RELICS OF GILFORD PIONEER ERA Mr and Mrs Warren Mc Kendry lat left display box of cork bottle stoppers and some early drug supplies left over from bygone era in their Gifford store once one of five hotels and taverns in the Gilford area At right is an oldfashioned rock fence which were more coin mon in the pioneer era Some of the best stone fences in Central Ontario are to be found at Gilford seen here on the West Gwillimbury Bio ken Front Road Photos by Brian Baker Ottawa spending spree is assailed by Rynard Ry DR YNARI MP Simcoe North IVGI the last ten years we have been on spending spree and our Federal Government has been the No one culprit lhey have been buying popularity at the moment for grief later on They are in the grief now and to keep out of it while ll sinking into it they prin tctt more money Now the day of reckoning here Maybe the Quebec election is the catalyst Did it focus on our huge borrowings abroad and our five and half billion dollar deficit this year with daily interest rate of over one and one quarter million dollars Did it focus attention on our grossly overvalued dollar and the political risk that we have become as result of that elation The government even in veigled the provinces into cost sharing program they could not afford but had to accept because to refuse would appear to be depriving theirpeople of higher standard of living Now the provinces are having dif ficulty financially HIGHER THAN US We have current Bank rate of per cent just nearly twice as high as it was in 1972 This makes it 70 per cent higher than in the United States and here is where Industry is hit as this is 70 per cent of disadvantage in competition Canada has to keep her in terest rates high in order to at tract foreign capital to pay off her deficit of five and half billion dollars Now take America there is no pressure to attract foreign capital there It is free to fix its bank rate at 525 per cent West Germany does not need foreign capital its bank rate is per cent Of course great many people want to seek security in the Bank Safes of Switzerland but they are running out of storage space as they are practically full to overflowing Switzerland has cut the Bank rate to per cent and lends it back to you at pér cent Comparing the Canadian Bank rate of per cent with the Swiss Bank rate of per cent IVAN OUISV Sorka Mgr indicates the difference bet ween nation that is trying to attract foreign capital to pay its debts and one that is briinful of money and is trying to discourage the money coming intothe country NO PRIORITY ur number one priority should be to spend less and reduce our interest rates This would lead to less capital in flow The money is not going in to Industry as an investment in our Country it is going into bonds which pay 91 per cent and up in Interest and this is what the government guaran tees The slowing down of capital inflow and the lowering of In terest rates would allow the Canadian dollar to drop In 1934 the Canadian dollar was worth 90 cents In the Diefenbakci days when inflation was only 112 per cent and our dollar was at fixed rate of 92 cents it gave us 71 per cent ad vantage in competition with our greatest trading partner the United States of America and Canada prospered Canadian Industries boomed tourism ex panded and we exported more newsprint so that no matter where you bought newspaper in the World there was 30 per cent chance it came from Canadian forest ur Imports dlQpped and out standard of ltVing went up As matter fact Eric Kierans Tabinet Minister in the Pearson government and economic professor at McGill University has recommended Canada let her dollar drop to its per cent of the United States dollar American Investment of dealers estimate the Canadian dollar is worth in actual pur chasing power between 86 and 92 cents The range between 80 and 85 cents United States dollars would probably be tht most accurate reflection of the purchasing powers of the Canadian and United States dollars This would incidate tht relative prtxluctivities of the two economies It is must that the aiiadian dollar drop or there will be fewer and fewer jobs created and more unemployment in Canada Presentations at Craighurst lSyM inxuv RAIGHIRSI Friends honored Mr and Mrs Barry Prince at gathering in the ommunity Hall here on Wed nesday eveiiin Floyd Sinv ton presenter them With vacuum cleaner and Robin Ilopper pottery mugs on behalf of the community Mr Hopper expressed thanks to all The evening was spent playing euchre and concluded with beautiful lunch Nell raig and his parents at tended the Barrie Kiwanis lub banquet at the Holiday Inn on Monday Nov 29 Neil received the Ralph Snelgrovc award and the Stewart Page Memorial Plaque for prizes won at the Barrie Junior rair Mr and Mrs Robert Greaves are visiting their daughter Mrs Paul Reardsall and family inthalham UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT The Clansman Manor Residential Home Big Bay Point Accommodation for seniors semiinvolids diets planned For further information please call Mrs Sheila Collins 4363252 The lansman Manor Big Bay Point Rd RR Barrie until Dec 3Ist Good Brakes Save Lives DE 15 Brake Inspection 7264 8i 233 Bradford St BARRIE COUNTY GLIMPSES Gordon to become third Bradford mayor BRADFORD Staff Newly elected mayor of Brad ford Roy Gordon will succeed Joseph Magani at the inaugural meeting of council in January Mayor Magani will thus give up the chain of office after having served some 15 years as mayor He succeeded Arthur Evans Bradfords first mayor after incorporation as town in 1960 when he was elected to the Ontario Legislature in Sep tember 1961 Before that Mr Magani was reeve and Bradfords represeir tative on county council Mr Gordon defeated Reeve Art Turner in the recent mayoralty contest by 787 votes to 700 Mr Turner member of the countys finance com mittee will he succeeded by Ken Wood elected by ac clamation Councillors who will serve during the new term include John Zima incumbent who headed the polling in the recent vote Rick Wright teacher lawyer Zyg Fenik and Sandy Hudson It l11€11 ITIIR is COOKSTOWN Staff Rccvc of this village for the past six years Norman ook will be retiring in January when he will be succeeded by Reeve elect Melville Rrayman There will be four new councillors taking office at the inaugural They are Anne Monkiiiaii James Currie Martin onnolly and George Hellford RYSIALIIIIIIR DRILLIA Staff Meiiilicis of the rillia rysfal liapter No 33 will meet on Iliursday Dec 16 in the IIOI hall at it pm OlNIYfOlNII MIIIIIlRSI Staff Siiii coe ountv council will hold its last regular meeting of 1976 at the county administration building here on Tuesday Dec 14 sfartingat am SNOWMOBILE RACIIS ORIIIIJA Staff The an nual Mariposa cup snowmobile races will beheld by the rillia Kinsmens club on the weekend of Feb 12 and 13 Support is sought from other service clubs for banquet and dance VICSIRA IllillTY MIDIIURSI Staff Deputy Reeve George Buie is completing his 10th year of scr vice on Vespra council Along with other current members he will be back for the 197778 term ROWN IIIIl1 WI ROWN HILL Games music and crafts are included on the program for meeting of Crown Hill Womens Institute on luesday afternoon Ilcc 11 Mrs Iartridge is the hostess fortheineetiiig IRI vI RlfiRV RllGRY Annualliiiatmas party for lilsson Ircsbyterian hurch Sunday School students will be field at the church on lucsday Dec 21 starting at 730pm fIIIIIIII1 MllllllRSI Staff Mciii beis of Simcoc ounlys key general goveitiiiiciit and tiiiaii cc oiiiiiiittcc during the past year were Reeve William iibr DISTRICT NEWS The Rairic IillI1IIHI bins of Innisfil chairman Reeve Earl Brandon of Cold water Reeve Morris Darby of Tiny Reeve Lionel Dioti of Penetang Reeve Allan Glassford of Iecumseth Reeve Alan Johnston of Vespra Reeve Arthur Turner of Bradford and the warden Orville Hughes of West Gwillimbury new com mittee will be chosen in January MEDONIICOUNCII MOONSIONE Staff Reeve Ingram Amos has con firmed meeting of Mcdonte council has been arranged for Wednesday Dec 15 at the of fice building here starting at pm IIS WI IWES Homemade Christmas decorations Wlll be shown at meeting of Ylowcs Womens Institute arranged for Iucsday Dec at the home of rs IIric Morris 01 NIY OFF 155 MIDIIUILSI Staff Simr 00 County administration of fices will be closed on Friday Dec 24 in lieu of Christmas Day on Saturday and also on Monday Dec 27 for the Boxing Day holiday The offices also will be closed on Iririay Dec 31 iii lieti of New Years Day whichfallsonaSaturdav Monday December IX 1976 in Oral Roberts Christmas Dream WIIH SPECIAL GUESTS Natalie Cole Christmas Characters From The World Of Sid 81 Marty Krofft FEATURING Richard 81 Patti Roberts Th Wald Action Sing and Raftoction Ronn Huff mu mu Orchestra TOMORROW AT 600 pm CKVRTV Ch Great buy SEARS BARRIE GEORGIAN MALL 509 BAYFlELD ST Guarantee Satisfaction or money refunded Check these quality features Auto matic builtin noise limiter and input power filtering 5function RFS metre Removable plugin mi crophone Public address system External speaker jack Alltransis torized 23channel band transceiver for mobile operation from 12 volt negative or positiveground DC power source Power cord mount ing bracket operating and instal lation instr incl 28R 025 301 Note Operation of this unit re quires DOC Iicense Application included with each unit 00 only On sale while quantities last Christmas Store Hours MomFri 930 930 pm Saturday 930 am 530 pm LA