er The Barrie Examiner Saturday November 27 1976 p7 happy gk Diane PanetRaymond left Miss Ottawa Rough Rider hugs Debbie Gamble Miss Saskatchewan Rough rider after the Miss Grey Cup pageant in Toronto Friday The girls represent the two teams that will meet in the game on Sunday See story on Page 13 CP Photo Criticized on mercury GUELPH CPI Two re searchers have accused the On tario government of playing down the issue of mercury pol lution Terry Moore of the Ontario Public Interest Reaserch Group said Friday nongovernment medical ex rts have found symptoms Minimata disease among 89 Indians from the White Dog and Grassy Narrows reserves in northwestern On tario Experience keyword in Levesque cabinet By ALAN FREEMAN QUEBEC CP Premier Rene Levesque chose ex perience Friday when he an nounced the 23 ministers who will sit with him in the Quebec cabinet but opted for in novation in the cabinets organ ization Most of the key posts in the young Parti Quebecois govern ment were given to former civil servants lawyers and univer sity professors who are well known in the party and are con sidered moderate in their views Others among the 69 success ful candidates in the Nov 15 election who are considered more radical in their positions on social and nationalist issues were given less sensitive posts or were left as backbenchers The important finance and revenue portfolios went to ac ques Parizeau 4Gyearold former economic adviser to both Liberal and Union Nation ale governments Vicepremier and minister of education is JacquesYvan Mo rin 45 former constitutional law professor who served as op position leader in the last as sembly session In another widelyexpected move Mr Levesque named Claude Morin 47 as inter governmental affairs minister DEFEATEI MARCHANI Mr Morin who defeated for mer federal cabinet minister Jean Marchand in the Quebec City riding of Louis Hebert is former constitutional adviser to four Quebec premiers He will be responsible for formulating the governments positions in its sensitive relations with the federal government Although Mr Levesque took the cautious route in naming these ministers he was more daring in his decision to name five senior ministers of state in charge of government prior ities The five men are to have no departmental administrative responsibilities but will be responsible for directing the governments plans for major reforms Mr Levesque told news conferencebroadcast live across the provincethat it was not his intention to establish superministries However at the same time he announced that the five min isters of state plus Parizeau and Morin will form comv mittee of priorities chaired by the premier HAVE NO POWER The committee will not have any decisionmaking power of its own and will be responsible to the cabinet as whole Bernard Landry 39year old lawyer and onetime adviser to Mr Levesque when he was was Liberal natural resources minister will serve as minister of state for economic develop 4H leaders course is arranged By MRS CAMPBELL STROUD Plans have been made to hold the 4H leader training school here in Stroud on Jan 19 and 20 on the course Cotton Reviews Announcement also was made at meeting of the Stroud Womens Institute that sum mary day for The Club Girl En tertains will be held at Chur chill on Saturday Dec 11 The Festival Dairy Food summary day will be at the Consumers Gas Blue Flame room on Tuesday Nov 30 star ting at pm Mrs Campbell president presided at the meeting at Obituaries ALICE ROBERTSON Mrs Mathew Robertson died on September 15 1976 at Kem penfelt Manor on Owen Street inBarrie Alice Edna Webb was the daughter of the late Mr Lot Webb and Mary Montgomery of Stroud Ontario She married Mathew Robertson in Stroud where they lived for many years Thev moved to Barrie in 1924 and resided at 19 Poyntz St They were members of St Andrews Presbyterian Church Mrs Robertson had been resident at Kempenfelt Manor for several years She celebrated her 93rd birthday in July of this year She leaves sister Jessie Maxwell and nieces Mrs Dobson Sr and Mrs Ross She was predeceased by her husband two sisters and three brothers Service was conducted by Rev Stuart at the Steckley Funeral Home on Sept 18 Pallbearers were Mr Dob son Sr Mr Maxwell Mr McMurtry Mr McConkey Mr Robertson and Mr McConkey Burial was at Barrie Union Cemetery CLARA BAYNES Mrs Clara Baynes passed away peacefully at her home 36 Feel St Barrie on Sunday Nov 21 She was born May 1891 and was daughter of Andrew Bell and Alice Bateman of Gilford Ont On September 19 1917 she married William Richard Baynes of Deerhurst and they lived in the Bradford area until moving to Barrie in 1950 She is survived her husband William and amily Marjorie at home Clarence of Bradford and Ruth Darby of Shanty Bay also grand children Bonnie Scigliano Gary Baynes Bill Jr Don and Carl Darby Also surviving are sisters Viola Carnahan Elm vale Marjorie Scott Barrie Dorothy Hood Toronto and brother Harold Bell Gilford She was predeceased by two grandsons Robbie and Craig Baynes sisters Mabel Hughes and Edna Bell brothers Roy Ernest Claren ce Ross and Frank Bell Funeral services were con ducted by Rev John Speers and Canon Nainby of Trinity Anglican Church at the Steckley Funeral Home November 23 with Interment at St Pauls Cemetery Coulsons Hill Pallbearers were grandsons Gary Baynes Bill Jr Don and Carl Darby and nephews Ken Bell and Ray Gillespie BREAST FORMS AND SURGICAL BRAS YEARS FITTING EXPERIENCE OSTOMY SUPPLIES IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIII Penetong St at St Vincent Barrie Ont 7285407 iIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WE ALWAYS TIbOGIITTIWIUVINS UPATTIIls END OFTOWN WOULD BE VERYEWBLEWWHAILTHETREES WHEN WE MINo11IE F035 WERE VERY FRIENDLYANDIMDEUS FEEL IT WAS MORE OFA PERSONALIZED DEAL Mr MrsWatson what brought you up to Letitia Heights Letitia Heights ACOMMLIMTY OE AFFORDABLE HOMES IN BARRIE HARPERS PHARMACY mums LTD which the Womens Institute members voted to send donation to the Mental Health Salvation Army and Sick Childrens hospital Mrs Ayers read report on the recent area convention held in Orillia The district president Mrs Walters also spoke Current events were read by Mrs Carter Welfare conveners made reports on sending out get well cards and also sympathy cards and flowers Mrs Goodfellow Tweedsmuir curator and her committee arranged the program The motto Indifference is the rust that crumbles civilization was read by Mrs Cowan and prepared by Mrs Ross CHANGING SCENE Mrs Goodfellow sp0kc on changes taking place in Stroud of the disappearing historic sites and the new ones taking their place Mrs Lynne Maynard who has since left to go out West was given an Institute plate in appreciation for her help in handling the TweedsmUir Books Mr Goodfellow showed films of different Stroud events such as parades to lnnisfil Park Centennial Park and other local scenery He was thanked by Mrs Campbell for his interesting pictures The meeting was closed with the Queen and the Institute gace Lunch hostesses were Mrs Spring and Mrs Ayers Mrs Evelyn Rix and Mrs SURGICAL Jessie Campbell attended the Simcoe County Regional workshop in Collingwood recen tly The theme History Will Have Its Day examined the care of old documents and ar chives the role of the library in the community and how to make history interesting Notes were compared by libraries looking at resource material and question and answer period followed providing delegates with an interesting and Constructive day FLOWER SOCIETY Stroud members of the Pain swick Horticultural Society had special treat on Thursday evening when Mrs Velthuis of Dundas talked on houseplants and exhibited number of strange varieties In cluded in the plants shown were the lip stick plant the finger nail plant and numerous cacti Her interesting and in formative talk was filled with humor and she added in bits of her own philosophy of love religion and life in general Vi Brown of Barrie Judged the many entries in the flower show entered by juniors and the dried flower arrangements and terrariums entered by seniors The next meeting will be held December in the new Stroud complex The speaker will be Mr Bill lIorIonold and the meeting is the annual one St James UW held most successful luncheon bazaar and bake sale in church rooms Saturday afternoon BLOOD DONOR CLINIC ment Camille Laurin 54 house leader of the Parti Quebecois from 1970 to 1973 will take on the post of minister of state for cultural development Pierre Marois 36yearold lawyer becomes minister of state for social development and Jacques Leonard is minis ter of state for planning Robert Burns 40yearold labor lawyer and ï¬leyear as sembly veteran who has been associated with the artys left wing takes on the ifth of the special ministries He will be responsible for parliamentary reform and also serves as house leader Despite his qualifications in thejustice and labor fields Mr Levesque decided to leave him in the relatively un controversial assembly roles GETS MINOR POST Another PQ parliamentary veteran and radicalleaning member who was relegated to minor cabinet position was Claude Charron MontrealSt Jacques who was made minis ter responsible foryouth leis ure and sports The cabinet appointments were not without surprises Jacques Couture 45yearold worker priest and unsuccessful Montreal mayoralty candidate in 1904 was named minister of labor OPEN SUNDAY FREDS FLOWERS flighwoy II at Stroud 900 am to 700 pm FLOWERS Eon ALL OCCASIONS HAYS TRAVEL SERVICE 7284700 45 Dunlop St Nelt to the Theatre THE CANADIAN RED CROSS THE BARRIE BRANCH OF THE CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY WILL HOLD BLOOD DONOR CLINIC DATES Monday Nov 29 Tuesday Nov 30 TIMES Monday 430 830 pm Tuesday 100300 pm 500 830 pm PLACE Trinity Parish Hall 24 Collier Street next to the Post Office Who may donate Anybody in good health from I8 to 65 years of age not restricted for medical reasons l7 year old boy may with written permission of parent or guardian Girls must be I8 years of age New donors are always needed Mocloron Chairman Blood Donor clinic In Barrie Area Partner in the UNITED APPEAL You cantbeat Dominion weekly specials VISKING BY THE PIECE BOLOGNA 29 Effective Nov 29 30 Mon Tues CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF BONELESS FULL CUT ROUND STEAKS FROM THE TROPICS BANANAS 129 We rodoom all food store coupons cur FROM CANADA GRADEWA aster PORTERHOUSE TBONE LOIN STEAKS CUDAHY BRAND RINDLESS BREAKFAST BACON LB PKG DOMINION RED SOCKEYE SALMON 775 OZ TIN Limit tins per customer Values effective until closing Tuesday Nov 30 Dominion Store Georgian Mall Simcoe Pinto Barrio ominion WE RESERVL THE RIGHT TOLIMIT QUANTITIES TONORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS DOMINION STORE IMIIt You can depend on our prices