Candidates invited to Hawkestone sesion HAWKESTONE Staff Candidates for Oro council and also for village school trustees in next Mondays election have been invited to speak at meeting in Hawkestone com munity hall on Thursday even ing starting at clock Charles Simpson who is now deputy reeve and Howard Campbell are contesting the reeveship Reeve Wallace Key having announced his retire ment after heading the council for four years Mr Key was former deputy reeve and coun cillor serving 13 years on coun cil altogether FOR DEPUTY REEVE Councillor Paul Hansen and councillor Allan McLean are the choices for deputy reeve Mr McLean is former reeve and exchairman of the Not tawasaga Valley Conservation Authority board Mr Hansen who lives near this village has given good ser vice as councillor where he has supported orderly develop ment He is asking an op portunity to serve on the county council as one of Oros rep resentatives Seven standing for three councillor seats for the new 197778 term include Clarence Smith chairman of the township planning board for several years former coun cillor Charley Sanderson Paul Kitchen Hawkestone resi dent and Ross Bradley Dave Bull Tony Keene and Barbara Iiffen VILLAGE TRUSTEES police village with its own board of trustees Hawkestone CHARLES SIMPSON ratepayers are assessed for township taxes as well as local rate administered by the trustees Five nominated for three seats were Larry Monkman HOWARD CAMPBELL Oro choices for reeveship Paul Fallon Bradley Richard son Ralph Leigh and Daine Dubeau All five qualified to stand and Hawkestone voters will make their choices by ballot COLDWATER NEWS SHIRLEY JENNETT Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Les Easton of George Street who celebrated quietly their 52nd wedding anniver sary November 24th Coldwater Lions Club lan Christmas Tree cutting ee on Dec The trees will be sold in ACW at Hawkestone ready for new term HAWKESTONE Members of the St Aidens ACW met on Wednesday evening Nov 10 at the home of Mrs Jack Pugsley The president Mrs Brian Parents form new group BySHIRLEYJENNETT COLDWATER Members of the Parents Association of Coldwater Public School held their first fall meeting at the school recently Plans were made for various activities to involve the children during the upcoming year good profit was made from the 5050 draw and committee of Pip Archer Shirlev Burleigh and Phyllis Dyken will investigate stereo sound systems for use in the school auditorium which will be purchased with money realized from the sale of tickets committee of Annabelle Lovering Hazel Durnford and Wrae Swaile will handle plans for sleigh ride complete with horses for the Junior end of the school in January and the spninrs will also eniov hav ride arranged by committee consisting of Shirley Burleigh Pam Athron and Doreen Stewart Mrs Darrelyn Schell wrll vestigate the possibility of having puppeteer perform for the Junior children again this year some Saturday in April and Linda Hass will attempt to obtain magician to put on show for both Juniors and Seniors It was decided to continue the Friday night dances since they have been well received Ward conducted the meeting The meeting and the cor respondence were dealt with after which Mrs Len Hall presented the worship period The nomination committee presented its list of candidates for the new executiveAMresz Brier conducted the election and plans were discussed for thenew term The next meeting wil be held at the home of Mrs Mould Sr on Wednesday Dec at8pm Winners at the Nov 12 euchre held at the Hawkestone Community Centre were high prize Mrs Mould and Roy Gray second high Mrs LeGrand and Norma Leigh playing mans hand third high to Mrs Bartholomew and Earl Scott Low prizes went to Mr Reynolds Mrs McKay Bartholomew and Mrs Gray The next euchre party is planned Friday Nov 26 The draw was won by Mrs Roy Gray We are glad to report Mrs Kendall is home following surgery in Soldiers Memorial Hospital Best wishes for conti nuing improvement to both Mr and Mrs Kendall Mr and Mrs Pat Kendall of Richmond Hill are spending some time with them Sympathy is expressed to Mrs MacDougall in the loss of her brother Alfred Benham of Barrie Our sympathy also goes out to Mrs Clarke and members of her family on the loss of her sister Mrs McArthur Christina of Toron to the parking lot of Coldwater Lumber from then until Christmas Mr and Mrs Harold Green wood spent Sunday visiting with Mr and Mrs Ted Wood and family on Manitoulin Island Mr and Mrs Bob Clark had dinner and enjoyed the races at the Mohawk Raceway in Camp bellville Friday evening On Saturday they visited with Mr and Mrs Garry Lovelace and Brett of Hamilton and spent the remainder of the weekend vis iting friends in Port Dover Shelley and David Clark spent the weekend with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Alex Clark of Bass Lake Mr and Mrs Jim Cameron Brenda and Bradley have moved to their new home on Cynthia Court in Barrie Mrs Marg Preece spent several days last week visiting with her sisterinlaw Mrs Irene Tompkins of Orillia 44 Experienced to work for you VOTE PHIL SAUVE Elmvale voters to pick councillors ELMVALE Staff When voters go to the lls here on Monday Dec ey will elect four councillors from six can didates Reeve Ken Knox will be back for second twoyear term having been elected by ac clamation Earl Vollick is the only in cumbent councillor who is in the field again Other present members including Alex Cur rie who has served some 10 years are retiring from council for the resent Robert Thif fault an Fred Harpell are the other present members Along with Councillor Vol lick standing for election are Marion Baker Ken Barnet Bill Claire Don Hocken and Bob Sheriff An advance poll for voters who will be out of town on elec tion day has been arranged for Saturday Elmvale voters also will have the opportunity to cast ballots for ward trustees to county school boards Wend MacKen zie and Lyn Downer are public school board candidates For the Separate school coun ty board Yvonne Healey is seeking reelection in the ward for this area against Joseph Klein Gebbinck The latter ward includes Vespra Flos and Weve Our best quality wool hose are 60 Kroy wool40 stretch nylon Shrink re tant Longwearing Sanrgard treated for freshness Machine washdry One SIZe tits Black Navy Dk Brown Maple Green Forest Green Grey Beige Med Blue Med or Burgundy popular a1712 executive length 33R 050 142 Reg $250 pr 3499 b10 ankle length 33R 050 139 Reg $200 pr 3399 c13 midcalf length 33R 050146 Reg $225 pr 3449 Save $2 dwhen you buy pal our casual cushionloot sock 50 wool50 nylon Samgard Wasaga Beach as well as Elmvale CHRISTMAS TEA ORILLIA Staff Christmas tea and sale will be held the Salvation Army Sunset odge from to pm on Saturday Dec at the lodge building on Peter Street north COUNTRY BAZAAR SEVERN BRIDGE Staff country Christmas bazaar will be held at the Womens In stitute hall here on Saturday Dec from to pm with homemade items featured GRANT APPROVED MOONSTONE Staff federal grant for $18020 has been approved for Medonte Local Initiatives program ac cording to notice received here WOMENS COUNCIL ORILLIA Staff An ex ecutive meeting of the Orillia Council of Women will be held at the Orillia Public Library on Thursday evening Dec SENIOR CITIZENS COLDWATER Staff Coldwater Senior Citizens club will sponsor regular euchre parties every two weeks at Riverside Centre on Tuesday evenings JOLLY ELDERS 0R0 STATION Staff The Oro Jolly Elders will hold their Saves when you buy pairs got socks for every man on me days only lend sis 1013 Brown lengths rs of Shrink resistant Machinewash dry 10 length Dk Brn Blue Black Green Navy Bronze or Christmas dinner party at Guthrie community hall on Tuesday evening Dec The next regular meeting will be held at Oro Station community centre on January FORMER WARDEN ALLISTON Staff George McCague MPP for Dufferin Simcoe riding was warden of Simcoe County 10 years ago in 1966 He defeated George MacKay reeve of Oro in the balloting Mr MacKay became warden the following year Judge Carter admin istered the declarations of of ice LONG SERVICE NEW LOWELL Staff Reeve Lloyd Pridham of Sun nidale township served on Sim coe Countys general govern ment and finance committee 10 DISTRICT 3131 years ago in 1966 He was coun ty warden in 1972 RETIRED TEACHER COLDWATER Staff former Elmvale District High School teacher Herbert James Smith is candidate standing for election as councillor in Coldwaters munici al election next Monday retired teacher also was former prin cipal of Lakeview Park public school at Mississauga WASAGA BEACH WASAGA BEACH Staff First council meeting held after Wasaga Beach attained town status was held on Jan 1974 with Clair Robertson presiding as mayor Mr Robertson de feated Geor Watson in the first contest or mayor moving up from reeve Council was then elected for threeyear term now concluding NE WS The Barrie Examiner TuesdayNovember3019m Trace namesin Innisï¬l STR00D Staff Known as named after General Lefroy Victoria in its ioneer era this who once was in charge of an Innisfil towns ip community magnetic observatory in Toron was renamed Stroud after to town in England by Lit tle onetime member of Parliament for South Simcoe Gilbert Pattersons history of Simcoe County also reports that Churchill was known as Gim bys Corners and Lefroy was Bell Ewart was named by local settler after his daughter The first survey of the township was in 183 sawmill was es tablished at Tollandal in 1823 and grist mill built there in 135 Lï¬lm ammor emcee armour may until to norm Grey 33R 050 505 Reg $200 pr gt Save II76 ewhen you buy pairs ol Is our casual crew socks ngh bulk 75 Orion acrylic 25 stretch nylon Shrink resistant Sanigard treated 10 length Machinewashdry Med Brown Dk Brown Blue Navy White or Yellow 33H 050 509 Flea $175 pr 3349 all was dtme Beautiful Barrie Ontarios most progressive city We need person for Mayor whose enthusiasm for Barrie is unlimited man of action who can slash unnecessary red tape man of vision who looks to the future WlllRDKlNZIE FOR MAYOR This is Sear Sears hours Mon Tues Sat 930 am to 530 pm Wed Thurs Fri 930 am to 930 pm SimpsonsSears Ltd Sears Barrie Georgian Mall 509 Boyfield St Charge it mMl Regular and was refer to Slin ggwymsygggw Enjoy It now Use your All Purpose Account punsSears ltd prices