Dcar Dr lhosttson have heard that coffee adverser af fects the bodys ability to deal with blood sugar is this true Excessive coffee or tea drinking provides high caf feine content This may tend to lower the blood sugar slightly Criticism TORONTO CP The On tario Association of Professional Social Workers said Monday it deplores recent decision by the Kit chenerWaterloo federated ap peal campaign to delete the Planned Parenthood agency from its list of charities The association said in statement the ouster means withdrawing of communit funds from an agency which provides vital sex education programs and counselling con cerning the comprehensive range of legal fertility serv ices Bomlco Bode anl For Thursday Doc 23 1970 ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Be sure to Include old friends as well as new in any social ac tivities youre planning so nobodys feelings will be hurt TAURUS April 20May 20 Although you may achieve them goals not in accordance with your highest ideals will prove hollow victories today Set lofty standards GEMINI May 21Juno 20 You may suffer some disappointment regarding your original plans to day but the alternative will prove best in the long run CANCER June 21 July 22 Your shopping logic today is govern ed by the thought that gift must be expensive to be appreciated This could lead to some hefty bills LEO July 23Aug 22 There is strong possibility that you will prejudge the good intentions of an associate wrongly today and cause an embarrassing situa tion VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 While the means are at hand it would be wise to clear up old debts They cant be rationalized away too much longer LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Usual ly youre sociable outgoing person but today youre likon to be bit slow in warming up to others However you do let your hair down later SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 If youre entertaining at home to day limit it to guests whose company you truly enjoy Inviting someone out of obligation may spoil the fun SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Doc 21 You may have to deal with someone today who is trifle cantankerous This person can be won over by not responding in kind CAPRICORN Doc 22Jan 19 Financial conditions are mixed bag today You have some heavy expenses but funds may come from unusual sources AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 It you have an important deClSIOn to make today balance your opi nion against others whose judgment you respect PISCES Fob 20March 20 Strangely enough one you do the most for today will do the least for you while one you nore will bend over backward to help you Doc 23 1976 This year youll develop relationships With persons both intellectual and farseeing The associations Will be inspirational and beneficial To trial SARNIA CP James Earl Reichheld 41 of Sarnia charged with dangerous driving in connection with collision that resulted in the death of Windsor judge his wife and son was committed to stand trial before judge and jury in Lambton County provin cial court following premliminary hearing Monday THE macker I5 RS2 SLEET AND lCE 50 1F YOJQE PE WINTIIROP 019M MA NEKLIHY FEND EVERYTHING tr BC NORTH ERN STATIONERY CHRISTMAS CARDS 29 Dunlop St BORN LOSER CEDRIC WOULD LIKE TO KNOW ABOUT FUTURE TRENDS IN THE STOCK WKET Ex curessz BUGS BUNNY omitENE You 701 FOR HA5 ANYONE SOMEBODY TOOK MY JAKE CREPT 5EEN MY NEW 5HAVIN KIT OUT DURING THE NIGHT orcounse IT couw BE commence HMPH PAINKILLER AND NOTE SAYIN HAWHAW Tiite ONE ADVERTIEIN POACH KILLER CHRléTMAs WITHOUTOAKE HA5 TO BE GREAT EVEN iF MY BELT l5 MléslNG T0 5WAP OIBIGDyMAJnLIM US Pat Oll Pollys Pointers Melted candle mars an antique vanity By Polly Cramer Pollys Problem DEAR POLLY During the hot summer candle melted and stained my antique vanity How can remove this THERESE DEAR THERESE Use an ice cube to harden what was Is left but be sure to wipe up any water drips im mediately Crumble off as much wax as you can with fingernail and then gently scrape with dull knife Rub briskly with cloth saturated and dry with that com mercial liquid furniture wax that requires buffing and dry with clean cloth Repeat until marks disappear POLLY DEAR POLLY My hands used to be so rough after had washed lot of dishes but now after doing such work use little vinegar on my hands They stay softer since the acid in the vinegar neutralizes the alkali in the detergent If your clothesline breaks and you have big wash to hang up use long dog chain with clips on both ends as temporary substitute Weight watchers may appreciate the following When you roast chicken instead of using oil or another shortening sprinkle it with tarragon andor wine vinegar and herbs This gives it an unusually delicious flavor MRS CJF DEAR POLLY Metal clotheslines are hard to clean es pecially in the wintertime also have one such line with few rust spots that was afraid to use Our newspaper comes in long plastic bag in the bad weather so save these and snip the seam at the side and easily tear long strip about five and half by seven and half inches Before pinning the clothes on the metal lines pin these strips over the lines with spring type Clothespins pin my sheets up by the top and bottom hems When ready to hang something remove the pin first and then repin as you hang the clothes This way one never gets rust or soot spot from the line and you save the price of buying new lines and having them put up MRS CWK DEAR POLLY My husband and installed the counter tops in our home and found that nail polish remover on cloth rubbed away any glue that had been spilled Test for effect on your material This also worked for us on any kind of tape marks or places where price stickers had been MRS EK DEAR POLLY When sending cards to anyone in the hospital put the receivers name and home address in the upper left hand corner of the envelope instead of my own If the patient has been dismissed before the card is delivered the hospital drops it in the mail box It is returned to the sender but in this case it goes to the person it is intended for JANE DEAR POLLY keep my piano keys white by rubbing with cloth moistened with milk do the same with gilt fram ed pictures and mirrors MRS HJO II 72 in iML 40METHN C9 INEXPENQIVE BUT cuss HO HA5 WIDE SELECTION OF WRAP $9081 LIVE III BEAUTIFULV VHOIH cow HOME mm GERVANTSI HAVE MAititEii FOUR axis SWIMMlllb POOL AND ooroor SAIL BOAT BELOW TO tulo nctuswe cwss Aiio AVEKAéE MORE THAN $30000 YEAR Oil Mil CREDIT CARDS asniFF WHATS your PROBLEM WHAT FER YOU bUMS HAVENT GOT DIME BETWEEN YA INVEST WHIC KEMIN ME HOW ARE YA GONNA PAY FER THIS 4m quvyvnqpc How BOUTA MONOGRAMMED CQLKROKCH WIN AT BRIDGE Counting hand guides play NORTH AKQIOQI3 V10983 072 47 WESTtD 41875 VK6 V72 OAKJ8654 AAKQJ853 41096 SOUTH AAG 22 EAST 10 EastWest vulnerable West North East Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead South Dbl Pass By Oswald James Jacoby There are lots of ways to bid todays hand Each player has some reason to get into the bidding act West would wrap up his fiveclub contract but you cant blame South for doubl ing He had heard his partner bid twice North realized this and ran to five hearts which East doubled East rather expected to score at least one diamond trick but he had failed tc allow for the possibility that his partner would be void of that suit The defense started with two rounds of clubs South ruffed in dummy and prompt ly lost the trump finesse to Wests king West led trump back and South was ready to tackle spades He cashed his ace of spades led his second spade and promptly finessed dum mys 10 East showed out and now South was able to discard all his diamonds on the four good spades and bring home his doubled contract The play looks sensational but actually it is based on sim ple counting East is marked with seven diamonds He has shown two hearts and would not have raised clubs without three so he was left with just one spade Wfimtlacoys Tennessee reader wants to know if we ever raise our partner with only two trumps when he has not rebid his suit The answer is that we do so on rare occasions when bid is clearly called for and we cant find anything else to bid Storm damage may be $30M WELLINGTON Reuter The New Zealand capital began the task today of clearing up smashed houses debris and mud left by one of the worst rainstorms in its history The cost of damage might run to $30 million insurance of ficials said Mondays floods claimed two livesa threeyearold boy crushed when trees crashed on to hall and an elderly man who collapsed during evac uation The suburb of Normandale was swamped by 28 cm of rain in 24 hours In Lower Hutt the worsthit suburb torrents of water rushed down wooded hillsides wrecking some houses and damaging many more Mayors in towns and cities throughout New Zealand have launched cash appeals to help bri htcn Christmas for children int eflooded areas DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS Answer to PrewousPuzzle 49 Make mess of Cherry seed 51 Dog doctor Milky gem for short Unconcealed 53 Sobbing 12 Frozen water 57 Ravish 13 Inferior in size 60 Few Fr 14 Military 61 Weapons assistant 62 Down with 15 Pod vegetable Fr wds 16 Doffs 63 Golfer Snead 18 Auto failure 64 Florida islets 20 Evil 65 Penitential 21 Explosive period 22 grbbr 66 Eon 35 Vfme 17 Seths son 38 Caspian 24 mm DOWN 19 Compass 4o Sharpest 26 Concerto pan Smoking tube pom 43 Willith 30 Footwear Cooled 23 Russa Ier sponse abbr 33 Here Fr Beverages 25 LSQendary 45 Sheltered side 34 Job Ornate 36 Gnaw Equivoque 26 47 Flower em 37 Ah mel No ifs greeting M°ta°P 39 Nothing FL or buts 27 Legal aid 50 Regarding 41 Lyricist Poetic group abbri 52 Pipe Gershwin Western 28 Healing 54 Pan of 42 Exterior hemisphere 3le church 41 Enduring organization 29 Largest 55 Back and wds Ice cream continent 46 Door clasp flavor 31 Celtic peasant 56 19 CW 48 Automotive 10 Paradise 32 Sway 53 Slupld fellow society abbr 11 Tree dwelling 35 Barrels 59 Hank of twine FUNNY BUSINESS nufllllllllIllllll lllIllIlll GOT TO HANDIT TO lTlEml THEY SURE KNOW HOW TO pUT TOGETHER AN ANNUAL RERQQT do md gm Din van Qi6i© feel better since learned that communication skills at the personal level means plain old reading and writing ANDY CAPP saw is HEOKAY LT DRAKE KERRY DRAKE ONLW 41 VLU tr fiqijfilgryél lv MAKE LCM PUAHI TOUCH Lilligrill 575AWEEK JC 41 if It WIZARD OF ID FRANK ERNEST IM NOTQUITE SURE ABOUT his 352255 FOR THE REUNION PET ow DOES UNCONSCIOUS WHEN HE FELL IN THE RN MDT BADPET ITS CERTAINLY AN MvaEMENT ON THE THING 0HGREAT ONLY WORRJED ASOuT HIS YEAR NOW leis cor ME WORRIED ABOUT LAST YEARTOO weve car 10 car oocroa HAPIY yes HAPPYWELL WANT ouror moss rim4551mm RAPIDS WELL 13 GIVE TIIE BEST IN POCKET CALCULATORS this Christmas Rockwell 24 for Him 24MS for Her WM OFFICE OUTFITTERS Barrie Plaza 7370201 OPPORTUNITY KNOCKED 801 DIDNT HEAR rr HAD THE TELEVISION 0N TH Aver ya Ii fur euro in 27lt

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