12 The Barrie Examiner We MRS REAL tttllltj holds onto the arm ol her son during burial services in ltouyn Que luesday lor her diesday December 22 1976 husband tormer leader at the Seeial Credit larty Heal Laouette tLl Photo Caouette funeral service held not Que tu Dozens ol dignitaries were among about Loon mourners who attended the luneral ol lor mer Social redit leader lteal Laouet te on luesday An honor guard ot the Knights ol Lolumhus received the luneral procession headed by Prime Minister Pierre lrudeau and the new leader at the Social lirerht party Andre Fortin About to lederal and provin Cial members ot government including Progressive Lon servatlve leader loe Llark and New Deinocratlc leader lad Broadtient also attended The Bishop ot ltouynNo randa Monsmgnor Jean Guy Hamelin presided over the MP8 start recess today Ull WP The gov ernment temporarily Withdrew income tax leglslation lrom Commons debate luesday alter New Democratic Party Mls made it clear they would not let the bill pass until alter Parlla ments holiday break Mls start thei 33fl21hllsl mas ss today and are to re turnJan lT Governnient House Leader Allar xchachen said he wanv ted tl hill withdrawn tor time 2r lanor ot minor In to put the ornrnons in testive mood We were at dead end on the tax bill he said outside the omrnons harller Leader hd Broadhent sa party would loil any govern ment plans to end the debate and pass the llll by today livery year around Christ government gets down he ause op VIls insist on prolonging debate Mr Macltarhen said This he hkr ened to swmc llu epidemic exclht that no cure is available p0s1tion CONTRAST RS In the vicinity of Canadas Great Bear Lake the schedule of daylight hours extends from 24 hours on June 21 to none on Dec 2t simple ceremony at church here in Mr Laouettes home town 400 mlles northwest ot Montreal More than 8000 mourners have paid their respects to Mr Laouettc smce Saturday In his eulogy the bishop said Mr aouette who died lhurs day at 59 alter long illness was man preoccupied WlIh betterment ot the under priVileged lhe man who was identitied Wth the little men has entered the kingdom ol the poor the bishop said The coltin was carried by six parliamentary guards to cem etery lew miles outside the City tn Ottawa members ol Par liament stood tor minutes Sl lence to honor l1raouette RENT NEW TRUCK V2 Tons Panels Vans 018 Vans Power Tailgates Commercial rates Footurlng GMC Trucks TIEDEN RENT TRUCK 341 BAYFIELD ST Hayfield SUNOCO Car Washl PUBLIC SKATING CHRISTMAS Dunlop Street Friday December 24 Sunday December 26 Monday December 27 Wednesday December 29 Friday December 31 Saturday January Eastview Friday December 24 Sunday December 26 Tuesday December 28 Friday December Saturday January HOLIDAYS 30 to 300 pm 3010300 pm 3010 300pm 30 to 300 pm 30 to 300 pm 30 to 300 pm 30 to 300 pm 30 to 300 pm 30 to 300 pm 230103200pm 30 to 300 pm DRIVE LITTLE FURTHER SAVE WHOLE LOT MORE Location Hwy II IO minutes south of Orillia IO minutes Ont No Grade IO lb bag WINTER POTATOES Stock FRESH NEVER FROZEN Canada Grade Hostess Plain or Dip POTATO CHIPS 59 Chain Price 89 Save 30 Heinz 48 fl oz Dlll PICKLES Orange flavour Drink Crystals pkg of JELLO Oz Fruit Flavor Jelly Powders 24 IO Fl Oz BOTTLES Mixnmatch any of our I4 flavors TURKEYS Kellogs I85 oz CHEESE PIZZA oz Dessert topping Beatrice Quality Checked 12 ORILLIA New Store Hours Mon Tues 97 Wed Thurs fri 99 Saturdays 98 Sunday I03 $055 satiric ICE CREAM 69f carton EGG up for the Holiday Season It I4 flavours to choose from FROZEN MIRACLE BASTE z2TU RKEY US No large head LETTUCE OR Cavalier 24 IO fl oz tins POP Part Skim $117 or Jug plus deposit Landis 26 fl oz COCKTAIL Campbells IO fl oz MUSHROOM sour 12 30 fl oz BOTTLES Mixnmatch Any of our I4 flavors 29 alcase plus deposit case plus deposit