AL IlRSEB Bill Grant Rd Jennings and Ted Bigelo of Barrie Big Brothers As sociation make tip the steerr my committee for the groups annual Bowl for Millions to raise funds Mr Grant is tatnc of also lluronia reprcscn Bow lcrs Association assisting the Big Brothers on their tttllllllllltt tiiVtlllllltl llioloi Barrie and District Big Brothers plan second Bowl for Millions week Plans for Bowl for Millions 1977 are on their way The Barrie and District Big Brothers Association is again seeking bowleis and sponsors to raise money for work iwth fatherless boys This year the bowlerama will be held Feb 12 to Feb IS iii Kempview Bcwl and Sheas Barrie Bowl The Huronia Bowlers Assticuitioii is assistingttieeoinmittee Ed Jennings AI Purser Bill Grant and Ted Bigelow of Big Brothers are on the steering committee for the second an nual event Last year bowlers raised 322000 This helped the organization match 78 boys in dividually with big brothers There are ll boys waiting to be matched Time of Your Life Women Alive theme The Time of Your Life is the theme of the second annual Women Alive Barrie area con ference Jan 29 at Georgian tol lege Conference speaker will be Nell hIaitwell of Barrie founder and director of Women Alive The day scheduled from am t0330 consists ofsix seminar choices Topics are Time to Iray given by Marion Lee Its Time to be Creative loannc tarter Time for You and Your Family Faith Crosby Times of Testing and Times of Triumph Maybcth Gray Making the Most of Your Time Helen Adams and Worthwhile Bela tionships Take Time Ellen Trimmer Cost for the day is 57 in cIuding registration and lunch Tickets and information are Way to get out of his difficulty available at the Woman Alive Office 101931unlopSt Ii The Good News Book Store or by phoning 726 7931 7203803 4584M or 33271023 Registration is limited Another seminar entitled What happens when women pray will be field Feb from 915 am to 41 at the on stelliition Hotel not Dixon ltd Toronto Evelyn lirisiensoir author of the book What Happan When Women Iray will be guest speaker For tickets write to Women Alive Box 911 Barrie and in clude stamped sell ad dressed envelope The spring convention this year will be held May l4 to to at the Lnivcrsity of Waterloo Speakers will be Jean Bad ion of Australia and Maxine Hancock of Alberta Dear Ann iJonl tell me Im stupidjcrk Just tell me how to getout ofthisjam Im 24 and engaged to fine girl We were planning to be married in April Several months ago blonde who works in this office told me she was in real trouble The poor kid fell in lovc with nogood skunk and he ran out on her She aska if she could use my name when she went to the hospital to have her baby felt sorry for her alone in town no friends etc and said OK Yesterday read in the paper that am the father ol baby boy Everyone else read it too family She phoned me at the including my fiancee and her office as soon as the first edition came out to tell meshc never wants to see me again went to her house the minute got olf work Her lather saw me through the curtains and told me to get off their property or he would call the police Ann swear had nothing to do ith that blondc except to let her use my name never somiich as bought ticra cupofcolfcc This is what get for trying to be nice guy Please help meHot Water Dear Water Go to the hospital at once and tell the girl YOU are in jam and now its her turn to he nice guy If she has shred of decency she chaplain tell him the truth and her family Good luck to all ofy will contact the hospital ask him to call your iancec and on Dear Ann Landers Im in real trouble and its your fault was reading newspaper in class this morning one that carries your column Suddenly had the teeling human being was nearby just standing there It wasnt the teacher as had feared It was theprincipal He asked What do you think you are doing was so scared my throat was dry but finally managed to say am reading Ann Landers He replied Sol sec lbcnhc took me by the arm to the teacher Now have to write your column out in longhand cVery day for two weeks straight unless you print this letter and advise students that it is NOT good idea to read your column during class Do you know that your daily column has 706 words in it My arm is about to fall off Please illlllyIlallk Dear Hank Im flattered by your loyalty and will do my best Hear ye All students who read Ann Landcrs in class lease and desist Lot not your eye be beguilcd by unassigned reading matter Ye shall be graded by your knowledge of Shakesjwarc and Kant not Landers Chance it not or ye may be banished from the classroom forever And MIC with thee Dear Ann Help please very nice gentleman who Works in this department has habit of clicking his dentures when he reads reports or does figuring Sometimes when he is waiting for telephoni conncction he gets those tccth goingandit drives us all batty Six of us have discussed the problem several times but noonc knows how to deal with it This is no Yale joke Miss Laiidcrs We are Up The Wall In Akron Dear Ak That very nice gentleman obviously is unaware of his irksomc habit Write gentle wellworded note and placc it on his desk Sign it All of Us Ill bet he sees hisdentist soon and gets those choppers adjusted additional We ic hoping to on cut List years amount Il liiizclow said While big brothers them selves arc oltintccrs the job of inatchiiig is done by paid social worker IiXCilllth dircc tor Stephanie says to hours week arc spent at matching and screening Through the 197i Bowl to Millions Big Brothersevpcct to maintain services and to afford sot in work as sistaiice when iicccssarv This year honorary chairman is buy Logan Barrie police youthofliccr According to onstablc Logan The absence of father in boys life can have denioialiini effect on his dcclopment Big Brothers provides the missing malc inllncncc This series as prevention against possibledelinquent behavior Iior lllftlllllililtlll call Al lursci at manual or lId lciiii ings at 132 tllttll sopfs ctlc Jami ti Tile Burrit IilIIIIII4l KICLI St John iiiincy lloiiiai tatholic lunch was llc scciii Oct Hi when lanci Leslie Kelly and Richard f7iititlt were marricd licv John ONeill ttliciatid Andil Boilcaii ol lciictaii gmslicnc was the IiiiitSl ac coiiipanicd by Steve ltovnn organist of Bai me The bride is the iiaiiglttii of Mr and Mrs William Bell and the grown the son of Mr Hill Mrs Iaul ercaiilt all ric The bride wore llliilllltllnl gown enhanced ltll cintiioi tiered lact tilllt decp itll tiriic nil llcoii lhcskirt it II into chapel ttaiii full length vcii ol vi lon illii small cat The lilllt cari ltii stop was held by headpicct In Monday December lit ltlft llllii cascadi ticiiqttc til ltlll Ilii iqiliy brciitli iilll til idmol carillilions ltl cidci Iillilllllilti was Sandi Iiily sigttci of the lilpfu itcnl mail on Loh trass of llliiltiliij iVTli 115 liiiaiilt liltllltl of thcgioom llu lirich iintlici and the giooiii Illliilltl ittl cd at the intplant hi id vi to Holiday lni Mr iid Ii Iirtiiili will llt31iiiillt lint of town Lilltl= ittciidid from Halifax virtoiia Bi oiliraiic lionmip til awn lilillltl7l ll lcii ctaiiztiii llllit fluxw ind lhoii tti Photo by 4I1Ili Mlt ANIJ MRS lift llAlill VlllllIAl lLl New To Barrie HAIR ANALYSIS talisman and Sntan an Andre MEILUN DENIURE THERAPIST DT Complete Denture Service 01le om pm Mon thru Sat 7H Diiiilop St Barrie MUIIIINH DOIllUFlSI Society 7286810 Our technician will analyze any mechanical or chemical damage with the use of microscope digital lrichogram and repair hair damage with Neuclic Acids and Protein Call for on appointment House of Bellini The Huircutlilig Flute BayfleldMoll 726462I Many organizations in city know the B1 Who knows more about the clubs and organizations in Bar rie than most people Betty Jackson does She is hostess for the Blue Flame Room at the Consufncrs Gas building For three years Mrs Jackson has welcomed people to meeting place that feels like home Dressed in her blue uniform Mrs Jackson is as familiar as the home appliances one sees upon entering the Ferris Lane building Since the Blue Flame Room opened in 1973 nights have been booked frequently for club meetings demonstrations and public meetings As hostess Mrs Jackson learns little about the Sno Voyageurs SnowMobile club the Barrie Power Squadron the cancer society anada Manpower and countless other groups Site watches quit smoking seminars theatre groups and craft groups from the sidelines Ive learned about lot of interesting organizations since Ive been here she said Im impressed of course she was well aware of these groups when she was film supervisor for five years at the Barrie Public Library But seeing these groups in ac tion has been an education When she went to Consumers Gas she was the only hostess Immediately she sent out let ters to community groups to let them know Consumers Gas Wants You IUBLH RELATIONS The Blue Flame Room is part of public relations she said Consumers set it up in Barrie after success with Blue Flame Itoom in Toronto And its been successful here Wordofmouth has made the Blue Flame Boom popular not only for its versatile meeting room it has stage screen and projector facilities blackboard and ceiling mirror for food demonstrations but for its BOMBECK icky vocabulary By ERMA BOMBIXK If theres one thing that has come out of the Citizens Band Itadio craze its new kicky vocabulary senders have unique way of expressing them selves in language all their own til course this is nothing new for housewives For years weve had our own form of com munication that to my is for moms too knowledge has never been tran slated to the American public These arcjust few of the more popular phrases The Bermuda Triangle washing machine that returns one sock out of every pair thrown in The Other Side of thc Moun tain An avorage ironing Gray Liberation 49year old mother entering her last Steingard Studio photo Mil ANll MRS IlA lll Wit KSTIIll AIKINS St Marys Boman atholic hurch Barrie was the scene ov til when Ann Marie Aikins and Itavid Iark Wicksted were married ltev Leonard OMallcy of heated Soloist was David Bown accompanied by Steve Koniar organist The bride wore white satin high necked gown with lace trim around the neck and sleeves Maribou feathers trim med lllt sleeves and halfway on the dress The dress find an empire waist and long train She wore headdress of mar iboii feathers She carried bouquil of while sweetheart roses babys breath and white carnations Matronof honor was Judy Krclovc of Barrie sister of the bride Bridesmaids were atby Wickstcd of lcnctanguishcnc Bonnie Black of Fergus Lynn Alpiii and Patricia Aikins of iairie ting bcarcr Aikins of Barrie Best man was Randy artcr was ichacl the Most MOMS Bum in the Woild iiifondling Its time to call your Welcome Wagon hostess 7261454 286331 WICKSTEI ol Barrie Ushers were Andrew Wicksted of Ienetanguishene Paul Archer Harry Morrison and John Aikins of Barrie The rcccptioti was held at the Barrie ountry Club For going away the bride wore lllSerOltlltd dress and matching corsage Guests attended from Mon treal Hamilton Toronto lakvillc Mississauga Ed monton and Guelph ue Flame Room spacious kitchen behind Andits free The only thing we dont allow is sales when proceeds arent charity she said During the three years Susan Borden home economist has taken charge of the home ser vice department Elsie Boyce has joined the staff as another hostess The three give the public one message You will like us To the ublic Susan Borden Betty Jac son and Elsie Boyce are the Blue Flame Boom and that is Consumers Gas Consumers Gas offers total service of gas and electric appliances Mrs Jackson said The Blue Flame Room takes service step further educatingthe homemaker And thats where it makes friends Mrs Borden and guest home economists have attracted capacity crowds of 200 to such demonstrations as Entertain ing With Ease and Cheese Please child in first grade One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest Teaching teenage son to drive Oversudsing Problem woman who watches 138 soap operas week Charmin Squeezer woman with time on her hands One Size Fits All Porsche Hamburger Helper More meat Miracle Beauty shop The Six Million Dollar Man Son in college The Oval Office The garbage can Paradise charge card $20000 Pyramid Women who eat their way from November through Christmas Bubble Gum Buggy Station wagon full of kids Breach of Faith guidance counsellor who talked The Second Car Any car in the driveway that isnt running on 34th Street Lost missing Mary Poppins New daughteriirlaw FotirontheFloor Twins born 10 months apart The Jet Set Teenager who lives under water pik Flood Pants Slacks worn by Mom that are too long to be shorts and too short to keep your daughter from locking you in the closet Sieve Syndrome First few months of babys life when every opening in his body has to be plugged up with something Ma Bells Umbilical Cord phone with 35foot extension The Pot at the End of the Rainbow Toilet training Cottage rolls economical TORONTO tPi Although often thought of as hams both cottage rolls and picnics are cut from the shoulder not the leg of the hog The home service staff at Canada Packers kitchens say that although sometimes not as lean as hams cottage rolls and picnics are the delight of the budgetminded cook as they are nutritious economical and tasty They can be sold either sweet pickled that is cured only or both cured and smoked MONTH introductory Full Privilege MEMBERSHIP teen dollars Sauna IIIE This Christmas why not give the gift of fitness Now during this our Christmas gift to you you can give one month of the Barrie Fitness Centre for only fif OCool Refreshing Pool OScandinavian Style °Soothing Whirlpool OCalifornia Sunroom OProfessional Programs with an experienced staff BARBIE FITNESS CLUB 65 COLLIER STflE E7 BARRIEONTMIO PttonérIaZEZm HARGILX Blllli tags are lAtKSON FERRI MARTI Knox United Church Bran don Man was the scene Nov 13 when Norma Gail Ferris of Brandon and Daniel Gregory Martin of Alcona Beach were married Rev Kaycs officiated Soloist was lthonda Iiamer ic companicdbyShillcylnllcy The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas Arthur Ferris of 1324 End St Bran don Man and the groom the son of Mr and Mrs William Budi Martin ofAlcoiia Beach The bride wore white polyester jciscy gowri zliiit styled with sweetheart neckline roll collar and long plain sleeves The sleeves neckline and trail were trini med with French llat face She wore Juiitiif cap IIIlll med with bcadgt and three tiered shoulder length veil and carried noscgay of red sweetheart roses and balin breath Matron Ufilillttf was Janet chp sister of the bride of Kcnora Bridesmaids were Lynne Alexander and Cathy Spack of Brandon and lolcen Waller of Utta Flower girl was Tanya Ferris niece of the bride of Ot law and ring bearer was Key in Lepp of Kenora nephew of the bride Best man was Michael Mar tin brother of the groom ï¬shers wers were Robert Spcarc of Lefroy Bryan li avers of St ond and Scott Der riiott ol fmkstown For going away the bride wore striped jumper and turtleneck with black ac cessories and red rose cor sage They will live in Barrie inests attended from taxia Edmonton Alta Toron to Fort BitMurray Alta and Kciiora Mil ll Mlts rs illlfl llill New mstom Draperies Let Sears give your home that fashion look with unique styling in wide choice of fashion fabrics It is so easy to have light lovely refreshing new look Come in and consul in your room our experienced decorators Let them show you many window treatments in choice of prints solids sheets Ol easements Get whole new outlook SimpsonsSears Ltd Iiiq and Wu mini to filtllllytltti Sears ld IIHCU Georgian Mall 509 Boylield St