Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Dec 1976, p. 23

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ton 4363677 TIlmalelv 29000 original miles Excellent 1973 FORD ton camper special GVW 9000 lbs oversized rad blade tan batteries radio gas tanks approx Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers listed are experts in their field and will osswevyou ol the finest iob possible Centre 26 Ferndale Dr 72642951 HARNESS REPAIRS hockey equip ment repairs saddles and tack HenderE sons Saddlery 222C Yonge st Pains wlck 7372982 HORSES BOARDED and trained EchD deliver in the Barrie area Must tion in Stroud Ontario Reply in writing to Craig Hunter Poultry Farm Ltd Box lOl RR No Stroud Ontario ALL REPLIESCONFIDENTIAL BABYSITTER Housekeeper AUTOMOTIVE ARTICLES FOR SALE HELP WANTED The Barrie Examiner Tuesday December 21 1976 23 CARS WANTED GARDEN SUPPLIES PARTTIME HELP mum NG The Toronto Star requires per fléiitiailfiiiiuamofeinew ALL THE HELP YOUNEED incessant33925224 Accounrnnr ANNOUNCE T5 SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES scT MW 2nd or 3rd year RIA or CGA student OVIKO W00 paigfliezeigigtfigtgflglgfiéudLDnyPliihi FARMERIS MARKET be available 1230 pm Monday ggsaignggmi Csllaimzlgbglteypgsgflaocfi DCutimamwwzgdtlnddTlonhulworthyqu0 ntrl oi mall 75 wntrl fll2m LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Friday l01300m Saturday and analysis at financial statements sadimnaiwdrvrlniwnWe COLE BROS cars and mks wanmd Apply leaving name and phone and supervision ol parttime Sta rummoviimwmiitii In goagzreliitmgé Fails 533 Days SPECIAL CLEARANCE oi Used and number mismbiiiWTff°a WYSILSTW Jasmin er an we movae as ost at 811988 rec 0r gigglrggllgrazggggral makes Also lease 726300 Excellent opportunlty tgr ad33ncseilieeiii EEE ww With this medium sized company Loca BIRTHS GOOD NEWS STORY When you an nounce the birth or your child in The Bar rle Examiner clippings of the notice are ondmon Telephone alter 530 pm Spring Ranch 10th line of Oro Phone quired live in or out schooiraged available l0 BabYS BOOK FamilY Tree ODE $31$52 cailgren Htusl be excellent with Records and to mail your friends and 4973 CHEV VAN Excellent running con HORSES BOARDED mommy ien Iandale area Telephone re ives in those far away places Place ditlon $2000 or best otter Telephone Box stalls good paddocks Private You find You never l9°ked 7161763er an BPnOUNCemenl after birth Call The E5199 ELEIBIEWEEQLA9993742455 5° 9°°dr No experience MATURE person to iooizaigrgiaeiy www 19 FORD Van auomafic power as HORSES BOARDED Box stausl not necessary can 7239652 lady good home good accommodations DEATHS flakes radial Mats 5319 carpIe CARPET CLEANING PAINTING mash Mice daily minutes om Bar write AVON Box 485 near westend plaza Telephone 4362448 roughout exce en con ion Te er rials momhiynyguy nomads mfl AWMlWM HANDYMAN Evfibufih EE BARRIE Ontario PARTTIME mature personrexverienc 553 nggembeA$dYEgg E4975 1T0N tow truck Power brakes START YOUR spring cleaning today FREE DQN SIESUNG Pr°lassi°nfil P°9r in Yflp CILIEKS mt giggniugglddggggm7355 59 Blundell otae Essa Rd Dear mother at steering airconditioning heavy duty Revitalize your carpets with Al carpet steam tenor tenor PCIPtar h909 150 W°l READY to 77777777 MA L7sssmpt Timmy and beloved daughter at and new ho Cm cleanin 726632 GOrO es cleaned Scitisfoctiori guaranteed7266808 av 503 35 MATURE PERSON to babysit in gafkafio 7281096 650° l°d we EEEEE EE eggs Brown egg birds available mid home between pm and midnigmy Ms Cs Blundellr and dear 55 99 he ATING ll SNOWMOBILES CERAMICS as OUIed away mtgéfljupgiigfig Mom 9133 mm ggigfirgtlfizfiiiaig Hunter Poultry Farm IViondaytp FiilyéMMust have own i2¢¥fm Iglfiyslépfififllogflfi IVE and callingsTelePh°°7°55355387°¢°lr 3371589 197077771 77 Beverley all or Barrie Great aunt oi WICNTERICKS7C22R6A21I£CS Floor and wall flllng svEr FRAMING FEED SEED AND GRAIN With Years relflled Industrial DYNAMIC Sales Person tor specialty Christopher Klemn son of Mr and Mrs SNOWMOBILE 93 repairs 77 YOUR CASTOFFS 15° SALES first and er°rd rt experience Combustion se and prprnotional advertising calendars Carlo Klemn ot Parry Sound Friends CU pens ermometers etc lull or part may call at the Arnold Funeral Home TRAILERS CHAIR CANING 4875525 726344 fioifinggfi Ffpgl SSLCREtzonffig byeleph2ne726 53247 77 7A UP and malnlenances AbIlIlY tinttje Age no barrier Charles Roynon l27 Baylield St Barrie Service and FOR SALE ii ANIQUECHAR CANINE Overasyears ex between 10am and 530 pm Beans FRUITS AND VEGETABLES I° °d emed 20 BaeSMWea Ir333513353353315232aln bl SI aves roug patienceTelephoneJBSomers4362299 blue rints Must have Ontario WE KNOWN C°mPanY reqwms am Bron new ers lo so Windows EE EEEEv E7E 77 HOME AND COTTAGE Maintenanca Pain APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con IJIIIOUS full or parttlme help in Barrie SII AmOId Funeral Home parkmg wheels swivel bed no CARE Pumbing R006 and chimney repairs CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMNG cession Om 72611907 728 8489 dosed Department of Labor licence or surrounding area Car necessary 93 Fang Doors 4364105 Earn above average waQeS Telephone FLETCHER wll $27995Limited Quonttt Sundays Yourcontainers ppy rs ote tam Brian as BARRIE MOTO CRO Shutters AwningsJ WEEKEND SERVICES 24 hour supervision CARPENTER PAINTER You name it we do it RETAIL COMMERCIAL 1416 3953 6537 result ot an accident on Saturday cams tip 55 Addition Rooting RLLImia CHARGEX EMASTERCHARGE PERSONMS EMPLOYMENT WANTED 25230162erMEIR Shire 7777 77 House CLEANUPS Pointing carpentry SCOT TD UC Wwfl Thornton Lovin th Porch Enclosures enerolmointengncaelcetc 4875389 LICENSED MECHANIC willrepair cars er NS and 389 Buylleld Slr Borne th II I40 Bay St in spare time Anything considered grglfg Fqgfgnscgnem tjlhulg lgy ind D2l Slonew COMMERCIAL ARTIST Logo design art 0M IMPROVEMENTS ee OUE7 173 31 ages Midland Ont Telephonenrwu evenings We °l liewgrll Deg g2 Ew Forfree esimote érlagiayout etc Plese coll collect 4l6 ARTIFRAM Custom picture Iroming Wide 526 545 Mrs Leila Fletcwl OI Toromo to in 01 436368I ft 630 selections Factory price cist service esting at the Jennett Funeral Home ARCTIL LAT Call PHIL SPURLING CUSTOM FENCING Rogerincemsifisbla er in SuiswiongummoHum Packages available 10 Utah 021 Bram Barrie Visnafion om 77 EE 7777 777 77777777 Tuesda SNOWMOBILES 7266907 RESIDENTIAL FENCING Ch gisgahfnogiayhiminsridrmiiiilmsifig Cplmado vermom Incmdes MATURE reliable person needed to While every endeavor will be Churchylvay on pWednsoeSdalyse Sgcfnflbesr it aii 00 In SIOCR now preseason Local Family Busmess wood fences Improvo ylowm préziroly Space Also pointing wollpopering Murray Tax Deductible accommodallflns llanSlelS gmlggflnaalgérsé mode IO TOIWGrd replies box ézengelray PIICGS 73795977 qulnsaem and more Call US 630 pm Must have owntransportation numbers lo the Odvefllser OS to the Canadian Cancer society or CUSTOM REC ROOMS Coin lele basement Start January fifth $25 or do Re chart or 26 planning and decorating grivocy screens rA enjlons to Box Ty Barrie Examingr Posslbler Ye Cliepl no preciafied your ChOICC WOUld be ap ml eos LADIES AND ml emens Ieratlous In we save mone to In res ec Mary St Telepillsiie 7373432 or residence THOMSON TURNTABLES Music tor occus Efrfésé2i3os°° mm 900 7284700 LEGAL SEUDWY MUS have legal 055 °r HULFISH Buford Burt at his onS onty BoyR numb 50 099 medium bookings Ek today for what you ll need secretarial experienco Telephone damage olledged to arise residence In gene Ewan on Monday 726100 amuublemmrgr srec ALIZING iN Tuc polnflng IIITI omorrow Le me help you 99 07173 737 3700eveningsll728 5305 hrough enher failure deioy December 20 l976BurlHulfish beloved neys waterproofing brick and stone cuu IL WARM mature Sincere people to work husband of the late Vera Whan zwssgg Pamo l° Slarled with children with emotional problems In orwar m9 SUCh replies Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home ELECTROLUX CdlItlodo Ltd douthorixgg sales guarantee Norm ADDIY Browndalo 776 886 however otherwise 32 Bradlord St Barrie Visitation from and service 18A lancer 72833 mu ednesday at DJ Service and COm Specializing in pontssuits gowns and ultero minal common in me chapel on Thurs tions 76Worsiay 7266000 YOUR LOSS MCKINNEY day December 23 at IT am Interment Snowmobiles at DRYWAu Most older homes lose 7263757 we have the Halcyon Iloen femclgrl lnHleu 395 ALL ELECTHOHUME 50t060° of am ear ur eat Do Hotel OVOIIO Ie for Id MacDonald PRODUCTS SPECIALIZING IN taping and textured spray Stop Hemingonmrio Wou berappreCIated cetlings Call Tony 728 llOZ Thl Mutual Lift Of Cnnndn arc es 73 Yonge St scum CAN NOW BE AVESIRoucmNG INSULATE D27 week stays MAP With l0 Years expellence lhe Planl engneerng on Sunday Decemberl9 1m lameswf Barrie HEPAIRED GRAHAM EAVESTROUGHING Cenmozglaéowlljoynaro WA Meal Plan All SPOIIS lundon Of manUIOCIUrmg ICCIIY uslllfié1r3335222°eirrrgfi¥il re so IN BARBIE F°V°°9l95°°dC°778 98 fugilmes Iree Wardoir Successful applicant Will have drafting experience and Pfigflamfig °l T°°i andwlam bl SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING Specialists UNIS YOUr moneY In W0 Nrw WORK and repairs drain and sewer ff ame eese ampre eceased grand J3 Fast Depen ervlce 203i ctggérogfingreponirs Frec estimates years leaning mpiaie imam and bathroom Flight selling fast so proven capo My ow through on related de5ign garmicimpgngragdgtwégregarLdaZIthzrg EE EEEE Electrohome Umdler Ram LOCAL AND MODERN LZQZV° 8°° please call construction and maintenance Egeesman Lgrpnéoi and Doctor Frank eesmano ia ephiaFriends may SNOWMOBILE Ajcgsgsgfgbe INSULATION amms HAY TRAVEL SERVICE svan at siecrie runersi Home 30 are incl GAMBLE Electric Comm rrial orslev St Barrie after pm Tues 726 6392 7284700 Residential Industrial Installations and 501 dBY Complete serVice In the chapel on PARIS ACCESSORIES ELECTROHOME INCOME TAX ELIFFQNJQPFQRLY tillIL 45 Dunlop Barrie pp to or on eon seems Big Re Castro Slip on or alnlrlg erment Barrie Union Cemetery In lieu 77777 ol flowers memorial donations ma be AC Ch°mp° Bow plugs 49 Morrow Rd Unit INCOME IAXrelullIspreporcd Angus Bur T°bl95 ChOrsi dSheSr 905595 made to Ontario Heart FoundatloH or Tecumseh Kohler rte died 55 up Dobson 424 5910 after etc TELECARE why gm Your problpm Caradian Cancer Soce En Industrial Commerciol Sand weekew we DellVerE Reserve NOW alone7 Let triend help Call Tolvcnri gine Ports CARDS 0F THANKS D24 Re ideniiol Forms 726 792 anytime Delco Batteries 737 388 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS 718 658l it COOPER EE We Wish to ex ress our nghlmg desgn 248 Tiffin St Barrie you drink thats your bUSInOS It you Ontorlo heartlelt gratitude to relativgs neigh Electrical consumng want qumt lhatsours Call any time D22 b0r5 and triendstor lloral tributes dona ANT EE EEEE EEEn EE EE tIons sympathy cardsand kindness to us 20 Yrst experience scfimflpenfig £356 233 in our recent loss of dear husband and 152 JOHN ST City Masters Lic liB Complele ACCOUnlan RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor piano Horses dia Hrenchuk Certified Eler trologiat IOVlng lather Special thanks to Rev FACTORY RE BUILT ENGINES for most corsi bomdod Burma mum Windy Haugh 737 767 Storey and DI Bailey and trucks facilities to rebuilt your own SmcerelyMabel Cooper and amlly engine budget terms available Hours Mon Bookkeeping Services 7760 DANCE bonds available ior New ThSM 18 30 Pm Mom Sup Years Evr Ballroom and glrNrrll danct IN fl LIY 20 id 77875 EXCAVATING Ess imUSIC Mr Johfls9m0n726 0067 AN 777 HemEVE EE EE EE ear AND Roormc New and old pupa WE CAN turn your unwanted IlmS into WATSONWln lond memorY mY dear 771640 TNT Newskis newcarbide run AUTOMOHVE REPAIRS Rosith aoyciiorr hwmimg hcuiugp FinanCIOI Stote Irrea estilriuius 3771897 attui In cash Thii Auction House l0 miles north husband Jim who passed away seven ners and studs new clutch new springs 77 septic systems trenching loader work 145 OI Blrrlc corncr OI HghWlY ll yea tlgo mar tront and rear completelv refinished REM Bum Ewopean and Japanese grovel 436 l558 4361257 hrfiwgrfiw git dcogfffisonA 000 T010500 30W L229rx$ 33 gt cars Coronation Auto Sore 17 Mary st BUélDOZING siriolldndlorgelobs Ensonl Income 9me jscw TECH CO Specialists rnpans all mg ygém Uééfnnci$lahscfl comma EVENTS or so in ex 726 544 an Sons RR Minesingna 7638 For ono ointment matter Holmium comm saw 487 20 cellent condition 5550 Telephone REPAIRS CONVENONS Engm MUM DRAG NE WM Wcmd Fm ponds PP marn New used Agents Brain saw NA High school graduation and some knowledge 718 nulorwnher nlormalon all small cars Import Domestic SafetY thing geneial excovaliii etc Phonei your convemence ling MOCIIIII 737 l67l 737 IIHB INTERNA Inve 93 i973 SNOVJET 338 in good condition checks Labour hour Owe Roung 7268593 yIcrs CIVII lriirtinrilbmaritrtl lltvssltgrl eCIrOlllCS nee COr IS essential Telephone 322 2388 iii 7261245 tigghltlsljrlé7l7glm mm co please telephone for appointment V8 771 5N0 HAWK 905 Slant com WE SPECIALIZL in snow blowing dirvewuys pATs DIAL DATE mr be it ry $215 reDUilt motor 5395 Phone Foi Iiue ristiiiinlii Cnll John 737 0966 Don best present you evermgavclyotirSIIIIQ wmmuzmc as EE 37 7859 737 Jan de 1975 MERCURY 440 SR tach Speerlo SIMCOE ECONOW nwmm biog IDO SOMEMING NEW mm ary ir ames730pm ciggefzséasqsfe mles It Tole E58 Willard bonetins oiiii lieczo washer BOCkhOe EXCOV blowing and putting r700 isstiinolos Scott 74777 lRindezvoui Dnliiig Ltd 416 45 Idol 02 RegUlargames 8300 pm 21l€ér€Ioaorofgr 35 élcvaorl Trenchlng MW 778 767 PAUL SNOWPLOWING rusrtlIlllirll and Bmmiflonr ll 945 JJClPOl 5300 must go every iw lcornmerrial lInstHlGLild iotrs Il PERMANENT tingernails done any wgw pm ProttMotorSupply Co Ltd 728 59 Horizontol Augering ANDSCAPING wlmmm Owen no lengm MC mom week 00 Adm si ooi BIRD HOUSE PROIESSIONAL LANDSCAPING Lloslgllssuli Willow SIIOYPLOYN Viizufmmirr POTTISRAIYIJ Iéull ébgllrtn in biautiiél AirsCZTdnionleh ifde sE vs plied In euoval fluyn SHOYIHQ Fe r95 05 06 00 IVDCVSOI PURPLE MARTIN Houses lor sulc Apply 097 lllllel InSLrtirido Helbiritlo 497 Mm DEWWth 77 7757 two in drawing $15 Framing $5 Fine Challen in if GEOR Melrose Ave Home or lairphone 728 5783 I778 9369 SIMPSON RMMMWD md mmmmuul bummerqu 721 6011 305 Ions CFO OVOllOble IT YOU are ready ST BARRIE CARPENIRY lvrswfivefism MASONRY Siowvlowmg Calm mm 7767801 ITBOWLERS WANlED Couritossinnlrri for responSibility knowing It leads 10 promohonol 17 fit KENS SNOWPLOWING Rpsniannni $400 00 ldiiltn Imi Slr UW Cr AND General Connector Kitchen tecl Cotrimiirciul SIS 00 limit 726 719 anytime Kvmpvww BOW 78 96 opportunnies rooms renovations Dddltions fireplaces 0m 36 7695 Ull HOR SE drawn riltziutt rim5 Wilkcnd guaranteed 7374507 23° 33 °° WMbe DANS SNOWIIOWING Rasirlaniial and V5 00 MJVIK APPVOXImOIelY 400 COIOU CARPENTER Specializing in rec rooms in Specializing in natural stone r°° Depmdmb Rmm Barrio 77b SMVNIYEWS Block White TVs air con lerior remodelling trim etc Please rail antique brick MICROWAVE OVENS ablt Coll7370470 msflirucflons prochcal mmng program 7786884 alierbpm fi7777777777 77 Jors SNOWIIOWING aminetrial no 7m future de endin dmoners Stereos 1° Choése CEDAR DECKS ror rooms rxleltuion etc Custom builtond desi ned DELI MICROWAVE seiyirps AutholiILI d° R°° P° 77 7365 ENGLISH RIDINC instrurtion WiIl Upo your Obhty and how to DIRECT PHONE from at tremendous bargains Full pennnrpd 721900 726 2509 Amano solos $07vln to all MIUOWQVI Orrin Mllllsstlig AiilrtiMi school how wooamngnmumg use 7282414 Check the ex les below IHFT MAKER 92gt M1 W°r mom guomn 93 owns 7764 anytime giroiri BrIrrle 7260192 Swan mm putpilnfnSS ELEM 77 99¢ WE Rewardan management opportunities with an II PETER HENSTRA 737 871 MUSIC ENTERIAINMEN HELP WANTED Cass led advertisements and notices for 20 $2232gygm 0mm Ommmcm TF f77 77 ERIPSUL HXJURE JPRHAV itim Ugo 77 everexpanding company these pages must be received by pm JARREN BROWN day preceding publication with the excep super Chromacmor lcloCttEquoESD riiisfrlerTrEpslepufizgzgisllggifbsnl COLONIAL FIREPLACES all fuel lortory bUIlt like to dance Good 105 78 sgfgmp Dal Russo Mummy lcllphmm securny wnh canOdo larges Flnance company Olin CIOSDiLiEdbDDpIOY udvertlisemems is $399 IIIt guulgneed and Comruumn 726 I303 Titlm 778 4040 Applicants should enloy meeting the public be Flacublrltzzsitone in pm two ays prior or payiust 350 wkly CARPENTEP do rm rooms renorolions SIONEWORK WWW PY MUSIC INSIRUCTON alert ressv nd its No 5234 min lnection Mouldin 99 we WWW GUIIA ossrco orii pnpu ll NH In rlrn ml MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 26 GE ELECTRIC GXloo GENERALCOHTRACTING Roofing rorpen Mairolroivrnounai Slurlin 726 HR cuttinmro Building usinm iaiiaiing unzl Banking cred insurance sales or univerSIty 40 wwdissm lututiorls Add Full spamsh colour console try painting Reaoriobr prices fall Boh ACCORDION quitm plOtIO otguii brgin 0c grOUD are OSSGTS Iliono words9cls per word I977 modular solid state gheépw 364789 FIREPLACE TELEVISION LEASING wnh mn E1 CARD oriHANKsas wardsssooAddi CONSTRUCTION hraiirod rarpnntersl 00 fiulrga VAEEEEEV mm Yea ex pp or tionalwords7ctsperword fFor renovations dialing homes cottages Acad3mi MUS Ezlllflfionly Hgsgol Ludwig LQBON YOIUJ perience required MUSI be Cameron IN MEMORIAM Noncgs No verse $500 Loot rcttri pm war uiiii Punusimoo My 5°95 CANDLE AND OFHCE SERVICES mounlops mug Willing to work all shifts Full IAC Limhed yviih verso per count line 2i cents per Wk7 ran of com on benefits CAR RENTDLS COPPER HOUSE COMPLETE BOOKKEEIING and typing WELL DIGGING ll Coll SI 20 RC XL le orrie PORTABLE GUTHRIE ONT me on mommbia talus EE GVOI 0b Please C0 LAVER COMING EVENTS five year warranty plan HOLIDAY and deliver 474 673 LONE STAR DIERE 726657l am through 7266403 22 pm column inch ONLY $466 wt 4873442 pAmflNG WELL DIGGING 430pm Dag 24 WORD MINIMUM 00 Ill RENTACAR SYSTEM J2 STROUD 027 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Cash Disc IaYllls pAanNG lion in expuiieiiritl EE count Roles apply ll paid within do at AND A50 NRV Spmull9 flea estimates Jack Richdir son 726 20 loam du wens One or two insertions 9c per word inset 1763 d5 fireplaces have fire loco thl Winter 25 MOTOROLA oUASAR ll newst 147568574 Home cottages indnit use evi Barrie VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating iii Spnrializiiigiit Comicto ltle cents per word insertion total $612 Six works II drawer Iarior exterior Walk guatrinlond Establish Slenl ulllflrfyd concrete lilo consecutive insertions 8c per word per in ONLY featuring ed 30 years 776 2609 726 900 flrlmqhsym so sertion total SH 57 Multiple insertions or ustb 00 wkl Fine Chrysler Products HARDWOOD FLOOR Installation and WAYNE FOLEY Prrfiusstriial untills Diameter 48 be °dd ble °°°° Yl Dal refinishing old and new guaranteeded not terror and Interim Fret BSIISIOIE Work When Hangover rewhs Obumed Method ol counting fewer than 24 words count as 24 words Each initial abbrevia tion set of numbers elc count as separate words to chip or pool E32583 guaranteed 726 7389 20 TOSHIBA BLACKSTRIPE Finest in colour ONLY $699wt 00 ARTICLFEWEWE ARTICIESFOR SAlE ARTICLES tonsilLEW ARTICLES FOR SALE iii 55 pan FIREWOOD VIITTMSBsihsh DICYCLE To 175 trTSMTtgils NO FIREWOOD Free delivery5p Ianyiiini Itelopfisortie Also Yamaha 5303 JWyirrrars Id with DowN PAYMENT BIRCH HARDWOOD MIXED 466 moaitor 4pm case$40 Teiephanom liau PFAFF Mr Ch rt SET 0F I65 5Ris lb itd dl NO FREE DELIVERY special refilling bUllIClnlgitlilS Ior tires with rims 5038 rfiilrtis SI deadllne lOl ClaSSIIled PAYMENT TIL Also professional look 775 am Tetephonem 744 0rd ads MINK COAT kt Al MARCH 77 SNOW PLOWING Muskrnlcoat likgriltiwli 728 3384 BOATS AND MOTOREAS Ill llIlNIIlP ST FT SHEPHERD mahogany boat double liull cylinder Chrysler inboard FREE ESTIMATES pOINSETTIAS pm Krozy Kellys motor Ail it 2500 aornesnoppngrim 7264837287375 7294297 filmffssésnfil2l2ZLLElfiflfli Telephoneusiifiiiiiwipii PlBVIOUS day 737II82 MiwiFMYlE tropical plants Ideal gills Ior ARTICLESWANTED Christmas Brays Garden Centre 76 Ferndnle Drive 716 295i DRAPES FOR SALE open Weave orange color Barrio oliirn romodcll ing Four lengths Askinu $200 for whole par high or best oltiir Drapes need Cleaning 726 336I FIREWOOD Ior sale split mixed hard Conserve beat this winter Herit Miser tits into chimney electric Ian saves money 728 0755 FIREPLACE HARDWOOD seasoned top quality tart cord 16 $35 $30 or custom CUl ree citlivery 726 4725 FIREPLACE HARDWOODS cheaper by the full cord lrtC delivery Also logs Electrohome 1976 YEAR END CLEARANCE Phone tonight Instant Delivery 737I l8 MTWThETF CASH FOR old furniture books dishes old pictures clocks odds and units Pro I950 items 728 8734 CHILDS WOOD Wagon wanted in any reasonable condition Telephone 436 7597 noon Saturday TENDERS SHIRLEYALEDA AREA WELLINGTON SOPHIA ST AREA PEEL ST SOUTH END ribs4 USEDCOLOREDTVS Ontario Government Tender Any reasonable oll ll be pt and p05 728 My 3220 mm mm Nilcrew Phone DOGS AND PETS er WI accc 390 we yep aimsreliant SHOBEVIEWEGARRETT AREA ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Inuous coming in omc car or 05 selection of color and black and white CONN ORGAN and bench automatic NT QUES 5h pam WSW Low Installation of Hydro Lines chord and rhythm our phones $1500 Consider rcrtsonaltli otter 778 9542 TVS Barrie TV and AppllrlnClS 80 Dunlop SIE 72s 4297 ARTICLES FOR SALE iirisiiérotéui ATTENTION COTTAGE OWNERSFARMERS REPAIR COTTAGES AND OUTBUILDINGS LINE GRAINAIRIES BINS OR BUILDINGS WITH USED ALUMINUM PRESS PLATES 23 35 009 THICK 30° EACH AT THE BARBIE EXAMINER ASK FOR MR NEAR 7266537 TF Consoles Item 591 per wk All 76 models must go Oak pc dining room set round table bedroom set double brziss bed blanket box washstands lamp table butternut chest pine Ilat to wall open hutchs church bench corner cupboard dough box drysink hall tables desk crocks picture frames decoys etc Pine River Antiques 76 King St Angus 424 5473 Open Sat Sun evenings ROYCE 605 C8 used months $700 also aerial new $55 sell $75 I00 power relractor telescope with filters and other lenses S40 Crossbow 100 lb draw $55 Phone 728 5849 TROMBONE Yamaha like new band Iacketslle 34 36 red velvet dress ladies slle l0 belge drapes llbW 40L $7 automatic washing machine 35 oil bur nlng furnace reasonable Phone 7266365 NOW available leul regulator lulty tested and original equipment on Alla Romeos and Ferraris will increase lIIIYI llii LIII Ir Illil mileage by 10 or more and give better mm WW MW $gzmance tor inlormation call NUWIIHIS fill CUSTOM PAINTINGS irom your illiflmtlllllllylllylly lavorile photos $50 and up Telephone AWl xiirvv Wllill we illl TuSTF GUITAR and case beginners Roya standard typewriter both in good condi tion reasonany priced 126 4155 Telephone anytime Robert Gouse 436 3745 SNOWTHRDWER Sunbeam electric used less than winters $85 Call lor in formation at726 0645 LUMBER Near new condition 24 sheets Plywood 72 24 sheets Chip Bard Vi in lengths oi l2 Ideal for lining basement shelving etc 5300 or best otter Total Value L675 Phone 726 3l7l betweens and 10 in price I43 Ardagh Rd 726 0094 BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing and clipping or all broods Sophia Street East 726 41 POODLE TRIMMING prolessionnl grooming all breeds pick up and do livery 726 8798 Pet Studio MAYS POODLE PARLOR Proles sional clipping and grooming reas onablc rates Telephone 776 0061 DOBERMAN PUPS EXCellcnt pedigree Bred for show Disposition guaranteed CKC registered Call 835 5556 IRISH SETTER puppies tor sale CKC Regd dowormeil and shots ready to go Chrislamsweok Telcplione474 6006 OLD ENGLISH Sheepdog pups registered must sell $i50 Phone 297393770512 3939 CHRISTMAS TREES CUT YOUR OWN 9th line Oro Twp miles north at Hwy Ii Iollowrslgns SCOTCH PINE and spruce large solec tlon all sizes Open to lo pm dal ly including Sundays Blake St exten slon miles past Grove St 726 9135 CHRISTMAS TREES Scotch Pine Douglas Fir Spruce and Balsom Fina Gas Station on Baylield St atTowers CHRISTMAS TREES Scotch Pine or Spruce all sizes 549 Glove Street East corner of Blake and Grove SPRUCE CHRISTMAS trees for sale cut your own 37 00 Hawkestono Village south from highway ll at Simcoe Rd 20 TJVJ Leigh Telephone 487 2645 HAS ROUTE OPENINGS Please fill out the application below and return It to THE BARBIE EXAMINER Circulation Dept 16 Bayfiald St Barrie or Phone 7206539 TelephoneAge SHANTY BAY ROAD MELBOSE ST WELDDN CR CLAPPEBTON ST NEW LOWELL TF and Security Lighting at the New Storage Building Huronio Regional Centre ORILLIA Ont 770844 SEALED TENDERS will be received until 200 pm LOCAL IME on Tuesday January ll I977 Tender Documents may be ob toined from the Ontario Ministry of Government Ser vices Georgian Bay Regional Office 24 James Street East PO Box 790 Orillio Ontario L3V6K7 NOTE For further information regarding this Tender please call Mr Mclsooc at the above address Telephone No 705 3257403 The lowest or any not necessarily oc D2l23 Ministry of Government Services Ontario

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