Ellie Earth Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited l6 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus Henshaw Managing Editor The Barrie Examiner Tuesday November 30 I976 Canadas government beyond public control Well Well The government is considering ways to impose more direct control over governmentowned companies Thats what the PM said as the government reeled under allega tions that Polymer Corp and Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd may hve been involved in bribes and payoffs Shades of Lockheed Already AuditorGeneral Macdonell has told us the govern ment is close to losing control over its $40 billion annual spending And now Trudeau mumbles some thing about the government con sidering ways for more direct con trol What kind of control would the government indeed have if it turned the mandarins losse on its own companies If we are to believe the auditor general there is precious little con trol in any case The problems of the Liberal government in dealing with our money are welldocumented One thing the opposition keyed on last week was whether the govern ment made sufficient effort to get to the bettom of the case involving Polymer since taken over by the Canada Development Corp and re named Polysar Ltd Mr Trudeau told the Commons he was advised of the issue in March 1973 letter from former auditor general Maxwell Henderson and passed it on to Charles Drury who was at the time president of the treasury board He was unable to assure the House on Friday the matter had been resolved The allegations of wrongdoing in the handling of public money are serious We wonder if the majority of Canadians would feel government that has almost lost control of the public purse and appears willing to slough off bribery and payoffs is fit to govern DOWN MEMORY LANE It YEARS AGO IN TOWN The Barrie Examiner Nov 30 1966 Royal Victoria Hospital nurses are trying to raise money that will enable Chinese girl to come to Barrie to enroll in the nursing pro gram Barrie and district swim mers are busy getting busy for the Canadian Championships held in New Westminister BC sometime in February grand jury has found the Simcoe County jail in tip top shape after long series of previous reports that condemned the institution as antique and inade quate Ken Angus won $500 in the Barrie Lions Club Grey Cup Draw Nearly 100 farmers from the Simcoe County community of La fontaine near Midland protested at Queens Park Tuesday against the Ontario Governments oil explora tion policies The sixth annual Christmas Gift Campaign spon sored by the Barrie branch of the Canadian Mental Health Associa tion is now under way Eight yearold Judy Morrow was struck by car at Sophia and Ross streets Earl Brandon disqualified as candidate for reeve of Coldwater Tuesday said today he believes some members of Simcoe County council backed the move because he advocates regional government Barrie Flyers in last place in the On tario Hockey Association Senior series have record of three wins and 12 defeats The deputy reeve contest between Gordon Caldwell and Kenneth Gillespie is raising great deal of interest in Township The woman behind changes that are sweeping Iran By IILGII IlIIIiN TEHRAN API The Em press of Iran worries about the possibility of terrorist attack on the lives of her husband and four children She also worries about the ef fects of Irans rapid modern ization on the spiritual values of her3t million subjects One tries not to think about terrorists said Empress Fa rah Diba in an exclusive inter view with The Associated Press It is nice to be fatalistic but it is impossible to live in todays world without worrying about such things In August three Lnited States technicians were shot dead on their way to work at topser cret electronic project on an air base near Tehran year ago two LTS colonels were similarly ambushed The Iranian government says there have been three assassination attemptsontheShah The pity is that terrorists and attackers take so much freedom away from everytmdy not just politicians and beads of state said the empress star ing out at the lawn wherc arr med guards moved furtivcly among the fountains and ponds The freedom to travel in an the Barrie txammrr 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 25 cents weekly $44 20 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe ounty $3400 yearly Balance of Canada $1600 year Iv National Advertising Offices 65 Queen St West Toronto tilH710 640 athcart St Mon treal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Sir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Reuter and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tising and editorial material created by its employees and reproduced in this newspaper Cogeyright Registration Num r203815register61 FARAII IIB airplane to stroll in the park to go to restaurant after dark SAW DISNEY WORLD lIer classic features melted into an incandescent smile when the conversation turned to her children Im so glad they saw Disney World before they went out of childhood she said recalling visit to Florida The Itryearold prince his Royal Highness ltcza Iablavi recently had surprise for his mother More of shock really He flew me in the Mys terc jet from one provincial town to another was ini pressed And worried lie is so like his father They have mu tual interest in flying and motor boats and automobiles And always driving them very fast The laughter of an army offi ccr who died when she was in second grade at Roman ath olic convent school Farah Iliba was leyearolit student of arr chitecture in Paris when she be came the Shahs third wife and the first to hear him son There have since been two girls and another boy She tries to give them as normal and happy childhood as court protocol and the security people will allow IIIAINIZI FOR KINOSIIII From kindergarten Reza has gone to school on the palace grounds with the same Iittie friends about 60 of them Now he has reached the age when they must realize he is the crown prince not just Reza any more It is difficult distinction to make when you are laughing and kicking football He has known from an early age that he will some day be king At he attended his first SIIII of IRAN public function birthday cele bration at the sports stadium He had to sit up straight in chair and be quiet Ilc accepts what is expected of him but he IS happiest when there are no public functions to attend want him to cry and be angry and laugh lie is very good at jokes or sohe thinks The crown prince has trav elled abroad in the last two years on official missions Ilc represented his father at the re opening of the Suez anal at tended the king of Belgiums silver jubilee and went to the soviet tnionon state visit OINTR IRxNSIOIIIII il revenues pumping $2 bil lion month into the shahs treasury have transformed Iran in less than decade from backward feudal society to the most advanced in the Mid dlcEast wonder sometimes if the changes have come too quickly for our people to absorb if the old values and customs can sur vive said the empress who with the shahs twin sister Princess Ashraf has played leading role in winning Womens rights in Iran These included the ttitit impe rial dccree granting them the vote which outraged the mul labs the powerful Moslem priesthood The new ways demonstrate the dynamic nature of our econ omy shc said gazing out on the yellow pall of smog rising from the concrete chaos of Teh rans rushhour traffic me cant help being nostal gic When was girl this was all meadows and parkland re call the big family discussion we had because wanted to learn to swim Worm Thailands tumble leaves one left By JOHN IIRI£IION Foreign Affairs Anal st Thomson News Service Thailands tumble into mili tary rule last October leaves single democratic government on the mainland of Southeast Asia namely the oni inonwealtli country of Malaysia Thailand joins the large ranks of South Korea India Vietnam ambodia and Pakistan as country ruled by authoritarian forces civilian as wcll as military The Republic of the Philip pines offshore as it were is still dcmocracy but troubled onc with press censorship and considerable restriction of lVll liberties as President Marcos battles great internal upheaval The new Thai leadership is junta of amilitary officers with the strange sounding and in stantly forgettablc names of the Thai language Shall we trv There is ten Srisuk Maliin thorathcp hes the top army man in the junta And there is ltlcn hamrai Mungklara tana his dcpiity Sec what mean The name to remember they say while in Thailand is Singlia not family name but that of Asias largest selling beer out side of perhaps Asahi and irin inlapan Singha bccr IS not only drunk like water in Thailand the lat ter to be avoidcd as much as possible by the visiting tourist but even in such big American cities as New York and los Anr gelcs Dont expect any Singha here unless you smuggle it in Ileck you cant even get Schlitz in anada unless you live near Initcd States border town and hide six pack under the rug in the back seat on the drive back to anada and arlings Anyway if you do visit Thai land cmmciitly tourist spot Insurance in can only 41 cents meal IiyBILIMacDONAIJ Sarnla Observer AYIMER nt Pi Growing up in family of 13 children probably helped Milton Scott through the Depression He says he never really knew when it started or ended lie recalls eating lard sand wiches amt says With lots of salt and pepper on it its not too bad but dont spread it too thick He remembers watching his mothcr cut up pigs heads for supper and he intends no pun when he says his family didnt eat high off thehog With this experience the 52 yearold Mormon and native of Iwamington Ont now earns his living in the preserving and storingof food He and his wife Doris operate basement business here which Mr Scott says is the 0iin firm in Canada packing dry foods for home storage They buy dehydrated fruits vegetables grains and granules of simulated tsoya beanbasch meats then repackage them in looounce tins airfree and hermetically sealed They sell any mixture by the case of six cans or in larger quantities Their specialty 12month supply for one person of dehy drated fruits vegetables grains and protein foods sells at $439 which is about 41 cents meal Mr Scott uses various slo gans to sell his family food re serve including Dry food for rainy day be shelfsufficient life insurance in can and re member what the future holds in store for you will depend great deal on what you hold in store for the future Mr Scott says he sees in creasingly hard times ahead Things are so good and hope it stays that way but if it doesnt youre going to see lot of people get disturbed Most people have never been through depression and have no idea how to grow their own food or fend for themselves be said When we stop to consider how dependent wc are on others to supply our needs there is an increasing need to utilize the principle of preparedness take the white boats plying the kloiigs or canals along the hao Ihrya river which winds through Bangkok perhaps Southeast Asias most breath takiiigcapitalcity The chances are they belong to the same family which has monopoly on Singlia beer The same family buys its hot tlcs from glass plant owned by of all outfits the Thai minis try of national defence And thereby hangs tale the one which tells you all about this country under military nilc The field marshals and generals who run this land of basically gentle people arcticd hand and glove llll industry Its hard to tell if tlicy own most of lhailands basic in dustries or if thc latter owns thcarmy The countrys largest fiiian cial institution callcd merct fully the Bangkok Bank has one serving field marshal and several generals on its board Its assets very quickly went from its first to second billion dollars onflict of interest Perhaps you cant translate the ex pression into Thai thats the language you older folks who went to school in the 30s and 40s know as Siamcsci In any case thats the kind of tight sclfccntred oligarchy the lliais must settle for because their democracy ran amok and fell apart Its demise was untypical for Thailand with bitter civil war on the campus of the national university with right and leftwing students fighting to the death the army and police supporting the latter fac tion Ihat event stripped the humor from the change Berrys World 1916 by MA lltt Until my wife and kids each got their own 083 we were never able to have REAL FAMILY DISCUSSON FLOGGED DEATH Dont persecute banks how about the others BleIHREIGIITON Family Editor TORONTO CP Bluma Appel who was government liaison Officer during Inter national Womens Year in 1975 says Womens groups should drop their persecution of banks and concentrate on trust companies and other major Ca nadian corporations Mrs Appel whose mandate from Marc Lalonde federal minister of health and welfare was to persuade corporations to promote women said the recent controversy generated by statements made by Earle McLaughlin president of the Royal Bank of Canada is being flogged by many leaders of the womens movement Mr McLaughlin whose board is entirely made up of men said that despite cross anada search the bank has been unsuccessful in locating woman in the right geographi cal area and with an acceptable mix of business and manage ment expertise to serve as di rector However the bank recently announced it had woman in mind and she would be named shortly am very grateful that Earle McLaughlin said what he did said Mrs Appel in an in tcrview Thats one mans point of view What many people dont realize is that the Royal Bank has one of the most advanced training programs in management for women gANAlfAS STORX Cloak and dagger in peace talks By BOB BOWMAN Britain and the United States agreed on peace terms Nov30 1782 to end the American Revo lutionary War but because of communications the fighting continued into 1783 If there had been faster com munication the war might have ended soon after October 1781 when the British army was defeated at Yorktown It was clear then that American independence had been won Negotiations to end the war began in Paris in the spring of 1782 The Americans double crossed their allies France and Spain by making separate peace agreement with Britain This was because the US be gan to suspect that France and Spain had plans of their own for North America British cruiser had cap tured French ship on the At lantic and the mail included letter from the French am bassador at Philadelphia to his minister in Paris It included contemptuous reference to US claims to fishing rights in Mrs Appel said that con trary to public thinking the banks have really responded to the general theme of assist ing women up the corporate ladder She said that where women are really unrepresented in middle and upper management is in those companies that deal with products and services that women are really into Women are responsible for about 90 per cent of the con sumer decisions in this country About the only area they arent acquainted with is that dealing with the military such as the production of nuclear weap ons Since her appointment last year Mrs Appel whose hus band Bram Appel is well known Montreal financier has negotiated with leaders of in dustry and commerce across the boardrooms and executive suites of the country In that time she has man aged to cajole eight of them in to serving on special advisory board for Mr Lalonde who is the federal minister re sponsible for the status of women ACT AS LIAISON We wanted to start kind of communications centre within each of their industries she said These men will help in terpret the problems women have in industries such as re tail oil banking insurance and communications Mrs Appels major task has been persuading presidents and Canadian waters There was great deal of cloakanddagger activity in the peaCe negotiations Charles Fox one of the most important political leaders in Britain dis covered that the British govern ment was negotiating secretly with US representatives led by Benjamin Franklin The deal included Britain turning over Canada to the US Fox was in favor of US inde pendence but was opposed to Canada being included in the treaty He blasted the secret deal and the British govern ment was forced to retain Can ada at least until the formal peace treaty had been nego tiated Franklin made another strong pitch to get Canada later He said that the Americans still loved the old sod and once the war ended they would resume prosperous trade with each other Why risk future friction by leaving British territory on the US border It would be better if Canada were part of the US vieepreSidents in major in dustries employing women to provide equal opportunities to their employees She also spends great deal of time travelling between Montreal Toronto and Ottawa speaking to service clubs and addressing luncheons It is here that she reaches the real pussy catsthe mid executive males whose wives stay home or spend their spare hours in volunteer work At recent luncheon one of them suggested that Mrs Appel was encouraging the degeneration of the family and womens spiritual personality by her radical suggestions But Ive found more women interested in managing home than pursuing career she said OFFER NEW DIMENSION Im simply looking for reasonable middle road and male recognition that women when considered for places in upper management or on boar ds can bring new dimension tothetask For instance know could bring humanities con sumerism the environmental issues and could speak for the kids of today Mrs Appel disputes the view of some feminists that women in the past have been dis advantaged group Weve never been dis advantaged she said emphat ically Weve been parasites not special group but were simply not equal She criticized organized labor for not protecting women They tend to use women in unions outrageously think When was the last time you heard of labor including the need for daycare centre or child assistance in union management contract Mrs Appel said that women are being knocked off in the employment force It has to do with the lasthired bit or at least that is how employers get around it She concluded that the most heartening part of her $la ear job with Mr Lalonde has been that men are taking the prob lem seriously And Ill admit Im an elitist Right now it is getting women into the work force and letting them grow at their own rate that is of prime importance main TOUGI If man vow vow unto the Lord or swear an oath to bind his soul with bond he shall not break his word he shall do according to all that proceedethl out of his mouth Numbers 302 So many of us have said things that we didnt mean and yet have meant lot of things we said but never followed through The Lord will surely keep His promises to us and we should not take lightly the com mitments we make to Him