The melodies of wellknown Christmas carols filled the air at Georgian College Theatre Monday night At the same time violins played at Eastview secondary school The Barrie North ol legiate concert band under the direction of Sharon Sib thorpe ABOVE held its an nual hristmas concert at Georgian and provided mixture of seasonal and non seasonal music Halfway STRINGS AND THINGS AT CHRISTMAS CONCERTS through the concert all but the Grade 11 wind ensemble left the stage and Miss Sib thorpe led the audience in carol singalong The entire band including the drum mcr BELOW returned to the stage to finish the concert with Twas the Night Before Christmas and the Hallelujah Chorus At Eastview Joel Miller BOT TOM led the Eastview Strings through its hrist mas concert The program also included performances by the string students at odrington Street Johnson Street and Shanty Bay public schools in one group and Steele Street and Maple Grove public school students in another group The public school students are looked after by Mr Millers assis tant Carol Burger Ex aminer Photos City Royal Victoria bd at odds over two meters Royal Victoria Hospitals board of directors and the city public works department dont see eyetoeye on the merits of two Ross Street parking me ters though the differences may soon be ironed out at meeting The meters are on the eastern side of the RVH emergency exit onto Ross Street The hospital board wants them removed in the interests of safety and sent letter to that effect to the Ci ty RVH finance committee vicechairman Cecil Cook read the Nov 17 response at Mon days meeting of the hospital board The letter said the matter had been referred to the public works department which in dicated that it does not agree with the removal Its reasoning is that there is substantial need for parking spaces in the area with the hospital church and park Other arguments put forth by public works were that there was no record of collisions at the emergency exit in the last five years and that many park ing meters have already been removed to allow for bus stop and crosswalk in front of the hospital Mr Cook said that visibility is blocked to certain extent when cars are parked at the two meters He said ambulances are among the vehicles using the exit In his view the same safety factors should apply to the exit as to an intersection When pull out of there cant see thing People are likely to be in hurry and upset when they pull out of an emergency exit Even removal of one meter would help said director Ethel Clifton Jack Forester chairman of the board said the city should be notified that we arent satisfied to accept this answer The suggestion was made that Ald Janice Laking who sits on the hospital board try to arrange meeting between hospital and city officials to set tle the matter Downtown bd membership headed for big turnover The Downtown Improvement Board appears headed for major turnover next year Only Garry McCluskey of this years board intends to stay on for 1977 according to poll taken Monday by chairman Doug Cherry at the boards final 1976 meeting Mr Cherry and member Norm Hesketh said they would prefer to make way for new blood but will stay on if necessary to keep the board from folding for lack of enough volunteers Karl Schulz board vicechairman said he is definitely dropping out for business reasons Ald George Harper city councils representative on the board for the past two years did not seek reelection for the coming term on council and board member Stu Green has taken position in Toronto and has not been attending meet ings The boards seventh member ShirleyJean Lokun resigned early in the year for health rasons and was never replaced SEEKS VOLUNTEERS The board has been soliciting volunteers through its newslet ter and through the media but secretary Bob Hollywood said Monday he has yet to receive any names The city will also advertise for volunteers for the CITY NE WS The Barrie Examiner Tuesdaylecembcr14 1973 LOCAL GENERAL STUDENT MAYORS City council appointed two student mayors Monday night at its last regular meeting of the year The students Kelly Annette Keogh and Jim Albert roulis will stay in office until Jan 10 Kelly 14 is Grade student at St Josephs Junior High School She is an honors student involved with the St Josephs student council as treasurer Her interests include gymnastics figure skating dancing piano volleyball and moth collecting Jim 12 in Grade at akley Park Public School and is considered an ex cellent student and an outstati ding athlete He is interested in all types of sports particularly hockey football and baseball lIOlSINGIOIIY Copies of Barries housing policy statement are available to the public in the city clerks office at $850 each The docu ment was prepared by the ci tys planning and development department following recom mendation from the housing committee Barrie received $10000 grant from the province to offset the cost of developing the policy The city wants the $850 to recover general cxr pcnses involved in its produc tion The policy outlines the citys housing situation in cluding explanation of the various provincial and federal housing grants available KOZIAW PETITION City council Monday did not discuss petition from residents on Kozlov Street north of Heather Street At Mondays meeting council ac cepted the city development committee report to notify the residents that the city does not control the slope of driveways in Barrie Some residents are complaining their driveways are so steep they can not be used if there is ice and snow The report says the city plann ing and development depart ment is investigating the possibility of regulations for new developments MEETING PLANNED Barrie city staff may be meeting with representatives of the Simcoe County Board of Education to discuss the provi sion of schools in Residential Districts and The board sent the city lettcr which was received and filed by council The Barrie Planning Board suggested the city staff meet with Sid Owens superintendent of planning for the board and report to be sent to the city development committee before meeting with the board of education if it is necessary The city has reserved land in both districts between Highway 400 city limits Sandy Hollow Ravine and the city limits for schools The board wanted to meet with committee of city aldermen EXAMINEAREA City council wants the plann ing and development depart ment to examine land north of Little Avenue and west of Bayview Drive The land is the site of the citys former drivein and has had number of development plans proposed over the last five years The latest plan involving rezon ing to multiple density was withdrawn by the developer Rookford Developments Ltd The department was told to determine the best zoning for the area in view of the present trends in the neighborhood Most of the vacant land in the area has been zoned for multi ple family townhouse de velopments but the existing houses are mainly single family detached units NO TRUCKS Trucks have been banned on Glenwood Drive from Cundles Road south to the Bayfield Mall entrance by city council Coun cil will allow trucks to use Glen wood Road from Bayfield Street to the mall entrance list of all no truck routes in the city and map will be sent to the ntario Iruckcrs Association Truck drivers us ing no truck route can be charged under the city traffic bylaw facing fine of up to $1000 plus court costs if con victed OINCIL MEETINGS Barrie council will not hold any more meetings this month except at the call of the mayor or acting mayor ouncil adopted general government committee recommendation Monday giving the elected of ficials twoweek hristmas holiday Council will meet Jan 1977 for the inaugural First council meeting will be lan 10 1977 ruumjmus Three cars tangled on the southbound ramp heading to Highway 400 off Bayfield Strcct Monday at 555 pm causing $800 damage to one vehicle Arthur Bartlett of Huntsville came out of the accident with the $800 bill while Winston Kicrnan of Essa Road had $200 damage to his car and George Schenk of Hanover had just $5 inage There were no injuries reported by Constable Jim Bar rett who investigated the acci dent for the Barrie 11 IN IlTll Barrie OPP were called out to Highway 90 at 833 pm to pull Patricia Wood and her car out of ditch The car had $500 damage Constable Vanstone in vestigatcd LUMBER STOLEN Bertram Brothers Limited lost about $40 worth of lumber over the weekend according to Innisfil police to someone breaking into their outdoor locked compound Innisfil Con stable Steve Graham is in vestigating the break and enter reported at am Mon day number of lumber was removed but the actual building was not entered WITHIN BUDGET After 10 months Royal Vic toria Hospital was still operating well within its 1976 budget An operating statement for the 10 months ended Oct 31 was tabled at Mondays meet ing of the RVH board of direc tors and indicated that the hospital had an operating surplus of $146 100 rather than budgeted operating deficit of $218600 at months end UP AND DOWN Royal Victoria Hospital averaged more patients in Oc tober 1976 2643 than October 1975 2629 yet was the scene of fewer births 84 as compared with 93 radiology exams 2411 compared with 2515 emergency visits 3159 com pared with 3588 psychiatric clinic outpatient intervieWS 418 to 562 and physiotherapy visits 2318 to 2422 than the vear before SIX PERCENT Royal Victoria Hospitals management committee rec ommends increases of per cent in the salaries and wages of its nonunion staff effective Jan The recommendation was included in the commit tees report at the RVH board meeting Monday and is in response to the health ministrys confirmation that it will fund per cent increases for salaries and wages in 1972 board and other city boards and committees To be eligible volunteers must he in the Barrie voters list and pay the boards downtown business tax Meanwhile the board finished 1976 in solid financial position despite carrying an estimated $6000 deficit over from 1975 and seeing its 1976 tax levy fall short of budget The board had budgeted receipts of $45000 but its levy on downtown businesses actual ly brought in only $41260 Tentative figures for the year show balance of $1070 but some bills not yet in were estimated high and Mr Cherry said Monday he expects an ac tual surplus of about $2500 Major 1976 expenses included Christmas decorations at Memorial Square with an estimated total cost of $9000 and the downtown Santa Claus promotion listed at $5000 Mr McCluskey in charge of the Santa project said Monday ac tual expenses probably will not exceed $4000 ARE REUSABLE considerable portion of both sums went for items which can be reused The boards most publicized project the twoday Dunlop Street mall in June cost $2773 Polled Monday by Mr Cherry on their suggestions to next years board members sug gested projects ranging from working for uniform store hours to sending out more fre quent bulletins Mr McCluskey an insurance agent said he will not serve Monday night was time of farewell handshakes and goodbyes for some members of city council Four aldermen Val Brucker Paul Wessenger Jim Perri and George Harper did not seek reelection and were pre sented with their council nameplates Mayor Dorian Parker who could not attend councils last meeting Monlt GOODBYES AND FAREWELLS day also is not returning ABOVE Ald Brucker who was elected to the citys Public Utilities Commission gets handshake from Ald Alex Arthur acting mayor as Ald Nelson Garrett wat ches Ald Brucker completes four years on council in cluding two as public works vicechairman BELOW Ald Perri receives his coun 500 AT CHRISTMAS PARTY AND cil nameplate from Ald Ar thur while Ald Wessenger and Ald Ernie Rotman watch Ald Perri was on council for seven years in cluding four as the chairman of city development commit tee He withdrew from the mayoralty race and did not seek reelection as Ward alderman Examiner Pho tos Stroud children add $15 to animal shelter funds him Only Mr Hesketh of the current board is downtown merchant Mr Harper supported the call for more retailers noting that such businesses as finan cial institutions and profes sional firms will survive in the downtown area without pro grams such as thc boards but merchants may not Mr Harper also called on the new board to press City Hall to spend funds from parking meters and fines on land for more parking Mr Schulz wanted two two day malls next year while Mr McCluskey suggested one four day mall beginning on Wednesday Mr Hesketh called for another try at sales training program for downtown mer chants this years effort flop ped for lack of interest and Mr Cherry suggested inviting downtown merchants this years effort flopped for lack of interest and Mr Cherry sug gested inviting downtown businessmen to board meetings and having the board take over administration of its own finances Swine flu public clinics The last of the public Swine flu immunization clinics are scheduled for this week in Bar rie and Alliston The last separate clinic for senior citizens will take place Wednesday from to 430 pm at the Parkview Centre lake Street The only scheduled im munization clinic for those over 20 in Barrie will be on Friday at the Barrie Armoury That one will be from to pm In Alliston the only schedul ed clinic is on Wednesday from to pm at Banting Memorial High School Clinics are staffed by the Simcoe County Health Unit Last meeting for trustees Four trustees of the Simcoe County Roman Catholic Se parate School Board will be at tending their last regular meeting Wednesday night Don Harrison of Bradford and Yvonne Healev of Elmvale were defeated in the municipal elections Leo Huffman who represented the same area as Mrs Healey and Mary Mun noch of Adjala did not seek re election The departing trustees will have little to discuss during the meeting The only items on the agenda are community educa tion and courses of study The meeting begins at pm at the Education Centre 99 Ferris Lane Between people attending Sundays annual hstmas party at the Barrie animal shelter and two children work ing on their own the shelters food shelves are stocked for the Christmas season Over 500 people attended the fifth annual party for pets and children Sunday at the latter son Road shelter bringing donations of pet food in pay ment for tour of the shelter and rides on ponies The people donate cans and bags of animal food to us said Beatrice Burke assistant manager of the shelter and we give them better un derstanding of what the shelter is She said too few in Barrie understand the purpose of the shelter and wouldnt other wise come to find out how it works The party ran from to pm with six dogs and three cats finding homes during the BOARDS COMMISSIONS day The food brought in over the weekend got an added touch Monday when two Stroud children walked into the shelter with $1582 in donations they had raised Eric and Susan Taylor of 201 Victoria St in Stroud went door to door through their neighborhood on their own to raise the money which Mrs Burke said will go toward food and shelter forthe animals Laking suggests interviews for prospective appointees Barries elected officials may be showing favoritism to friends when appointing the ci tys boards committees and commissions Ald Janice Laking said peo ple applying to the boards and commissions have an ad vantage if they have personal friend on the striking commit teec The striking committee is ap pointed by the citys mayor and usually includes the aldermen who led the polls in their wards Ald Laking recommended the striking committee inter view every pplicant But city council defeated the motion with only Aldermen Laking Jim lerri and Paul Wessenger in favor She said if people are willing to give their time to serve the city they should all have some kind of intervie The city usually has about 40 to 50 people applying for ap pointmcnt she said and the committee could spend two or three minutes with each per son two minute kind of thing is better than nothing she said Ald Wessenger said he felt this type of interview would have helped the striking com mittee members in the past Mayorelect Ross Archer said there is great deal of merit in the suggestion but time is very important to the committee He said the committee is ap pointed at the inaugural meeting Jan and has to have report for councils first meeting Jan 10 Mayorelect Archer who has served on the committee said it is not easy to select people for boards commissions and com mittees He said people should include very good resume of their ser vice and experience Ive voted for people because of their excellent resumes he said dont think the committee will have the time to do separate inter views Mayorelect Archer said in terviewing 40 to 50 people could be very onerous task If there was some way of do ing it between Christmas and New Years it would be ideal he said But rather doubt that well have time to do this following the inaugural meet ing Kiwanis Club of Barrie presi dent John Day left spoke Monday night honoring Wes Rogers as Kiwanian ofthe month Mr Rogers was chosen for his leadership in biscuit sales project of the club Members took their wives to the meeting for ladies night Christmas par ty Examiner Photo