lid at LIS listen to music at the listen ing posts recently installed Bessie Short Phyllis Newton and Evelyn Harrison library assistants at the Barrie Public Library relax and on the fiction floor The listening posts are for those who want to enjoy music without distrubing others Examiner Photo Selfacceptance is key to aliveness speaker The basic motivation behind every human is the urge towards physical mental and emotional aliveness At Thursdays meeting of the Cof fee Group at the Barrie YM YWCA Roberta Beecroft ex plained the importance of meeting personal needs in order to promote sense of aliveness and wellbeing in person The meeting was the final of fourpart series entitled Focus On Women conducted by Mrs Beecroft Barrie housewife and former psy chology instructor There are five basic needs that motivate persons be havior she said beginning with physical needs such as food sleep and shelter After that comes need for personal security Love and belong ingness constitute the third ma jor need followed by the need for selfesteem and need for selfactualization When one or more of persons basic needs are not met she said his predominate motivation will be to satisfy it in healthy way in order to gain sense of com plete aliveness What we often fail to understand is that real and lasting aliveness is the result of accepting ourselves as we truly are and taking chance of be ing that real self with others By meeting our basic needs we can experience life at its fullest being in touch with and taking responsibility for our feelings Motivation is in the hands of the individual Mrs Beecroft added saying you cant de pend on others to satisfy your own needs You have to review your goals roles and priorities to get yourself headed in the direction you want to go Midway through the session film entitled Pack Your Own Chute was shown which dealt with human behavior il lustrating ways that people let unreasonable fears limit their activity Fear of failure grow ANN LANIQEQRS Hubby angry at sensitivity Dear Ann Landers Last night was the absolute end told my husband life is too short to spend any part of it being as saulted by chainsmoker ever again Gentle hints to the woman theyre the worst and trying to move the ashtray unobstrusively never did any good Shes too dense husband wont let me tell her straightaway to keep her stinkweeds out of my face and food because shes the bosss wife dear lady by the way SoI spent another miserable evening and came away with hair skin and clothing reeking head throbbing eyes smarting throat going into paroxysms of coughing from polluted lungs and nostrils so irritated couldnt smell anything else for hours She may be the smoker but Ill probably be the one who will get lung cancer Now my husband isnt speaking to me because refuse to sublimate my supersensitivity to his best interests Im hurt that he prefers to risk my health rather than speak uoor allow me to What do do nowMrs Dear Mrs Dont just sit theresay something Sam ple Im sure you wouldnt knowingly make anyone ill so must tell youthe smoke from terrible headache your cigarette is giving me Dear Ann Lahders My husband is past 50 intelligent and successful He tells me with perfectly straight face that its normal for man to be attracted to many different Women He believes marriage is antihuman and says its too bad someone came along with the JudeoC hristian concept because it has done nothing but make hypocrites out of people and produce guilt He insists extramarital sex for men is just like dancing with woman other than his wifeonly more so Lover Boy keeps blanket in his car for his affairs fine as sumes he is doing the waltz in the woods the fox trot on the sand dunes the chachacha in motel rooms and the rhumba in our bedroom where he sneaks in women when am out of town think the man is crazy as loon When he pontificates on this theme he gets an absolutely manic look on his face Divorce is out of the question Ive made my peace and decided to pulup with his foolishness But Id like to know what you thinkHis Wife Dear Wifer Since youve made your peace and decided to put up with it it doesnt matter WHAT think You say hes crazy as loon second the motion WWW AnnTThis letter is for an one whose arents are livi IaEYh dy ng ave my Mom but Dad die when was 18 He was only 42 know what its like to be given in marriage by substitute and how sad it can be not to be able to show your firstborn to your father When hear my friends talk disrespectiver to their rents cant stand it Then remember how sometimes spo to my Dad and it makes me ashamed Print this please Maybe if had seen letter like it when was 13 would have shaped up lot sinnerThanks For The Memories Dear Memories No trick at all to have 2020 hindsight honey Maybe your letter will help some of my readers look ahead Lets hope so INTRODUCTORY OFFER SAVE CARPET CLEANING SPECIAL 25 Have professionally shampoood and steam cleaned carpets you can be proud of this holiday season at price you can afford We are fully bonded insured and can provide you with both daytime or evening service SOUTHERN CARPET CLEANING 7289881 ing old rejection inadequacy or criticism can severely modify our actions but we have the power to change our behavior by facing and over coming unrealistic fears If you fail at something once you tend to shy away from trying it again Mrs Beecroft said You convince yourself its something you cant do For the sake of your own personal growth you should keep trying dont let it defeat you or youll feel miserable Motivate yourself to keep at it for your own satisfaction Housewives often have more to consider than merely pleas ing themselves having fam ilies to look after as well The woman is often the cor nerstone of the family Mrs Beecroft suggested so she must feel happy in her life situation in order for her fami ly to relate in healthy way If woman isnt satisfied with her role in life chances are her family may suffer Thats what makes motiva tion and choosing personal goals so important woman cant meet the needs of her hus band and children if she no glects her own The Focus on women series was designed to give women chance to get together and discuss common problems while sharing experiences and ideas anti to help them decide how they can best schedule their time to allow for their per sonal needs similar program will be offered after hristmas if enough interest is indicated Anyone wishing to inquire about such program should contact Roberta Beecroft at 7263660 Guest speaker at next Thursdays meeting of the of fee Group will be Mrs Betty Thompson of the Simcoe oun ty Board of Education Craft sale set for Dec The fifth annual student craft sale will be held Dec from Ill am to pm in the Central Services Building of Georgian College All the crafts included in the sale have been made by the students The proceeds will be used for scholarship Last year the students gave scholarship of $250 quilting bee with the textile students will take place during the sale which is also part of fund raising effort to raise money for scholarshi The quilt will be raffled in liaw toward the endof the SChOOl year The sale is open to all mem bers of Georgian College well to the general public Louise Allen Design Arts 111 is student coordinator of the sale Articles for sale include glass ceramics weaving batik jewelry prints photography sculpture and paintings mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bammwmmx GARNETS HOBBIES has the largest selection of hobby and craft supplies ovoiloblo Mail radio control plane best and largest selection of plastic kits largest selection of craft and hobby supplies 123 Dunlop St Bo Downtown girls club aims for motivation Theres nothingtodo is common complaint among young girls So the Barrie Downtown Girls Club is newlyformed group beckoning just these girls would say lack of motiva tion is the biggest problem fac ing young girls today says Salvation Armys Barbara Bain coordinator of the club The aim of the club is to give girls the opportunity to become motivated The club had 11 girls between ages of eight and 14 turn out last week for its first meeting Mrs Bain said Regular meetings are held Thursdays at pm at the Salvation Army on Collier Street The idea for the girls club came from the heartening suc cess of the Downtown Boys Club started two years ago by the Rotary Club So why not similar club for girls The May Court Club is fun ding the girls club Members have donated equipment and will plan outings to Ontario Science Centre the Plan etarium the Metro Zoo and Black Creek Pioneer Village Joyce Forster of the May Court Club is Convener In way girls have been neglected But they have pro blems too They just dont seem to be as visible as boys pro blems she said Mrs Bain agrees She was counsellor for three years for the House of Concord home for Women in Toronto and spent four years as minister in charges in Ontario Quebec and Nova Scotia Youth is her specialty she has also worked with guides brownies rangers and cubs Youth in general she said has one main problem much of their entertainment is given to them But girls in particular are challenge to Work with Rev Michael second from left husband Gary Doug Bowman and Yvette llayes served refreshments Wed Girls are more secretive They need to be coaxed to get involved They arent as open as boys she said So the trick is to get girls as excited involvcduMotivated she repeated Mrs Bain couldnt pinpoint why girls sit back Are they naturally passive She doesnt think so but ad mitted that is possibility One brightening outcome of the first meeting The girls have al ready decided to make crafts for senior citizens in the area Thats not passive Lack of cmale models That is possible too she said although more and more wo lIltll re careeroriented Each meeting will offer films games singsongs dis cussion craft sessions brief devotional and guest speakers or special guests Were hoping to have career women such as policewomcn and hairdressers so they can talk about their careers If girls are exposed to more caretrs they become interest ed and find direction she said ncsday evening at the annual liristiiias party for the Bar rie and District Diabetic Association lifts were ex gotta mi vents ANNUAL BAZAAR John and Gloria Roach and daughter Jennifer four at tended the annual Christmas bazaar and tea at Grove Park Home 80TH ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs John Freelcr of Oakville spent last weekend with Mrs Freelers twin sister Mrs Alice Forrest of Barrie and her husband Bill They celebrated the Freelers 30th anniversary SERVEI TEA Mrs Jack Jones and Mrs Howard Campbell served refreshments at the regular meeting of the Guthrie Womens Institute MUSEUM DISPLAY Apple Sculptures by Jean Hartt of Orillia will remain on display in the cultural wing of the Simcoe County Museum Also for December there will be dis lay of 30 photographs of smai town in Alberta which form social history of western community BUS TRIP Mr and Mrs Stewart Alder son returned from bus trip to Nashville Tenn Ihey visited the Grand Ole pry RECEIVES ERIIFICAIE Jean Ruth volunteer with the Canadian Cancer Society received certificate of merit recently at the annual meeting of the Ontario Division Mrs Ruth is former president of the Barrie unit and the Lakeland District WINS DRAW Audrey Dempster of Barrie changed at the party held in the Blue Flame Room on sumers Gas Examiner Photot IN STA JLS OFFICERS Bayvicw Chapter Order of the Eastern Star held its annual installation of officers in the chapter room Owen St re cently More than 150 people at tended The following people wrre iii stallcd for the year 197677 worthy matron Mrs Shirley loporowski worthy patron Iaytori Wilson associate matron Mrs May Milloii associate patron Eric Milton secretary Mrs Mary lory treasurer Mrs Margaret Walker conductrcss Mrs Joyce Recs associate coir ductress Mrs Ghislaiiic Fridge chaplain Mrs Marion Mathic marshall Mrs Helen Cross organist Mrs Gertrude Walker The star points are Adah Mrs Lou Lovering Ruth Mrs Betty Anderson Esther Mrs Kathleen Naftel Martha Mrs Melita Mciklcjohn Electra Mrs Violet Riddcll warder Frank Toporowski sentinel Mrs Evelyn Smith Installing officers included installing matron Mrs Joyce Austin installing patron Iloward Noble installing mar TRAIN SETS from 44 rtist supplies rrio 726832l shall Mrs Margaret Mc Gowan installing chaplain Mrs IIdna Fawcett installing organist Mrs Alice Booth warder Mr lilly Bishop and Mrs Lily Mcaw as the install ing sentinel lhe floral icrcmoiiy was by Mrs Freda Wilson and soloist Mrs Joyce Ilivlin Assisting in the East Mrs lunc Latiiiicr Mrs Phyllis Faiquhar Mrs Margaret Walker Mrs Mary lory Mrs Lillian Baldwin and Mr Ray Lalimcr lhose welcomed III the cast were Mr Howard Noble and general grand chapter commit tee member Mrs Edna Itawcctt grand chapter ex ccutive member Mr Mervin Booth grand chapter bc nevolent committee member Iast district deputy grand inatrons were Mrs Edna Fawcclt Mrs June Latimcr Mrs Lin Webb Mrs Isabel Walker Mrs Freda Wilson Mrs Dorothy Farquharson Mrs Edith Robinson Mrs Beatrice Spearn Matrons and patrons and visitors came from Coll 595 ingwood Crecmore Alliston Stroud Scarboro ookstown Midland Toronto and rillia At the closing of the meeting the worthy matrons family were escorted to the east her husband Frank daughter Kim and son Paul Also the wife of the worth patron Isabel Wilson The by matrons hus band presented her with her gavel social hour followed buf fet lunch convened by Mrs May Milton and served by Mrs Bessie Crawford Mrs Marion Parker Mrs Jean Palmer Mrs Isabel Wilson Mrs June Galloway and Mrs Alice Chur chill The Barrie Examiner Saturda PEOPLE PLACES November 27 I976 won $236 in the 5050 draw held at the annual Christmas party of the Barrie branch of the Canadian Diabetic Association PARTY CONVENER Patricia Trapnell convened the coffee party held Thursday at Trinity Anglican Church hall by the Thursday Club She was assisted by Marj Tod 25TH ANNIVERSARY Ilerb and Mary Mowforth of Craighurst celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary at party held in their honor at the Iraighurst hall NlRSERY BAZAAR The Sunshine Coopcrative Nursery School is sponsoring Christmas Bazaar Saturday between and pm at the Alliance Church Grove and Cook streets The sale will feature baked goods crafts plants used clothing and kid dies corner There is no admis sion charge SHOW TELL AND SELL Show Tell and Sell is the ob jcct of the Christmas Social held Dec at 730 by members of Simcoe ounty Arts and Crafts Association at the In niswood Baptist Centre NORTH BAND The Barrie North Collegiate Band will be featured in Christmas concert at Georgian College Dec 13 at pm The program will vary from band selections to ensembles and will include carol singa long Tickets at $1 may be pur chased from any band student Betty Thompson Invite Your Vote for Board of Education MICROWAVE COOKING Susan Bordon homo economist Consumers Go will present basic microwave cooking sominor TUESDAY DECEMBER I976 730 pm Blue Flame Room donsumers ï¬les I65 Ferris By reservation only 7266558 local 58 lone Barrio orat thedoor Sharon Sibthorpe music di rector at the school said the bands have had successful first term The first concert held Nov 18 attracted over 400 DutchCanadian Entertain ment Club will be held Satur day Dec at 830 put at the Embassy Hall The Paul Hun nef Orchestra will provide the people entertainment For tickets SININICOLAAS DANCE mung 3350 03 72843371 or Sint Nicolaas dan 7286328 Wremortd 110Lle YSPECIA LS ï¬rmed DIRECT FROM BARRIE TWO FULLY ESCORTED TOURS TO HAWAII NO lSDAY TOUR Staying at the Sheraton Moana in the Oceanfront Lanai Wing where every room has private lanai with beautiful view of Diamond Head and Waikiki Beach Cost $77900 N0 2201 TOUR With the first days of your trip in the Lanai Wing of the Sheraton Moana Waikiki followed by days on the Island of Maui and days on the Island of Hawaii Deluxe hotel 023 commodations throughout Cost S108900 Costs include Airfares hotel accommodations bus transfers baggage handling hotel foxes airport taxes and flower lei greeting on arrival in Honolulu DEPARTURES Both tours leave February 27th l977 Tour No returns March l4th I977 Tour No2 returns March 2lsf I977 Flights are nonstop with CP Air from Toronto World adventure tours Florida Days Nights from Toronto Your Adventure Tour Includes Round trip lot transportation Via Nordair Comptlnmtary Irvflight meats and bar senice All conditioned bus transfers to and from hotel Air conditioned dotuxo accommodations at Bay Harbor Inn on Tampa Bay continental breakfasts Fullcourse dlnnors in hotels elegant restaurant Day rental car usage with unlimited mileage Exciting open bar cocktail party hosted by Hotel Manager Bloody Mary orientation party COTTIplWCnIJV sailing and nstructions on hotels new Hoot of two and tour passenger sailboats Tour escort service mend Bahamas 7Days Nights mm from Toronto now Through Dec 20 1976 Grand Bahama Hotel Country Club includes Roundtrip iet transportation Via Eastern ProvtnCIaI Air lines Complimentary infIIght meals and bar senice nights accommodations at Grand Bahama Hotel Full breakfasts full dinners Complimentary greens lees on hotel hole goll course Roundtrip transfers between hotel and airport Retailing cniise aboard glassbottomed paddiewhmner Open bar cooktail party with entertainment Welcome rum swmle cocktail party Iour escort service Wm Doreen Murray Vacations HAWAII 13 NIGHTS Includes Return Airfare Hotel Trans Iers Commencing Feb 477 From Christmas space still avallable at $649 RBADOS Weeks 333922 hvv inrougnooc 201976 pp dbl Includes Return Airfare Transfers Accomrro dation with Kitchen Efficiency Skylark Holidays ACAPULCO Week turn Airfare Hotel Transfers Induces From CANARY SI was 14 Nights pa dbl Includes Return Airfare Hotel Cont kast Daily Excursions and Barbeque Evening From EEPORT Week FR From Includes Return Airfare Transfers Hotel kast Dlnner Daily Early Bird Bonus gt Christmas is always busy time of the year for everyone we at Travelworld are no ex ception So we would like to give our Early Shoppers Christmas present this year For new bookings make between Nov l3 and Dec or domestic tickets picked up during thls period we would like to give you Christmas tin of ST MICHAEL Shortbread Cookies imported by MARKS SPENCER Dont Delay Book Now velwaarld 7263971