ITS 0R Going it alone Franz Josef Strauss has broken off the 27 year alliance of his Christian Social Union with West Ger manys Christian Demo cratic party The coalition between Strauss Bavaria based CSU and Christian Democrats in the rest of the country kept conservative forces in power through much of West Germanys postwar history Heavies IASSDRTED VARIETIESI REGULAR 0R DIET Canada Dry soft drinks CASE or 24 lOFL OZ TINS 5359 ASSORTED VARIETIES Peek Frean 39 Biscuits 89c INSTANT Maxwell House coffee tOCZ JAR BURNS ings The Barrie Examiner Tuesday Decembeer 19355 17 BONIMART ASSORTED FLAVORS 2LITRE CARTON WELCHS Grape Jam 89° UTILITY GRADE GRADE or Jelly Slim form club READY To SERVE FROZEN FROZEN Mandafln Im$1 RNDONv EVISCERATED EVISCERATED FrUIt ByDMNNE ROWLAND Oranges its SHANK END cocktail 91 PHOENIX Ariz API 1972 Cadillac limousine pulls in to the driveway of green frame house in northeast Phoe nix and six men each weighing more than 300 pounds get out and head for the garage Gran ny has everything ready for them She has hosed down the floor turned the airconditioner on ALCAN Ir wmmi hams turkeys turkeys FACELLE ROYALE Facial 49¢ OF Tissue mu HUMPTY DUMPTY REGULAR RIPPLE SALT VINEGAR OR BARBECUE FLAVOFIED Potato Chips 82 ARCTIC GARDENS FANCY FROZEN Whole 243 Kernel Corn ala stocked the refrigerator with SOME OF EACH on PARTY 1014 20 gliJAIléltlttgotlllhg cold water and dusted the McCormicks equipment It is routine that Crackers 12 69c Kltchen PKG 79c Granny 7tryearold Lucy Ihor PKG 0F becke has been following every Garbage Bags 30 day since her backyard weight lifting salon opened in 1967 My grandsons were using the bedroom and the beds were sagging badly so they moved out to the garage and built gym there she said Tht gym now has about five tons of weight and the Thor becke Weightlifting Club has 30 permanent members and sev SMITH garden cocktail 28 FL OZ BTL Holiday Store HDurs Dec 20 to 23 Regular Hours except Kipling Food City and Albion Food City am to 10 pm Friday Dec 24 Regular £78 hi era spam CIUdng are gous In PRIDE or CANADA SUGAR PLUM READY TO SERVE BURNS READY To SERVE Bruce Wilhelm who tied for 0393 mm Rngvro SERVE CRYDVAcaoNEINDDARTERS RINDHOCK third place in the super sat Dec 25 NELE55JLBAVG ANDEXCESSFATREMOVED all stores heav wei ht wei htliftin m0 ams LB WWLEMLVESOROUARTERS closed Dinner Hams class at the Montreal Olympics Smoked Hams 1astsummer Monday Dec 27 10 am to CAMmeE prn except St Catharines DLESS SLCED MAPLE EAF GRANNY GETS TROPHIES Food City which will be SMOKE cw CUT Side 353 Five other members have closed all day acon Ham Steaks Sausage Meat been state weightlifting cham Dec 28 to Dec 30 regular PRIDE or CANADA pions and Ron Lambert 18 READY To SERVE BONIMART currently holds the teenage na hous cnvovAc DONEIN HALVES 2001 99C tionalchampionshi Frida 31 57° Mncemeat pe ec regular CUT Sm tLB All their trophies go to Gran opening hours but all stores ams LB ROLL ny who proudly displays them 0059 Pm PREPRED on long Shelf along her dining room wall Granny has been widow sin ce 1969 but her house never is empty Theres somebody there al most every day and night and Frenchs Mustard CELL FLASHLITE FRESH FRUIT 81 VEGETABLES FROM BRITISH COLUMBIA CANADA FANCY GRADE on TRANSISTOR on Sat Jan all stores closed 24H OZ JAR 49c 77C PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING MONDAY DEC 27THEXCEPT BAKESHOP AND PRODUCE PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING FRIDAY DEc 24TH1976 PRODUCE 0F USA her door is never locked said Eveready Dave Keaggy 29 the 320 RIGHTS RESERVEDTD LIMIT QUANTITIES VOL 7c pound 6foot2 limousine Batteries TRAIISISIOREA Sunkist navel oranges 19c PRODUCE 0F USA 335 79° 59 SIOKE LY IANCY cream style corn or honey pod peas LIME COHDIAL LEMON OR ORANGE SOUASH ldris Drink zsn Concentrate lollt $1 29 SYLVANIA BLUE not 59 Flashcubes was or 99 Magicubes driver Were strictly club for powerlifting competition And Grannys something else She helps all the guys Weve told her not to clean too much but she just dropped Impound plate on her toe while she was trying to dust in there The guys pay $5 month dues for the use of the gym but they all help out when they can One guy is house painter and painted her house Another fixed the airconditioning But shes unique GOALS VAR ET Granny does not go to tourna ments with her teams because She hates to leave her four dogs SEALTEST OR BEATRICE E99 N09 CRIN 89c SEALTEST OR BEATRICE Whipping III 69° Cream SIZE 113s DOZ TOWERS FOOD CITY PLAZA HIGHWAY 2627 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE FROM BRITISH COLUMBIA CANADA FANCY GRADE WE REDEEM PRODUCE OF USA 323215 39° PRODUCE OF USA Brussels Sprouts alone But she cheers the club on and their victories are hers Goals are as different as the club members We have doctors lawyers real estate salesmen and boun cers said Keaggy who is designer for restaurant con sultant firm Each guy is into it for his own reason For some its the fun of competitive spor ts If some guys werent here theyd probably be out bowling or boozing somewhere Keaggy said he started weightlifting as physical therapy when he was injured in military service competitive archer who won three national championships and the gold and bronze medals in the world archery championship in Hel sinki Finland in 196 he said his interest in weightlifting picked up while he was working All FOOD STORE COUPONS LBS FOR BABY DILLS SWEET MIXED OR SWEET BREAD BUTTER 24FL OZ JAR HOSPITALITY SLICEO white bread OZ LOAF JELLIEDOR WHOLE Ocean Spray cranberry sauce IdFL OZ TIN STOKELV IANCV GRANULATED white sugar 2kg BAG out to strengthen his bow pull Now want to win the na tionals to go to the world weightlifting championships hesaid PAYOWN WAY Weightlifting is not cheap sport Members pay their own way to tournaments and they consume more than the or dinary athlete PARTLY SKIMMEO fresh milk 3OT POLY BAG OR JUG PLUS DEPOSIT ONJUGSI BONIMARI brownn serve rolls PM If 13 TOPS IIIE IIARTS NEW YORK AP Paul McCartney former Beatle is the most popular rock roll star survey conducted by Rock Superstars Magazine showed The English superstar won over another Briton Elton John with Bob Dylan an American third They survey also revealed that Virtually 100 cent of those polled would ike to seethe Beatles reunited