it we TORONTO ii HAMILTON llAudubon Wildlife 12 The Barrie Examiner Monday December 13 1976 amigos at BUFFALO 3BARRIE BUFFALO TORONTO mm 12 PETERBOROUGII BARRIE CABLE 22 GlOBAl 000 Book II 247111222News MONDAY EVENING 2345491112News MHZRhoda 1120 IMovie The Girl Who 9Waltons scanNews gnï¬w Too Much 7lgovie Victory At 1130 ours ntchbe 9Definition 330 22 ES 0pm 630 211Bob Hoï¬e Special 2Johnny Carson 22Ad8m12 34512Phy is 4Movie The Family 2479News 900 Nobody Wanted 11 Party Game +22Maude 7Movie Love l2Bamlta 8512Front Page American Style 100 challenge iILarry Solway 220dd Louple 9Pig and Whistle 1135 2Bowlms For Dollars 930 590 Minutes Live 4Concentrati0ii zzAlls Fair 1150 sThis Monday 3512All in the Family 12Movie Ride Clear of 9Good Times 90ne Day At Time Dinblo 7To Tell The Truth i000 1200 11Littie House on the aNews 22Movie Remains To Prairie 21lPerry Como Special Be 7110 aolzNews Magazine Seen 22 Banacck 4Executive Suite 3Movie Roberry Under 2Hoilywood Squares 9Streets of San Fran Arms xviSEPIKLS Spares cisco 9Ironside isses 10530 7$123000 Question 3512Man Alive ligooMHv mm l2T0p Secret Life of Edgar Briggs 1100 22Mary Hartman Mary ZTomorrow 9Movie Diamond 800 Hartman 2littlo hummer Dov Head TUESDAY AFTERNOON 1200 130 400 2Grand Slam 2Movie Little Women Leave It To Beaver ilkgiysgf Em Ballet 47vNeus or m5 3Moira Hunt Boh McLean ycomnaï¬on Uncle Bobby Show 7Family Feud Sum 4Merv Griffin 5Its Your Choice 9Joyce Davidson Show 22News 7Coinmzuider 127 Noondiiy Report 300m or he Money TomMonsters Show 1220 9Star Trek 12larm News 9Man flame 11Young and The Wm 512All in the Family Restles ZZOpposite Sexa tong Show 7flo 000 mid 12Hynd5ighl 3Nevs 225 zMonkoes Seath or Tomorrovt 3News 430 7llAll My Children QviFlintstones 30 2Doclors 3512Electric Company 7Mike Douglas Elgar lame 3512Eds0 oI Night Movie The lialf 22Guiding Light 500 igan an In llreed aï¬gOne Life To Live gwgmergemy 29Another World 344 gQfggigétn 3512Take30 lgFEmtmndeTv 100 4Aii in the Familv me uc 4ross Wits 57Ryans Hope 9Dick Van Dyke tlEnjoy Being Beautiful 12 Mnrcus Weltiy 22 anadian Cavalcade he Around The Black World 315 2130 nvBonnie Pruddei 7ll General III spital 35I2v7 elebrity Cooks 4Malch Game 22Pink Panther EwLitlle Rascals l5 ZZmLittle Rascals 530 SATEarly Edition tAdamlz 5l2 Room 222 11Hot Hands 22Hogans Heroes TUESDAY EVENING 500 800 2+Tll22News Oral Roberts ilConcontration Iiippet Show 97 Bobby Vinton To tell The Truth 930 730 miien Campbell Special Muppet Show 1000 Wollman Jack flfews mini 5mm 2Police Story 49Switch in Water yiil Icy SSturs on Ice llnuntry Way 12 iac Keno 1030 1100 22 Mary liartm Hartman zzBaa Baa Black Sheep 2Oral Roberts Christ 345127MASH John Denver Special 9Dcan Vlaitin Special llJohn Davidson Special 35A12Fifth Estate 4One Day At Time 7Barbara Walters ll Ielehrity Secrets 35lt12Ilariiey Miller 234579 12 News ll 20 Lhristmas Dream 23 Bream lealtglzwNews 2i Hours aPPY DalVb 9g Dmnmon FMovie Tom Sawyer 22 535319 Opposm 12 Evenmg Report Cil Year Without Stina 2Johnnv aison 550 aus 4v Koiak 3244mm 9Bionic Woman 2+7 News llln Concert Pilggnfï¬ï¬‚mdn MI 11 thirtyGame 30 llLarry Solway 12 wt Larlies Angels 3542ng Il35 700 Kensmgmn 5790 Minutes Live 22 dd ouisle $00 1150 2rrliiiiitnig For Dollars 93s 37 Jane Goodall 2Pohce woman ogIOl Lromwell 224Muvic The Split 37Movic IThe Lonely Mani 7Movie Jouniey into Midnight 9Ir0nside ll Mcrv Grittiii 1230 Movie The Hound of the BaskcrvillcsI 100 2Tomorruw Movie Walk On The Wild Side an Mury THE DOCTOR SAYS Even abstainers have rosacea By GC TIIOSTESON MD Dear Dr Thosteson have had rosacea for three years and have become very discouraged My dermatologist is giving me an antibiotic This clears up the acne but my face still becomes flushed and burns am 50 and dont drink alcoholic bever ages try to eat balanced diet Can you help Are the ner ves involved in any way Mrs BR Rosacea roseAYshuh is flushing of the face chiefly the nose which in some can be come enlarged This gives rise to the less elegant term to de scribe it rum nose Although chronic use of alcohol can pro duce it in some the condition is found as often in abstainers like yourself In rosacea the tiny blood ves sels ot the face dilate expand to cause the flushing The prin cipal cause is reaction in the stomach or gullet to certain substanceschiefly coffee tea chocolate nuts and of course alcohol The cause of the dila tion is thought to be reflex ac tion set off by irritation from such substances Acnelike blemishes occur be cause of the frequency of the chronic flushing which inter feres with skin glands Another term for it in fact is acne ro saeea It takes time and patience to track down the underlying cause Often hot or spicy foods can create the flushing as can exposure of the face to heat and sun The best thing you can do be sides trying to track down an offending food is to avoid any situation that can cause dilation of the vessels Astringents or coldwater washing of the face can help reduce it The rosaceatype acne is usually milder form and can be treated effectively as was yours Nerves can play role It is found often in excitable people the flushing becoming notice able during periods of ex citement While the chief victims seem to be middleaged women it can occur in younger folks In women menopause may play role Hormone treatment may benefit them If the constant blood vessel dilation causes unsightly veins to ap arthey can be removed by rying them with elec troeoagulation an effective procedure your dermatologist can explain to you Dear Dr Thosteson Can you please tell me why have to sneeze maybe dozen times be fore breakfast and during breakfast my nose runs stream Then it clears up for while until midevening Then get another sneezing spell LBI Sneezing bouts of this kind al most always indicate an allergy or some form of mem brane irritation have known this to be matter of sunlight exposure The brightness of the day could initiate an eyenose reflex But this would not ex plain your sneezing in the evening thin flow which you seem to have indicates an allergy An infection produces thicker rather yellowish substance bit of detective work might bear results You can begin by seeking sources in your kit rchen perhapscoffee or coffee odor something you may en counter only at these particular times of the day If that is ruled out as cause there is whole houseful of other off cnders Looking for the source of an allergy as Ive mentioned here before can be long some times fruitless task Good luck Dear Dr Thosteson Is putting alcohol on the face bad to remove dirt washed my face then used the alcohol and found there had been lot of dirt there apparently the or dinary washing didnt get offRB Alcohol is pretty rough facial cleanser and dont rec ommend it Normal washing and rinsing should clean any face adequately Keep it up your alcohol and you may end up with clean face but also with roughened dry skin Dear Dr Thosteson have lupus Can you please let me know of any foundation that gives information on this sub jectSW Since recent article of mine on this subject appeared have had numerous requests like yours understand there are efforts underway to con solidate major lupus groups across the country For in formation about the disease you can write to the Lupus Erythematosus Foundation Inc 95 Madison Ave Suite 1402 New York NY 10016 Contract TORONTO CP Cooper Beesemer Canada Ltd of To ronto said it has won $24mil lion contract to supply pipeline pumping machinery in the con struction of an 800mile natural gas pipeline in the Soviet Union The $165miliion gipeline project was negotiated consortium headed by RollsRoyce of England Bernice Bede Osol Your Birthday Doc 13 1978 Friends will be Instrumental this year in creating conditions con ducive to your material success Dont let them down by mediocre performance For Tuesday Dec 14 1976 ARIES March 21April 19 Youresomewhat lucky today despite the fact you failed to use the best methods available for your purpose You may not be so fortunate next time TAURUS April 20May 20 You must draw very fine line between your business and social activities today Above all avoid trying to turn gala time into profit GEMINI May 21June 20 Your hunches today are likely to have more validity than the analysis of one with sophisticated data at hand Heed your intuitions CANCER June 21July 22 it youre torn today between responsibility and what youd really like to do look for happy medium You wont be at ease taking either extreme LEO July 23Aug 22 Continue to play it close to the vest finan cially today Even though con ditions have improved youll be dissatisfied if youre too flam boyant VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Its best to trade on past experience today and operate in areas where youre safe and comIOr table Sharks lurk in uncharted waters LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Per sons youre close to are apt to be more generous with you than you are with them today Be giver as well as taker SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Continue to keep close eye on expenses related to happy time activities Recall the best things in life frequently ARE free SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Give credit where credit is due Taking bows for another guys efforts is the mark of chump not champ CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Dont assume others hold all the top cards and you must knuckle under in important decisions to day Playing your hand right can trump their aces AQUARIUS Jan 21Fob 19 if you base your expectations on faulty values youre likely to be disappointed Dont feel you have more coming than youre entitled to PISCES Feb 20March 20 Chances are that someone im portant to your cause will treat you in an overbearing manner today Win them over Respond quietly with humor and dignity Your Birthday Dec 14 1976 Be alert for bigger breaks this year In your work or career Dont fear preparing yourself for the top spot even though its several rungs up the ladder WINTIIROP oiqlsmua raucous hi on 7373880 BORN lOSER BUGS BUNNY WINTHROP YOUR MOTHR 560 TO CZMKE HOME TH15 INLIIE NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St THE MAJOR CLAIMS OUVE SEND US ALREADY COLLECTED 50MB MONEY FOR NEEDY KIDï¬ JAKE PREDICT THE Fl BENEFIT WILL BE FAT BALD AND 50 RST KID T0 Pollys I5 P05TCARD JAKE AFTER THIS RIPOFF YOULL FINALLY BE ABLE TO AFFORD PLUEH REEORT ThEï¬E FLA£5 mAND 5TAMP CAN ALWAYs COUNT 0N TTAHE THE BAIT THIS IS GONNA BE Hi9 PLAN 1113 Pollys Pointers Ashes and butter lift water rings roblem DEAR POLLY Please tell me how to remove water ring from piece of fine furniture This was made by careless watering of plant know you have had in structions for this but did not have the foresight to clip them MRS DEAR MRS There are many remedies for this but remember that with most of them hard rubbing with the grain of the wood is just about as important as what is used My favorite is to make paste with salad or mineral oil Apply and rub vigorously until white mark disappears and then wipe off and polish as usual For less strenuous job you could try few drops of ammonia on damp cloth and rub LIGHTLY Always rub dry with clean cloth Petroleum jelly rubbed in and left over night and then rubbed off will usually do the trick too OLLY DEAR POLLY Maudie wrote that she had trouble remov ing marks left by basting threads suggest that she tries steam pressing using cloth dampened with white vinegar That seems to close these pores Hope this helps her CAROLYN DEAR POLLY am past the age for climbing step ladder to clean the outside of my windows so purchased sponge mop the kind sold for cleaning kitchen floor and keep it just for washing windows use long squeegee on stick to remove the water This method is easy quick and above all SAFE for Grandma MRS GMR DEAR POLLY feel it is my time to share few things with the other readers My husband was trying to put final coating on some desk legs had refinished and found that tying them on the clothesline the long bolts were tied to the line made it possi ble to do all sides easily and it was also great way for them to dry My washing machine calls for one halfcup fabric softener in the automatic dispenser but have found that buying good quality fabric softener and diluting it with one part softener to three parts water in plastic gallon jug makes the fabric softener go so much further am saved having to dilute it for each wash load BARBARA DEAR POLLY Put plastic gummed tape over the large holes in salt shaker when you go to fill it When the shaker is full remove the tape and there is no mess great way to keep scraps of leftover fabric neat and un wrinkled is to save cardboard rolls out of gift wrapping paper and roll such pieces around them Secure the ends with piece of tape The rolls also save on space ANNA TELL HER HE 5ND HELL Hi IHEKE MY NAME is 16 AND THis HERE 15 MY WIFE L00 VISIT YOUR NEW DOWNTOWN IFI CANT SPELL THE WORDS IN THE FIRST PLACE SAW YER CAR TH DRIVEWAY so KNEW YA WERE As STATIONERY STORE 0059 6H5 exrw ME TO FIND EM IN THE DICTIONARH Olabrim In in ii Ii IN GUESS THERES NO POINT iN KIN HOW YA Itihli erliltulil in in ii in ll SKIIN VACATION lt 12 NORTH 76 VKII OQJ1082 4K94 WEST AKQIOB VJIOB 076 4185 EAST 953 9Q962 9A43 10 SOUTH NorthSouth vulnerable West North East South 1N Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald James Jacoby Jim South lets West hold the first trick with the king of spades This simple duck play insures his contract since West is now helpless If West continues spades South will have two spade tricks If West shifts to another suit as he probably will South has only one spade trick but he will have time to knock out the ace of diamonds and to collect four diamond tricks in addi tion to the ace of spades and the aces and kings of hearts and clubs Rates cut NEW YORK AP Two of the biggest commercial banks in the United States cut their prime lending rates Friday Morgan Guaranty Trust Co the sixth largest US bank cut its rate to per cent from 614 while No 2ranked Citibank le duced its rate to 614 per cent from 62 WIN AT BRIDGE Bath coup cleans up contract 30 Oswald This simple duck play has name It is called the Bath coup because hack in the days of whist someone playing in the seaside resort of Bath in England first thought of it Jim imagine it was very effective play in whist when there was no bidding and no dummy It still can be most effective play in con tract Oswald Yes indeed In two ways The first way is that declarer gains trick when the suit is continued The second is that there are times when declarer simply ducks with the ace but without the jack There is always chance that he will think you have the jack and shift to another suit Ask iihodflygob An Oregon reader wants to know the correct opening bid as declarer when you hold AAKQJxvaxx Qxxxaix The correct opening bid in all standard type systems is one spade There is no reason to open anything else and pass is ridiculous For copy of JACOBY MODERN send $1 to Win at Bridge co this newspaper PO Bet 489 Radio City StationNew York 10919 Savings up TORONTO CP The over age personal savings deposit at Canadian chartered banks now is $1662 up from $1559 year ago the Canadian Bankers As sociation has reported It said there are almost 22 million per sonal savings accounts con taining more than $36 billion FUNNY BUSINESS EVER SEEN ANDY CAPP KERRY DRAKE WIZARD OF ID ENJCNED YER IA11 50025 is pcoaeaty ONE OF THE MOsr SEERE CASES OF MlmPHOBlA 106 Dr Shore has followed his son and JJ to the river where he has lost their trail In the water HEARDA NOISEII THEYRE AROUND Wiris ngemrwigaigiuiauwxgg gayr it via oAmrognosswono ACROSS eat or Answer to Previous Puzzle bureau abbr 42 009 self oint 43 Indifferent British county comp mi Extrasensory 44 Quaint perception 46 Clevcrness abbr 48 Brandish 12 Have meal 51 Math symbol 13 Constellation 55 Water Fr I4 Scull 56 Stole 15 Lighted 60 Audience 18 Start 61 Supeijative 17 Compass suffix point 62 Oriental 18 Frozen rain nation 11 President 45 Kneehole and 20 Makes simpler 63 Compass 22 Compass point abbr rollt0p II point 64 Greek letter Exsmflce 47 Dental filling 24 Work unit 65 Mangy Lat 48 Vawmg 25 Seths son 66 Vast expanse GIOW Old 28 Snaky letter 23 Hoed welg t° 30 City in DOWN 24 In trust India Oklahoma 25 Smallsword 49 Cut in small 34 Hawaiian Skinny fish 26 Catches pieces goddess Cruise 27 Cheers Sp 50 Ca 35 And so on Diminutive 29 Womanless 52 wds Lat suffix party Stinging abbr British people 31 Roman tyrant 056015 36 Prior to Biddy 32 lxia 53 Traffic routew 37 Summer Fr Belonging to 33 1900s art 54 Land measure 38 Womens the thing style 57 Hand patriotic Feel regret 39 Is Sp society abbr Ethereal salt 41 Astronauts eme 39 Greenlands Ages all right 53 Have beng colonizer 10 Sensible comp wd 59 Connect to co Weredoing everything to encourage them to have children You might call it our planned grandparenthuod program SHES VERY NICE LASS MIND YOU SHES NOT MUCH To LooK AT SOWHATSHE assures or THE TIME OHT SHE mart1 cm SEE 55M HE CANI 555 HIM CAN SEE ISOR HEAR us wri THE ROAR or me WAIER BUT DONT TAKE ANY CHANCES LET HIM co ICI this Christmas Rockwell 24 for Him 24MS for Her OFFICE OUTFITTERS TIME Foil 055 OF MEMORY Barrie Plaza 737020l FORGOT DIDNWII It IMO50 OWN CADILLAC Times l2l5