11 WW wsrvwrvrurvrw lwcrpï¬ JFKETl9ii31TF£M°day December 13 197 ARTICLES FOR SALE DOGS AND PETS POODLE TRIMMING prolessional grooming all breeds plckup and Ge livery 7266798 Pet studio MAYS POOEEEI=KIK6PTRIE slonal clipping and grooming rea sonable rates Telephone 72600 DOEERMRNWTUPST sinner Eérl lgree Bred tor show Dtsposltlon guar anteed CKC rgglsiered gall 9355556 DOBERMKN titles eeks regls tered black and tan Schaulteleln blood line $700 Telephone 14454545 Colllng wood SI BER IAN TIUSK its 665 to £816 ALL THE HELP YOUNEED RIGHT HERE Daily Business Directory Need help Just look over the ads below The advertisers championslred Reglsteredwlth papers sled are expefls In he hed and assure Y0U Of the i59FEdPCL7313139 AAA linest job possible GIFTS FOR EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST point would make excellent Christmas gltts Telephone 835 2913 toll tree alter SHlH TZU PUPPIES lemales one GIIIS OI Go Your white and brindle one white and tan AA AA weeks old will hold or Christmas no Enduring Beauty HOLIDQIY HAIRDU FOR CHRISTMAS mygumpmgmtA AA ALUMINUM unify CLEANING lI mama Mummy Fondue Sets Win poinsemos FREE HAMSTERS Four lemale 2v START YOUR spring cleaning today WAYNE FOLEY 15 old aw 1nd white Als on 9°° P° lllsh Coffee Warmers SUPER PRO Poned Mums or VI glean hone 7260365 frQLTIIw7Y7mlI3Il95 wmA Posua tenor and Interior Free estimates Work FASHION FLAIR guaranteed 7267389 °°°°W°° mow DRYER A°°°5 93 Dim7 BUILDING cmAMlcs G°°995e°9d ooN Slesuilo pSImranalpamarï¬ FIOWGTPOIS and V0595 Cyclamen AAI Trash hauled away tariar exterior paper hanging custom work plus MBGUWS Pewter FIoraI arrangements CANADIAN COIN Coueulon cens Hour and wall tiling SPIISIGC07189117001994WiflflL lJewellr Chmm through dollars plus sets and paper HIiIsoALc DECOIRAHNG lnlarlor ox °° MUHIELS FLOWERS to redwofls money estimated value npproxlmately YOUR CASTOFFS 00 W0 Papemgr Ba SI excecdlno 900002 WI 50 TOT $6300 or AAA and ceilingsjolaphonajozt nca AIRST 5990 646° AA COMMERClAL ARTIST logo design art 4875525 72634 PICTURE FRAMING 53 Dunlo St 7264683 YL STS World Wide Delivery 5idmg Eavastroug work layout on Plosu call collect 93606 beweenoomandsdopm St lSDunlopW 7268912 728456 gtltr OSoIIiI Windows AAA AA AAA AA AAAA JI 0A ES 82 Dun op kos us om Facio Doors CHILD CARE SPRING CLEANUP Pruning Iwing sod training type W9 many 119 Chrsmas Trees Sh tt Awnin iling bSOdTg72bggsnse2al mammm Esiifrlfligiqr Twid ers awar 50 som ic ura ramn Large seleCIon of WEEKENDI ISERVIICEI Wn 32p AND onAGE Moemj selections Flactory pprice last gservice AddhonsROOhng 50m ma ow ting Plumbing Root and Chimney repairs GIPEEQA9V9$°97333AA COIC Ine pruce Reasonable rates 4246 She wants Porch Enclosures 965952 AAA pluMBING FR $300 Olld UP Sionework CIIAIII CANING CARPENTERPAINTER You name it To hIS OT Columbus Yfd9i C°A77b3407 AA NEW WORK and repairs drain and sewer FOR CHRISTMAS OUR MANY PATRONS For free estimate ANTIQUE CHAIR CANNG 035 You SMALL MOVING JOBS trash hauled rool cleaning complete kitchen and bathroom pitrlanco TolnplionuJ Somers 4362299 81 erczy II iopsceana an snowp owinglno ova ons ce omc It 99 °W 590013 Offer L°°km9 Forward C0 PH SPURUNG CUSTOM FENCING mug CLEANUP pamï¬ng 0mm 47989733 AAA AA oswim suits cShorts Tonkmps son suede handbag and map 7° 53 YOU L01 openeci do Um 7266907 9°°°°°i° 7538 RIDING INSTRUCTION Warm IO Am RESIDENTIAL FENCING Cloin In custom AA weaher Sled hmg CUCh purse From all at Local Famly Busmes W00 mm PW Y° p°Y HOME IMPROVEMENTS RIDINO INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses Dressesplus storetul Proceeds for local 7374597 INIEEIOR EEMODELUNG hooded 8mm me mmmx Wmdy Haugh itc ans rec wner d9°5 Charllles vrmw rooms Call Russ 436366l altar 630 pm Fem 726 02 LADIES AND millIItlarls alterations 26 Lï¬ Relerences available Thread Ineedles and In AA AAAAAAAAAAA Mary St Tolupï¬onl 73773432 or residence PtOMSON lURNlABlESr MU 0F NéEDMORE living spaceA recï¬roornfextro SITUCIIOTIS Included Dunlo 72843446 swrllsbl 01241633 Immedm b°°kmgs bedroom ploy room laundry otlica storage AND ROOFING New 0nd old Repais 125 Dunlop St 7374082 avatar space Also pommg woupupoï¬ng Muncy ï¬rm estimatesd72I78971qII0r6p1n Ball 728 e906 vi DRESSMAKING CHINE ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authmixud solos CHSTQM RECI ItdOOMSI Complete basement and service l8Allianci8lvd 7283392 DRESSES rit lI moon by JOSIE AQUINO Panning or 0w I9 Privacy muons 55w rec co 0i sis god all IOVGLY lkngene for GI BOYllelCl Specializing in ponlsults gowns and DIICIO 0nd Pal05rjlug8égog°° The numb VJka ndusirla ecdémesnrc IJewing mos OYSEl tions76Worsey7266000 AYO°° machines New used Agents Brother John Street 7286501 MolycloireI van Roche and Lor9e selem PRODUCTS usydM MADE QCme specialg SPECIALIZING IN loci painting cllin sewingtriogninoslsrisglfinesI Dorlin Bod Cultured SCOlCh Spruce leather suede denim wool pattern cIral Im YVGWVPOOI9 bnil Dd SIONJI calm 05 Ions 50 ad°mo0m4562976 lng Wlhdow and orpanslon lorntsWork sum recs CAN NOW BE HOSIery By Hones IO DRYWALL guaranteed 458 9346 WE SPECIALIZE snow owing riveways Kayser and Can Can am REPAIRED or use estimatc Call John 737 0966 or 000 all at MWF Die BARBIE SPECIALIZING IN taping and textured spray LEARN ABOUT Z3ZZFA53A AAA AA all Call tony 7287ll02 For All the Family IOQROWN II FastDependable SerVIce EAVESTROUGHING YIOdURILIOSS sflgwflgwma Ine ro wp ztppers Boytield Mall 7372661 miles north at Hwy ll tollaw signs Electrohome Humidifier VW sotztfooegf gnuishzgf fggtnirizwpfgffble 0350 I32 oes GHIW SCOTCH PINE ands rucclarqe selec I9 GPAHAM EAVESTROUG IN Snow soot TIFF lion all sizes Open 9m1010 pm dai metiisojénolle Eavaslroughlng installed Call 7286828 Stop Heating Ontario 87 ly Including Sundays Blake St exten 237ggn80g2sII EVOEOBQ Shoes sion miles past Grove St 7269I35 ELECTROHOME Sgéefggblgeï¬gwg Re°s°n°hr es H0 095 GitGO EHRISTMAS TREES Scotch Pine WW4m PLTER GAMBLE Ellinc Commercial Wllll low lOSl LASTING GlFl CONSUMER SERVCE Cellulose We Fmewooo IGasStaIlon on Bayheld st ntTowers VllAt 64996 NORMAN FAMILY UFART CALL 7265982 SIMC ELEC years FREE DELIVERY TROPICAL PLAN rs All varieties Big STUDIO ONE SHOES wwembrs plants mom my om AUTO PARTS Rndysllg CommFerIcIIfI LOCAL AND MODERN AISO 24 DUNLUP Sl WA728 3881 Centrezorurnmiuor 725 295i AND ACCESSORIES 95 INSULATION SNOW PLQWING Ladies F°5hlon5 II hunts CAMpING Lighting design 7266392 Handbags gloves ECh9 EQUIPMENT ESTERr33ll3liilfil 32° 3117 Eecc°c°59 J4 FREEESTMATES Scarves by Echo Vs he SUdo angina budget lirrrts available Hours Mon 20 Yrsr experience Pierre Cardin Holiday reels Itre at gfILIJCIISDCQxIZEIR ISIiéIiatélfolgnipgfong org if 3ngqu mourns Sup City Masters Lic lie INCOME TAX FMyl Extra pecia py Evening Accessories 3920L0n2°94° AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS 7288234 INCOME TAX returns propororl Angus am JOES SNOWPLOWING Commercnal oJeweIIryI belts AAA AA notes 35 up DobsonAdldï¬quI alter Residential Rensrriabe roles Phone IWE REPAIR Brrl sh Fl lIlflnll and Japalmsr 50 Weeked5 AA 226 2365 AA AA AA AA FHCIH 50 se TiHin SII curs COrOlIuIlOIIl Autli Slur 17 Mary St ELCA6TINE SIMPSON Residential and commercial 54 ROBERT BOYCHOTF Excavating haulage inowplcgvyi119A9iAlA77fj236A0LQ39flAA Hones Hosiery And REPAIRS CONVERSIONS Titgilio Rebuilds 50le systems ITUIIIIng loader work KENS SNOWPLOWING Residential 5400 ll ll In on Joni SIIC Solely growl 436 l558 436 l257 Commercial SIS 00 hour 776i7l9l anytime 27 Dunlop ST CrYSIOISUrpnse her wnh Igliurrrolollleut 35 KW 0M Gong BULLDOZING small aridlargurlobs Eason 5397695 095 IAA AA AA 953053an 29 DUNLOP ST 7263831 II Form Dairy Equipment liltm 776 145 anilSaIls RR2 Mininirlg7267638 II STUCCO Fridays til Fully Licensed 9es AUTOMOTIVE DRAO lth Work Wanted rmm ponds on Comp ete CCOUIl mg Oleayher Goods DELAVAL chlitq gouttrill etcavaliriq etc Phone And RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY Exterior stucco Karl and SYIVIO Sch Fine Paper SALES AND SERVICE 77 WW3 Inlerior textured walls and ceilings Free ospoonrocks GI complee me OLDOIYI E58 IWillaIdthtutLririrrs atItI liumi wosher BOO eeplng eerceS Dale Russell Mdhurs teephone For EquipmonI on Supp 35 hr H3010 Or llirulul nlc All at com 0y AI Wm SpeCOISIOCkn SUners Irom ulillvuprc lylr 530 14 or en Home HOHY HWY 77 It tannin SipplyCr no 72v 533 Backhoe IAOV IHTOTCIUl Stcli AAAAATlEgpS 7260338 7286766 BIRD HOUSE omc THE TAILOR SHOP FredGrazitSt Chamber II HERUPGHHRTISLlTlAAS LASTS ALL YEAR and GIFTS MW garlrmntlt 193 LrerChrlgi lax 352122 orlzon ugerlng ï¬rmerMauh altosnAvn 8mm ur tmo Imno 728 5253 For an Ointment TELEVISION EASING Dunlop 728 5128 Winter Repair rates at pp With lasting gilt lor the home CARPENT 778 our convenience lolly nanmm 308 DIESEL EQUIPMENT 5mm onl House at Leasin Lease your Selectan rmm WOY IEYLANDS so AND Council Chllrnrlilt Kit tum Inc ew °° 5375 PF We eeam remember F0 35 AAAArIRrvggcngAAA PHONE 436 4952 mmw new ing ixture at °°° 737 TWOWAY RADIO yourfrlends and III new oylond WENT pwio 47 lg III to rooms III ia 4v relatives this Christ tractor tailor IrnlurlilIIIq hum ilr iluilnr rm mas is to send gilt sub £7938 ROFESSlONAL LANDSCAPING designs sup Commermal RRS Barrie OAR DECKS futon Xllltl5l0n iylc lt irl TTQPIOHIOVGl Custom spraying For scrPIwns B°me WWII 27 III ITullyuxparliyitrml 72 900 2509 Spemlz mfm 5°e Illzer lnsmhcido Herbicide 487340I way radlo Examne TheY are easy CABINET MAKER turullitlll tinitlml kn anthue brCk 789369 Sales and service to order They lost all year south of Barrie nActonsA chain vanitiIs pm Immiort innovations and Si nod AWN CARE small com Saddles Brdes Hale 7057261114 Iollorotlons Domain rrtmrnulctal Shop on premises on cos Boots Helmets Blonkets In 77f 79 All workmanship guaranteed pRING CLEAN UPI pmmng mowing 50d un WWW In sendin erlaral maintenance 687026 gogow ZraiITIebZIZZZZLenggjyn 525 hmmem ml Acumen LIVESTOCK FOR SALE £55235255133153WE gallium PETER HENSTRA 7372871 03bmh 326955 53 303ng EWM Iguaiantnorl RandJCuIintrurtmn 77671 wen ors ey name With beautiful card In IpCI EARA CARPENTER Wlli lIlt Irtr TUutTT Innovations full rich colors mailed to arrive New an 5VLT£2 213333morning on No Int small 726 i27l COLONIAl FIRFPLAfES all lool lactmy built AI 7267310 lUSl the Vital 19 belore 76 Stl GtNiRAL CARIiNllty rm romm tiling 303 72 MASONRY bloat and brick replaces MWFDl3 ch HARNLSS RlAPAIRS 100qu quip innovating dry wall built in clothes closets No job too small Reasonable rates dns mosl 3l DUNLOP ST merit rrpnirs Srltlftllltrlnl tack ltrnder WOWll 77 7373357 er now Sons nlilltltrv THC YOllltt St lnins GENERAL CONIRMAIIIIL rrolm Lorpiin DO lv 793 try painting Filinonnhli pilltls lCall Bob HORSES ltOARLF and lrninnrl pchr ullm 6p 436 475 Th IT Spring erlllll lOlh Illlt at Oro Phonl CONSTRUCTION lllltlllKl culplllttofs lDELl MICTOWAVE sommsl Qwhmlmd Samsonite Jetliner BY 87 IM lot renovations additions liotnus ntlugo l°J 5° C°°V° Dionne SkYWOY Writing tothe mounts momenta srn monthly Flatrrslliltnles 435 4995 IM 770 °gt Box stalls loot paddocks lrivrlt GUTHRIE ONT HANDBAGS Circulatlon Dept Something not Wino 424 no CAR minus 487 3442 MUSIC INSTRUCTION WW Leather Suede vinyls of The Examiner for His car It YEAR OLD MARE Isl hands roan ISIET lorll Includes saddle briddlc halter J2 vGUHA ow om pop or Marcel Potvln Guitar Studlo 7261489 BuxtgnAtge or 001726 6537 llllglitllhlllllzlï¬hrlg IOMI $400 ml AND MASONRV Specializing in IACCORDION guitar piano organ begins pm f0 CB TTOHSHVOTS Cl Titsplans haw IiIeploto this wmler LTIIJIgosgsuégfOIIicgIaéaégglrgn ac cases no cases I768 ll dSt Pl 4285671 Tope decks 0C or will AtodtItly OlMutIc ll anylmld 7234799 gloves scarves evenin ba READY io Ity piIIILts Also lnrlll lrrirsrt sportbags totebogs gillsg Aems WW Wiab Ii 3° 726747 FLOOR REFINISHING OFFICE SERVICES C° mm 1corrsontc noon Saturday HARDWOO FL OR Insln chart on on Apr9 Hand CrOHed 01 Ices You an GHQ SE ED Fm Chrygkl PHdUtS rollnisllillg Old and new gunrantnedml not lsaiwcos ollored at reasonable rates Pickgt Pine Furniure Dal laclltp or pool l375831l uparld dollybl 424 6731 7000 HALL lt llrllTOrTI Straw Telephone 424 0176 iltrr 5p In BAYFIELD MALL Hutches Supply Co Ltd FRUITS AND VEGETABLES 726529 °Tobles 39 High APIII II Am KIM In I0 III pERSONMs HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED AAAAAA AAAAA W°5h SaInds 72859 rArsslon fl rn 776 NO 728 may Iosvrl pERMANiNI lrrtrurnnlis rlorw any MATURE lIOUSPketPlT Wï¬lll LIE CT R0 ICAL ll Unlts SUnilrt Your containers DHSIIQC home excellent working condi lcnglh Tnlllllun 726 162 IWMW MottFri tIl 30 pm tronsmndtopwaqes Phoneno ilt909 One main or tomato or imiplt as lull custom made POIHO NO Onlririu potatoes POLLOCK DALI lriIIllrlly at Ora and Wm whwpvrmn AN pa mm Sal til put DrIivuull Tullphone 7in 9378 or ndmnl or anyonli known pm when WARM MATURE person to work mIIrISIuHIWVM on II 90 In basis Accounts receivable accounts payable Your desgn nil Hill abouts plmsr rIntmt Kornyk at gl WOW ll NWllllili HOlHr control clerk data processing exper II Attractive bu on all Flu tla nlnl No my stment In rlw AAA I537 Alinnnalonrrm Call 778 731 WIISIIM IIAIHIIngmgI Car required encey you arcexponenwd any Fllllll llli Phone Ydy Uoucrmsores PERSONALS GENFRAL mrrImq ul imilll Without LEGAL SPCRFlRY VtPr Ntl Ask lor Mr Graul at 72a 3392 or 737 13w mm Sloms W035 contact 7266961 Nl9 Partner DII at it um Grill linitld 5mm law pt WHW To TOW label SgjrilloadS Ltdl Mrs cumbwson Churi ll GIKNI and Cook Sis Paul plom 73 75 Pm Reasonable pnces 024 Wlswnger will Silltits 0n he Law and BOOKKIEEPER l0l martini on south end TmngatgntWSEIgï¬fui gain EXAMINER 800 now Ol Cilistlnos 0w thufiinglnlatviit HillilrttwrInlormn at Lake Siinioo Aununts receivable wrmunding area Car nccossaryI chriumgs ilon728 7245 and payroll on the Mcnm system Send Ern above average wages Yolmhono WANT ADS Whee Smo Women Shop Year POHHL wnddmgs Clogs VFRSATH imrtrl an outing bookings WSUWO 30 500 1216 895 0532 PHONE 7282414 74A Dunlop 72852l LIVING GIFTS PUPPIGS CUWY Skiing GO Tour as at January 197 relerellces DOWNTOWN 180xer nomemsI available Plertsv all Lynn 717 3l87 FOR CHRISTMAS OldE ROYAL DOWNS PORTRAITS lull lirtun in beaulilul llIlIxtits lrum ttlllullll the world noplc punts GOP 09 pastels Inrgr to 20 tom person $8 on ammo Bnniamlma POOdle Lhosa Apso GOU TENNIS CLUB two In drawing 51 Hunting Fine Christin gilt 776 6056 00ndIOTIIa1Ium Pomeronlan oschnouzer llllltS W0 OI BONIC planlIOCaclul 4240241 or 4240246 INSTRUCTIONS Brays 09 LNGLISH RIDING instruction WLll lt sclloollirl horses lnllorir artn1 minutes lrom lilrlll 7260M Garden MON ECA AA AA AA CENTRE LOST rouuo CARD READING cw co IIS SIBERIAN Husky lont nellu Aire Dem Buyï¬GId Ma men December Male 73 high ac gt 26 Fefnd09 Rd 726095 and white werlrlnu hoklr collnl 72847302 Syc Answers to Benin llIIJIlollLllbb 7746 Call 7288868 WWï¬wmunm Consumer Lendln ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE ARTICLES FOR SALE MwrJIO Key Punch 5639370 7571215378 at AD MUST BE NEW FURNITURE Flea Market Motoss tarmac Why to Grams Lets talk about your scope and opportunity Tuesday at 730 pm at 33l POLAROID color and llosh 220 $25 alonl atrium help Call TIllrare Am also Polaroid color and llnsh 370 £30 776 797Y BayfIeld comer Bayleld and Fndays om 30 Mlaml Carey tan and hood tor stove ALCOHOLICSANONYMOUS 72M 6581 It PARng know consumer mndm 0U know Hm im on RECEIVE DISCOUNT Ferris Larle This new furniture EVWY smurdCY Coppertone340 728 I225 you lrillk thats your business Il you Your experience as an IBM II TI II II II I5 II lJ 93 I0 any milk top name brands and 9am 10430 pm BOATS AND MOTORS Wztllloql123tnIIinrsCallnnyllmI 37 will be he key Io your Inlosrlgï¬zISIOIIISIISIï¬IeI am Ie caSe WI our an anc ront tere on its gomg to be WANT llOVl an guaranteed by manufacturers 33l Bayfleld corner of 32 F1 SHEPHERD mahogany boat permanently merlimily approved Ly r9C3lVlng GXCQHG sJIGVY IOT Riqm now we can use our skms consume Iendm at our game OCIHIOHI lk ltttlElt tar lkll be so by °UC° °nd Bayfield and Ferris Lane Wm 23 IIIIfr Chgyiï¬f °50 271m Js YOU Spec You Will have every opportunlty to demonstrate your ability and given success there Auctioneers on motor con on Call OFFlCE OVERLOAD Mrs Will be host at romotlon ortunities on to Cu JO ers TI Telephone 435 4245 alterAJO pm DANcF bands available tor New pp Chargex 0nd lnstore linancing AA AAA ARTICLES WANTED YearsEvvBallroomandgeneraldnmc Cuthbertson 7264l33 after Elssema we lockmg 33ddmeb Who me peopleonented and 7266314 7370879 music Mr JohnSlsmnnm 006 prolItmlnded who have consumer lending experience at supervtsmy level Branch TF ORGANI L°W°V M59 597 51 CASH FOR old lurnlture hooks dishes WE CAN turn your unwanted Items into Manager or one level below perhaps months 0dI king 530 368 old plclures clocks odds and ends Pre cash The Auction House Io miles north ll Barrie appeals to you and Its got lot gomg lor it lets talk about what you SALES LTD USED ELECTROLUX AP loo vacuum gwflrgaY 99c9unm 019 3959ltsm373392354 Barri Cofnlr 9an 00 can enjoy thereand apart from the job that means good salary and belteliis cleaner in good cow Tmphone MINIlt COAT and locket Also WHITE PROVINCIAL bedroom suite l0lh Cantos5m 00 Canada 72670351 Muskralcoat like noun161283004 wanted with or without canopy single bed new condition Also drapes or drapes and shears lor l2 toot wall Reasonable 737 0725 WILL PAY cash torotd turnlture glass Bread Bldg Auction every Tuesday night at pm 4877044 INTERNATIONAL SlMPLIaTVV super twln washer spin dryer and compact dryer one year old Asking 5500 Reason moving Tele phonenéQliu package including relocation assistance also glezit future Please send your detailed resume in ClllldtllCO to Garry Bowler Employment Supervisor Bank at Montreal First Canadlan Place P0 Bolt CABINET 26 lNCH color TV needs tuner $90 dinette table and chalrs brown and gold $90 Drapes green 120 95 360 Excellent condltlon Telephone For lnlarmntlon call Just west of Barrie Arena Phone Machine Operators NCR395 NCRSQOO Ser vices clvll criminal marital lnvustlga lnvestlgallon BARRIE Toronto Ontario Arrr lllancv Discreet and con betWeenB and 30 am or It SKI TS mens Grand Prix Slxe copper brass old table lamps old coll 05 726 I207 8p In excngent condition used part at one XIUVES and MW 0m unusual Old demfl 737 7977 chur exPemsc and perm BOLENS use IIIIIOII Ind mower seasonITemphonenéysosI fltlclo Phonennytimeyrmg PATS DIAL DAIE we might hi itIIIv wlll secure tor you this OPEN complete with new snowbloWer ANTIOOESI still glass Sided china Dogs AND p515 yfflséï¬IMM WV challenging position You will Ian an 60 60 used hp snowblower $165 cabinet oak dining room table oak KA lclephone 436 t9l3 Sam toSpmMon dresser and chest at drawers 54 inch be paid an excellent salary for your special skills Call OFFICE OVERLOAD Mrs Culhbertson 7264133 After pm DO SOMETHING NFW phone Rendezvous Dating Ltd 45316 Brampton ll aln pm All ages 50 YEAR OLD Widow who enloys danc Inc Is looking lor male companion at same age Please reply to Box 596 do Barrie Examiner Gall FIMBAY brass bed two and three piece bedroom suites wash stands butternut corner cupboard plne ttat backs blanket boxes etc Plne Rlver Antiques 76 King St Angus 4245473 evenings and week ends EDGEHILL AQUARIA Aquariums llrh plants all accessories price HJArdagh Rd 7260094 Lowest COMBINATION Radio and Record Player Console Model AMFM route and stereo Electrohome 60 Phone 728 2860 DKRRTEPOODLE SiionShimoooino and cllpplng at all breeds Sophla Street East 72605 014 Bank Of Montreal