Circulation 726 6539 Classified Adv9fllSln9 778 2414 All OtherDeponments 776 6537 ll2th YearNo 291 EXAMINER TELEPHONES Uh Titanic Examiner The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada TUeSdOY December 976 and Barrie North ollegiatr ntnil tlnistinas concerts Monday night Meinbcis ol thc Plastview String right FROM SIMCOE COLNIY Eastriew secondaiy school indsic students held their en pertorincd in the school cafeteria assisted by the string students at five public The North concert left performed at schools ba nd BRASS AND STRINGS AT CHRISTMAS MUSIC CONCERTS llieatit tUtiil snip Georgian otlcigc and tin illlltwl Annexe tion proposal goes on record Simcoc Countys znnexatim 1w pioposal scnt officially on tlzr record Monday at the ttntvrit Municipal Boards hearing into Barries annexation applicu tion The proposal litters in Stlillt details from iiitorination teak ed to The Examiner and pub lished nearly two weeks ago The parch offered to the city amounts to 1900 acres titSpitt deletion of about 701 accw along Highway 90 and lnniktil Townships Mb Snicroat which was part oi the plopiwl at the timeof the leak Sources had lliilfilfftl lln parcel including the deletcd land at 1700 acres iht city 15 seeking more than 111000 tron Innisfil 1133001 and Vespia 4000 townships both incl have opposed the application alongwithtbccnilnty WHERE l5 Boundaries of the parcel located entiiely within liiniutil are the NH ttzlck ricer lt Sideroad on the cast the hall the west or would it Not 10 line of oticcz=ioi 11 ct thc tone il ml illt south Dittotiiinlcu the inn Ivi tit1 1l ll it iitl tifll WA LK lilditjtt SA VIC it UR OB titlillalll lllll picscnt pronosal Vimw tjijim and tom on Walk it tilotl IILI Ii ciuployits is not that theii yourjob cinpioyirs will the them foi Thats the theme of lll infuri to comply but llllhtl advertising lfltlliltllll tln that their liulihood could do Uowllteun lllIIItHftlHtIt titnil on tll tloartl plans in an effort It ypmi i1 gimplnr get downtown tllljltitt ti it take tlfllitltittl of ill boards new tree IHH king lot The lot on iincoc Stuct at Mary and Toronto streets is officially open and signs are scheduled to go up soon liltlt no customers you tow yum jolt tilt nibii lain lctlusliey said Hi tioai tl arranged for the city to Icaw the tnoacii paiwl with room for more than it cats loi $l tI cal ld George Hunter who and is taking tharim of suggested tilt tliillit stiitl ijiziiliiiit yitW iiitil tutti Monday the implicit thi eat It pvmimiinit CAI29171 VII ws Postal talks resume today OTTAWA The govcrinncnt put off resumption in postal talks until today but mail continued to mow Monday as the Canadian Union oi lo til thlhtln ttl tlVti awaited new government pi opalal Compromise offer discussed TlAWA itl liovincnzl prlintcis coiilcirirl tltiltHltJ themselves today Jitilll conipronii cdcinl vlltt oil taxing power and cash ilitll turn to llp nian healtl and runnil programs British pound up again LONDth tlteutcrt lhc ltritish pound climbed about HP cent against the US dollar in early trading on foreignix change markets today rising to 100 its illlllltHl point in weeks Election andidatc shot KlJl ii ri 15 iitiiivll cattipaign Ill Jamal 111 hr triy iiiaim nu vnrl today and thc govermncnt banned election cvc politicin lilttlttltff tollowiiitl the SliOtlllllL of one candidate and iiiobattack on another yap3 ting hi from Ardagh Road nd Little Avenue on the north lht western boundary takes in small amount of land not included in the citys annexa tion application btit Robert l1wrie lawyer for the county said londay he docs not expect any problems to result from this llanner Robert Lehman who presented the proposal Monday uinlcr tgiestioning by Mr Lawrie said the parcel con tains 1H0 acres of land not suitable for urbanization leav ing 1300 usable acres The proposal is intended to pimidc Barr with its in lustriai land needs through 1000 and Mr Lehman said the most the city will need by then is 1t2 acres ltlllCNlllJV He said the existing city will have room for residential and all other needed laitd uses through that date on the basis of its current official plan the maximum industrial need figure was calculated by adopting the population growth and related 1tlllilpilfl used in preparation of tin Proctor and Rcdletn annexation report which forms the basis ol the ct tys case Mr Lehman said Population planner Diane Macunovicli another county witness has testified that the reports population figures are high and Mr Lehman said the city might need as little as 354 additional acres for industry it Mrs Macuntwichs predictions are correct The existing city would have 1986 population of about 53000 under Proctor and ltcdtcrns assumptions Mr Lehman said Mrs lylacuntwichs figures put the total at that date at 110000 in 44000 The citys application It in tended to provide enough land to accommodate the cityK predicted population of 193100 in the year 2011 tigurc also attacked by Mrs lylacunovich who said earlier the actual figure will probably be ome 50000 lower urrciit city population is about 34000 FOR ll2vll£ Mr Lawrie said after Mon days session the county pro posal ttllitl1 the needs oi the next lt czirs iatlicr than the next because ice that its the only ieasonablc tllllt for which prmhltions zin be cal culatcrl ll utirl lll count itililllmll planned to uzc five year period as iili ililFIN for it case but oluntatdy extended it to Hi Mr Lehman also testified that strong measures Will have to be taken to control sev 9rdncrgt near the expanded city by implementing restrictions in the official plans cl Vespra and tire townships and the pending lnnistil official plan non awaitingprovincial pprrivlil He said llllt ontrollcd severance activity could make the area bind to develop pro peily in future The hearing now in It 22nd day brgins daily at 10 in in the Army Navy and Air Force Club on iturge Street and is ojkrtitothcpublic The twin in Will it daily 1ex cept htutttay ant ilnrt throuiti live tin JiItll lltl itltitiliilii May suspend 0MB hearing in to proposed E88 llAXllIR Ail Ontario Mu nicipal Board OMB hearing into proposed estate residen tial project in Essa Township may be suspended following move by the township to take theinattcitocourt Stewart representing the township said Monday he will ask court to suspend the hearings until decision is made on whether the OMB has the jurisdiction to set policies governing estate residential rlcvclopiticnt in the township The 01le is considering re quest by Cohesion Devel Hpnicnts Ltd to change the zon Conciliation is sought After two meetings the Sim coe ounty Board of Education and the Ontario Public Service limployecs Union OPSEIJ are asking the province to ap point conciliation officer loc thlan chairman of the boards negotiating committee said the two sides met Friday for several hours but the ses sion did not go well He expects conciliator will be appointed in January OiSluU represents the secretaries clerks and audio visual technicians employed by the board it is the second union involved with the board to re quest conciliation function itlttfl ot lublic lLinployecs tClJlEl which represents maintenance workers also asked for con ciliat ion officer STEWARI representative ing on lots 22 23 and 24 on the fourth concession in the nor thwest corner of Essa from open space conservation and agricultural to residential estate to permit development of 108 homes section of the townships as yetunapproved official plan requires that estate residential development will he allowed only by amendment at such times as detailed policies are formulated to control develop ment Essa claims that only the municipality through township council and planning board can set those policies It opposes the rezoning Mr Stewart announced the townships intention after the board refused to adjourn the hearing project The township asked tor thc adjonininrnt because it be lieves that the OMB should not set policies and litcause it believes that cva icsident in the township should have been notit icd ot the hearing The board refused saying the development scheme has been before the municipality for more than two years and has received extensiv incdia liï¬t hairtnan lu Scaborn said is most unlikely that there is any denial of natui ltl justice or that all residentr objecting to the development cannot be heard HAVERIGHISXIOI Robert Macaulay lawyer for the developer said the hearings should continue because his ient has waited 22 years for chance to present his case Where is the justice if we cant get hearing be asked We have rights too Board vicechairman Smith said it is the practice of the OMB to continue hearings until it is intornnd by the courts that participant has asked for judicial review of case The Essa hearing will con tinuc he said until the board is told that the case is before the courts The hearing continued today with Mr Macaulay calling his first witness Norman lcaison Prof lcerson ha taught illuillll it ti It tiitn in universitie and war planning consultant to the province for the Toronto cntrcd icizion plan from 1060 to 1970 lilxr long in the pilgiaiii nitilitl lholim mid Id like husband that gets Ito7w on time for Slippcl Skarm News Quiz is awaiting 11 you nccd llik tron our daily littllltit we suggest you telax with copy of The Harrie llxaininci and takc Your News Quiz Its vxaitini lot you itllV on Page lte 001 can litlp you kctp up With news from around the counth and world it chal lenges your knowledge of ttotds names and eyciits oiir Vi uix is piililislml by he llxznnincr seiiicc tlllltilltltl mm area greemenf seen closer Public health nurses and the Sinicoe minty ltistrict llcalth llourtl moved closer to monetary agreement Monday in their longstanding contract dispute spokesmen for both sides said today But Mondays talks with provincial mediator present brought no progress on what both sides agree is the main issue the nurses demand for anarbitraticnclause The talks were the second since negotiations resumed in October after sixmonth breakdown lhe 300dd full time nurses employed at the Siincoc County District Health Unit have been without con tract since the end ol 1975 Lilian ltlalick president of Local 37 Ontario Nurses As sociation said today the ap pointment of mediator seems to have been helpful Health board president Ross Stephens describctl the session as very amicable Nurses want compulsory arbitration clause but Mrs liralick said today they will set tie for voluntary clause To announce appomtments ATLANTA Ga AP Pushing to complete his cabinet by Christmas lrcsidcnlelect lllltl ninouncing at least four cabinctlevcl choices this week For the first time it history woman is likely to be commerce secretary Priorities in recreation needs listed Three of the top five priorities identifed by the recent Barrie Community Recreation Conference studying Barries recreation needs relate to the need for improved recrea tion services All the data received at the conference has been analyzed by the discussion group leaders in conjunction with the Department of Parks and Recreation in order of importance the conferences final ranking in terms of what the community feels are the top recreational needs in Barrie are as follows An OverAll Coordinating body for recreation services whose chief responsibility would be to provide vehicle through which total community recreation planning me chanism would be established This would be accomplished through the in volvement of all existing organizations agen cies and individuals presently providing some form of recreational service Better utilization of existing facilities as schools churches private agencies and com mercial space in order to offset many of the needs of existing organizations within the city for additional meeting playing and storage space Establishing third artificial ice surface The majority of delegates felt that it would be desirable to have this as an indoor arena although other groups recognizing the possible costs involved indicated that perhaps an interim step might be an outdoor artificial icc surface which could be con verted to an indoor facility as additional funds became available Youth Oriented Programs were felt to be lacking in Barrie and number of groups felt that this was particularly evident in the lack of recreational programs for preteens and teenage girls Indoor Swimming Pool Although many discussion groups agreed that there was need for an olympic size swimming pool for Barrie sometres plus 15meters for diving area the majority realized that the two and half to three milliondollar price tag may well be beyond the financial capability of city the size of Barrie It was felt that the minimum size pool should be considered 25metre sixlanes Earlier in 1976 city council did approve this type of pool to be built in conjunction with Barries new high school but due to road blocks experienced during hearing of the Ontario Municipal Board OMB on the sub ject the whole concept of pool with the high school was dropped Most delegates felt that there were many community resources available that could become involved in assisting the pool to become reality MuftiPurpose Recreation Centre which would include facilities for both cultural and sports activities Suggestions for facilities to be included in this type of centre were branch library swimming pool arts and crafts rooms gym nasium double pad arena andor athletic facilities One group also mentioned the possibility of developing this type of multipurpose facility in conjunction with school in order to max imize potential land available in addition to making use of the educational facility after regular school hours Development of Paths and trails which included series of interconnected bicycle paths throughout the city which would also serve as multipurpose trail Home for elderly too Not all the identified needs for future recreation develop ment in Barrie dealt with sports rclated programs In their final analysis delegates at the recent Barrie Community Recreation oir ference listed the need for another centre for senior citizens In ll opinion of the titteliCL nlc tXising citizen centre tlarltievt is not of sufficient size to meet the overgrowthg iiitcrest among the senioi c1i7cii ptllialllil of ltanic COH iiiCi Over 800 senior citizens are presently members of Park view and an addition to the eX isting facility or new centre in another part of the city was seer as definite need by the conference The senior citizens centre ranked eighth in fist of 10 lop recreational needs developed by comercuce delegates The need for 11 bandsth in the city and the development of core of volunteer Workers to assist various community organiza tions followed Other recreation needs ex pressed by the conference which ranked close to the top 18 include better transportation services to recreational ac tivities and facilities for senior citizens and the disabled im proved communication to the public from various agencies providing recreational ser vices development of the lakeshore improved play ground equipment in city parks and involvement of the citizens of Barrie in the development of park areas Mayor Parker in hospital undergoing cancer tests Mayor lotta Parker is undergomg cancer tests Barries 54yearold mayor is at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto for examination and treatment The results indicating the extent of the cancer will not be known until sometime next week Mayor Parker was forced to miss Mondays council meeting because the tests started Monday In written statement to council read by acting mayor Ald Alex Arthur she said medical examination earlier this fall gave me clean bill of health it was somewhat disquicting to learn after fall and my liospitatization two weeks ago that have cancer she said adr ding she was told Dec Mayor Parker who has served as mayor for four years and as Ward alderman for seven years said it was with regret that she asked Alrl Arthur to replace her at the meeting would have liked if have been present for the last council meeting of my four ycais as mayor she said have been proud to represent our city and each and every citizen hc llliltll extended best wishes to mayor elect Ald Ross Ar cher and the 15 1970 council ld Arthur speaking on behalf of council so id he hopcd thc mayor has speedy recovery Mlljtttll Archer said he it sure every council member would utter prayer for the in ayors complete recovery from licraflliction wrshln all the best he said Ramp changes only temporary Traffic ramp improvements at Highway 400 and Bayfield Street are only stopgap measures says James Snow minister of transportation and communication MIC Mr Snow told city council by letter the two sets of traffic signal lights and ramp changes will relieve the traffic conges tion until about 1980 in time as traffic volumes increase the improved level of service will again deteriorate he said The ministry budgeted $46000 for the work but does ex pect to spend the total amount periodic monitoring of the system will be necessary he said Ald Ross Archer public works chairman and mayor elect said the new system may not be effective during summer peak traffic periods Were not sure how well the system will work with the heavier volume of traffic in the summer he said Ald Archer said the next stage in solving traffic conges tion on Bayfield Street north of the highway is an extra lane for lcfttiand turns He said the widening ot Bayfield Street to five lanes will hasten the flow of traf fic Im anticipating the widen ing of Bayfield Street will start next year he said The MTC is aware of the situation Mr Snow said the MTC re gional staff is prepared to discuss the road widening with the city administration When the technical details are completed he said the ministry will decide its amount of participation in the work Ald Archer said the city is just completing major traffic signal light changes along Bayfield Street south of the highway The changes he said will provide synchronized traffic lights for southbound drivers ALL GREEN By travelling at 27 miles per hour he said drivers should hit green lights from Highway 400 south to the Five Points in tersection of Bayfield Street Ald Archer said the city spent about $12000 for the im provements which includes new wiring and traffic signal con trailer at Grove and Bayfield streets The traffic lights at Sophia Wellington and Grove streets he said will take 80seconds to switch from green to green Also there will be an advanc ed green for southbound traffic on Bayfield Street at Grove Street and one for eastbound traffic on Wellington Street at Bayfield Street DORIAN PARKER statement Workers start strike PARIS Renter French gas and electricity workers began 48hour strike today in protest against managements decision to refuse twoper cent costofliving wage in crease next year The stoppage launched with street demonstration in Paris attended by thousands of strik ers was expected to result in nationwide power cuts this afternoon and Wednesday mor ning The five main unions that represent most of the countrys 130000 publicsector gas and electricity workers said they are limiting power cuts to two hours each day so as not to in convenience users union spokesman said about 90 per cent of workers were taking part in the strike The management put the figure between 70 and 80 per cent and said essential services were be ing maintained Similar unrest was smoulder ing in other industries where workers have wage agreements guaranteeing an automatic in crease in their purchasing power