Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Nov 1976, p. 4

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CLth Barrie Examinrr Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Robb PublisherGeneral Manager Walls Editor Emeritus DIM Henshaw Managing Editor The Barrie Examiner Saturday November 27 1976 Thumbs up To Norman Clarke who has donated his collection of mags dating from 1544 of this area to Simcoe County Archives We un derstand the present by knowing the past Mr Clarkes donation will go long way to help us know the past To Tim Clayden of the Allan Cook Juveniles chosen outstanding defenceman of the Welland Gold Puck hockey tournament To Ron Routledge one of those muchmaligned people developers who has bent over backwards to en sure that people for whom he is not responsible have decent place to live To Wallace Key retiring as reeve of Oro this year and ending 13 career year political township His 13 years of public ser vice have been model for others To Barrie planning board for recommending that the city pick up garbage from condominium devel opments To the Barrie Chamber of Com merce for trying to end the confu sion about Boxing bably futile to try and decipher just what Big really has in mind but recognition should be given for the effort To Neil McKinnon reelected pre sident of the Barrie ArmyNavy Air Force Club To Bill Bell and Jean Ruth Day It is pro Brother at Queens Park honored this week for their con in the Society Thumbs down To the Canadian Broadcasting Corp which managed to ignore the of NBC and left NBCs anniver sary celebrations NBC no matter what the CBC types think is part of Canadas culture and has been much longer than the CBC To Barrie Council for approving the antinoise bylaw It is bad bylaw and will cause more trouble 50th anniversary Global TV to carry than it is worth To Barrie Cable TV Ltd for its raise in rates The explanations just tributions to the work and fund rais ing efforts of the Canadian Cancer arent convincing To Barrie City Council for the fuss over the Christmas lights at Ci ty Hall Just proves 13 minds are not necessarily better than one To the Barrie Police Department constable who went out of his way to tell man that his wife had received traffic ticket To the Simcoe County Board of Education for searching for name for the citys fourth high school The Burden name is obvious The Taxpayers Can Canadians afford expensive governments By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson Newspapers Canadians continue to engage in one of their great national pastimeslooking with envy at an American achievement and wondering how to duplicate it This time they are looking at the United States economic re covery slow and halting admit tedly but better than our own with the resurgence of con sumer demand lower lending rates which lowered bit more last week and the huge turn around in auto sales For the moment however we seem to be emulating on US experience which many Ameri cans said wouldnt work namely Nixonstyle wage and price controls The story goes that the chaos and unreadibility of the early AIB documents is because they were copied lock stock and barrel from the American ones hastily secured by AIB brass as instant guidelines Whether true or not former president Nixons Phases to III were tried and terminated in much shorter time than the Trudeau government intends to perpetuate them probably un til the announced date sometimein 1978 Thats the next federal elec tion year unless recent events in Quebec force an earlier elec tion and also an earlier end to wage and price controls In any case the government still hopes to go to the elec torate on the verge of the 19805 to tell it that wage and price controls have worked and have saved the economy from ramp ant inflation ANGER AOAINSTAIB Many Canadians are angry about the controls their fears bolstered by the recent attack on them by former finance min ister John Turner who may have resigned because he didnt agree with the idea but still wonttell Ehr Barrir Examinrr 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario Telephone 7266537 Registration Number 0484 Second Class Mail Return postage guaranteed Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 85 cents weekly $4420 yearly Single copies 15 cents By Mail Barrie $4420 yearly Simcoe County $3400 yearly Balance of Canada $3600 year ly National Advertising Offices 85 Queen St West Toronto $44710 640 Cathcart St M0n treal Member of the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of Cir culations The Canadian Press is ex clusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches in this paper credited to it or The Associated Press or Router and also the local news published therein The Barrie Examiner claims Copyright in all original adver tisi and editorial material crea by its employees and reproducedin this news aper Cogeyright Regis ration Num r208815register61 And there are the other longerterm problems the im mense sums needed to finance huge resource development projects and whether these will be forthcoming if as Mr Turner said Canada is at the bot tom line for credit among other countries And our continually growing economic and cultural nation alism with its strong antiUS overtones not unlike the same trend in those large Latin American nations which also have been major participants of direct US investment is still on the rise here The punitive termination of Time Magazines 33yearold separate Canadian edition through tax change approved by Parliament and the nation alization of Americanowned potash branch plants in Sas katchewan make very bad waves in US boardrooms With all this uncertainty who should show up in Canada last summer to accept an honorary degree from York University in Toronto and this fall to address major executive symposium in Toronto but American economist John Kenneth Galbraith He is preaching the same old line about larger role for the state as entrepreneur investor and ideaformulator in the al fairs of corporations and citi zens NO MORE PLEASE Thats all the overtaxed and overgoverned Canadians need at resent the exCanadian pro essor and knowiteall spreading his gospel of statism which isnt working back home The worst example of the vig orous application in the US of the controversial Galbraithian McDougall got bad break By BOB BOWMAN William McDougall one of the original members of the Re form movement that became the Liberal party got bad break in his career He was one of the Reformers who joined the TacheMacdonald govern ment in 1864 and solved litical crisis that might have roken up Canada Then he he ed to plan Confederation an became Father of Con federation Canada planned to take over the Northwest Territories from the Hudsons Ba Company Dec 1869 an McDougall was chosen to be the first lieur tenantgovernor Perhaps he should be blamed for trying to arrive at Fort Garry in eptember two mon ths before the official takeover In any case Louis Riel stopped him at the border and would not let him enter the territory he was intended to govern Mc Dougall and his retinuc had to wait at Pembina until Dec and then on cold snowy night he crossed the border and read proclamation into the wind He still couldnt get to Fort Garry and ignominiously retur ned to Ottawa Owing to slowness of commu CANADAS STOR theory of public goods is the hardlybreathing desperate city of New York In that city the public sector Galbraiths favorite place for social change thought it could supply early pensions to police men free college education to any resident of New York City and forgiveable loans to its own employees and the public at large Who honestly needs more or any of Galbraiths ideas in our country where the percentage of gross national product com ing from our burgeoning gov ernment sector is reaching 50 percent From colonial times we have been overgoverned and over regulated Where the American tradition of land development meant deed instant own ership and very strong backs ours was regulatory boards of exBritish army officers turned justices of the peace assigning land according to ones rank in society OLONIAL HERITAGE The boards of quarter ses sions of colonial Upper Canada were the historic predecessors of AlBs wartime control boar ds and endless regulatory func tions over our industry and con sumers What Canadas economy needs right now are more bran ch plants from those mul tinational corporations which the selfassured Galbraith in sists cause all the trouble in the first place with their market place distortions and nasty profit motives No wonder many Canadian businessmen are ungraciously calling exCanadian Galbraith an unwanted American import nications in those days Mc Dougall did not know that Prime Minister Macdonald had post ned the deal Macdonald trie to get out of the political mess by cabling London Nov 27 that he was postponing the takeover until the Hudsons Bay Company restored order Actually he had to cope with the situation himself and sent Donald Smith to Fort Garry to deal with Riel Smith was successful and the takeover took place in July 1870 McDougall had been so humiliated that he could not be lieutenantgovernor He spent the rest of his political career as backbencher in the House of Commons and Ontario legislature OTHER NOV 27 EVENTS IsisMarc Lescarbot re ceived royal permission to pub lish his History of NewFrance nailShipping service re sumed between Halifax and New York lszzJohn McLeod of the Hudsons Bay Company crossed the Rockies 1885Eight Indians who took part in Northwest Rebellion werehanged lociPresident Frondize of Argentina visited Ottawa unprepared though am for this plea to load my party and my country FROM PARLIAMENT HILL Opposition party leaders off base on Trudeaus television address By STEWART MacLEOI Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service Its not easy but today am determined to resist this over powering urge to continue throwing snowballs at that lu dicrous royal commission on government financial manage ment And to help keep my mind off the subject have been trying to concentrate on the con troversy surrounding Prime Minister Trudeaus decision to make television address to the Canadian people about the Quebec election Its amazing how quickly members of Parliament can be offended when they think their rights or privileges have been tampered with And naturally as soon as Mr Trudeau an nounced that he would have fireside chat ontelevision with his fellow Canadians to Peace Tower fairly wobbled with opposition outrage You would think Mr Trudeau was guilty of treason by going outside the House The crucial point said New Democratic Party Leader Ed Broadbent is that the rights and privileges of mem bers of Parliament to exercise their function have been treaspassed upon The prime minister in our system is the head of the politi cal party which happens to have the greatest supgort in the Parliament of Cana and as such in our system the prime minister has an obligation to deal directly in Parliament with public matters To bypass QUEENS PARK Ontario concerned over confederation By DON IIEARN Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO The shock of Quebec still has them picking upthe pieces here Trying to pick them up The fact is that it is being suddenly realized that con federation is being threatened and that pragmaticallyfor economic reasonsconlt federation means great deal to Ontario And there is general state of bewilderment about what should be done about it what can be done about it One thing that should not be done it would seem is to follow the advice of Liberal Leader Stuart Smith Dr Smith is native of Que bec and grew up in Montreal But the evidence is that he doesnt know his native rov ince and its people very we Very shortly after the Le vesque victory Dr Smith pro posed that Premier Davis should start going into Quebec and preaching the lesson of na tionhood And that probably most of all IN IIERPRETIN THE NEWS Truce With Romania is it for real By ROI URRIE LONDON JP Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev appar ently has succeeded in papering over differences between the Kremlin and independent minded Romanian leaders on the eve of an important War saw pact meeting in the Romanian capital of Bucharest But the communique issued at the conclusion of Brezhnevs talks with Romanias Nicholae Ceausescu indicates to many observers that the implied ac cord is more cosmetic than real The meeting was the final one in series of East European visits by Brezhnev since last June when the summit meeting of European Communist par ties in East Berlin asserted each partys right to an in dependent course contrary to Moscows wishes It also followed his lessthan successful visit to Yugoslavia the most independent of all the Communist countries There President Tito ot Brezhnevs signature on ocument safe guarding Yugoslavia against any attempt to integrate his country with the Socialist community although many remained skeptical of the docu ments real Worth NOT IMPRESSEI Brezhnev ap ared more suc cessful in ear ier visits to P0 land and other Sovietbloc countries but apparently Ceausescu was not greatly in fluenced by this buildup to the Bucharest meeting He still publicly em hasizes Romanias links to te non aligned movement and refers to LEONID BREZHNEV cosmetic only the need for nuclearfree zone among the Balkan statesall guaranteed to annoy Moscow In fact Romania has been annoying the Kremlin for long timein encouraging trade with the West cultivating relations with China and the European Economic Com munity EEC refusing to break relations with Israel and in refusing to have Soviet troops on its soil But in placing great em phasis on the communiques claim of favorable prospects for greater economic co operation between Romania and the Soviet Union Ceausescu betrays the growing weakness of Romanias defiant position against Moscow Parliament is to ignore his con stitutional responsibilities and to deny the right of those of us in opposition to exercise our re sponsibilities Mr Broadbent found some highpowered support on the op position benches What the prime minister was trying to do said Conservative Leader Joe Clark was to de rogate the authority of Parlia ment and take away from this chamber the responsibility which appropriately belongs to members of Parliament The lace where this statement ou to be made ir st is here on the floor of Par liament said Stanley Knowles the procedural expert of the NDP And Rene Matte the Social Credit MP from Champlain is the one thing that should not bedone Ontario is in very delicate situation where Quebec is con cerned and the premier is on an extraordinaril delicate spot Two key facts are that the people of Quebec have sound reason to desire to be much more their own masters and that they have deep and natu ral resentment of Ontario as the prime province of the English who have dominated them There are reassuring signs that left to work thin out on their own they may we stick to Canadian nationhood But one development almost guaranteed to turn them off Would be to be told what they should do and particularly by Ontario PRESS HAZARD For the interest of the rest of Canada it is to be hoped that when Quebec has its referen dum its people will be voting on whether they want to stay in Canada and not whether they want to get out If their question and their mood is itive they quite pos sibly wil respond positively But if they are negative there will be natural reaction to re spond negatively And anything that looks like an attempt at dictation from Ontario could quickly turn the question negative The pic would be voting not or or against Canada but against 0n tario There is an awesome burden on Premier Davis Even one in cidental remark from him which is misinterpreted or mis understood could eventually shatter the structure of our whole country With press in Quebec which is dominantly and intensely heparatist the chance of suc misinterpretation can be ac tually terrifying And all wisdom would seem to sayPremier Davis stay out of Quebec and as far as possible stay out of its affairs BIBLE lthUGHl Behold have refined thee but not with silver have chosen thee in the furnace of sf fliction Isaiah 4810 Cheer up Perhaps the Lord is probing in the fire of your life ooking for vessel of faith that He can use Father bless all who are in stress just now May tey come forth stronger in Jesus name Amen said the prime ministers ac tion shows how anti democratic he is havent yet been able to fig ure out the rationale behind this one Heward Grafftey Con servative who represents the Quebec riding of BromeMis sisquoi managed in effect to accuse Mr Trudeau of making partisan issue out of national unity He didnt mention the fact that his own leader Mr Clark has been busy making es in which he partly ames the prime minister for the election of the Parti Que becois If anyone was to have tele vised fireside chat with Cana dians on this issue said Mr Grafftey it should be the Gov emorGeneral N0 BREACH Commons Speaker James rome didnt take long to spike any suggestion that Mr Trudeaus roposed telecast was breach parliamentary privilege Such privilege he ruled never has extended to compelling minister or prime minister to making statement in the House under any circumstances regardless of the importance of the sub ject But the CBC decided that Mr Trudeaus chat would probably be partisan enough to justif the other three opposition lea ers coming on the screen imme diately afterwards to comment on what he said Trouble is they had to prepare speeches without knowing what the prime minister was going to say And the results showed it The prime minister hap ns to be the effective leader this country and regardless of how parliamentary system is de signed to operate surely he should be permitted to talk with his constituents on national television occas onally without all this harassment And if the opposition parties dont like what he says the CBC Would have an obligation to let them refily later now its Pierre Elliott Tru eau who must deal with Rene Levesque And for one would like to have listened to what he had to say without be coming embroiled in fourring political circus Next thin you know the op position lea ers will be lined up on Mr Trudeaus Chesterfield waiting for equal time on his annual Christmas message THE WORLD TODAY Population curbs showing progress By JOHN HARBRON Foreign Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service The time bomb that apt ex pression for population owth ticks away inevitably ile we in the rich countries worry that our affluence is seeping away from high inflation and mount ing taxes constant reminder of this war crisis is the excellent monthly United Nations bulletin called simply Population which tells of the UNs continuous efforts to bring down the number of new human beings coming into our crowded and very hungry world Its slow moving and quiet record of accom lishment in reducing the pop ation growth which Population tells me about each month But it is profess of an absolutely essen tial ind The current issue discusses Nepals family planning pro gram for thei ea familyoftwo children Other items list the same kind of progress in Haiti the poorest of Latin Americas poorest nations Per capita income in this neardestitute Caribbean republic is about $72 per an num lower than many of the much newer African states But the UN Fund for Popu lation Activities has financed posters in Creole the local French dialect promoting fam ily planning methods These are small countries In the truly giant ones like India Indonesia Mexico to name only three how is population control faring INDIAS GOOD RECORD It is perhaps doing the best in India where Prime Minister Gandhis dictatorship now can virtually order Indias masses to cooperate The rural campaigns to com pel wider use of uterine devices in women mass vasectomies for men have been much more efficient than under Indias pre viously chaotic democracy If Mrs Gandhi can bring down Indias horrendous popu lation growth it could be justification in itself for her change from democracy to dic tatorship about 18 months ago Mexico which had 40 million in the lfiOs now has 60 million and will have staggering 100 million by the end of the cen tury is clearly lagging Mexican cities beginning with the capital are night mares of rural population over flow widening slums and municipal chaos in handling the growing movement of unem ployed rural populations to the cities This is not only Mexican problem but worldwide one in the Third World At least in Mexico City the poor and eco nonfically disenfranchised still find some kind of accom modation and some piece work In Calcutta human beings fall down and die in the streets What population explosions do in countries which have reached economic takeoff like Mexico is to reduce the ef fectiveness of gross national product increase And when the gap between GNP population growth starts to narrow the ac complishments of decades are in jeopardy In addition the many social revolutionary systems in the Third World nations with their pelitical promises of food shel ter and literacy for all are ren dered impotent with so many extra mouths to feed and people to house when births are unrest ricted In our empty land rich in just about everything the worlds masses do not share population explosions are academic Even when we go to countries suf fering from them take again Mexico we do not visit Mexican slum nor want to do so on holiday time MONEY BEFORE PEOPLE The world crisis of too many people does come to mind when aid money is in the news for inadequate or inefficient dis tribution And then we are more con cerned about our money being misused than about people being denied the benefits from it Finally in the time it has taken me to write this column Ezrhaps 1000 more human ings have come into this world soon to be very hungry filled with disease burden on their society COMMONS CAPSULE Minister in hot water over remarks on beef From The Ottawa Bureau Of Thomson News Service OTTAWA Agriculture Min ister Eugene Whelan seems to be stricken by his own form of foot and mouth disease which is of the footinthemouth vari ety The latest outbreak occurred in Calgary Alta when Mr Whelan warned that excessive consumption of beef makes people ferocious and in creased consumption of blood meats such as beef could lead to dissension within the coun trytl Lorne Nystrom NDPYork tonMelville seized the oppor tunity to put motion inviting Mr Whelan to appear before committee to discuss an ap propriate menu for the parlia mentary restaurant the mem bers dining room And mildmannered cattle man Bert Hargrave PCMedicine Hat ventured that if what the minister said is true should be the most ferocious person in Canada Mr Whelan defended his comments by noting they were made at press conference with group of goodnatured press people and we were talk ing about you are what you eat Hansard the official record of Commons proceedings failed to record one MPs crack that You must eat lot of baloney However Hansard did record Mr Whelans stinging jab about the recent open lit bet ween Op sition Lea er Joe Clark his frontbench seat Berrys World 8m and men ANOTHER reason why weve GOT to win this game Is we dont theyre gonna sue me for MALPRACTICE EUGEN WHELAN makes people ferocious mate Claude Wagner PC SAintHyacinthe It is obvious to me that the Tories at that Quebec con vention were not eating right the minister retorted New Democratic Party Leader Ed Broadbent pursued the same theme noting his questions had nothing to do with the absence that day of the tw0 top Tories understand they are holidaying together in thed province of Quebec he sat Opposition MPs have contin ued to com Iain that some cabi net mem ers particularly Transport Minister Otto Lang have made excessive use of pri vate government planes rather than using much cheaper regu larlyscheduled commercial flights Clip Ottos wings Jack Horner PCCrowfoot hollered one day Thats what we used to do with the turkeys And when Energy Minister Alastair Gillespie revealed that Canada stands to lose 25 mil lion on the sale of nuclear re actor to Argentina one MP sug gested it come out of his trav elling allowance There can be no doubt about the priority Bell Canada has es tabhshed for the gold line serving Prime Minister Pierre Trudeaus official residence at 24 Sussex Drive One day while the PM was away tree planters inadvert ently cut the underground tele phone cable without reslizin special Bell switchboard lit up Jirompting rapid re sponse ite the fact that Bell had all backlo of 800 serviceorders uringa iffiéult period in labor negotiations onesourcerevealed mm the manger of allow are you ave ought it was field of dandeliom thesourcuaid

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