NEWS ROUNDUP Chicago stunned by death of mayor CHICAGO AP His bod yguards we his city was stunned and is fellow national leaders expressed grief at the death of Mayor Richard Joseph Daley lord of political fief dom whose likes may never be seen again The United States most pow erful mayor last of the bigcity political bosses died Monday at 74 of heart attack in his doctors office Within hours while his body was being prepared to lie in state today leaders of the citys aldermen met in his fifthfloor city hall office to discuss Chi cagos future leadership State law provides that the crty council long rubber stamp for Daley select one of its own as mayor until special fhlection is held within six mon But Chicago also has home rule under the Illinois Con stititution and might conceiv ably change the procedure le gal officials said Until some action is taken Ald Wilson Frost council president pro tem may become acting mayorthe first black to assume the post in the citys history Daleys body was to lie in state from noon to pm today at The Nativity of Our Lord Church in the mayors Bridge port neighborhood where he took daily communion mass was planned for Wednesday HAD CHEST PAINS Daley had gone to see his per sonal physician Dr Thomas Coogan for regularly sched uled visit complaining of chest pains Coogan ordered an elec trocardio ram confirmed an irregular eart beat and left his office to make emergency ar ralngements at nearby hospi ta Daley telephoned one of his seven children Michael He ap parently concluded the conver sation and then collapsed Coogan paramedics and doc tors from Northwestern Me morial Hospital tried desper ately for nearly two hours to re vive Daley as family members recited the rosary in his office Remanded DRYDEN Ont CP Reed Paper Ltd was remanded Mon day until Jan 17 on pollution charges in provincial court The company is being tried on 10 charges under the federal Environmental Protection Act in connection with the discharge of wastes into the Wabigoon River Oct 1822 Bail bid TORONTO CP The On tario Supreme Court reserved judgment Monday on an applilt cation for release on ball by John Rallo 34 of Hamilton Rallo is charged with the first degree murder of his son Jason his wife Sandra 28 and his daughter Stephanie Is chairman HAMILTON Ont CP Hamilton lawyer John Agro member of the Progressive Conservative party has been appointed chairman of the Hamilton Harbor Commission Mr Agro 57 was named to the $4000ayear post by Labor Minister John Munro on Satur day He replaces Ed Tharen Four killed BORDEAUX France Reu ter Four persons died and three were injured Monday when two French Air Force planes collided in thick fog dur ing training mission the Air Force announced The crews of the two Vatour planes were killed and three area residents were injured by falling wreck age Transit issue TORONTO CP consult ants study prepared for the To ronto Transit Commission ITC shows that more than half the persons who never use ublic transit would not ecome customers even if major im rovements were made Mic ael Warren TTC general manager said the sur vey will provide the basis for plan to increase the number of riders by making public transit more appealing OBITUARY LAUREA RODGERS Laura Gibson Rodgers longtime Innisfil Township resident died Nov 26 in Steven son Memorial Hospital AI liston Born in Minesing to the late John and Eliza Gibson Mrs Rodgers moved to the Fifth Line of Innisfil at an early age then to the Seventh Line at the time of her marriage Her husband of 52 years Robert Rodgers predeceased herin1969 Mrs Rodgers is survived by her daughters Lenora Mrs Mel Cook of Stroud and Anna Mrs Holly Gilks of Blind River her sons Tommy of Toronto Don of Cookstown Mel of Holly and Albert of Is lington ZS grandchildren and 17 greatgrandchildren Rev Paul Parking conducted services Nov 29 at Hughes Funeral Ilome in Cookstown Burial followed in Thornton Union Cemetery Pallbearers were Angus Henry Allen Henry Vern Ayres Rae Cook Gary Rodgers and George Rodgers JIMMY CARTER Appointment WASHINGTON AP Presidentelect Jimmy Car ters selection of Atlanta lawyer Griffin Bell as his at torneygeneral is spurring statements of regret and alarm from the Congressional Black Caucus and from top officials of the National Associaton for the Advancement of Colored People NAACP Some black leaders said they found it hard to credit Carters statement that after an intense search the bestqualified indi vidual he could find for attor neygeneral was longtime friend who supported Har rold Carswells nomination to the US Supreme Court in 1970 Margaret Bush Wilson chair man of the NAACP national board said she sent telegram to Carter urging him not to name Bell whose appointment would be keenly resented by those of us deeply involved in the civil rights movement and concerned about the role of the court in securing and protect ting the rights of black Americans Clarence Mitchell head of the Washington NAACP office called the appointment of Bell on Monday very un fortunate negative develop ment Killed CAMBRIDGE CP 59 yearold Cambridge woman was killed Monday when she be came caught in warping ma chine at Dobbie Industry Ltd Police said Margaret Dopp was drawn into the machine and died instantly Beef exports WELLINGTON NZ AP New Zealand will be able to in crease its beef exports to the United States by 85 million pounds in 1977 Overseas Trade Minister Brian Talboys an nounced Monday He said New Zealand will enter into volun tary restraint agreement with the United States covering ship ment of 2683 million pounds of beef to the US market in 1977 Male saint VATICAN CITY AP John Neumann 19thcentury bishop of Philadelphia will become the first male saint of the United States next June 19 Pope Paul decided Monday The Pope set the date for canonization in consistory in which he also issued his annual state of the Church and world message The pontiff also ann nounced Rafaella Porras thtrcentury Spanish nun will becanonized Jan 23 Sees growth TOKYO Reuter The Japanese economy will grow 79 per cent in real terms in the 1977 financial year forced up lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIlllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllrlllllllllllrllirlli FLASH FLAH PASS IT ON RAD FLASH GET TURNED ON by increased domestic demand research institute predicted Monday The nonprofit Re search Institute of National Economy estimated economic growth in the current year at 61 per cent compared with government target of 56 per cent Not guilty FLORENCE Italy AP Frank Three Fingers Cop pola an underworld figure deported from the United States in 1948 was found not guilty for the second time Mon day on charges of attempting to assassinate Rome police detective 25 die JAKARTA Indonesia Reu ter At least 25 persons died in floods which swept through villages in Aceh north Su matra following days of torrential rain officials said Monday Antara News Agency reported more than 60000 people were suffering from food shortages caused by drought Bad harvest TOKYO Renter An ab normally cool summer and ty phoons made Japans 1976 rice arvest the worst in five years the Agriculture and Forestry Ministry announced Tuesday The crop was 1177 million met ric tons compared with record 1316 million tons in 1975 the ministry said Drops plan TOKYO Reuter The Japanese national defence council dropped plan Tuesday to seek appropriations in the next budget for USmade F15 Eagle jet fighters council spokesman said The council in tends to seek budget appropria tions in fiscal 1978 as it has not had sufficient time to study the F15 question in time for next months1977 budget Pay boost TORONTO CP con tract giving about 3300 support staff at 22 community colleges in Ontario salary increases from 10 to 30 per cent over 17 month period was signed Mon day by the provincial govern ment and the Ontario Public Service Employees Union The contract gives workers 45centanh0ur acrossthebozr rd increase retroactive to April and an additional 21centarr hour raise to Aug 31 1977 it was announced The agreement covering sec retaries maintenance workers INN nurses and bus drivers raises salaries to minimum of $343 an hour and maximum of $915 Declaration BONN AP West Ger many announced Monday it will refrain from exporting nuclear technology which might increase the spread of nuclear weapons The decision followed similar declaration by France last week that Paris has declared an embargo on the sales of nuclear reprocessing technology to other countries Compensation TORONTO CP The On tario Criminal Injuries Com pensation Board awarded 451 applicants total of$902678 for the fiscal year April 1975 to March 31 1976 In figures compiled in its sev enth annual report to the attor neygeneral the board listed an average award of $1425 not in cluding periodic payments awarded to 12 applicants The board received 851 eli gible applications for com pensation in the fiscal year conducted 473 hearings and dis missed 75 cases after hearings LAIDII BENNETT Final say OWEN SOUND Energy Minister Dennis Tim brell and laude Bennett min ister of tourism said Monday that the final say on develop ment of 900 acres of Ontario Hydro land leased to dcvcl opcr will come from local offi cials The cabinet ministers said any development proposal will have to be submitted to the councils of the town of Thom bury about 25 miles east of here and Collingwood town 33 243 WW 01 HQI AWhole Turkey for the Whole Family Christmas Day in our Lamplighter dining room well be serving up the traditional turkey in unique style For groups of four or more were going to provide whole turkey corved at your table by our chef plus all the trim mings complete fomily dinner When youre through well pack the remainder of y0ur turkey for you to take home for Boxing Day snacks You can spare Mum all that cooking Dad the carving and everyone the cleaning up afterwards The memorable Christmas Day meal served 49 pm $650 per person NB For those wishing whole turkey Dec 23 is the last day for reservations Tel 3267343 IF YOU KNOW THS GROUP YOU KNOW YOU MUST GEI HERE EARLY MATINEE SAT DEC I8 FROM pm TO pm WELLINGTO llllllllIIIllllIIIlIIllIIItIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItIlIIIIIlllIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllIlllllIlllllllllllllllIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll FLASH Now Appearing THROUGH TO DEC 24 BARRIES OWN HOTEL DUNLOP ST 1282445 ship as well as the Beaver Val ley planning board the Niagara Escarpment Com mission and Hydro Rose Community develop ment company which owns 1400 acres of land around Thor nbury and in Collingwood Township caused furore in November when it leased the Hydro land for the purpose of expanding ski resort Local officials said at the time they felt that land bought by Ontario taxpayers should be available to the public for rec reational use Free trips OTTAWA CP Defence Minister Barney Danson has launched study to determine whether his Commons col leagues are abusing free trips available to them on defence department aircraft He said in an interview Mon day he knows of no widespread abuse of aircraft but has heard stories that warrant investiga tion Members of the armed forces have reported that Mr Danson was ready to take any correc tive action necessary to over come possible abuses of the sys tem The most famous recent plan ned flight was the journey home to Scotland that Trans port Ministcr Otto Lang had planned for his familys nanny But Mr Danson scotched that trip when it was brought to his notice He said it was not ap propriate t0 the available use of government aircraft Good start VANCOUVER CP Herb Gray former federal consumer affairs minister says the fed eral antiinflation board report comparing supermarket prices in Canada and the United States was good start but he will ask the board for more thorough assessment The Liberal MP for Windsor West said in telephone inter view from Ottawa Monday that the first report was long way from the final answer Mr Grays request for infor malion about the growing num ber of Canadians shopping at US supermarkets resulted in theinitialstudy The most exciting Two pipers and drummer get mexed reaction from the younger critics at King Edward Public School Lee Anne Cates left moves with Group begins court assault on Transport Minister Lang QUEBEC CP The Associ ation des Gens de lAir du Que bec began court assault Mon day on federal Transport Minis ter Otto Lang arguing that ministerial ordinance which halted the expansion of French air communications at Quebec airports violated the federal Of ficial Languages Act One cannot accc that simple ordinance cou restrain the application of the federal language act Guy Bertrand lawyer for the Gens de lAir told the court The Gens de LAir represent origami motion picture event of all tint by Ono De Lamenrus Corporatorr All Rights Reserved IMHO AS All EITEATAIIIEIIT 46 DUNLOP STW Why are the worlds chief assassins after Inspector Clouseau Why not Everybody else is ADULT tritiumtil DImDeLanenispeserts atbianlllbrmtn Fllrn Kins stirring Bridges CharlesGrodin lmtxirrng Jessica Lange Sr ninthlil1nrizr5erivkult Prudtud tyLXrnDlnnentih Dim tori lylr rim inlkrr nm Mist Cr mix bed and Cumvd by John Barry Prim MGR Paramrurt gamew 7264681 NOW in PLAYING Relax WARNING SOME SCENES MAY FRIGHYEN TIQEATRE5 IRANCN ONT Shown Daily At 100 930 pm IIe NEWEST PiNKCST PANTHER OF ALL BLAKE EDWARDS 010 PETER SELLERS THE PiNK PANTHER STRiKES mllEltItEIlI on rmNLIIBIAKELYLEMARBWTEALESIEYAIIIIEMM MmiymIARIIWIIJANS suminterim MINI modr will ADAIAS uur Ir an MRI JONES mnFRAIlK WALDIAAIIuBtAILEEDWARDS mmmnBIAKE EDWARDSmuttmmttmnwn IMPERIAL Now Playing 705 900 MIXED REACTION the beat of the music while Andrew Luck right finds it little too loud to really en joy Angela Dawn Earhurt centre isnt quite sure how ing most Frenchspeaking pilots and traffic controllers in Quebec is asking Mr Justice Louis Marceau to invalidate the ordinance which prevents pilots from using French to communicate with control towers at major airports in cluding Dorval and Mirabel in ternational airports in Mon treal Mr Bertrand argued that the Lang directive issued last Au gust contravenes several arti cles of the Official Languages Actespecially an article which states that French and Were Cooking up hitslmas Feast THIS BUFFET STYLE FEAST WILL FEATURE Roost Hip of Beef Tom Turkey with Savoury Dressing and Giblet Gravy Wodorf Salad Tuna Salad Devilled Eggs and Many More Delicious Platters Exciting Festive Desserts CHRISTMAS DAY 1200 Noon 800 pm Adult $575 Children under I0 price Reserve Now SM BARRIE Hwy 400 on Foirview Rood Essa Rd Exit off Hwy 400 TELEPHONE 705 7286l9l she likes the music finding the sounds quite amusing Three OPP constables were at the school this week to play selection of Christmas English will have equal status in the federal government and public service But Mr Langs representa tive lawyer Gaspard Cote re plied that the languages act had nothing to do with the case In issuing the ordinance Mr Lang had merely exercised the power delegated to him under the federal aeronautics act Mr Cote told the court He argued that specific law such as the aeronautics act can not be superseded by more general law such as the lan guages act FOR 5c EVERYBODYS INVITED TO THE PREMIERE OF NICKELODEON llte man WIII gaw us WHATS UI IKX PAPER MOON nml It IASI Ilf IllRI Slit has ner rented brand new luv Ih about the adventure mmIv and romance that went IIIIH making the first paturv sinus Wednesday regular IIHVJIIIL NIVKHINTI will bcgm armA llu uriner Ilut is srwrml Christmas present Itiisilay llw plinmIi NlLKIl II is NICKELODEON The nickel II Chrlolnuo Selll The proalone In for you MEAL REYMDS ONEAL mun nun KEITII itXIMBIAIKTlUtISMWs AKHRIHWLIUIMMRMIIR mu rm STELLA MN he Barrie Examiner Tuesday December 21 1976 carols and other music Ex aminer Photo Bagbidd Matt 726994 CINEMA Tower of Love 925 FIonIo Teenage Nymph GORGEOUS PLAYMAT She turned onthe heatthenleftyou TOW LUV Getaway nth15 Ode To Billy Joe pm the 50g didnt tell you the movie will Mco THE UEEN GETAWAY ADULT NIIIIAUNIENT we mmosm TATLMONEAL mum STEVENS RITIER IIITCIImCIl mrrmtimirrmmn lASllO KINAC3 mm mm WEE PETER WWII Assmu mum FRANK MARSHALL IlttlllllHIt MN WINKLER MI MARINE UthlIIHh PETER mammal ACOIUMBlABRH lSI LION LMI TOPRtXlKITlONA IMPERIAL CINEMA NOW PLAYING 9l0 Tonight Only All Seats 59