The Barrie Examiner Tuesday December 1976 TWO LIFE memberships were given out Thursday night at the annual meeting of the Barrie Horticultural Society at Codrington Public School In picture at left president Ian Cuthbertson centre presented an award to Earl Kellough left and posthumous award to Lorne Pierre who received the award after the death of his wife Pictured at right Hildreth Morren introduced guest speaker Edna Theo dore who showed slides of the Holy Land George Pearsall incoming president stands at right Examiner Photo Membership 2056 in local society An average of 30 people took part in 25 tours made by the Barrie Horticultural Society during the past year One was threeday tour to Montreal and Ottawa and another fourday tour through parts of the US It was announced at the anual meeting at Codrington School there have been 12 executive meetings and two flower shows convened by Jean Sanderson and Jean Gable Helen Smith convened flower show with musical entertainment Dr John Powell was guest speaker at the annual banquet held in October This years membership drive was successful with membership standing now at 2056 members Membership chairman Wy inan Jacques was praised along with Austin McKnight John Smith Grace rser and Russell Turner for making the Barrie society among the larger societiesintmtario Alma Furzecott was chair man of the bake sale and Anne Huitema was chairman for two plant sales Helen Smith and Isobel McBride were conveners of the geranium bridge and Grace Orser Thelma Synnott and Edna Wiggins raised $4269 in the Country Fair ACCEPTS TROPHY Norm Synnott accepted the Bowel touiid Tll her tempting at the oar sale pJ on Thursday hj the Crown Hill Lriited Church Women at the church large crowd came out to the event held at the Helen and Earl ox Trophy for District 16 for the arboretum Members are requesting Win tario grant to help cover costs of extending water lines Three special displays were put up for the opening of the Georgian Theatre season the Simcoe County Museum Fess tival of Flowers and the Georgian Guild Antique Show The society also placed display in the Toronto Garden Club Flower show of pictures of the society events The society is sponsoring series of horticultural talks and dem0nstrations on able television Tuesday nights at 730 The society is also assisting the Barrie Public Library to get greenery into the library The board donated $100 for proper plants and containers Nine delegates attended the district 16 convention in Parry Sound Five attended the tario Horticultural Association convention in Waterloo Four attended seminar in Beeton George Pearsall was elected president Hay Bishop first vicepresident Harold Staf ford second vicepresident Bruce Murray treasurer Jean Gable secretary and Marion McCorkindale assistant trea surer church President Viola lurk was conericr assisted by Bernice Hicklirig Hazel Morgan Mabel Durisiriore and Mae IJriiry Exairiincr Photo Chief rangers post goes to James Cornish James Tornish was elected chief ranger for 197778 recently when the officers court of Kempenfclt 1337 Independent Order of Foresters held its in stallation meeting Lorne Wass is past chief ranger Donna Cornish court deputy Victor Greaves vice chief ranger Darlene Greaves recording secretary Joan White financial secretary Betty fraggs treasurer Leo Bittman orator Lorne Wass promoter of fraternal works Ken fraggs promoter of finan INTRODUCTORY OFFER SAVE CARPET CLEANING SPECIAL With both ri iIuytimu ovuning 25 How IrriIunminully shampoon and steam cleaned carpets You run In proud of this holiday season at price you can 0150 Wu rim Iiilly handed Insured and can provide you SOUTHERN CARPET CLEANING 7289881 cial works Mike White organist Lorraine Burbidgo senior woodward Teena Itassani junior woodward Mike White senior beatle Ken Craggs junior beatlc Trustees are Lorraine Bur bidgc and Leo Bittman Donna Cornish and Vic Greaves are on the finance committee Elections were conducted by high chief ranger Jack Iweddle and high councillors Itoy Smith and Jack Cosscy from the high court of Central Ontario service this Christmas days only Its Christmas and he deserves the best Put this gift idea at the top of your list cardigan thats fashionright and priced right too Just in time for Christmas giftgivmg Desrgned for good looks and tailored for com fort Body and sleeves are Courtelle acrylic double knit Front panels are soft suede leather With stitched dia mond deSIgn Styling extras include suedetrimmed pockets and leather look buttons Dry clean only Size 36 tits 3436 40 this 3840 44 his 4244 and 46 fits 4546l Camel Dark Brown 0r Navy 336 218 017 99 Simpsonsfsears Ltd Soon Barrio Georgian Mall 509 Boyfield St WASHED TEETH PEOPLE AND PLACES emanates DRIEDFLOWERS Mrs Joan Badertscher will demonstrate the art of dried flower arrangements Wednes day at 930 at the monthly meeting of the Christian and aquarium accessories and sale of books games and other gift items Wednesday at pm in the Barrie Central Col legiate cafeteria Refresh ments will be served Essex town are trying to locate customer who forgot his false teeth in one of the washing ma chines They have put notice in chemist shop next door but so far no one has come to claim Womens Club at the Embassy the choppers glllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII YS MEN The Barrie Ys Mens Club will hold its annual Christmas party Dec 10 at 730 pm at the Nottawasaga Inn Alliston ALCONA GUIDES The First Alcona Guide Troop is holding plant party tonight at 730 at Goodfellow Public School in Innisfi Township There will be sale of plants as well as guest speaker who will discuss plant care AUCTION AND SALE The Barrie Aquarium Society will sponsor an auction of fish OSTOMY SUPPLIES This is Sears best value Store hours Mon to Frl 930 930 Saturday r230 530 arge it Enjoy it now Use your All Purpose Account BREAST FORMS AND SURGICAL BRAS YEARS FITTING EXPERIENCE HARPERS PHARIUICY GARMENTS LTD SURGICAL Penetang St at St Vincent Barrie Ont 7285407 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi Shop by phone near as your phone 7264411