EXAMINER TELEPHONES Circulation 7266539 Classified Advertising 728204 All OtherDepartmenls 7766587 31h YearNo 290 OTTAWA CP Prime Min ister Trudeau and the 10 provin cial premiers gathered here to day for another round in their drawnout fight over shared cost arrangements for social welfare programs This twoday meeting picks up from the failure that the fed eral and provincial finance ministers left behind them af ter meeting here at the start of last week And several premiers com menting after preconference meeting Sunday night said they will support the united stand their finance ministers presented to Ottawa last week gt gt AI flngsmmgngmmï¬hï¬aWan9fvJm if That meeting left Ottawa and the provinces deeply split over some taxsharing powers but resulted in unif ing the provin ces in their con emnation of the federal governments stubborn ness The provinces united front won disapproval from ed eral Finance Minister Donald Macdonald who said it aided the cause of Quebec separa tism FOCUS ON QUEBEC Just as the finance ministers meeting was dominated by the presence of members of QueL becs recentlyelected separatist government so this one is expected to focus on the Baby is slowly leaving bubble after 13 months TUCSON AP An Arizona child encased in protective bubble since birth gradually is being exposed to world con taining germs which months ago would have killed her The 13monthold girl was born without thymus gland in the neck which helps in the development of an immunity system Even common germs were dangerous to the child identified only as Penny Common infections took the lives of two other children in her family with the same condi tion Doctors who delivered Penny recognized her problem at birth and immediately transferred her to germproof room at the University of Arizona Hospital Her parents could only watch through the glass doors of the plasticcovered room while the nurses who tended the child worked in special gloves built into the bubble About 70 of 35 million babies are born with this condition Only eight others have under gone the treatment It was developed by Dr Rich ard Hong professor of pediat rics and microbiology at the University of Wisconsin Medical Centre He grew thymus tissue in laboratory then mixed it into fluid for in jection into the patients stomach area Somehow the tissue ac tivates the bodys immunity system Dr James Jones University of Arizona pediatrician injected the fluid and doctors have watched Pen ny improve to the point where her parents have been allowed to hold her She is expected to go home in January Shipping traffic moving smoothly SAULT STE MARIE Mich AP Shipping traffic was moving smoothly Sunday after the 716foot Cliffs Victory was freed from the shoals of the St Mary River during the week end The Cliffs Victory went aground Thursday and caused about 60 ships to back up at the locksthe worst shipping jam on the river in half century The coast guard said by Sun day evening all upbound boats had cleared the locks and 17 vessels awaited downbound passage in Whitefish Bay Three cutters were clearing the ice out of several turns au thorities said and other ships stuck in the ice had been freed The Cliffs Victory owned by Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co was moved off the underwater shoal by three tugs and an icebreaker after part of its 13000ton cargo of taconite pellets was removed The ship then went to the deeper waters of Lake Munus cong about 20 miles south of Sault Ste Marie where the cargo was reloaded However the ship received rudder dam age in the grounding and was forced to await repairs in Lake Munuscong The boats hull was dented but not punctured Cleveland Cliffs spokesman said None of the 28 crew members was in jured The last such tieup on the river came in 1926 when sud den ice shift trapped 100 boars in the river for several days Six oceangoing freighters rushed to clear the the St Law rence seaway before it closes for the winter Dec18 were among vessels tied up by the jam Ii The Fall Fair Queen of Cookstown and Santa Claus were two stars of the Saturday afternoon Christ mas parade in Cookstown first meeting of Quebec Premier Rene Levesque and Mr Trudeau Mr Levesque is scheduled to address the meeting at the start reasserting his govern ments intention to withdraw from Confederation Still to be decided at the con ference opening was whether to make the proceedings public It was to be closed meeting but some members of the Ottawa Parliamentary Press Gallery planned sitin to protest meet ing behind closed doors Alberta Premier Peter Loug heed said Sunday night he would act as the premiers spokesman at the start the conference He said he did not know what may happen if Ot tawa again rejects the prov inces proposals Mr Levesque said only that Quebec supports the united po sition the provinces have taken in demanding more taxraising power As for amending that position it depends upon whether Mr Macdonald has new figures to present to the meeting he said Saskatchewan Premier Allan Blakeney said he is optimistic some solution to the federal provincial differences can be found The issue on money has just got to be settled Mr Blakeney said because the provinces must soon start plan ning their spring budgets This meeting is already partvictory for Mr Levesque because he forced Mr Trudeau to change its format from one dealing with the constitution to session on the division of tax ing and spending powers SEEKS CHANGE Ottawa originally drew the provinces into these national programs and now it wants to change the terms for financing them in way that Mr Trudeau has previously described as The flame Examiner The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Canada Monday December 13 I976 TrudeauLevesque confrontation at conference new form of federalism Basically Ottawa wants to scrap current dollarmatching arrangements for these social welfare programs replacing its share of contributions with mix of cash grants and more taxraising power for the provinces The provinces have basically accepted this principle in united proposal made last week to Mr Macdonald by Alberta Treasurer Merv Leitch Mr Leitch called the prov inces common stand an event of historical significance But that conference founv dered over another provincial proposal to transfer additional taxing power worth about $860 million to the provinces to com pensate for the expiry of sys tem of tax transfers called rev enue guarantees This is the key issue for to days talks The guarantee payments were started as temporary program in 1972 to make up for revenues lost by provinces that adopted federally initiated tax reforms into their own tax sys tems It is to expire March 31 LAIM WINDFALL The provinces claim that end ing the payments means bil liondollar windfall for Ot tawa but an additional burden for the provinces that will force them to raise provincial tax rates Saskatchewan an nounced last week it is raising provincial taxes on Jan in an ticipation of the end of revenue guarantees Mr Macdonald says the prov inces demands for more tax power to compensate for the guarantees are too rich They might prevent Ottawa from reducing federal tax rates or bringing in new spen ding programs The provinces should have adjusted their tax rates during the last five years he said muu Pages STARS OF COOKSTOWN PARADE Louise Harvey bundled up against the cold waved to the crowd in her open convertible in the parade while Santa chose to above below for town at the rade Exami lli INTO 16000 cases of Metropolitan taken off the sit atop town fire truck is entrance into end of the pa ner Photos Find glass in bottles TP About ocaIola were shelves of Toronto stores Saturday because bottles in some of the cases might contain dustlikeglass particles llalc Street ocaYola Catholics forbidden to use sterilization VATICAN CITY AP the Congregation for the Sterilization to prevent Doctrine of the Faith The regnancy is absolutely statement was dated March 13 orbidden for Roman Ca 1975 but was only officially tholics even in cases where releasedSaturday pregnancy would result in It came in response to questions from the Conference of North American Bishops about the permissibility of preventive therapeutic abortions physical or psychic evil the Vatican said in statement issued Saturday The condemnation came in twopage document issued by CAPSULE NE WS Australians revalue dollar SYDNEY Australia Reuter The Australian government revalued its currency upwards against the US dollar today for the second time since record 175percent devaluation two weeks ago The Labor opposition party accused the government of incompetence Group wants 15 freed MADRID AP An obscure ultraleftist group has demanded that 15 political prisoners be flown to freedom in Algeria in exchange for the release of kidnapped adviser to King Juan Carlos Socialist party leading LISBON AP Portugals governing Socialist party led today in early returns from nationwide local elections viewed as referendum on Premier Mario Soaress government Smith returns home today GENEVA AP Prime Minister Ian Smith returned home to Rhodesia again today after rejecting new British proposals for the transfer of power to his countrys black majority Unwilling to meet PLO NEW YORK Reuter Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin has restated his countrys unwillingness to meet directly with representatives of the Palestinian Liberation Organizatiom PLO at reconvened Geneva Middle East peace conference Newsweek magazine reports Uranium shipment held WASHINGTON AP The Ford administration is withholding an overdue shipment of uranium until India agrees to return its entire stockpile of spent nuclear fuel Rabies vaccine heralde as major break through CHICAGO AP new vaccine roduced in France is major reakthrough in the treatment of humans exposed to rabies from the bite of an infected animal Philadelphia physician reports The number of shots has been reduced to about half that re quired with existing vaccines says Dr Hilary Koprowski And the new vaccine pro duces almost no side effects Dr Koprowski described the vaccine in the Dec 13 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association published in Chicago The vaccine was produced by the Institut Merieux in Lyon France and was tested on 45 persons in rural areas of northeastern Iran who were bitten by six rabid dogs and two rabid wolves between June 1975 and January 1976 The vaccine was produced in cultures of human cells Previous vaccines were derived from animals and 14 to 21 injections were required However these animal vac cines have not been totally effective and have resulted in some side effects including paralysis and even death Six injections of the new vaccine were given along with one of rabies serum derived from mules director of corporate relations said Saturday routine check Thursday by provincial health inspection branch officials discovered that up to 144 26 ounce bottles being delivered to stores might contain minute particles of glass He said the company re ceived notice of suspect substances in the bottles Friday night and company employees spent Saturday collecting the bottles Carter picks Blumenthal to fill role ATLANTA Ga AP Mi chael Blumenthal specialist in international economics who served in the Johnson and Ken nedy administrations is Presi dentelect Carters choice to be treasury secretary sources close to fartcr say Carter also was said to be almost certain to name Jane Tahill Pfcilfer former vice prcsident of IBM Corp as com merce secretary The presidentelect holds fur ther meetings here today with other cabinet prospects and his aides say he will announce two and perhaps three cabinetlevel nominees this week arter previously announced he was naming yrus Vance Wall Street lawyer to be state secretary and Thomas Lance an Atlanta banker to be his budget director In keeping with our efforts to trim the defence budget all personnel will dispense with the use of paper clip for each pagal KISSINGER HQMEIQ STAY WASlllNilN AP diplomatic era is at an end All ter travelling some 501000 miles to 57 countries as IRS state secretary Henry Kissinger is home to stay There are no more foreign trips he said as he Sui day from London alter explor ing with British officials for ways to form transition gov ernment in Rhodesia Kissinger aboard his planc seemed at ease in grey sweater bluc slacks and black travelling slippers Ordering champagne for the dozen rcportcrs aboard he had diet soft drink for him self lluring his 39 months as state secretary the champagne had became custom on the last legs of Kissingcrs trips as he flew abroadw to the Middle East to separate Israel and the Arabs to the Kremlin and Po king for negotiations to coun tries ranging from Afghanistan to Zambia There were no special touches this last time aboard US Air Force 86970 Kissingers fourrengine jct although few more personal photographs than usual were taken WELCOMIII HACK At Andrews Air lorcc Base outside Washington about two dozen staff aides their wives and children stood in drizzle to welcome him back for the last time Kissinger made no state ments At the start of the six day final trip to Brussels and London he even retired the senior official who always trav elhd with llllll and briefed the priss under ground rules that requich the briclcr be idtnli lll only as scniorofficial Villa than six weeks in of ficc Km ingtr was lowering his profile going into dc oniprcssion stage llc lid not want to appear to be ovcr shadow ing his successor yrus ancc get to pick lli artist Kis singer remarked during the trip about the portrait of him that will hang with those of Dean Aclicson John Foster Dulles and others in the state depart ment 1in Vance decides which corridor it goes he said illl ll Kissinger llllllkS he is still young enough at 53 to come back to government in some fu ture Republican ad ministration would likc to point out he told the NATO foreign ministers at farewell session Friday in Brussels that at the end of the Mondale administration will only bciia years old This was wry reference to the possibility that iinmy ar ter will serve eight years in the White House and that Vicc Ircsulcntullct Walter Mon diilt llicn Will be elected prcsidcnl for Wu lcriiis There is almost no chance of him being special envoy to the Middle luast tor peace in the region is job for the president and the state secretary And they dont need him to wrap up nuclear weapons treaty because there arc others who cando ll No decision yet in Delaney case No decision has been handed down in the Supreme ourt of Ontario hearing bctwccn Delaney Boat Lines and the city of Barrie The Hearing ran six days in Barrie going over into an unusual Saturday hearing when arguments were finished Mr Justice Henry will be giving written decision on the case Delancy Boat Lines took the city to court over lands expropriated by the city in 1971 to widen Lakcshore ltoad at the base of Hayfield Street wes terly to Maple Avenue extended Delaney lawyer Hilliard happell said owner Dean Arbuthnot had suffered exemplary damages because the city would not coopcratc with him He also charged the city with trespassing while dropping an earlier charge of lack of access halfway through thehearing Mr Arbuthnot said he wanted the city to widen the road with the expropiratcd land and re moved cars parked in front of the property provide access to the land he has left on the waterfront He said he had plans for marina that could bring him an estimated income of $05500 this year The city maintained throughout the week it had never been told Mr Arbuthnot could not get to his land and said his complaints had no basis Mr Chappcll has asked the judge to grant Mr Arbuthnot exemplary damages and to order the city to use the expropriated land fdr road widening llc charged trcs gassing because the city used uildings on the land after expropriation The land was cxpropriatcd in 1968 and taken into the citys ssession Nov 1971 In arch 1973 the city and Mr Arbuthnot agreed to have the city use the land and have Mr Arbuthnot tree of paying taxes He ended the agreement in March 1970 after complaining the fence the city put up for security nitasurcs blocked access to his lands onlusion over cases now in dinsional courts over the Siilllt lil and issue almost resulted in trial iijoiiiniiiciit early in the week but Mr Justice llcnry decided to go ahead with the case OMB HEARING IS ON AGAIN The annexation road show is back in town for yet another run The Ontario Municipal Board resumed this morning its hearing into Barries application to annex 20000 acres from adjoining townships following oneweek recess The hearing now in its let day is scheduled to continue through Dec except for Saturday and Sunday and again Jan 310 After that half dozen of the numerous lawyers involved are expected to be tied up in threemonth hearing in Toronto Harrie apllied originally to annex 13500 acres from Innisfil Township 4600 acres from Vespra Township and 2100 acres from ro Township Since the hearing began Oct 23 the city announced it no longer wants the Oro lands though the application remains technically unchanged Purpose of the proposal is to provide enough land for projected population of 125000 in the year 2011 Current city population is about 34000 All three townships and Simcoe County council are opposing the application and the county has made counterproposal which would give the city 1700 acres in Innisfil to take CIR of industrial needs until 1986 The hearing resumed today with population consultant finii Macunovich witness forthe county facing crossw éiilAil by supporters of the annexation bid Mrs Macunovich testified during the previous session the citys population in 2011 is likely to fall short of the 125000 level by some 50000 The hearing begins at 10 am daily at the Anny Navy and Air Force Club on George Street and is open to the public Heritage Canada chief is association speaker Preservation of old buildings particularly downtown areas will be the subject Tuesday at pm when Hob Phillips speaks at Simcoe County Historical Association meeting at the Sim Coc ounty Museum Mr Phillips executive direc tor and founder of Heritage anada has been assistant secretary to the cabinet de fence committee director of northern administration in the department of northern affiars director of the War on Poverty and deputy director general of Information Canada He is author of Canadas North anadzis Railways history of the Parliament buildings east block and several other works lie and his wife Mary Anne have collected Tanadiana in cluding five early 19th century log buildings now furnished in the Confederation period BOB PHILLIPS WOMAN DIES IN COLLISION loronto woman was killed and her husband injured in twocar collision on Highway 90 at Tiffin Street Saturday afternoon Sharon Patricia Mercier 21 was killed when the car she was travelling in turned onto Highway 90 and collided with an eastbound car driven by Steven Takacs 42 of Utopia at 223 pm Neil Mercier also 21 was taken from the scene to Barries Royal Victoria Hospital where he is listed in sat isfactory condition Barrie OPP Constable Les Brown investigated Examiner Photo