10 The Barrie Examiner Tuesday December 14 1976 WIN AT BRIDGE DAILY CROSSWORD VI ION UIDE new bid Shim IN KE L9 JAKE l6 IIIZIB Ell gorTIIDcEaiéTB PAY N0 MIND HEAR LOTï¬MARTER Rance ay $33 52 012 33 LAB MIGHT THAT THAN WE Montreal 56 State Fr gum 3n Bum B°°° 9° 030 HURT OUR FUNDRAisiN HANUMEHIw THINK 0R S° had Pi°blem was worlds fair so Japanese ED 39 IF almost certainty that West 12 EBB or WednudnyDcc151976 on HOLD THE YOUR H65 FINALLY an Emum 50 TH would how that missing 8C8 monogram 80 Written ARIES March 21AprII 19 BE TWO MNDLESS PW 80 South grabbed the first 13 Pantomime avowal of BB II HAMILTON I2 PETERBOROUG rather harmonious day Youre N0 MléUNDERï¬ ANDN swilélneï¬T heart trick and knocked out 14 debt to be wth since ou know 61 um CABLE 22 mom 13 my mg We I73 romeo peer WEST EAST diamds We 15 323 62 3333353333 menu rvnimo pers ective Q9 EVERYTHING 10 was in and had keep 16 Coffin and god mm 357HNews TA US 20 20 on 10865 093 8°th MR almg 17 Money 63 Babylonian 33 2+71122News 22BaaBaa BlackSheep 20 3i 0A7 0853 rump 313 we opening deity BE 30ral Roberts 2OralRoberts Christ seemNews hesnaie OUI 19 103 made the desperation lead of 18 Entangle 64 Lose hair Christmas Dream mas Dream 1130 several tasks today You ll be SOUTH the heart king and South made 20 mm 35 Covered mm Kind of grain 40 Former 5241103153 H12Hï¬lwmys nOwosileï¬wosfle able to juggle them and dazzle ï¬ve odd 22 cm figures 19 Genetic generation Deï¬nimn tMWe Tm Sawyer sens onlookers with the performance predecessor 66 Compass material 43 Noun sufï¬x IstoEvenmg Report gnu wmwmsanm 3133 cam oo 23 Russian river point 21 Genetic 45 GEMINI May 21Juno 20 ou QJ 1062 erant Ad 93 7M 25 Punch at 2247sanNgAs llIdogéflcelzlman Htymar man my can accomplish more l°d8Y by 27 Tee DOWN Emma 47 SiUdY 11PartyGame 630 iiLarry Solway busying yourself With those tasks Both vulnerable Michigan reader wants to 30 scented bag 24 Blood vessels 48 Hwy in Chl° Angels ï¬fï¬gflï¬mn 21330 Minn V° enloy as OWOS the know if you make second bid 33 ESSPY Chi Shieds 26 Ger England 220dd Couple mo 50 l°b5 Y0 leelyou mus do Those West North East South with 34 calfr V3°Y N01 27 Irish dish 49 Hanker 2BowliggolzothDollars 222311 Yigrs 123Iltfoviettminwulli can wait until another day KJxxxx XXAXXXX SIMEG Fabian agency 28 pennsijania 51 Flying saucers 3J Olce oman l2 ne er 4Centration 34512MASH nMovic The Split CANCER June 21July 22 ThIS P855 Your partner has opened one 39 Fiddiing Logos 9° abbt SMuppel show 71eohn Denver Specie 3Movic TmLonely should be most enjoyable day ARE Pass Pass Pass diamond and rebid one emperor 12 Roman 29 Organized 53 Lies TbTPgllvTulli0Truth itdotfrIimirihusonpsecpgiai 771331 JoulntV lnln because lose de Y0 w9 UNTHNKABLE Pass notrump after you responded 41 Negatives Protozoan °3 54 Ballerinas 11Audubon Wildlife 930 Midnight WI respogd to byour care 821d Opening lead 0ne spade 42 Triangles Simple 30 22318le Show points 730 3512th Estate 9Ironsidc guidance oull appreciate The answer is that 44 Earliest born Printers ere 2261 bells 40ne Da AtAlime llrM you 31 so of 55 Christmas 2M53pefgiiow Dem 100J 1231er LEO July 23Aug 22 Your 77 By OswaldJames Jacoby should pass One notrump 46 5332 Sfï¬gfjgg 32 out 57 Bushy clump 23glgnsgzï¬ 222ng59 Story 4lhlflggrillilmz 231 suetrggm lern mil ï¬ll Wests one heart bid is what ought to be very satSfaClvory 47 Small strument 35 First person lBrit Misses 494 mo YOU may be described as contract Your partner has whirlpool IO Experts 38 Personality 59 Actor Backus 7Christmas In Water 7Barbara Walters 2Toniorrow brawn TOday YOU canprove lhal nuisan shown mlmmum type open ville Valley ilCelebrity Secrets 9MovietWalli0ii1lw the lion IS king because he ce oversm Pes no ing and there is no reason to 9Stars on Ice iozzo Wild Side knows first how to use his in expect that his Side Will play IiCountry Way 12Zodiac Keno 1200 250 Grand Slam aLeave It To Beaver 47News SBob McLean 9Uncle Bobby Show 12Noonday Report 22News l220 12Farm News 1230 ZGong Show aNews 4Search For Tomorrow 711All My Children Pantstones 12Party Game 12215 3Movie The Scar 1255 2Magazine 5News 100 4Cross Wits s7Ryans Hope 9Dick Van Dyke llEnjoy Being Beautiful 12Marcus Welby MD 22Canadian Cavalcade 130 21 lDays Of Our Lives 600 flNews 24711ANews 3Movie Tanans New York Adventure 524 Hours 9Definition 12Evening Report 630 22Adam12 Z479News 11Party Game 12 Lawrence Welk 700 ZOdd Couple 2Bowling for Dollars 4Concentratiun STBA 9Dr Seuss 7To Tell The Truth 11Behind the Scene 730 22Shoulder to Shoulder 251001100 Name That hine SReach for the Top 4Strikes Spares 3512Bamey Miller 1100 22Mary Hartman Mary Hartman WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 4As The World Turns 5Crown Court 7Family Feud 9Joyce Davidson Show 25 For The Money 200 512All In The Family 7320000 Pyramid 9Alan Hamel 22Opposite Sexes 225 sNews 230 2Doctors 3512Edge 0f Night 422Guiding Light 7llOne Life to Live 300 29Another World 3512Take 30 4me Janice John Mary and Michael Bonnie Prudden 315 llGeneral Hospital 33 8512Celebrity Cooks 4Match Game flPink Panther 400 ZMovie Cloak And Dag WEDNESDAY EVENING ilFace The Mustc 12Editorial Page 81 2John Davidson Special 3512New Wave 4Good Times 7Bionic Woman 9NHL Hockey 11Hawaii FiveO 830 3512Memoirs of John Diefenbaker AJeffersons 900 22Mixed Doubles 2Dean Martin Special 3512Musicamera ntre 4Movie The Getaway 711Baretta 930 22My Country 1000 22News 2Mac Davis Special 3512Mu5icamera 711Charlies Angels gcrl 3Moira Hunt 4Mcrr Griffin Its Your hoicc 9Star Trek liYoung and The Restless 12 Hyndsight 7Commandcr Toni 2Ntonkecs 430 3512Just For Fun 22Gilligflns Island 11 Dinah Mike Douglas 5200 9Emergency 3Lucy Show Young Chefs aminttlc Rascals 12 Lucy 515 22Littlc Rascals 530 37 Early Edition 4Adam 12 512Room 222 11AHoI Hands ZZHogans Heroes 235791112A7Ncws 20 36942 News 30 22v pposne pposite Sexes 2Johnny Carson 4News 7Mary Hartman Mary Hartman liLarry Solway 1135 590 Minutes Live 1150 12Movie Scarlet Angeli 1200 22Movic Soldiers Three 3Mowe FX 18 Seento Agent USA 4Movic Gunfight At The UK Corrali 7Movie The Three Faces Of Eve 9lron5ide llrrMerv Griffin 100 2Tomorrow 9Mowe Psyche 59 Misses 1030 581qu 3512Royal Suite 7Gong Show 9Sportsbeat 9Funny Farm 1100 mMary Hartman Mary Hartman THE DOCTOR SAYS Ear ringing annoying By GC THOSTESON MD Dear Dr Thosteson Ive had ringing in my ears for four or five months now and have been told its something have to live with About two months ago an ear specialist examined my ears for wax and found them shiny clean He tested my hearing and found it very good paid $20 for that The ringing is annoying especially at night My blood pressure and blood sugar are good am 62 and recently retired Any sugges tionsMrs ED Occasional ear ringing isnt usually an ominous symp tom Prolonged ear ringing may be So Id say your $20 was well spent if it included tests to rule out some of the major causes of tinnitis ear noises Im speaking of high blood pressure ear infection im pacted cerumen ear wax nerve disorder such as Menieres disease or otosclerosis the formation of spongy bone inside the ear Otosclerosis affects about lOmillion persons in the United States alone women more than men Another possibility you dont mention is tension Ear noises are often part of the nervous personalitywhy we dont know The mention of your re cent retirement is interesting Perhaps you worked in bus tling atmosphere with con stant background of noise Mov ing from this to relative quiet can result in strange assort ment of ear noises This added to some natural retirement anxiety could be factor Do you have to live with it Not necessarily Your noises occur at night so why dont you try turning bedside radio on to soft volume when you retire This has squelched ear noises for many Strangely some sufferers fear that noises in the head in dicate impending mental ill ness Theres not whit of truth in that Dear Dr Thosteson What is meant by blue babySB It is baby born with cya nosisthe lack of sufficient oxygen in the blood The cause is congenital meaning the damage occurred during in the womb The usual cause is defect in the partition separating the two lower chambers of the heart The venous blood the blood being returned to the lungs We makes It Instead some is ranked in with already oxygen ch bl ultrally through bale In heart the hole being between the two cham bers The result is poorly oxy genated arterial blood and blue skin color Defects in the lungs can also be factor There are many variations of such congenital defects it is es timated that about 35000 of them occur each year in the United States Formerly little hope was held out for the blue baby but with modern advances some obvious defects in heart development can often be repaired by skilled surgeons The heart of the fetus is usu ally intact by the eighth week so the congenital defect occurs within that time The risk of such fetal damage is why some drugs are used sparingly if at all during the early months of pregnancy In some infants the defect may not be obvious until the fir st year or two of life depending on the type of heart defect and its extent Dear Dr Thosteson have question about how to remove an annoying moustache am young lady My doctor told me to go ahead and shave it off rather than bother with the depilatory creams Do you see any harm in this practice for womenMrs Pi see nothing wrong with the practice Despite notions to the contrary it will not grow back thicker Depilatories are OK if used properly But in some they may cause irritations that can be more un desirable than the hair Chairman criticized OTTAWA CP The chair man of the House public ac counts committee investigating the sale of Canadian nuclear re actors abroad has criticized Ross Campbell chairman of Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd AECL for alleged lack of co operation with his committee Allen Lawrence PCNorth umberlandDurham called Mr Campbell very very bad witness He didnt have the material with him even though hes been asked to bring it along with him He didnt know the answer or professed not to know the an swer to many things and wasnt really able even to tell us that he could put his hands on the material which would give him the answer tellect VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 To day and tomorrow hold par ticular promise materially Zero in on any situation that can turn dimes into dollars LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 The barriers to your progress have fallen You can now gain the ends you desire All it takes is stout heart and determination SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Where you are not leader to day you can be of great value by being the strong silent power behind the throne SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 To find yourself immerse yourself in group activrties today Being of serVIce makes you aware of your true value as human CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 There are many avenues to the top Chances are youll be aware of most of them today Victory looks wellassured un less you really buck the tide AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 You work well With people today espeCIaIIy if there is something of mutual benefit at stake Listening to others will pay PISCES Feb 20March 20 Busmess prospects are good to day but the action comes more from people you know than from what you can accomplish yourself Cultivate influential Your Birthday Dec 15 1976 You had better get your calendar in order The coming year is go ing to be busy one scolally Many new people and activmes Will enter your life Man in coma for 21 years LONS LE SAUNIER France AP Paul Balay completed his 215i year in coma Sunday But his mother who cares for him at home in this south eastern French town said always have faith hell re cover WINTHROP mesa Tilwes 29 Dunlop St 7373860 THINK ABOUT l9 FOOTBALL FWTBNL FOOIW BORN lOSER BUGS BUNNY oioltmun rm rm rii You MEAN Prams SPEND me ENWRE WINTER IN ONE OF NORTHERN STATIONERY vow DONT EVEti REMEMBER OUR ONE OF MY MOST PERSISTENT CREDITORS PURSUES ME WHERE CAN HIDE QUICK INTA TH KITCHEN By Polly Cramer Pollys Problem DEAR POLLY My scrapbooks have musty odor that is so strong find it hard to read them put moth balls in some and even perfume between the pages of another but neither worked Most of the things in these books were fastened in with paste made of flour and water Being out in the sun and wind did not help either MABEL DEAR MABEL No doubt the odor is from the paste Why not put these books in box that can be tightly fastened Stuff crumpled newspapers all the around the side and between the books and on the top and bottom of them Newsprint absorbs many other odors If this does not work try doing the same with charcoal being put in the tightly closed box Also you could even try baking soda sprinkled between the pages POLLY DEAR POLLY My mother could never get the vacuum bottles for our lunch boxes thoroughly clean until she started using baby bottle brush It works wonderfully SANDRA DEAR POLLY My Pet Peeve is with those ladies who dress up to go out some place and then the minute they get home change into any old thing and put on old shoes Husbands like to see their wives looking nice all the time It does not cost any more to always look nice and is no more trouble These are the ones who get jealous if the nice looking ladies get the attention MRS RS DEAR POLLY am answering Blandean who dyes the feet of white pantyhose beige so there is no panty line to show when she wears white slacks It would be much simpler if she would just wear tan or skin colored pantyhose They work un der pastels and white pants and could not believe it until tried it BERNICE How right you are Bernice find it eliminates the problem completely POLLY DEAR POLLY Perhaps it is because have had preven table mishap that feel the need to remind our increasing number of senior citizens to be more safety conscious hope my list of precautions will cause others to share theirs with the rest of us Do not let loose objects lie around on stairways or traffic areas in the home Turn on the light when you go into room that is dark Fasten carpets and rugs securely to prevent trip ping slipping or falling Keep shiny or waxed floors dry by wiping up any spills immediately Always open the bathtub drain BEFORE you get up and out of the tub Use EXTREME CARE if you smoke Avoid possible fires by keeping all elec tric appliance cords in good repair Even if you feel sure footed be sure to always use the stairway handrail Follow your doctors orders and directions for taking any medication Always be alert when walking or driving in traffic CONCERNED FUNNY SOMEONE THE EL6E TRLlANT ME THE SAME gt7 OFFICER THlNï¬ JLISF W6 MCIZNING 0051 Sir AROUND AND CHEW THE FAY VISIT YOUR NEW DOWNTOWN REALth niAi WAG THE DALI LOU bROZA KICKEO THE FIELD bOAL THAT BEAT THE RAMs 015001116 DATE GREETING CARDS CENTRE l5 HESMACKCHOMD wig the hand unless it turns out that North doubles him and he has to struggle for his life at one heart doubled He hopes that maybe his bid will inhibit his opponents or that if North does become the declarer he will have told his partner what to lead Most of the time these nuisance bids dont affect anything This time the bid had bad effect It told South how to play the hand After West opened the six of hearts and East played the queen South had problem He could duck and hold back his ace until the third lead of the suit That duck play would insure his success provided East held the ace of diamonds It would lead to failure if West held that all important card After the nuisance overcall FUNNY BUSINESS IM seem THE explore further Emigration is blocked EAST BERLIN neuter East Germany is blocking for mal requests for emigration to the West in line with new har dline policy against dissidents informed sources said Satur day They were commenting on re ports from wouldbe emigrants unofficially estimated to total more than 100000 An estimated 100000 persons have applied to leave Some wouldbe emigrants said they have been advised recently not to apply again for the time being Isui HERE RiéHT Now 801 HES EXP ECIED BACK WHEN THE 819 HAMDS AT AND THE LITTLE ODES AT Ll ff i3 gt lt IZIA UK KMLLJ hinin sighie his uarry Dr KERRY DRAKE HEYCAPP IVE BEEN CHECKIN ILL NEVER FORGIVE VOU hes 0191mm Inc in see us P111311 In 01 U1 The only time ever thought of you as sex object was that time was delirious with fever NOT ONLY AS SHE BROKEN is EART AND wnECKED lis LIFE BUT SHE MADE IM MISS DOUBLE GIVE PORTABLE TYBEWRITER this Christmas Ask about our Rental Ownership plan WIZARD 0F ID NE Ll OFFICE OUTFITTERS rré COMBINATION OF BREIlï¬IST AND LUNCH Barrie Plaza 7370201 PUBLISH my