an The Barrie Examiner Tuesday Decemberzt 1976 21 TELEVISION GUIDE norm ronomo Il HAMILTON 800 2471122News 30ceans Alive 524 Hours 9Definition IzEvening Report 030 22Adam12 2479News wane Goodall IiParty Game 12Charlies Angels 700 220dd Couple 2Bowling For Dollars SMuppet Show 9Bobby Vinton 7To Tell The Truth 11Audubon Wildlife Theatre 730 zzLaverne and Shirley 2Muppet Show 85Wolfman Jack 4Strikes Spares Misses 9Stars on Ice 7Price Is Right llCountry Way 12Zodiae Keno 1200 zzNews 250 Grand Slam 3Leave It To Beaver 47News sBob McLean 9Uncle Bobby Show 12Noonday Report 1220 12larm News 1230 2Gong Show 3News 4Search For Tomorrow 711Ali My Children SFlintstona 12Party Game 1245 3Movie The Other Love 1255 2Magazine 5News 100 22Canadian Cavalcade 4CrossWits 57Ryans Hope 9Dick Van Dyke llEnjoy Being Beautiful 12Marcus Welby MD 125 600 2471122News 3Movie March of the Wooden Sold ierst 524 Hours 9Delinition 12Evening Report 630 22Adam12 2479News llParty Game 12Lawrencc Welk 700 ZZOdd Couple ZBowling for Dollars 4Concentratron 5Sirotas Court 9Jeffersons 7To Tell The Truth 11Behind the Scene with Jonathan Winters 730 ZShoulder to Shoulder 23100000 Name That Tune 3Reach for the Top 4Strikes Spares Misses 5Blufl 7Gong Show 9Funny Farm IlFace The Music BARRIE BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO 12 PETERBOROUGII BARRIE CABLE 22 GLOBAL TUESDAY EVENING 800 22Baa Baa Black Sheep 35712Happy Days +Movie Tom Sawyer Part 9Bionic Woman 11ln Concert 830 3542ng of Kensington 000 22War Years 2Police Woman 34512MASH 9The Practice 7Rich Man Poor Man 11John Davidson Special 1130 3512Fifth Estate 4One Day At Time 1000 22News 2Police Story +9Switch 711Family 1030 3512Bamey Miller 1100 zzMary Hartman Mary Hartman 2345791 11 News WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2Around the Black World 130 225 For The Money 211Days Of Our Lives dAs The World Turns 5Crown Court 7Family Feud 9Joyce Davidson 200 22Opposite Sexes 512All In The Family 9Alan Hamel 7SZ0000 Pyramid 225 3News 230 +22Guiding Light 2Doctors 3512Edge Of Night 711One Life to Live 300 22Bonnie Prudden 29Another World 3512Take 30 4AII in the Family 15 711General Hospital 330 zerively Woman WEDNESDAY EVENING 12Editorial Page 800 zMovie White Christmas 3512Nature of Things 4Good Times 7Jesus BC 9NHL Hockey 11Hawaii FiveO 830 3512Memoirs of John Diefenbaker 4Jeffersons 7NHL Hockey 900 22Mixed Doubles 35v12Musicamera 4Movie Cahill United States Marshan llBaretta 930 BMy Country 1000 ENews 2Oral Roberts Christmas Dream 3512Musicamcra llTBA 1030 3512 Royal Suite 9Sportsbeat 1120 85012News 1130 220pposite Opposite Sexes 2Johnny Carson 4Kojak 7Mary Hartman Mary Hartman llLarry Soiway 11 35 590 Minutes Live 1150 12Movie Brother John 1200 22Movie Thatll Be The Day 3Movie The World of Suzie Wong 7Movie The Southern Star 9Ironside 11Merv Griffin 1230 tMovie Two Weeks in Another Town 100 2Tomorrow 9Movic Fragment of Fear SSHCelebrity ooks 4Match Game 400 22Little Rascals 2Movie Papas Delicate Condition 3Moira Hunt 4Merv Griffin sIts Your Choice 7Commander Tom 9Star Trek 11Young and The Restless €130 22Gilligans island 3512Alligator Pie 7Mike Douglas lIDinah 500 ZZJokers Wild 3Lucy Show 5Young Chefs 9Emergency 121 Love Lucy 530 ZlHogans Heroes 3Eary Edition 4Adam 12 512R00m 222 117Hot Hands 1100 22vMary Hartman Mary Hartman 235791112Ncws 1120 35312 Nch 1130 22 Opposite Opposite Sexes 2Johnny Carson +Movie Dirty Drngus Magee 7Mary Hartman Mary Hartman llearry Solway 1135 590 Minutes Live 1150 12Mov1e The Square Jungle 1200 22Movie The irodrgnlt 37310110 Thin Arrv Movie Seven In Darkness 9vironside 11Merv Griffin 100 2Tomorrow SMovre The iron Glove removed THE DOCTOR SAYS This anemia special type By GCT11STESON Ml Dear Dr Thosteson Would you please explain pernicious anemia Ive read little about it but there are so many kinds of anemias that just cant seem to understand it at all Mrs LG Anemiaany anemiais deficiency of red blood cells the ones that carry oxygen throughout the body Anemia is not strictly speaking disease It is symptom that accompanies any of several diseases It can be provoked by poor diet loss of blood by poisoning bone marrow disturbancesin short anything that reduces the red blood count Pernicious anemia is very special type however it is the result of disorder of the stom ach lining The lining mem branes do not produce certain chemical substance which is needed for the absorption of vitamin 812 from food 812 is essential for production of red blood cells as well as the health of the nervous system The word pernicious means tending to be fatal and at one time before it was un derstood better pernicious anemia probably was Today it is easily diagnosed and treated Because the stomach cannot absorb the 1312 the vitamin has tobc administered by in jections which are continued for life Special diets are not necessary Before the role of 12 was discovered liver was an essential part of the diet Dear Dr lhosteson My husband had heart attack He had to go back to the hospital twice because he got fluid in his lungs Could you please tell me the reason for this LL heart attack lessens the efficiency of the organ If the damage is on the left side lung complications will occur be cause of the inability of the heart to empty itself properly The lungs youll remember re turn fresh oxygenrich blood back to the heart for pumping into general circulation in complete emptying of the left ventricle lower chamber may cause back pressure on the tiny blood vessels capillaries of the lungs This results in sort of backup of fluid normally rough those capil Iaries Symptoms of pulmonary edema the name for fluid in the lungs are coughing and breathlessncss during mild ac tivity such as climbing stairs The accumulation of fluid is watched for in postheart at tack paticnts During treat ment to correct any heart at tackcaused circulation problem care is taken to free the lungs of excess Iluid This is the reason for your husbands hospital visits Dear Dr Tliosteson Our daughter is 14 and is extremely shortwaisted and chubby through the midriff She really seems to be lacking two inches of length She weighs 102 and is 61 inches tall We have been concerned about this but our pediatrician says there is nothing wrong Can you suggest any tests or corrective procedures Mrs JB What are you suggesting some kind ofstrctchingdevice Youve got shortwaisted daughter So what Since some of the baby fat will be lost in the next few years stop fretting if you make an issue over thing like this you could give the young girl complex about it Instead encourage her to buy petite sizes and prepare her for shortwaisted girls world You arent the only mother who has written to me about such matters dont know where the idea got around that one can ad just inherited bonc structure to suit fashion trends Dear Dr Thostcson have high blood pressure Will be able to use sea waterDM Dont know why you want the sea water but can tell you that the salt in sea water is ev ery bit as much nono for high blood pressure patients as salt from any other source Not new idea but OTTAWA CP it certainly isnt new idea but something from the kitchen that youve made yourself will be sure to please this Christmas The home economists at the food advisory services of Agri culture Canada suggest that for novel gifts along the culinary line now is the time to create Christmas treats such as cookies squares candies ruit cake and other concoctions They are quick and easy gifts from your kitchen and they say that you care All can be made ahead of time to give away Try heaping them in glass mugs jars and bowls for double present which can be enjoyed over and over when the food is long gone Decorate the glass containers with ribbons colored tissue or ornaments You can include recipe if you want to share it or give recipe for new way to use your gift The clear glass con tainers let the gifts speak for themselves Bernice Bede 0301 For Wednesday Dec 22 1976 ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Good fortune could come to you in your career today seeming ly insignificant development may be more important than you realized TAURUS April 20May 20 Your sense of humor and philosophical outlook could ex tricate you from most any adverse situation today Look for the bright side GEMINI May 21Juna 20 Dont be surprised if others treat you in an exceptionally generous fashion today especially those youve gone out of your way to be nice to CANCER June 21July 22 Your approach to life today is not very logical and comprehensive Stand behind your decisions because they will be solid ones that no one should question LEO July 23Aug 22 This could be redletter day where work 0r career is concerned Something is in the wind that should please you considerably VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Youre fun to be around today You make lasting impression on those you meet in relaxed cir cumstances They wont forget you readily LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Good fortune is yours today Influential people in the background want to do things for you and they will SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Some good news youve been anxiously awaiting is on Its way today Check your mailbox Leave word where you can be reached if you leave the phone SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 small good wrll Investment can pay you handsome dividends later on Follow your instincts Cast little bread upon the water today CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 You have way of making peo ple get involved In things In which youre vitally Interested to day You wont even have to do selling Job AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 if theres something you really want In your Christmas stocking today IS the day to drop few hints Your Santa Claus wrll add It to his IISI PISCES Feb 20March 20 Accept any InVItation you get to holiday party even If Its With group of people you dont know Once you mingle youll have fine time Dec 22 1976 Youll have more active social life this coming year Some of those you meet In this way wtlI be influential persons With whom youll develop good rapport Coffee rrol NAIROBI Al ltiotmgI broke out over load of smog glcrl coffee at market plotc on the KenyaUganda borrlcr Sim day leaving at Icrrst three per sons dead and 4t IllIlilftI Kenyan police said 3334 Méhi H000 lidï¬Wtfaeow OOQHoooHOQ Vii A1405 IF You was DUMB ENOUGH AWPFsPuTTTT TIGIVE OUR FOUNDATION FuNDs JAKE HOOPLE You TTAEFlszT uY THAT CAME YouRsELF 5ND TNAT AskiN THEN CLAIMIN THE AN OFFICIAL FROM MACARTHUR PeN A6 SECURITY THE ORPHANAee lTAlNT MUCH BUT MAYBE lT LL 551 THE TREAsurzv BOYS OFF MY BACK it 191611 10 TM Re US Pal 011 Linseed oil peels paint off paneling It By Polly Cramer Pollys Problem DEAR POLLY Please tell me how to get paint off of paneling as have used everything can think of wiped it while still wet and have used gasoline and turpentine Hope you can give me some more ideas CW DEAR CW am assuming yours is wood paneling and if so try covering the spots with linseed oil until the paint softens Then remove the residue by rubbing with mixture of linseed oil and rottenstone POLLY DEAR POLLY am answering the lady who complained because shop would not sell her yard and third of material think know the reason It is because many of the employees do not know how to figure anything under yard or half work in fabric shop myself and most people are amazed to learn we will sell as small an amount as three in ches it is because we know how to figure it friend of mine went to hardware store and asked for yard of certain kind of wire She was told it was only sold by the foot My friend said Let me have three feet of it When are the schools go ing to teach everyday living and practicality RUTH DEAR POLLY Glue narrow strip of black plastic tape around the pull that closes your venetian blind or drapes so as to avoid having to try both pulls each time you adjust them Store your folding chairs in plastic garment bags so they will not collect dust through the winter They can be hung in the basement or garage out of the way When knitting childrens sweaters knit the waistband and cuffs separately and sew them on As the child grows the originals can be replaced with longer sets even using con trasting color for variety DOROTHY DEAR POLLY When get ink on anything plastic spray it with hair spray and wipe it off KIM DEAR POLLY At times through the years some of our clocks would stop running and my husband always wanted to discard them but am handy about fixing things so want to share trick that has worked great for me Place the clock face down and put two drops of mineral oil where the winding stem and alarm stem are and one drop where the slow or fast adjuster is After doing this our clocks will continue to run perfectly but of course this is only for hand winding clocks LENORE DEAR POLLY make an inexpensive gift by backing sheet blanket with pair of no longer used draperies sewn together Tack through at intervals to hold in place or stitch across in any desired manner MRS GE WARD 011 IIVII To ward off the evil that comes from spilling salt super stition says pinch of salt must be thrown over ones 1ch shoul dcr one in his lifetime IM BEGrlNNINGr 10 BELIEVE 0555109 EEEEEE TXBOLJTTHIISES 16 érfEEEEk House BEING some HA wittab Ifl JI Cay552 wgï¬AgFfQiH illit yer Lnjaeew Q4 NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 BORN LOSER VWHAI HAVE TO SAY TO HOU WHEN iOU HEAR BANDITS WONT TAKE THAT LOtdb IM SECONDS TO STOPPle STATE iIOUIZ PAIMEIJT ON THE CHECK MESSAb 605$ THERES AN lMPORTANTLOOKIN GUY OUTSIDE WHO WANTS star YA nu HIIA BUGS BUNNY meadow Ndiécé WE KT in ORDEFPFD WK AMF KI LEV1 TLOA VLIC BACKORDER Titre Is WHOLF THINmD If Kai1 TI VISIT YOUR NEW DOWNTOWN WROTE i101 HEY 5055 DID HE GIVE YA BIG ORDER FER PAPER lM SCNNOOGI PR1 BIIIINI PAINTINGS SOLD 1111Y Vincent van Gogh during sixyear period which began in 1884 produced about 700 draw ings and 800 oils and only sold 01 THE CABOODLE 16 51 ON HE JUST RENTED THE OFFICE NEXT WOR WIN AT BRIDGE That little something extra NORTH AJ9872 V1053 06 QA974 WEST 4K4 V097 EAST A3 VK82 0A854 0110732 401063 +KJ85 SOUTHID AAQIOSS VAJ64 Both vulnerable West North East South IA Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald James Jacoby As we have said time and time again in this column the expert gives himself little extra chance whenever possi ble Sometimes that little ex tra chance makes the difference between failure and success first glance at the dummy shows South that he has four potential losers trump loser if the finesse fails two hearts and one diamond If he has to play hearts himself he will get away with only one loser in that suit if he can find East with both king and queen or with doubleton honor He can also expect to get away with one loser if he can get the opponents to play hearts for him There is also an extra chance Can you see it South wins the club lead in dummy and loses trump finesse He ruffs the club return enters dummy with trump leads low diamond and sticks in his nine to force Wests ace Another club is ruffed the queen of diamonds led and heart chucked from dummy East takes his king but South is home He will be able to discard dummys other los ing heart on the jack of diamonds ASKIEIDGIJM Mississippi reader wants to know if the threediamond bid is force in the partnership bidding sequence one heart one spade two diamonds two notrump three diamonds This is matter for partnership agreement We play it as force as do most other players Keeping tabs on therapy SASKATOON CP pro gram is under way in Sas katchewan to help doctors out side major centres keep up with new developments in drug therapy The program the only one of its kind in Canada was in troduced at the doctors re quest It is operated through the department of phar macology at University of Saskatchewan in cooperation with the department of con tinuing medical education and financial support from the Saskatchewan prescription drugplan Specialists in the pharma cology department travel to outside points on regular basis to assist doctors in reviewing the uses and effects of available drugs and methods of appraising new ones as they appear on the market DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS Monkey Squeezes out 11 Wondered about 12 Assigned workers to 14 Lily Maid 15 Wore 16 Work with needle 17 Wine cask 19 Male cats 20 Membrane passage 22 Squeezed out 25 Mat 26 Fashionable resort 29 Perplexed 31 Like leopard 33 Scene 35 Itinerary 36 Insect egg 37 Steal 38 Biblical garden 39 Oxygenated 42 Newts 45 Seths son 46 Weaken Answer to Previous Puzzle 49 Erinyes 51 Bring into harmony 53 Wanderer from duty 54 Placid 55 Give temporarily 56 More banal DOWN Mesdames abbr 33 20 Poems 39 Indian for wildly 21 Opera prince one Turkish name 22 mane 40 Salud gennlietsh 23 Eggnch servrce Compound ree ea er Piece of corn waY 42 °°° em Rope 26 Ornamental 43 R0 tIQWY creations knob 44 LOYBI Inner prefix 27 FORlinger 46 Cooking fat to Pretend Seeger 47 Actress 12 Make untidy 28 Arabian port Sheridan wds 30 Completed 13 College 32 Having pedal 48 L°°k Closely degree abbr digits 50 Close 18 Viking 34 Most terrible 52 Three prefix on CD La FUNNY BUSINESS lilINK YOULL FIND THAT IM No DIFFICULT MAM TO LOOQK FOE $025 lMSlSl or Few SMALL Reg us Par 011 ©1976 by NEA cr BY THE wAy Tray 70 KEEP YOUR HEAD AT LOUOER ANDY CAPP KERRY DRAKE GREETING CARDS CENTRE IFIVE 77 200 ii or IT WA FRED HOUEE OF ALREADLI II HEP IT MACNW CF FUNWED BY TN5EL AND LIGHTING HE Pctr IN two LOCAL ngosmou SHED 271 loll1ft 17 00s H791 erggwtag ID mowIx CENT lt WU In It Groin my gt HAND FRANK ERNEST LEVEL THAN MINE SIDE GLANCES TELLER WAS ASKIN AFIEQEQ NONNHAT DID VOUDOTO THIS PUT YOUR COAT ON KERRY YOURE WET JACKET BEFORE WU TEETH SHAVER ROBIN 1121 Oiérsuymrinr neg us Pal on You can leave out obey Just make it love honor and share exoenses THERES NOTHIN MORE lRRITATlN THAN REFEREE WHO CHATS DLEASANTLY WHILE ES WIN YER TAKE LOOK AT THIS KERRY Irs THE GUN DR SHORE ms FIRINGBEFORE NE FELL IN THE DRINK IVE PORTABLE TYPEWRITER this Christmas Ask about our Rental Ownership plan OFFICE OUTFITTERS Barrie Plozo 7370201 Pics 5m YES IF we DONT CARRY ir SAY MAYBE Illusnbunr 10091 Tums 171